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. .,,'

, 'Vol. XI, Number 39 Narberth, Pa., Saturday, July 3, 1926 PRICE THREE CENTS

:UNUSUAL SEASON' Council Chairman Explains Lien t The Ed~t~~S~I~Uu:ETown will ANNIVERSARY OF NATION'S BIRTH
FOR, ORCHESTRA A ctl·on and Fl-nancl·al Problem' absent himself next Tuesday for a
period of three weeks, while on
vacation. !
· · , II d Mr. Thomas A. Elwood will be
• Program for 1926-27 Series A n artIcle whIch appeared 111 a improvements were also ca e , Acting Editor during this time. Brilliant Pyrotechnic Display Arranged as Fitting Climax to
Announced This recent issue of "Our Town," con- upon to make some improvements Our readers are requested to be Day of Baseball, Refreshments and
cerning the foreclosure of liens, to their sidewalks and curbings. It generous to him in sending news
Week. has created much comment. An is neither right nor proper that the items for publication, and to offer Dancing
explanation of the situation has Borough should pay for .these im- their usually generous aid in the


The Main Line Orchestra As-

sociation, under the presidency of
been obtained for the readers of
"Our Town." Councilman Kaeber,
Chairman of the Liens Commit-
tee, when interviewed, made the
provements or lend the property k work of ~?b1ishing "Our Town."
holders money with which to pay
for the work. .
"Quite a few of our citizens, ap-


The stage IS all set for Nar-
Mr. Charles S. Powell, has an- following statement relative to parently, feel that as long as the ,:;, __ .berth's greatest Fourth of July
• nounced the biggest season it has the activities of his committee. work has been paid for by 'the ' In Lower Grades Summer Courses- celebration. The collection of
yet offered its subscribers. "Our Borough is no different Borough and· the Borough has Contr~ller's Figures Show Upper Grades Begin Tuesday. . funds, under the joint auspices of
Beginning with Nina Morgana, from any other corporation t~at !iened ~he property, thereby inst~r- L. M. Beat Norristown A total of 181 grade school the Harold D. Speakman Post,
of the Metropolitan Opera Com- depends upon 0rl;e source for I~S tng ultlmate payme!Jt of the bIll, . In Voting. pupils below the seventh grade No. 356, American Legion, and
. pany, in an intimate recital on revenue Wlt~ which to meet cur- they h~ve d~:)lle their part. They enrolled in the six weeks' summer h W 'A' . h
Sunday, October 17, and continu- rent expenditures. II!' our case we are losmg Sight of. the fact, h~w- 792 MORE VOTED HERE school courses which opened Mon- t e oman s uXlhary, ave pro-
'ing with monthly, concerts until depend up~n ~unds 111 the nature eve~, that .the filIng of. a hen day in three Lower Merion build- ceeded at a, rapid pace and if com-
'May 8, the association has planned of ta.xes paid .111tO th~ treasury to agamst theIr property w!th the I ings, it was announced yesterday munity support continues, an un-
an excellent series. A new de- pr~vlde workll1g ~apltal. . attendan.t costs ~nd 111terest . Montgomery county spent b S . d S E usually interesting day is prom-
parture for the coming season will When any resIstance IS set up ~harge~ !ncreases.thelr burden and, ~bout 25 cents .for every vot.e cast r5awns~pennten ent . dgar ised.
be a popular concert of the Uni- !O prevent the Borough from hav- !n additIon to thiS, they are plac- I~ the Ma?, pnmary, exclUSive .of At the Ardmore Avenue School, A door-to-door canvass has re-
.. versity of Pennsylvania Band on !ng the use of these funds the!e ll1g a burden upon other taxpayers t,h,e fees paid to assessors for regls- Ardmore, there were 65 enrolled,' suited in the collection of a good
January 16. ~s only one recourse and t~at IS, of}he Borough. . part of the necessary fund. Any
Capacit L'mlted It must borrow money, US111g as When a taxpayer refuses to ~s- t~a.tion work and the cos~ of com- at Ashland there were 62, and at residents who are inadvertently
• • y, I • • collateral the property valuation of sume his own obligations by way Pl1ll1g t~e record books 111 :which Bryn Mawr there were 54:. Three skipped have been requested by
In announcmg .th~ forthcommg the Borough. This, of course, is of public improvement, the Bor- v~ters'. lIsts are kept, accordmg to rooms are given over to these the Legion to see that their con-
. ~
conce:ts the ~SSOCtatI0I?- called the not an economical thing to do. ough has the right to proceed with an.audlt made week by Soun- graders in the Ardmore and Ash- tributions are turned in.
attentIOn of ItS sU1;Jscnbers t.o t~e "The borrowing capacity of the such work and by virtue of the ty Control~er ' C. Irv111. In land schools; two are being used Contributions may be left at
. ~ac~ that the seatmg capacity IS Borough should be conserved as fact that the Borough is obliged sqme electIon dlstncts the co~t ran in the Bryn Mawr building. either of the two local banks or
hm~ted and that t.herefore all .those much as possible and used only to contract for the work, it must up to more than $1 a vote. These courses are made up of at the Post Office. Further con-
deSirous of secur!ng. season tIckets to facilitate permanent revenue pay promptly in order to conserve ' Only 42,263 of the 92,495 per- children who failed of promotion tributions are urgently needed as
., sho~ld make applIcatIon as early as producing improvements to the the Borough's credit standing, sons eligible to vote cast their and those who desire additional the committee in charge is spar-
poSSible. Borough. but this does not relieve the prop- ballots. Of that total 22,905 were coaching. There are half-day ses- ing no expense in an effort to
. The c?mplete program as an- "As every tax-paying citizen erty holders of their further obli- in the townships and 19,358 in the sions, beginning at 8.30 A. M. make the affair a complete suc-
nounced IS as follows: knows we have made a wonder- gation to reimburse promptly the beroughs. The expenses of the Next Tuesday an additional cess.
• •,0;
S~ndays, .October 17, "Intimate ful improvement during the past l?orough and as l?ng as these e~ection totaled $9848.70, exclu- school will be p~ov~ded in the Ard- The program will begin with a
ReCital," ~ma Morgana; ~ove?l- year in our highways. The cit- lIens are outstand1l1g the Bor- sli~ of the cost ~f the ballots, more avenue btllldll1g for students ball game on the playground field
. 'ber 14, First Concert Mam L1l1e
Orchestra, with soloist; January
Izens who benefited most! by these I,
CONTINUED ON THE SECOND PAGE w.llch was approXImately $1000 of the seventh grade and above, at 10 A. M., when Berwyn, the
more. That means approximately including those of the Junior and League leaders, will attempt to
16, Papular concert, University of 25 cents for every ballot. Senior High schools. Registra- hold their position against the .on-
• Pennsylvania Band; February 13, c:""Pt-
second. concer~ Main Line Orches- -.I. D e 'FIRE'SIDE Mr. and Mrs. Leroy C. Doug- "Dollar votes" were recorded in tions were still c01l'!'ing in at the ?laughts of Jack Jefferies' hus~-
lass and family, of Elm avenue, East Douglas township, where off!.ce of the Super111tendent late les. In the after.noon WaY!le Will
tra, WIth solOIst; March 27, "Inti- Miss Elizabeth Van Horn, of went this week to their camp in the there were fifty-nine ballots with thIS week. com~ down the hne to £urmsh en-
terta111m~nt at 3 o'clock.
, mate Recital" by Ensemble Group; Mercerville, New Jersey, is the mountains of northern Pennsyl- expenses of $59.70; New Hanover .
, May 8, Third Main Line Orchestra guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. E. Jef- vania. East with fifty-three ballots cost- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC T.he bIg part of the day WIll
. concert with soloist. feries, of Forrest avenue. , ing $54.10; Salford with forty- begm a~ter supper.. At 7.30. a
. 'The as's6ciation, which is working Mr. and ,ll'lrs. \V~Jter H. Nash, three ballots costing $52.10; Upper Courts May Be Used Every Week commun~ty dance wIll. be hel~ 111
without profit or gain, and which Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cabrey of Lantwyn Lane, are on a motor Hanover Second with forty-seven Day. tl:e LegIOn room, lastI~g ,until 9
in the past has been largely sup- and family, of Narberth and trip through New England. ballots costing $52.70, and Upper At the request of the School a clock. As soon as ~t IS. dark
ported by one of Ardmore's most Windsor aevnues, are occupying Pottsgrove with fifty-four ballots Board the Ardmore Y. M. C. A. is e~ough .the pyrotechmc display
• pUblic-spirited citizens, is endeavor- their summer cottage at Atlantic NIr. and Mrs. George H. Gif- costing $64.30. supervising the high school courts at WIll beg1l1. An u.nusually spe.c-
ing to bring the best in music to the City. ".'" ' ford; of Jal.:ksonvtlte,~Florida, who '~, .. q:osts Mounting.. Modtgomcry avenue a11.1· C:hUi'"ch ~:f~~::da~;arheo~o~~it~e~as be':n
'peupl~ of the"MaiIi Line.' It is were visiting friends in Narberth For all the townships there were roa ,A~dmore, until the openmg of . R f 1 '11 b . d
.workll1g for the support of the re- Mr. and :Mrs. Edward Lyndall last week, have gone to Boston. 49,'766 persons eligible to vote, ·of school Jl1. Septel'?ber. The. f.our f ee e{es Imen~s WI. I e ~e~~e
markable accomplishments attained Smith, of r,'1erion avenue, enter-
by the Main Line Orchestra, which tained at dinner on \Vednesday
Wh0111 22,905 cast ballots at a cost courts, whIch are 111 good COn~ltIOn,
of $5321.20. For the borough only are open to both adults and chIldren uXllary.
A -/y me Th eri. O! t le eolon
. e eglOn room was
organization has been conceded by evening, June 30, in honor of their ),Ir. and )'1rs. H. C. Keim, of 19,358 ballots were cast out of a every weekday from 10 A. M. to 8 ~corated d \~S I we~k ~~ 1[.esse
• Philadelphia critics to be the finest daughter, Mrs. Julian F. Gordon, Dudley avenue, have returned total of 42,719, the expense to the P. M. A moderate charge. is made atlse an . a ter. u Ivan,
amateur orchestra in this section of of Massillon, Ohio, and Mr. and fr0111 their vVestern trip, bringing county beincr $4527.50. to cover the cost of supervision and who. also cr .gave the flo!?r a thforoughh
t Ile country. Mrs. Roger HUbbard, a bride and \vith them thel'r daugllter ' LucI'a '),1r. Irvll1's .0
ficrures, compared up keep, ch'ld I ren b' emg gIVen. th e a d - dwaxm '" m preparatIOn or t e
fro111 Oberlin College, where she . I h - ~.' . vantage of a reduced rate. ance.. O
grool11 0 f recent d ate. 1 d . WIt 1 t ose ot pIevlOUs years, 111- L '1 b ' h The serV1l1 ' of refreshments
• Still Has Vacancies. Mr. Hubbard bas been in India honors. gra( uate recently with hIgh dicate ' . that. the "per vote" cost of essons
h d . t 1 wIle gIVen
tl to t
PI ose WI'11 b e un d er ttille d'Irectlon. a f 'I.\ rs.
Procurement agencies for the for four years, having just return- electIOns IS 1110untin cr constantly, W 0 eSlre 0 earn le game. ay- E H \V' f d M R C
Citizens' :Military Training Camps ed this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Hub- in spite of increases i~ the nun~ber ers ?l~y use the COU1:tS on the hourly H·ewitt. 11' an 1 rs. . .
have just been informed that Camp bard were classmates at Oberlin will :\liss Abigail Clark, of Buffalo, of ballots cast. The prolJortlOn- basIs, or a season tIcket may be se-
be a visitor at the home o f . cured from the attendant or at the
P .. • h . b
rOVlSlon~ ave een ma e or
d f
Meade, :Md., infantry courses, pop- College of Mr. and :Mrs. E.L. I . 'I E C B I I ate advance IS due to th.e fact tha.t Y 1\'1 CAB 'Id' 6 \iH a larcre crowd at the IJlay tIcr r0t1nd,
• ular with Lower Merion student sol- ...,1111
C 'tl' I I 'I'
1 S (aug Iters, 11 ISS
S nllt. I1, ,0 f of leI'Chestnut
SIster, ;'Irs.
avenue, next-atcleor,
'1 • •
week. tl'le ba II a t s cas t d a not 1I1crease 111 • • • • U1 1I1g R at II ''vest where 0
the fireworks display will
diers, are filled and unless more de- Bryn Mawr, and lIIrs. Gordon, of number in ratio to the increased Lancaster a,:"enue. eservatlons 1 I ld E . a r '11 b
• clinations occur than expected all ),1assillon, Ohio. Covers were laid enrollments. ma:y bd~ ~dadel 111 advance for groups d)~tyle t~ (ll'rxetcrt tPrOaffilcce. wTIlle e fi~~
new infantry applicants will be as- for seven . The family of Mr. J. B. Diven, I d" d'ffi or Jl1 IVI ua s. C . f
of Grayling avenue, have left Nar- n some Istncts extreme I - company, in command of hIe
. signed to Fort Eustis, Va. Full
transportation will be paid.
berth to occupy their cottage at culty has been encountered get-
1\lr. and l\lrs. H. L. \Voehling, Cotuit, :Y1ass., for the summer.
NARBERTH DEFEATED Charles V. Noel, will be on hand
ting even a fair-sized vote and The Narberth Tennis Club, of in their new uniforms, prepared
Field artillery at Camp :Meade is of \Voodside avenue, are spending there are frequent instances of Division A, Middle States Tennis to act in case of an emergency.
still open. the summer at Cotuit, Mass. trouble in obtaining services of League, bowed to Overbrook last Members of the American
Fort Eustis is reported splendidly l\Ir. and Mrs. Harry A. Jacobs,
of Essex avenue, left this week persons on election boards. In Saturday on the local courts. The Legion, with their new caps, will
• prepared for the camp and a large Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Han- the recent primary it was neces- score was 8-1. assist on the dance floor as well
force is working on the new con- sell, of Lantwyn Lane, have re- for their cottage at Ocean City, sary to impress a very large nUI11- Narberth's only victory was in as on the field. Every safeguard
crete swimming pool, which is ex- turned from a trip through the where they will remain the rest
ber of "pinch hitters" on incom- the doubles, when Custer and Mc- will be taken to prevent accidents.
pected to be ready by the time Shenandoah Valley, where they of the summer. pleted boards in order to make it Kell took a match from Esling Allan E. Shubert, new com-
camp opens. visited the Luray Caverns. CONT.INUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE and O'Neill. mander of the local post, has ex-
Many noted athletes .have been Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Newmaker.
• of Lantwyn lane, have returned Th.e scores: pressed great satisfaction at the
chosen to take charge of athletics. Mr. and 1\o1rs. E. S. Graham and from a trip through western Penn- TOLD OF CHECK ARTISTS SI~GLES progress made by the committee
. Full arrangements have been made two children, Dorothy and Elea-
for religious leadership of all faiths. nor, of Newark, New Jersey, have svlvania and New York State.
Robert J. Boyd, manager of the 'r. Leonards, Overbrook, defeated under the direction of Thomas J.
Cynwyd office of the Merion Title Harold Lane, Narberth, 0-4, G-1. Kerrigan. "'This will undoubtedly
The Montgomery County Com- been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Trust Company, spoke of H .•Tones, L. S. DeLone, Overbrook, defeated E. be the greatest Fourth of July
mittee still has vacancies available to E. Boryer, of l\{erion avenue, this Mr. Frederick B. Grey, proprie- Narberth, G-O, G-1. lb' b h I
tor of the \Vindsor Garage, spent problems connected with banking G. R. Powell, Overbroolt, defeated .T. ce e ration our oroug las ever
desirable applicants. week. :\I.cKt'lI. Narberth. G-1, 6-2. held," said Mr. Shubert yester-
several days this week 111 N or- at the weekly luncheon of the
folk, Va., with his parents, who Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rot a r y ter, Narberth, 0-3, 0·4. P. E"ling, Overbrook, defeated .T. cus- day.
Celebrate Golden Wedding. The support given the legion by
Junior Keim, of North Narberth Club Tuesday. He told of checks
'the golden wedding anniver- avenue, will soend the Fourth of plan shortly to become residents and checking practice and the Wintl'rbottolll. R. ~IeCajn, Overbrook, defeated H.
the community at large has been
• sary of :Mr. and :\lrs. George July at the Fails of French Creek, of Narberth.
Narberth, 6-1, 6-3.
methods which crooks use to raise .T. O'Neill, Overl1rook, defeated R. Wi!· very gratifying, but still further
Spindler, of Philadelphia, was cel- Chester county. Iiams, Narberth, 0-0, '3-7, (j·0. collections must be made, if the
ebrated last week in Narberth at Mr. Jesse S. Harris, of Merion and forge checks.
avenue, is recovering in the Pres- President Alvin Shull precided. DOUBLES legion is to be relieved of the ne-
the home of their son, :Mr. Vestus Leonurds and Powell, Overbrook, de- . f .
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Livings- The meeting was at the Cynwyd featell Lane and .Tones, Narberth, 7-'3, 6-4. cesslty 0 passmg the hat next
• J. Spindler, of Chestnut avenue. ton have moved to their new byterian Hospital from a recent Club. :\IeCllin aud DeLone. Overbrook, de- lVlonday.
The party was given by l\Ir. home at Strafford, Pa. operation for appendicitis.
feu ted Winterhottom and Williams, Nar· In commenting upon the pro-
Spindler and by ~Irs. Albert bl'rth, 0-0. 0-2. gress of the campaign, Mr. Ker-
Burgstresser, a daughter of the :Miss Frances Baird, daughter of
old couple, both of whom are well Mr. and Mrs. William Baird, of
Court Proceedings Recall Old Custer and ~Icl\:ell, Narberth, defeatell·
Esling and O'Neill, O\'erbrool•• 2.6, G-2, ngan sal,
'd H\H
've are much encour-
IH. aged, but the job is not finished
• past seventy years of age. At the Windsor avenue, has returned
celebration many presents and re- from New York City, where she
History of Pencoyd Iron Works yet. If every citizen will give to
PHILATELIST PUBLISHES BOOK this community celebration the
e' membrances were received and had been engaged in hospital work. Recent proceedings in the Or- ship of their father's estate. Ralph D. McGuffin, of Chestnut amount which, in former years, he
decorations appropriate to the oc- phans' Court of Philadelphia gave Percival Roberts died in lS:l8. avenue, local philatelist, has en- has been wont to spend for a priv-
casion were arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fellows some intimation of ~he wealth Under his will the sons were trus- tered the ranks of Narberth ate display, we will easily pass the

.. Mr. and 1\lrs. Spindler were vVood, of Forrest avenue, have which the late Percival Roberts, tees of a fund created fr0111 one- authors by the recent publication goal."
married half a century ago in gone on a two weeks' trip to Mar- the father of Percival Roberts, of third of the residuary estate for of his book, "Stamps as an In-
Germany, their birthplace. They blehead and Shelburne Falls, Mass. Narberth, amassed through the the benefit of a daughter, Mrs. vestment."
have seven living children. operation of what became, under Lorraine \V.:Mellon. The retir- This work, an
Barring a tornado, a pestilence,
or a flood, next Monday will see a
attractively patriotic celebration long to be re-
• Mr. Dudley C. T. Sleater, of his management, one of the most ing trustees filed an account show· gotten up volume, traces the tre- membered by every resident,
NEW MEETING PLACE Montgomery avenue, has just re- important industries, not only of ing that the principal in their care mendous increase in the value of young or old, of this borough.
The regular meeting of the turned from a vacation spent in Montgomery. county, but of the amounted to $2,393,133 and that postage stamps during the pres-
Narberth American Legion St. Louis, Missouri, and its en- State of Pennsylvania. the income totaled $2,322,356. 'The ent century. The compilation of Douglass Livingston, son of
Building and Loan Association virons. Percival Roberts founded the Court appointed a trust company the figures has been done in an Mrs. M. M. Livingston, of Chest-
- will be held next Tuesday in its
new headquarters, the office of great bridge works at Pencoyd, as the I!'ew trustee. exhaustive and painstaking way. nut avenue, left on Wednesday for
The ~ndustry at Pencoyd was The facts presented are used as Greenwich, Conn., where he will
. the Narberth Coal and Building
Material Company, 258 Haver-
ford avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Suther- now operated by the American
land and family left Narberth on Bridge Company. The action in started 111 1852 on ground that h~d the basis for a discussion of ways spend the month of July.
Thursday for Edgartown, Mass., Court resulted because of his two been owned by the Roberts famIly in which, by judicious selection,
The meeting will be open for
situated on the picturesque island sons, Percival Roberts, Jr., and from the ti~e of the founding of postage stamps may be purchased
- the payment of dues from seven
until nine P. M. of Martha's Vineyard, where they Peter Williamson Roberts , wish- Pennsylvama. Hugh Roberts was which have a greater earning Michigan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
will spe~d the summer. ' ed to withdraw from the trustee·, CONTINUED ON TIlE SECOND PAGE power than Government bonds.
Miss Isabelle Sayres, of Detroit,
E. S. Haws, of Dudley avenue.
d )'


ouaToWN For the information of anglers Weeds in and around the garden SALE fIi."'.

A OO-OPIIlRATIVIIl COMMUNITY NIIlWSPAPJIIB who frequently make queries, the

provisions of the fish code now in
Owned by the Narberth Clvlc Association. operation in the State are repeated.
PubUshed every Saturday at Narberth, Pa. They are:
harbor both insects and disease, par~
ticularly if the weeds are related to
the cultivated plants. Plant lice,
red spiders,' and other insects invade
A bargain at $8500. Cosy 8-
room and bath, stone and stucco
Reduction in the age limit under the garden from neighboring weed home, semi-detached, on large lot; •
Editor and PullZ"'"er the resident fisherman's license from borders. Cabbage pests live on wild
lUustard, shepherd's purse and re-
open fireplace, new furnace, metal
weatherstripping; a wide, shaded, the Cellar Window
THOMAS A. ELLWOOD 18 years to 16 years. quiet street; near station. Lehigh Valley Coal
Bwaine,,1 MtiM(Jer The non-resident fisherman's li- lated weeds. Destroy the weeds.
Just as 50011 as any crop is gath- C. S. BOLES, Jeddo.Highland Coal
'SUBSOIUPrtl>N PBlOJD cense law is made reciprocal, but in ered spade up the ground, bury the Wayne, Pa. Cannel Coal
One Doilar and Fit!)' Oents Per Year 1lI AdfUCe no instance is the license to be less
old remains deeply, and plant some- Cord Wood
than $2.50. •

thing else.
Fishing devices are restricted to
two rods, two lines, and one hand The Gift Slwp of Narberth lor The Garden
Special devices for which permits Man was not the originator of Sheep Manure
haymaking. The pika or cony, a the ,opening of a Picture Michell's Grass Seed
are issued have been done away with Framing Department. At-
little rodent living in the mountain- SaVo Flower .Boxes
entirely. tractive and artistic mould-
Entered aa second cIa.. IIlAtter. OdObIt 11," ' . The season on bass, pike-perc~,
ous regions of' the West, h?-s prob-
ably made hay for his own use lor
ings at reasonable prices.
Also Tallys, Place Cards,
Underground Garbage Receivers ,."
::~\:tt ~reH=~ ~IIl.TJi Narbel'tll, 1'... IIII4Ir pIckerel,' ImUfi~callodnge"f eDtc., .., wblll
, close on t le rst· ay a thoustlndsof, years. He cuts fine-
ecem er
Stemtned -grasses, sedges, shrubs
Candles and all the acces-
sories for your Fourth of for The Children •
Saturday, July 3, 1926 instead of the ~Oth. and other plants, ·bundles them up July party. Sand Boxes
and puts, them away in shelterc:;d Open Every Friday Evening' Canvas Covers
HEALTH NOTE iHE LIEN SiTUATION plac~s among rocks for curing. White Seashore Sand, • !

'To the Editor o~ Town": . - Because he eats it himself he is

Now that summer is well under w'q, CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE more particular than man and pro- HARRY H. HAMER Phone Narberth 375 ". •
and weak children and feeble old ough Treasurer is obliged" to duces a more uniform, .fragrant, JQbbing Carpenter
people ar~ par.ticularly liable to stom-
ach and intestmal troubles, great care
·must be exercised in both the prepar-
ation and administration of food for
these individuals. Of particular im-
portance is "baby's bottle." Be j:are-
borrow in o.rder to make up the green product.
deficit. The Interest paid to the
bank for this money is taken from
current revenue, or working cap-
ital, supplied, by all of the tax- ads.
Save time; save money; read the
Storm Enclosures-Screens
Phone Narberth 1671 ~ aJAL &BUIDNG MAlHMl
'ful beyond doubt that "baby's bottle"
· and baby's nipple are clean and free payers. Therefore,' a citizen who Il-
'of all contaminating substances, before permits a lien filed against 'his
feeding. Bottles should be rinsed at property to remain unpaid' vir-
once when feeding is completed, and II k I
then filled with water and permitted tlia y as s every at ler taxpayer
to stand filled with water until such in the Borough to stand a propor-
time as the leisure froin other duties tionate burden of the interest "~,
allows time to cleanse them thor- charges paid for money borrowed.
oughly. Nipples should be washed
· carefully by turning them inside out,
"I am advised by our BOTouQ:h
, using a weak solution of ammonia or Solicitor that we have a right to
'borax and water Or bicarbonate soda foreclose on these liens anytime
and water, and then again rinsing with after they have been propedyfiled
fresh water until free of ALL foreign and recorded. Council, as a whole,
matter. The same cleansing aid mate-
rial is to be used in washing the bottle. is loath to take such drastic action, BEST FRENCH DRY CLEANING 11

A safe and reliable plan in bottle as they feel that the property
cleansing is to put a half teaspoonful holders who now have liens filed ADELIZZI BROTHERS
of either borax, bicarbonate soda or . h . I ld 1
. ammonia into the bottle with about aga1l1st t elr property s lOU 'laVe
one-fourth the bottle full of water; put enough civic, pride to prevent this. TAILORS
a few shreds of white paper (the white as such action always carries with
. unpr:inted edge of ne\,,:spaper will d.o it a certain amount of embarrass-
'adnurably); shake until the paper IS ment and unhealthy publicity CLEANERS AND DYERS II
reduced to pulp, and then shake out " . ' . -Sometimes it" s carelessriess that causes roofs to catch on fire.
and rinse with water until free of alii Therefore, the LIens CommIt-
So long as the householders use soft coal in their furnaces, sparks 102 Forest Ave. Narberth 2602 220 Bala Ave.
contamination; then either dry, steril- tee before making any definite
ize or drain and stopp~r with cotton recommendations to Council rela-
or refill ~o the TOP With fr~sh water t'"e to such foreclosures wish to
will fly. Narberth, Pa. Cynwyd 928 Cynwyd, Pa.
and put III a clean place until wanted. I.V '
If bottle cleaning' brushes are used gIve these property holders every IS YOUR ROOF FIREPROOF?
remember that the. brush i~ more or opportunity to make their settle-
less absorbent and IS retentl0l! of de- ment; however, the Liens Com-
composed matter and must! In turn, mittee has 110 right to grant any Then let us make it so. ; Let us re-roof your house now, when
be carefully kept clean and III a c l e a n . . . . it will least inconvenienc~ you.
place, and if soap is used remember defimte extensIOn of tIme and Its
that soap sometimes precipitates on recommendations will be predi-
both br)lsh and bottle, due. to t.he. de- cated e\ltirely upon the disposition
composing effect of the hme m our f tl t I Id "
Roofing sl~te as. fireproof as stone
How many pounds •
drinking water. REMEMBER-a bot- 0 le proper y 10 er. Asbestos and ceme~t :shingles that defy sparks and storm "
tie is not clean because of going thru
the motion of cleaning it; and to have
baby healthy and to keep baby healthy In Applleation
KEPT for approv<l1 of tbe of
NOTICE ~'l1e A.15263-26
eontlnued exercise of
Roofing-Gutters---.;Spouting and Sheet Metal Work to a ton? ,~

CLEAN. It boots little to worry the tbe right and privilege of operating motor •
doctor about stomach and intestinal vehicles
disturbances unless you help all you In
as a common carrier for the trans-
portation of persons upon call or deman,l
Narberth, Montgomery County, and
can in the matter of proper feeding. v1clnlty. In renewal of A.11166-24.
JOHN A.MILLER You say 2240 pounds, of course. But, can
you tell when a ton of coal is delivered that ..
F. W. E. STEDEM. Day Phone, Narberth 1706-J it is a Full ton ~ Very few persons can.
Notice is hereby given that apPlication
has been mode to the Publlc Service Com- That" s why it is so important to buy your
ROBERTS HISTORY mission of the Commonwealth
sylmnia under the provisions of tbe Pub-
of Penn- Night Phone, Narberth 386-M coal from a reliable, responsible concern •
lic Service COIDi)any Law by Patrick D'. where honest weight is a matter of fact.
CONTINUED FROi\I THE FIRST PAGE Donahue. of 108 Conway avenue. Narberth.
Pa.. for a certificate of public couvenlence.
evideneinlt the Commission's requisite ap-
Every ton that leaves our yards is carefully '"
one of the party of Welsh settlers proval of tbe continued exercise of the checked and weighed. You get your full
right an,1 privilege of operoting motor DEPARTMENT
who arrived on the ship Lyon in vehldes as a common carrier for the trans-
1682, two months before William portation of persons upon call or deman<l
In Narberth. Montgomery County, an,l
Penn trod the shores of his prov- vicinity.
money's worth both in quantity and quality. •

ince. A public hearing on this nppllcation will

be held in Room 496. City Hall. Phlladel- Telephone, BOULEVARD 888 •
The Lyon made its way up the phla. on the 16th day of July, 1926, at 9 OPEN
Schuylkill River and the settlers persons standard
landed in the neighborhood of the heard, If theyPATRICK
time, when and when' all
In Interest may appear and be
so desire.

present Pencoyd. H ugh Roberts
made his home here and gave it
the Welsh name Pencoyd, mean-
, __
Phone Orders

ing "treetops." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Largest Independent Coal Dealer

The Friends' meeting that the
new settlers org'anized was held ~vord. MinimulIl, 30 cmts. Price, 2 celtts a
Three illsertio'IS for the price of
for some years in the home of two. Classifird advertisemellts will be
H ugh Roberts. Later on the received by telepholle from subscribers
Merion 1\leeting House, still of the telephOlle compallY·
standing on Montgomery pike SE\\'ING MACHINES-All lIlaln's re-
MARVELOUS VALUES 63rd & Market 51st & Gray's

near Narberth, was built. paired. Liberal nllowan~ on oltl m:lchill~ 'll
'When Percival Roberts, in as- for nl'\\" Sin/.:l'r. Phone Merion 145R-~1.
sociation with his brother, Alger- l\IOTHERS-Place J'our children 1111- AT
non, opened the iron works at Pen- 111'1' competent supen-ision while nway for All the ... t • $'" u ...

the day. For fnrther information adl1re~"

coyd in 1852, their purpose was N'nrberth Day NurserJ', Mrs. Ho\\"ard Fashionable '-.
to make heavy hardware. Soon, White. ;;OR Brookhurst avellue. Narberth
however, they began specializing 17S0-W. (tf)
Silks and Have You a Safe Deposit Vault?
in the manufacture of axles for
locomotives and cars, and this was
FOR RENT-]<'urni~hed rooms with or
without board, private fmIlily. eonvenient
to station. Temporarily or for ]ll'rmllnent
I Colors

.95 It's The Burglar's Job

their main output for some years. resid~n('e. PhOlle Narberth 2261.
About I85n they began making FOR RENT - Attractive furui.,;hed q- 0 DISCOVER the secret hiding places in your
iron bridges, both wrought iron rooms near station. Best location. PhOn(' .... home that you thought such safe location for your
and cast iron being used. This Narberth 2222-\\'. (tf) Charming choice possessions. Once he gains entrance, the darkest •
firm was the first to produce iron FOR Ri'Jl'.'T-OceaIl CitJ·. !<mall furn- recess is not safe enough cover from his penetrating
bridges on a large scale. From isbed apartment by week or month. JUlie Models for eye.
then on until the end of the cen- and July. Rea!!Onabll'. Narberth 1081-J. Women
tury such bridges were regarded bRESSl\IAKER - Desires appoint-
ments by day. First-class cuttl'l' and fit-
as the most desirable. They sup- ter. Phone Diamond 5198-W.
and It's Our Job
planted the earlier stone bridges, FOR RENT-Tbird Boor apartment.
just as in recent times concrete Five large room;,;, porch, bath. Adults.
Misses TO KEEP your possessions where they will be safe .,..
from this crafty worker-to place them where his
bridges have supplanted the struc- Narberth 1218. hand hesitates to go-where his brain is not keen enough
tures of iron. FOR RENT-GaraJ.:e, 513 Beechwood to direct. Our Safe Deposit Vaults will hold all the •
Many large and notable bridges lane. Li~hted. Call Narberth 1234.J. valuables you wish to store, and are a safe, reliable
were built during the early years FOR RENT-Garage space, North Frocks .for country club, mountains, seashore or city- . ...
InexpenSIve Insurance agamst burglary. '
of the Pencoyd firm. The iron ~arberth IIvenue. Narberth 2222-W. sports, tailored and dressy affairs-here ,in profusion. •
railroad bridge spanning the Del- oneFOR SALE-Dne .baby carriage and All the Fashionable '
motorcycle, very cheap" Phone Nar- V EME¥BE~! Your vacatio?- time is the Burglar's
aware River at Easton, ereCted in berth 379-W. ,
Polka Dots, Flat C1·epes, Plain and Flowered Georgette ... ~ WOrklD? tlme-a~d your sllverware is the bright •
1859, a product of the Roberts FOR SALE-Blue and gray breakfast
firm, elicited wonderment and ad· room suite. Phone Narberth 1688-W. Crepes, Veiled Crwpes and Combinations of obJect of hIS temptatIon.. Better leave it safe in one
miration. FOR SALE-Ford touring car, good Polka Dots and Flat Crepes of our vaults until you return, than to find it gone to
Numerous Government and rail- eondition. $50. Phone Narberth 338-,T. parts unknown-never to come back.
'road contracts came to the Pen- WANTED-Roomer8 or boarders, gell- Refr.eshingly Cool and Pretty Frocks to Become •
E1Jeryone in This Wondro~ Group ,
coyd· works, and the plant that tlemen
had its inception in a building 75 family.
by 75 feet, with 12 workmen, was
or business couple. In
Home-like. 525 Gordon avenue,
rapidly· enlarged until it covered FOR .S~LE-Fo:~ four-door sedan 12'19·23 N. ,'52d .St. JUST ABOVE
Open Friday Evenings.;;...'! until 9
. .' . . Good rubnmg condition. Good rubber.
many actes and Its employees, Make offer. ' 108 Chestnut avenue. Phone
were' numbered by the thousand,s. Narberth 2261. ,' .,'
. . - . .

_P_~_.~_.z._. .· _._ · · __ _.•- _ .
First Church of Christ, Scientist. day with five and four hits each.
C~ARLES F. ~BERT' Church NeUJs Women's Club .Building, Ardmore Score by innings:
) ,. ,Jobbing avenue, Ardmore, Pa
(Daylight Saving Time)
0 0 0 3 3 4 2 3 5-20
0 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 ()- 6

SODA OF ALL KINDS Methodist Episcopal Church.

Sunday services, 11. A. ;M.
103 Dudley Avenae Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, Minister Wednesday evening, testimonial
• Pholle: NARBERTJI ~229
Sunday, July 4, 1926: League StandingL
9.45 A. M.-Bible school; Hon. meeting, 8 o'clock. W. L. PO.
Fletcher W .. Stites, superintendent. Reading room, 19 West Lancaster Berwyn ....•......... 6 1 .857
• My, How Refreshing! 11 A. ~1.-Morning worship. Holy avenue, open daily, 10.30 to 4.30 P M
The subject of the Bible Lesson Ser~
Autocar ...•..•.......
Narberth •............
,WALTEJl·NEWRUCK communion and baptism.
7.30 P. M.-Union twilight service. mon for July 4 is "God." Pr.ton •.•...•........ 4 3
Carpenter and Builder This will be a patriotic service. James Wayne •.....•........ 1 6 .143
L. Rankin, Esq., of Chester, Pa., will Brookline ••........... 1 6 .143
Breyer's Ice ere"," Jobbing-Estimates Free be, the speaker, NARBERTH HANDS BLANK
U~ion prayer se!,vice on Wednesday TO WALZER'S NINE Coming Games-Today.
evening, July 7, m the Presbyterian Berwyn at ,"Vayne.
We Deliver-6Oc Quart church, led by the pastor of the Lu- 8~ Score Takes Autocar Out of Narberth at Preston.
theran church. Autocar at Brookline Sq. Olub.
. Choir rehearsal on Thursday eve- First Place.
July 5th-A. M.
YE ODDITY SHOPPE mng. Autocar, managed by Fred Wayne at Brookline ·Sq. Club.
Phone The Church of Good-Fellowship has
We The Gift Shop of Na,rberth a welcome for you at all services. Walzer, Narberth magistrate and Berwyn at Narberth.
NARBERm Anthem-"The Voice of Jesus," former team manager, was the . Preston at Autocar.
Deliver Ashford victim of an 8-0 shut-out last July 5th-P. M.
1267 Announces Gospel Song-UHe Died for Me," Saturday on the playground field.
Wayne at Narberth.
Excell Autocar at Berwyn.
The opening of a Picture Framing This upset the tie existing in BrOOkline Sq. Club at Preston.
238-40 HAVERFORD AVE., NARiBERTH Department. Attractive and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. the Main Line League between
Artisti~ Mouldings at Reasonable C. A. Senft, Acting Pastor Berwyn and Autocar for first BIG TIMERS
United Cigar Stores Ag~ncy Prices. . Services, July 4, 1926; place. Babb, pitching for the
Bible school, 9.45. champions, held the visitors to Jr. Elephants Defeat Elephants In
it Morning worship, 11. Theme, "The
Cigars and Cigarettes at Downtown Prices Open Every Friday Evening eight scattered hits and was very Fast Game.
.1 Call to Service."
Evening service, community service strong in the pinches. He also

After two were out in the ninth
" I on Methodist church lawn (see Metho- collected four safeties. Cullinan
dist announcement). inning, the Jr. Elephants managed
led the Autocar stickers with
The Church Council will hold" it• to put the run across the plate that

,, regular monthly meeting in the Sunday
school room of the church Tuesday,
July 6, at the usual hour.
three hits.
The familiar faces of Yocum,
defeated the Sr. Elephants, 6-5. The
average age of the two teams were:
J:.\:, ' Community prayer service in the Humphries· and Burns, former Elephants, 16 years; Jr. Elephants,
Presbyterian church, with the Lutheran members of the local nine, were
pastor in charge, Wednesday, July 17, seen among the Ardmoreans. 13 years. !n the ninth inning the
at 8 P. M. Elephants tIed the score by making
Score: three runs, all of which were made
Baptist Church of the Evangel. AUTOCAR on errors. Then the Jr. Elephants
R. H. O. A. E.
" The .Country Beckons Robert E. Keighton, Minister
Services, Sunday, Jul¥. 4: Kane, 3b. • • • • • • • • • • o' 0 0 6 1 1
'9.45 A. M.-Church school. The Cullinan.. cf. 00 •••••••

school meets for a worship service in Reed. ~s . ....... ...... 0 1 0 2 1

0 3 2 0 0
oama back to win in their half. On
Saturday, July 3, the Jr. Main Line
League closes. The Jr. Elephants
the .auditorium just before the school Yocum, If. ........... 0 0 5 0 0 have already won the champ of this
seSSIOn. Humphries, 3b. ...... , 0 0 1 0 0
• 11 . A. M.-Morning worship. Ser- "'ood. 2b. ........... 0 0 1 0 I
league, being two games ahead of
mon, "Simon' Zelotes-Under Two Richard, rf. ....... ' . ' 0 0 6 0 0 the Red Sox. The box score of the
.., Fl~g~.". It. i~ an extremely fortunate Burns, c. ... .......... 0 1 2 1 1 Jr. Elephants-Elephants game fol-
Did· you ,know that you can get a fine, powerful, perfectly ·coll1cldence that the sesquicentennial Thomas, cf. .......... 0 1 1 0 \) lows:
appointed car for your Fourth of July picnic at a ridiculously Fourth of July should fa1l upon a Sun- Griffin, p. ' . ' ......... 0 2 0 0 0
day~as though to remind us that we
low cost? are a1l "under two flags" I Attend Total;; ........... . , 0 8 24 4 a • R. H.O. A. E .
c~i.lrth fo'day, upon . thi~ uniqtle occa- NARBI,m'l'H Gallagher, rf. 0 0 2 0 1
slon. At the close of the service the H. H. O. A. E. E. Burgess, lb 0 1 8 1 0
You can ride out into the country to some shady nook by Lord'~ .Suppe.r. ,v.ill be observed, Heckel, 3b............ 2 0 3 0 1 Powell, s.. 1 1 0 3 1
a ~tream, spend the day and return to Bryn Mawr in the eve- . y.30 P. ~f:-Evelling,.worship. On !"Ieck. c. . ........... 0 3 5 1 0 Parks, p. •••••.••.• 0 1 1 6 0
tI~IS. first umon service at the Metho-I Hankev, If.....•..•... 1 1 2 0 0 ll~cKeil'ey, 3b. . 2 1 .2 2 0
ning, thoroughly refreshed to take up your work for the rest dlst church we are to have. as our Babo.' p .•••••••.••.•• 2 4 0 1 0 'Ianner, c. . 1 l' 8 0 2
R. Torchillna, 2b 1 l ' '2 1 (}
P James L~ Ranklll" , cf., ............ 0 2 0 1 0
of the week. guest
of .CI speaker
t Esq. Fleck
For a party of four or five the cost would be only a few
w d'
~? aj 1 . P J effertec3, 10. • ......... 1 1 l) 0 0
. enes a:y, u.y 7, 8 . M.-Union Keyes, ss..... ; ..•... ; 2 1 2 0 0
Newborg, If....••..
Campbell, cE. .. .. ','
L) 0.:0 0
0" 0." 4 i 0 I

rei service In the Presbyterian Hardt • , rf............. 0 0 2 0 0
dollars apiece. ch
U 1. Gilfillan, 2b. . ........ 0 0 4 5 2 ero~ 6 6'27 13
The Presbyterian Church. Totals ;.;.......... 8 12 21 8 3 R
Get Out Away from the Holiday Crowds! Rev. John Van Ness, M. A., Minister Autocal' ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-{) oss, c., lb
R. H. O. A. E.
1 1 6 1 1
Meetings for July 4th: Xllrberth ;. 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 x-8 Donahue, 2b. .•.... 0 0 0 2 0
9.30 A. M.-Biblc School. G. Torchiana, p. ss.. 0 0 1 3 3
11 A. M.-Morning Worship. Ser- Berwyn, 10; Brookline, 2. Maguire, s<s., p..... 1 1 6 2 1
mon theme, "The Declaration of In- Berwyn went into first place in G. Burjtesll, 3b 2 1 1 1 0
,. . dependence and the Proclamation of
the first half of the Main Line Mackay, rf.
Jumbo, If. .. 0 0 0 0 0
7:30 P. M.-Union twilight meeting League race by winning from Young, lb., c 1 1 12 2 0
on the lawn of the Methodist Church. Brookline, 10 to 2, while Nar- Cunningham, cf. . .. 0 0 (} 0 (}
Address by James L. Rankin, Esq., berth was beating Autocar.
of Chester, Pa. Trost was in rare form for the Totals 5 4 26x 11 5
Next \Vednesday evening at 8 . d h xTwo out when winning run was
THE MONTGOMERY BUS CO. o'clock tl!e union prayer meeting will
be held III the Presbyterian Church.
Leader. Rev. C. A. Senft, of the Lu-
winnerS, hoI ing t e visitors to scored.
two hits, one of which was a home Elephant.!
run by Umholtz. Marsh started Jr. Elephants
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3~
1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-6
theran Church. for Brookline but was forced out Earned runs-Jr. Elephants, 4' Ele-
Incorporated by the heavy hitting of Dan Red- phants, 2. Two·base hits~Parks Powell
• Youn.g. Sacrific hit--G. Burgess.' Balk"":
mand's crew. ~:l.rks. _Struck out-'By Parka, 7; by ~b-
909-911 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Score by inninO's : . JUlre. v. . Bases on balls-off Parks, 4;

Bryn Mawr 1280 U-t<l:Ll1E Brookline ..... 0 B1 0 1 0 0 0 ()- 2 o~ TorchlUna, 4; off Maguire, 3. Hit by
Berwyn ••..... 2 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 x-!() p.tche.d ball-By Parks, 1 (Maguire) ; hy
Mllglllre. 1 (Gallagher). U mpires-Con-
SILVER Preston, 20; Wayne, 6. roy and Pugh. Time of game-l.r>o.
On Wom, Brassy Parts, Reftectors In a weird Main Line League Jr. Elephants Lose.
Radiators, Bathroom Faucets, etc., B~ game Preston won from Wayne, W. L. Pc.
that they .r r. Elephantd 6 2 .720
20 to 6. Wayne enjoyed a lead Red Sox 4 4 .500
lof 5-0 for the first three innings, Indians
LOOK LIKE NEW but the visitors got to the offer- .Jr. Eagles............ 3
3 5
3-oz. Trial Size 50c; Yzopint $1.00; ings of Costigan, Lewis and Jo- The Jr. Elephants, although de-
<, Pint $1.65 gan, in slap-bang style from then feated by the Jr. Eagles, still hold
See Demonstration on, and aided by some loose play- the lead in the Jr. Main Line
E. J. Lyons : H. Ricklin ing, ran up a record score. Faulk League, as the Indians defeated the
Jfjjlf"NlllBWS9BMMlMMlWMIMIMMIMMIYAIMlglSWJIMMIAAMIMf\WIw;iO.iqIIgB§4M_MMAI H. F. Cotter and Joe McMonigle had a field R;ed Sox. The tailenders piled up
nme runs off Burgess and Powell
• enough to win, 9-7. The main fea~
ture of the game was the hitting of
Parks, who had four hits in five
times at bat. The box score:
R. H. O. A.E.
Whittingham. If. . .. 1 1 0 0 1
WE KNOW- McKelvey, 30
P;lrk~. lb. .
Powell, ss., p
0 1 2 2 1
4 11
2 2
1 ~

1'nnner, 2b 0 1 1 0 1
Hubbard. c. . 0 0 7 2. 1
just what to do for the man who al- Xewoorg. cf. 2 1 0 0 0
H()~~. rf. 0 1 0 1 0
Burgess, p., 8<\. ; . . . . 1 1 0 6 I
ways makes good money, but never Little fans for $5, nine..
'l'otnls 7 12 x23 1:; \)
has anything to show for it. inch fans for $12.50-larg.. JR. EAGLES
er fans at higher prices. N. B(}nt'lier, rf.
A. \EJ.
0 0
Stop now long enough to ask us about But they're all General Dagan. cf. . 1 1 1 0 1
Twining, lb. 1 1 15 2 1
Electric fans-the best you M. Boutilier, 5S ••••• 1 2 3 4 2
our can buy at any price. :\lartin. 3b. . 2 2 2 3 4
Boyd, 2b. 1 0 2 1 2
E. ~lid(Ileton, If , 1 1 2 0 0
W. Uiddleton, p •... 0 1 0 3 1
DAILY DIVIDEND PLAN Wtlnnol!, c. • ..••.•• 0


l) 10 27 11 11
3 2 0

•.J xBoyu out, ounted foul on laat strike.

Si:c·i"ch lite .Jr. Elephants ••.. 2 2 0 0 1 1 (} 0 1-7
VnlverlCll $5
Jr. Eagles 0 2 0 1 1 2 2 1 »-9
IEllrned runs-Jr. Elephants, 4; Jr.
Eagles, 5. Two-base hits~Powell, Wan-
.. nop. Ross. Struck out.....iBy Burgeas, 2;
Powell, 4; by W. Middleton, 3. Double
NARBERTH ELECTRIC p1ays-JPow~ll (unassisted). Bases on
ba~ls-Off Burgess, 3; Powell, 2 ; W.

The ·Merion Title and Trust Company SHOP

Middleton, 4. Umpire&-McNichol and
K. Boutilier. Time of game-2.10.

800yer ud Weltin,houle A,euts Rice and potatoes are not exactly

• the same in food value, even though
,Narberth Ardmore BaJa-Cynwyd Nine-Inch O.clUator
Phoue, Narberth 2282 250 HaYerford Annae they are both rich in starch. Pota-
.. $U.JO toes contain some minerals and vita-
BIIUt with cUIaer A.Co mins. .Milled rice lacks these en-
or D. C. IIlOtorI
tirely, so there should be plenty of
• fruits and vegetables in the daily
meals if rice is served often.
. PAGE FOUR 'C'-u .,'.. rr
.'t:'\1r"T;R' 0" TN
~ ..;L~",. ·;:·n" .


Independence Day has long WAS 25 CENTS PER VOTE Justice of the Peace :' Try our Home-Made Pies for Dessert Tonight, 25c, 50c
been celebrated as a glorious oc- CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST,PAGB REAL ESTATE Danish Pastry ••..•.••••••..••••.••. ~ -doz. 30c ,,'
casion, yet independence is not the I Nut Honey Buns, large .•.•••.•.••.••. a piece lOc
final ideal for human I nature. possible to open the polling phlces. Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Layer Cakes, like mother's, large • • • • . . • • • • • .• 60c •
The Controller's figures liave Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.
THE JUNE BOOK LIST The events of Independence Butter Crust RoIls •••.•....•••••.•••••. dozen 24c
The list of books purchase d by Day were a good deal like the time
been prepared with the hope that Vanilla Wafers •••••••.••.•• ,.: .•••••. ~-Ib. 30c •
the Narberth Community .Library a boy or girl reaches manhoo d or he can use them to spur interest SPORTING GOODS French Macaroons .••.••.•..••••••••••• ~ -lb. 40c
during the month of June mcludes
Sinclair Lewis' newest novel, one by woman 100 .
I d Th
ey can we
11 f el in elections. Mr. Irvin is a .fre-
e quent speaker before industrial, AT We Specialize in Different Kinds of Health I ~

Ida Wylie (this being the first of happy when they become 21 years social and civic groups, and is one
her books to find its way to the of age, and attain the full rights of
Narberth Library shelves), and the citizens. But attaining those of the most frequent advocates of
DAVIS' Bread at 12 and 14 Cents a Loaf
much discussed "Our Times," by rights does not assure their wel- deeper interest in political affairs. TAXI SERVICE PATTIE SHELLS, 4 FOR 25c
Mark Sullivan. The sixteen b o o k s . Th larg st tl 1b r f ballots
h d nl divided be fare untt! they know how to sup- e e nne 0
i~~~nafiectio~rean~v~o~_fiction. Th; ply some need in society. was cast in the Abington-vVeldon Rel3idence,P. F. DONAHUEstatiOD, NARBERTH HOME BAKERY
following is the complete list: Independence Day and the district with 1010, while the low Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713-W
Non-fiction: events that followed gave the 4m3arkTwhas set in SdalfordR'withbl~nly Baggage Called for and DeZivwed 243 Haverford Avenue, Narberth
., M H' . H' h ' k . e tremen ous epu Ican 108 CONWAY AVENUE NABBBBTB
A menca s ost lstonc 19 way, Amencan people a chance to ma e strength which lies in the town- \1:=========================:/,'
Joseph Jackson. It is Market good, but they have to co-operate ships adjacent to the city limits Phone Narberth 672
street, Philadelphia. year after year in accepting that was emphasized by the fact that . '
Arcturus Adventure, William chance. 12,558 votes were cast in Abing- Narberth Tm Cab Co. When Diuatisfiecl Try
Beebe. Record of Mr. Beebe's ton, Cheltenham and Lower Mer- Walter Roser
expe d 1't'JOn t 0 d'Iscover th e secret Thanks to the Teacl1ers.
ion, of which fully 85 per cent.
of the Sargasso Sea. Teachers are not usually satis- were Republicans Lower Merion DODG.lIl SEDANS FOR HIRS
Gang Age, Paul H. Furfey. A fied merely to go through their had the highest ~ote total in the
. boy an d h'IS lessons in a routine way, They county with 6401, exceeding Nor-
Olllee: ~15 Haverford Ave.
stu dy 0 f t he growmg ./ ,
needs. devote long hours to preparing ristown, where only 5609 were
Our Times, Mark Sullivan. His- them, and to helping backward cast. Cheltenham had 2875 and GEO. W. BOITOMS Tailors, Cleaners and J)yeH
pupils. Our best wishes to them Ab' 2 C 1 h k h d
tory written to make one under- for a vacation rest that shall re- mgton 3 82; on 10 oc en a 234 Haverford Avenue 'PhODe, NarWib 12"
stand his own time. store their physical and mental 1745. Contractor & Builder
Some American Ladies, Meade elasticity, and give them energy -------------1 We Call for and Deliver "I
Minnigrode. Humor and shrewd for the next year of work. NARBERTH, PA.
understanding of feminine foi-
bles in these sketches of some of
the First Ladies of the Land.
Magistrate Frank Kromer, of
Venture Book, Elinor Mordaunt. Cynwyd; Squire Fred Walzer, of HIGHLAND ...~ ..,a •



Strange and fascinating narrative Narberth; John Miller, of Nar- Electrical Contractor
of experience among the savages berth; William H. Decker and 501 S. Narberth Avenue •
of the Solomon Islands.
Howard Kromer, of Cynwyd, will
compose a fishing party which MILK AND CREAM
JI.,Iao", 1'tIt1tCI...
Black Harvest, 1. A. R. Wylie. An will try its luck at Fortescue, N. 758 LAN CASTER AVE.
after-the-war story with a hero J., next Thursday, July 8. Handi-
half German and half African, caps have already been arranged. BRYN MAWR.
English Type House
who hopes to save the world.
Cartwright Gardens Murder, J. S.
Fletcher. Another thrilling mys- Narberth
Mrs. A. T. Follette and daugh- PHONE, BRYN MAWR 882
ter, Clara, of Wayne avenue, left
recently for an extended ,. ...
For Sale
Half-acre. Five bed-
l'ooms and 3 baths.
THE "A. B. C." ,'.
trip to California. Miss Follette : N. R. PEACOCK :
Love in Greenwich Village, Floyd graduated recently from the Uni-' Interior and Exterior Painting :
Dell. Short stories of gay ro- versity of Pennsylvania.
All stone construction.
,mances of Bohemia. : 407 Essex Avenue , 302 Haverford Avenue
Love Nest, Ring Lardner. Humor- '~~~~~!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i:1 '
ous 'short stories, ~..,',.,._._._... _..
Phone, Narberth 268':
: Builder
National Bank Building
Madame Judas, Margaret Turnbull. NARBERTH 2287
An unusual- mystery story. HARRY B. WALL
Mantrap, SincTair Lewis. Story of
aNew York "he-man" in the
North Woods.
Mauve Decade, Thomas Beer. A
dissection of American life at the
end of the nineteenth century.
Prize Stories of 1925. O. Henry
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
and Heating
This" is a Heat ·Control Gas Range Year
Memorial A ward. The most not-
able short stories of the year.
Sorrell and Son, \Varwick Deeping.
For Permanent (f
A story which shows how a
father through sympathy and in-
telligenc~ may bring about a
beauti ful relationship between his Any Hot BUY A
son and himself.
Treasure of the Lake, H. Rider Water? Smedley
Haggard. A thrilling story of ad·
venture and the supernatural. Is this a moot question in
your home? Is it asked hope-
Built Home
LEAGUE OF WOMEN fully for the morning shave,
dejectedly for the evening
W1\I. D. & U;. T. SMFJDLEY

DEFENDS PRIMARY bath, despairingly on wash- I

ing day? Any hot water? I' rata - Mt;'Gin1~~1O ~ ,
Leaders Admit Law Needs But this questioning is never I UI 218 N.13lji S~ PhilJ!:] ~
asked in thousands of homes Bell Phone, 8prure 38-00 and 88-92
Strengthening, But Are the country over. The Key.tone Phone, R""e 2'o-~
Against Repeal. "PITTSBURG" S tor a ge I
Water Heater gives them hot GARAnteed Roofs .:
WOULD LIMIT EXPENSES water-always enough for I ~ --'-_ _--:':'''';'';''_I ,.

Any attempts to kill the direct

every purpose--clean, hot I 1\1. L. Automobile LaundlW
and plentiful.
primary will be strenuously The "PITTSBURG" Stof- I Washing Polishing Si1Jwtiizing j.
; I,

fought by the Pennsylvania age Water Heater gives II OILING AND GREA$INl}'

League of vVomen Voters. Lead- pe1'/ect hot watel' service at GENERAL REPAIR WORK'
ers of the organization, among
whom were a number from Lower
the cheapest possible rate I
per gallon, J
Merion, at a meeting in Philadel- Haverford & Conway Ave.---Nar: f7~1
phia, Saturday, made it clear that Come In And Let Us Give i
the women believed the present You a Demonstration
law needs strengthening by LIGHT HAULING,. OF ALL
amendments which would limit $15'~oWN KIND!'
local or out of toW1l .
paid watchers and restrict within Balance Easy Payments Quick and Efficient Service .
a reasonable sum the amount P. J. DUF~'Y
spent by candidates or their sup- 335 Dudley Avenue
porters. PITTSBURG l'hone, NBrb~rtb 1012'-.1
Some of the League's views are AUTOMATIC GAS & WATER HEATERS
set forth in two eclitorials in the Narberth 2610 Ardmore ::SSG
official bulletin for July.
"If the convention system
which, it is proposed, shall be sub-
Elect1'ical Contmctor

stituted for the primary system 104 Essex Avenue ELECTRICAL REPAIRS A.~D
does not work in the future as it APPLIANCES
did not work satisfactorily in the NARBERTH 1752 314 Grayling Ave. 8 Cricket Ave.
past, shall ,ve then consider an ad-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Narberth. Po. Ardmore, Pa.


vocate setting up some kind of a

dictatorship?" reads one of the ed-
Believe Last Was a Lesson.
"VI/ho is to' say that the voters
have not learned a lesson from A FREE Inspection Service
the late primaries? \Vho is to say Is offered by FYR.FYTER for your fire prevention 'to

that they will not take full advan- equipment of alI, types. This, inspection will insure
tage of their experience? Are we better protection and lower fire risk. and guarantee
summarily to interfere with the the operating condition of your _whole equipment.
normal political development and Write for information.
evolution of the, people because
certain leaders were ethically apa- ALL TYPES OF FYR-FYTER EXTINGUISHERS
thetic; because ethical necrosis Approved by the National Board of Underwriters
and, numbness resulted in ter-
rific expenditures; because un-
usual conditions, the 1i1{e of which
FYR·FYTER PRODUCTS The Counties Gas & Electric Co.
may never occur again, precipi- JOHN L JENKINS ARDMORE 17 BRYN MAWR 327 WAYNE 47
tated the whole unhealthy and un- 201 Price Ave. Narberth
wholesome state of affairs?" . ,.1.'1" i

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