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monial banquet for the fircmen,
Another Will Be Given Later Handsome Structure at Narberth and Haverford Avenues the Pleasing Response to Appeal next Thursday night? 1£ so, Completion of New Building
In the Spring-Illness Last Word in Convenience and Utility. For Funds to Cover 1926 get your reservations in to Frcd Creates Necessity for
Handicaps. Budget. Patten at once. $1000;00.
The i\'1erion Title and Trust Com., the Duplex Burglar Alarm System, Fine music, good speaking,
SEEK SESQUI SINGERS pany on Saturday, February 27, will which means that the walls, ceiling 68 CONTRIBUTIONS IN many novelties and a real civic $545 GIVEN TO DATE
open their new Narberth office. The and floor, as well as the door of affair. These should be enough
--- building, \vhich has been in the the vault are entirely covered \vith Narberth is again demonstrating to pack Elm Hall. The Narberth Community Li
Despite an almost unprecedented . d l' h ·h
course of erection for the past year, electnc wires an the s Ig test touc one of its fine characteristics. The brary is planning now to move into
record of illness among its active constitutes a notable addition to of these wires will set og the burglar
members, which threatened for a Narberth architecture. The Colonial alarm. Large silver storage vaults announcement concerning this year's its new quarters in the new Com
time to disrUIJt the organization, the
. .
Mam L1I1e Choral has persevered 111 • • • • •
• b lk
. design of the exterior is carried out are btult in the asement or t e program for the Boy Scouts has
1 bl
f h
brought forth a hearty response
FIVE CLUBS ASK munity Building on the playground
The new structure is rapidly nearing
·t k d' t .
I . .
1I1 full detaIl-antIque brick With storage ot u'y va ua es.
I s wor' an
IS now concen rat]l)O'
. f't fi t
on 1e preparatIOn 0 I S rs sprmg
. '" carved stone trlml1ll11gs.
S fl' I
a e ceposlt Joxes are msta e date,
The interior is finished in walnut in the vault to meet the needs of the
concert of the 19 2 5- 26 season, and cream, the whole beine- lie-hted community, and the company hopes ceived. These have been accom-
. 11 d from many of the residents. To
68 contributions have been re-
completion and will in all probabil
ity be ready for occupancy not later
than the end of April.
-, which will be given on Tuesday = = • 1 bl f panied by words of encouragement More Will Apply Place In But, before the move can actually
evening, April 13, at a place to be by a concealed light arrangement that everyone havl11g va ua es 0 and highest praise for the work Baseball League at March be made-in fact. before the Library
announced la·ter. In addition to this which diffuses a soft glow to every any nature whotsoever will avail being done by the local scout 01'- Meeting. Association can even complete its
corner of the building. Upon enter- himself of the safe deposit l;>oxes
concert, the choral is planning an~ ing through the revolving door one which may be rented at a nominal ganization. plans for the transfer-a fund of
other to be given somewhat later in is ushered into the main lobby with yearly charge. At the right of the "It affords me pleasure to be able OPEN TERRITORY RULE $1~? must ~e raised to provide the
the year as the final concert of its the tellers' windows rtmning down vault a commodious coupon room to assist you," is the way Colonel reqmred eqUIpment for the new Ii-
second season.
the left and right-hand sides of the is built, large enough to permit all I. A. l'diller, president of the School Five clubs made application for brary. By equipment is meant only
Formed largely from members of corridor, while the modern safe customers of the company to enter Board of the borough, began a franchises in the Main Line Base- the necess~ry shelving, desks, tables,
the Narberth Choral Society, the deposit vault is immediately in the their safe deposit boxes and ex- letter accompanied by his check. ball League at the first meeting of etc., reqUIred to make the new li-
Main Line body depends on the bor- rear of the lobby. . amine the contents thereof in abso- "The work of the Boy Scout 01'- that organization this year, held at ?ral)' quarters a practical, work!ng
ough for much of its support. To the right of the entrance is lute privacy. ganization," he said, "like that of the the Autocar Athletic Association 1I1stltutlon. Unfortunately the ongi-
Residents of :Main Line communi- the manager's office in which Mr. Above the entrance is a large public schools, is right at the foun- clubhouse in Ardmore Monday nal fund which made possible the
ties who have had the opportunity William H. Fowler will hold forth space that will be used for commit- elation of the future of our country. night. construction of the building made
of hearing the choral in its former and greet the many patrons of the tee meetings and any other meet- One of our prime requisites today These clubs were Narberth, Ber- no provision for the library equip-
appearances will recall the high or- institution. To the left of the en- ings of a public' or semi-public is leadership, and I have been most wyn Ardmore K. of C., Preston ment.
der of musical ability that has been trance is the ladies' rest and retiring nature. happy to note the new policy you A. A., of Bryn Mawr, and Autocar Tlms the work of raising the
disclosed on each occasion. The room. Its appointments are beauti- The l\lerion Title and Trust Com- have inaugurated this year. A. A. The Bryn Mawr Fire Com- money necessary to provide this
largest part of the work of the 01'- fully carried out and provide a pany has given to this community a "By inculcating in the minds of i pany and the Moose chapter of that equipment has devolved upon the
ganization is devoted to the perfec- comfortable rest room for women banking building which is certainly our boys the importance of strict community, which are contemplat- Community tibrary Association,
tion of a capella, or unaccompanied, when down town shopping. one of the most beautiful that it is obedience to discipline, the value of ing joining forces to enter another the organization of citizens which
numbers, in which the full value of A telephone has been installed there possible to erect, ancl are quite con- securing a good education, abil!ty Bryn Mawr team, were also repr~- now has complete control and man-
the harmonic qualities of the music, for the convenience of women fident that there is not another bank- to perform an assigned duty WIth sented, but made no formal apph- agement of the library.
as well as of the tone qualities of patrons; for it is the bank's wish ing institution of its size in the en- due regard to health and a proper cation for a franchise. Residents of Narberth and vicin-
the voices, is carried to the listener. that they will make this room their tire country that has a more com- consideration for others, you are Bala-Cynwyd and Paoli, members ity are, therefore, being asked to
Work of this nature requires in- stopping place while in town and plete and beautiful home than the mal.dng a real contribution to Nar- of the league last year and \iVayne" contribute toward this $1000 fund,
finitely more care in preparation. in- make themselves wholly at home. Narberth office. They have issued berth." an entry of past years, were unrep- A number have already made gener-
asmuch as the absence of any in- The floors of the lobby are of an invitation to the entire com- William C. Claghorn. who is al- resented, but will in all likelihood ous gifts, which at the time of writ-
strumental accompaniment makes marble block and all. of the wood- munity to visit the building on ways to the fore in any local under- send delegates to the next meeting ing total $545. But there still re-
possible the detection of faulty work and paneling is walnut, creat- Saturday, February 27, at which taking, had this to say concerning of the league, which is to be held main approximately $500 to be
pitch, ragged attacks and releases ing a very dignified atmosphere.
and other errors which would other- I
Itime the officers and directors will the work that is being carried on in Monday evening, March I. The raised. As soon as the contribu-
The vault is of the most modern be glad to meet visitors and escort the Scout Cabin among the boys:
wise not be observed. It is the con- construction and is equipped with them through the building. "I appreciate the work which the Autocar clubhouse.
place of meeting will again be the tions reach· $1000 the library will
know exactly where it stands, and
stant ambition of Director Bentz loyal scoutmasters are doing for the Bala-Cynwyd was unrepresented will then be in a sound position to
and 'the members of the choral to boys. and also the members of the because no one with authority to proceed with all the necessary plans
bring its productions up to the high- FASHION SHOW FEATURE I
ADDITION TO HIGH SCHOOL efficient committee who are giving speak for the "twin-cities" club for moving into the new building.
est possible standard.
>""The choralaetlve n1'emhershWhas
.~r COMMUNITX CLUB ,TO COST.$325,797:r fol]eir time and thought to the work. could be located in time for the But until the $1000 is assured, the
W D· - F' -' . f P Narberth Students Will Benefit by "Let us hope that the members of jl1leeting. Fred Walzer, of Nar- library b finds itself . in a fsomewhat
" .
been limited to 45 voices during the omen ISCUSli lIlancmg 0 roo the community will I-ealize what an berth, who managed this club last em arrassing pOSItion 0 betwIx
current season, and with the excep- Pose d CI U b H ouse. L. M. Enlargement. advantage it is to have the scout year, was invited to attend, but an d b
etween. " I ' I h
t IS a t 1Oroug go-
tion of the tenor parts the desired It is a rare woman who fails to Contracts totaling $3 2 5,797 for movement progress in Narberth." I Squire Fred informed President ing community institution, self-sus-
balance seems to be well establish- respond to the lure of a fashion an addition to the senior high school Business Men Help. 'Harry J. Mosteller that he would ,taining so far as the buying of new
ed. The choral would welcome ap- show. Hence, the well-filled 1'00111 in Ardmore were awarded Monday not again manage Bala-CyI1,vyd books and running expenses are
plications from tenors who desire at Strawbridge & Clothier's spring bY t I1e I~ower M enon · S cI100 I B oar. d President A. L. :Marks of the this season concerned, und is rendering to the
to participate in work of this nature, showlllg . before the \iV omen's COI11- 1'1 . 1e 1ett'1I1g 0 f tl1e con t rac t s was au- All11ar stores eX!lressed pleasure at '. IJeolJle of Narberth and vicinity a
and communciations should be ad- munity Club on ,ruesday was to be tl10~lzec. . I tl
a mon 1 ago y. 1e oar.
b tl b d bein!!' "invited to subscribe to en-
Paoli and Wayne Wanted.
service that is widening its scope
dressed to Miss lvlary S. Camp- expected. It was worth comine- to 1 '11e bICIs were .openec1 111 tl1e 0ffi ce courage the scout movement," which Paoli was also invited, but declin- and becoming more hel]Jful every
bell, secretary, No. 234 East Mont- see, .too; gowns, wraps, hats ~ for 0.. f S ecre.t ary W I11 lam J. B'yrne s . he characterized as a "worthy eel as it had made no formal ar- cla,.', especiallv to school Chll. d ren
gomery avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Ap- evening, afternoon SIJOrts or busi-' \\. II. II S, B I11 & .' Company, 0 f PI . 1.1 1a d e1- cause." Other comments from the rangements for a team. Bill Ising- and college students. .J
Very shortly
plications from sopranos, altos and ness, suitable to all types, from the P 11a, 5U Jll11tt~ t 1e owest ~1 1 d I 1 b d f or husiness interests were to the effect er sent word that the Paoli Fire the new Community Building will
basses will be considered in the or- most flippant flapper to the reluc- the constructIon work. Their fig- that because of similar requests Company will possibly back an en- have been cOmlJleted and the library
der in which they are received. tant "styhsh . stout." While there ures were $ 274,72 4. their aPllr01Jriations "would not !ler-. try, but said no action could be tak- (!uarters in the centre of the build-
A number of the members of the seeme d to b e not 1 .
1mg startlingly new '1'11e tl
o· 1er success f uI b 'IC 11c ers mit of sendine- ~, more." en until a meeting of the company ine- will be ready for occupancy.
. I' . I N C
choral will participate in the massed 111 1I1e or matenal, t 1e soft shades were 1. onne y, -7,10, or 1ea - 11 $'> 7 f I t Actine-~
on the invitation extended this Friday evening. \Vayne was ~III tl1e meanwl1ile a I1tlmber of
choruses of the Sesquicentennial of rose or green suggested spring mg . d '1'
an ve~ltl atlon war'; u n~an I k B 11 in the letter to the
0 citizens of the also to have attended, but was ab- Narberth citizens have said in the
. 1 B tl <:: 1 166 f I 1b g Jorough. James esterle, a com- sent because no steps have yet been
Exposition in Philadelphia. Direc- most temptll1g y. 1'0 1er~, 't' 1, ! or p unt 1 1paratlvely 1.
new •
reSIdent of Narbert I1, taken by the Men's C lub 0 f that 1110st el1l1ll,at·l·"~ \vay that the library
tor Bentz is an active member of the 'rhe discussion of IJlans for ane 111 e ~ ec rica anf ons I U t d £1 t I d C
general musIc committee for the financin!!' the erection of a club l'I?n C ompany, $12800 tl elruc- c dropped in at the cabin during this community to organize a team. sllal1 have the new equipment neces-
, ,or 1e e - I' . l\A" 1 . sary and have it at the earliest pos-
~ t IC 1 ork wee.,;: s me.etmg on 1 oJ.onc ay evenll1.g. CONTINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE
Sesqui. In this connection, the house Ilroved quite as absorbing as l' 1'1 ~ W dd':. t ' .
11 t I tl f J •
. IJ
e was Immense Iy lI11presse d WIt I1 sl'ble
- clate so that the moving into.
membership limit will be disregard- the IJrecedine- fripIJeries. A bond .. 1e a . I IOn WI. a ,e. 1e 01111 I I 1 I. . I I' tI,e 11e,v and more ample c!uarters
ed, and a cordial invitation is ex- issue and =the individual IJledge 0 f t,wo WJl.1g~ on el t11er Sl d ~ a f tl1e t 1e 1"wor.;: cone, ta \:Jng Wit 111m an HELEN FAIRCHILD JESSO
tended to all Main Line singers to method were suggested as possibili- - . t 1 Id n TI l' w 11 be 16 app IcatlOn 1llan.;:I f or t I1e use 0 fl'115 sI1all not be delayed after the Com-
pre:;en JUl. I g. 1e e ) TO BE CONCERT SOLOIST l11unity Building is finished. These
join in the Se~quicentennial work, ties of obtaining suitable amounts new class I ~oms, a cafet:Ila and. a sOOne of the letters which was Singer for Orchestra Program Sun. citizens and their contributions fol-
under the auspIces of the choral. promptly. In tl;e end, the decision new gynl11aSltllll. \iVo~k IS to. begm low:
Those who desire to do this should was left to joint action of the Board as soon as the we~thel pe n11lts · COXTIXUED ox '£HE FIF'£H P ..\GE day Was in Opera. .Tohn R. Williams· ~100
write :Miss Campbell. secretary. of Directors and the Executive. The cont:acts stlpulate.t l1at t l1ere Program. ~Irs. P!'l'cil'al Robert~ ..T1· 100
Boal·cl. IS to be no IJ1terference. With regular ALICE MARY BYALL ~lis" ~Inry K. GibBon 50
~tate flo,\'er re- class work." C onnectlons b et.we.en F~unera 1 servIces . f or ~\1'Ice "I 1. Overture ~Iaritnnn ..... Wnlluce .J mm I'>. "OO( II II •••••••••••••• :J·0
D. A. R. MEETS 1'11e vote for tI,e '" II' ary ., I'l ]

• 2. 2r1 :\lo\'cmcnt from Italian Sym- 'f b

suited in a decided maJ'ority for the th.e new wlI1gs a~1d the old btlll.dll1.g Byall, wife of J. Bruce Byall. of IJholJ.~' ~IendclSl5obn (Xew Ll e ~Iem er,,) 2"
Delegates Chosen for Continental white, or ox-eyed, daisy. This ex- WI. e ma e unng 1 s II b d d tl e ummel \ a
. - "Oldwoods," Bryn l\'1awr avenue, 3 D
. . renJlls. W RnlJlh S. Dl1nne
Agner ~Ii~ 1~IiZllbl'th ~I. P{)SI~~' •••••••••• 25v
Congress in Capital. Pres"ion of 0IJI'nioI1 is asl,'ed fl'ol11 c~tlOn whe.n there. al.·e no classes. NarlJel:th, were held Monday morn- In memol'~' SOf AuglJ~tus J. Loos :\Ir~. Jo'll'tclwr 'V. Htites 2.';
The February meeting of the Dr. all women's ~ clubs in the State. If 1'11e east WII.'g,.W I11C11 IS to 110use t1e l '11lg at 11er reslc . Ience. Sl ... 1e d'leel Iast 4. Aria Jewel ong from Fllust,Gounotl '".~, " " ."'I'' lite..T1'••••••••••••••••••• '1_5
Benjamin Rush Chapter of the D. a sufficient nUl11ber ae-ree on a new.cafetena, IS to ~e ready by the Friday after an illness of more than Hl'len Fllircbild Jesso :\Ir~. Aline Cantwell Snyder 2G
= f lIS t b Hohl'rt .T. XlJ~h 25
A. R.. held at the home of Mrs. H. flower, the State Federation will ask ope~lIng o 100. 111 ep em er. a year. 5. ~Ielotlic :\0.3 ..••.. Rnchmuninoff Hobcrt Fellows Wood 25
M Chalfant, was well attended. the Legislature to tllake that the 'Ihe addltl,?n 'Vll1 prOVIde for lvlrs. Byall \vas a 111enlber of the :\Ielodie No. 4: . .\ . E. ,Yohlt)l·t •••..••••••••••••• 25
Mrs. C. Arley Farmer presided in official flower of PennSYlvania. 600 n~ore pupils at~d Will double the Overbrook Presbyterian Church G. ~~~t1~eD~l~~~cl"""'" Fairchild A C. Shllnd. 81'. ••..•.•..•..••.•.. 25
the absence of Mrs. Samuel Z. Mrs. J. D. Sutherland: as hostess, capacIty of .the hl~h sch~ol. The and. was active in. reli~ious, club, In Itnly (~ew 'l'!'lI·Yenl' ~IelJJber)
Shope, the Regent. After the salute served sandwiches, tea and coffee, new gynmaS1tllll will be gIVen ov~r charitable and musl~al CIrcles. Her Helen Fuirchild Jesso J. P. 'i'~~~. Ye~I~.i~·ii~J;lb~;~)··.. , 10
to the flag and the prayer, the mem- assisted by M. F. Alexander, to the boys. The present g~m WIll husband and two ~llIlclren, Jean ancI! j. no' ~'Iomol'l'o\\d' ·b"·;]' '1' ')' ',: Stl'ul uss RoIIIIH] P. Kelle~' ... ,............ 1
I b d t tI lE " van B ya, 11 survIve I1er. b. rcSPIIIUS
. hteD ance
~..'1( 0 P loge
~Ir><. Uolllnd P. Kelle~'
bers sang "America. the Beauti ful." )\111·S. - R. S. Dtll111e, Mrs. E. K. t 1en e turne over 0 1e glr s. ,_ '1
__ 0. -. ~r J G St I
Mrs. H. G.. Martin reported Bauer, Mrs. Howard Hipwell, :Mrs. c. Bolero • llo';;. ean,.. liP e>< " .
progress in the Prize Essay Contest H. B. Speed and Mrs. P. A. Wales.
work. The Hospitality Committee is
L oWer Merron
e Hergh Se 1ectlng
e I'" .Helen Falrchl~d
1\:1 k
J.lo~·(l H. l~dgerton
osz OWS·y Charles Viuton 'Vaters .'
:\11'1<. Chal'IM Vinton Watel's ..
The Registrar reported the fol- planning a series of card parties in
the homes of its members for Fri-
0 rator I or Nationa I Contest w!ll be the solOIst With the Mam PllUI N. Field.................... 1
Lme Orchestra concert on Sunday :\Irs. Stella L. Field 11
lowing new members: Mrs. Mae ft t th A d Th ea t He\'. :\1. E. McLinn .
Aiken, Mrs. Edna Hurd, Mrs. day aftemoons during March. Mrs. a ernoon a . e f l' more G reo ~Il's. ~r. ]~. McLinn 1
Mary Dothard, Mrs. Arline Free- Edgerton, 128 Chestnut avenue, is The Lower Merion High School The Philadelphia regional com- She was a pupl1 0 the late Le ra~d Any resident of Narberth and
man and Mrs. Eleanor Holzknecht. giving the first on Friday, March 5. has been making plans for the past mittee of the National Oratorical Howland, of New York and Pans, vicinity desiring to help in raising
At the request of Captain Ruth Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock, ten days to select their representa- Contest announces that the regional also ?f Carl Thompson and Carl the money necessary to provide the
followed by cards. The charge is tive for the national oratorical con- finals for the area embracing east- Morns. required equipment for the new
H. Nash, a member of the Chapter
will take a patriotic message to the only 50 cents. test which begins March 26. The ern Pennsylvania ,and southern New Miss Jesso has appeared in opera Community Library either by mak-
meetings of the Girl Scouts. general process of elimination in the Jersey will be held in the Academy !n San Diego, Calif., and. was s?lo- ing a special ~ft or by taking out a
AUXILIARY MEETS local school is now under way, the of Music, Philadelphia, Friday eve- 1st last year for the MUSIC Festival life membership or a yearly mem-
The following persons were ap- The regular monthly meeting of pupils having been occ,upied in writ- ning, May 28. in Washington, D. C. Sho ~s ~t bership, may make checks payable
pointed as delegates to represent the the American Legion Auxiliary, of ing their essays on the Constitution. . The contest, which takes on an in- present studying with Vltonc to Thomas C. Trotter, Jr., treasur-
Chapter at the Continental Con- the Harold D. Speakman Post, No. The local finals between the rep- ternational aspect this year, is being Giannini in New York. er, and mail to Mr. Trotter at his
gress at Washington, which will 356, Narberth, was held at the home resentatives of the various classes participated in by thousands of high Adolph Vogel, conductor, has ar- residence, No. 209 Woodside ave-
begin on April 19: Mrs. Tristan of Mrs. Susan .Mowrer, 200 Mont- have been set for March 23, when school students, both boys and girls, ranged an attractive program of nue, Narberth. Or checks or cash
B duMarais, Mrs. Hugh C. gomery avenue, 011 Tuesday. the representative will be selected in nearly ev~ry sch~l from ~ltoona, works by Rachmaninoff, Wallace, contributions may be left with the
Martin. The alternates will be : The. auxiliary is looking forward for the eastern Pennsylvania finals. east to PhIladelphIa and 111 New Mendelssohn, etc. Miss Jesso will librarian in charge at the library in
Mrs. John C. Nash, Mrs. Joseph to a large attendance at all the meet- Last year the Lower Merion Jersey from Trenton south to Cape sing .one aria with the orchestra and the Y ..M. C. A. Building any week-
Miller, Mrs. W. R. O'Sullivan, Mrs. ings during the ensuing year, in schools were represented by Her- May. a group of solos in the second part day afternoon. except Saturday, be-
C. Arley Farmer and Mrs. Joseph order to retain the cup which the bert S. Slaughter, who reached the Marked increase in the extent of of the program. The orchestra will tween 3 and 5 o'clock, or any Fri-
Aiken. increase in attendance at meetings semi-finals in the contest. Slaughter the competition is indicated by the play Wagner's "Dreams," in mem- day afternoon, between 7 and 9
. The Chapter was invited to hold won last yeaf. is now a freshman at colle~, having early '~sponses from the schools to ory of Augustus J. Loos, vice presi. o'clock.
e April meeting at the home of. Plans for the year's program were gone there on a scholarship without the Regional Committee's offices in dent of the Orchestra Association,
rs.· W. R O'Sullivan. discussed at this meetmg. . examination. Philadelphia:. who died last week, Read the advertising.

~::v;:~sb=eks~~e~nfdis~pli~~hf~~ '11Je FIRESIDh Dl~iliE~D~b~T~u~gtb~E J. LOOS, nml~·""iijNliP!!!!MiW""W"UIlllIIIII.IIIIIIlIIlIIiJIIIJIIIIiIIIWIDIIIIIDIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIll1III1IIIIWIUlillliiiiilliliilmn.!Ii""._

A Co-operative C;o.mrnunity Journal himself, the father, whereupon Mr. - Lctters Tcstamcntar~' on thc above

Owned by the Narberth Civic .A8SOClaUoll

L OOS remark e: d "D on 't you thOIn' k J:M r. an d M rs.. J R aymond Sharp, Estate
God was pretty hard upon the lad?" of 19. Woodside avenue' entertained claims
Hlgnel1, ha"e
who heen

requcst to thc having
all l)erSons
against the
the decedent to make known the samc,
Estate of I Your
and published everT Saturdar at Go d was-an d t Ilat was the tragedy at bndge last Saturday. The guests and all pcrsons indebtell to the deccdcnt
Narberth, P.. of the .whole thing, though the com- were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. to nI:~~llnft~urdotthout delay, to
Philip Atlee Livingston pensatlon for the dead boy was Birkhead Mr and Mrs Ralph 'vV 15 Shirlcy road. Narberth, Pa.
Edltof' Gnd .pubru1uW
O . I d' . f . ,. . ., ~IAlUON ;\1. LOOS DOTHARD.
. rougIIt out 111 t 1~ IscusslOn, or GIbbons, Mr. and! Mrs. D. H. Ma- 417 Hnverford. al'cnuc, Nar.bcrth, Pa.
J. Richmond Magney
A••oalalll SlUtof' I
I~ ~t. P~u~:s teachmg be true, "to haney, Mr. and Mrs. Edward ~ Or t~WL~tif6~i~r.:R & SHRADER,
dIe IS gam. It was further devel-, Meade Mr and Mrs Horac'e G 1919 Packard Building,
. Fifty Cents per year In HftJl.
d' h I I h .,.
ope ~~ t ~t es.son t 1a~ t e state- MIller, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac-
ment .preclOus 111 the sl!?ht o~ th~ Conkey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Lord IS the death of hIS sal11ts, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harr Neel,
PhiladelphIa, Pa.
has been translated by a great scho- M d:tV! Ed' J Py II k The annual meeting of ~tockholders for
"C I . ~ r. an rs. WIl1. 0 oc , election of Officers and Directors fOl.· the
ost y 111: the eyes of )ehova?, Miss Marie Mahaney, Miss Dorothy I ensuing year from nominations made at
IS death. to hIS m~n of kll1dness, Sheip, Mrs. Elizabeth Meeker and Febrl1ar~' meeting. will be held Thursday,
the n~eanmg of whIch. seemed to be Mr. Roger Meeker. March 4, 1926, at 9 P. 1\1., at Borough ~
that It was at a ternble cost to Hall. I
the Creator and Eternal King that .. --,- . 'I'HOS. C. TROTTER, JR., !
depriving of earth of a choice hu- .MI~s Dorotl1{' Speck entertamed Secretary. Do your Teeth need a more thorough
Entered as second-class matter, October
Uitb, 1914. at the Post Office at Narberth.
PennsylvanIa, under the act of March 8,
man life that might bless it as a at bndge Saturday afternoon
cleansing than they are receiving?

Saturday, February 20, 1926.

Thomas Edison or an Abraham
Lincoln or a pa:id ~ivingstone, a?d I -
Mrs. A. E. \Vohlert spent the Minimum, 30 cents. Price, 2 cents a
a}1 ~hat depnvatIon ~n order t~ dls- week-end at Lancaster, Pa.. as the wOI·d. Three insertions for the price o.f Is the Cleanser too harsh, or not rigid
clphne a member ot the farmly of house guest of Mrs. B. F. Barr. two. Olassified adveI·tisemcnts will bc
enough? The different blends of
A. J. LOOS:AN APPRECIATION Go d , 111 · t I' . h I1
l1S Il1stal~ce. t at eart 1 y I rl'ccived by tclephonc from subscribers

Mr. Loos was the chief architect parent wl~o wa~ llllssmg tl,1e mark Mr. Charles B. Young was ten- FOR RENT-Very comfortable l'Oom. Toothpaste will aid you in choosing
of Narberth's moral and intellec- through dlsob~(hence and SI11. Mr. dered a surprise birthday party at suitable for two young men or couple,
tual structure. He came on the Loos never did seem. to. be thor- his home, 207 Haverford avenue, ;~~~_~~. without board. 'Phone Narberth the right blend for your use.
scene in the beginnings of the bor- oughly co?,verted to thIS vIew of the Saturday evening. The guests in- •
ough and the latter progressed very t;latter; Ius gre~t heart of s~mpathy cluded Mr. and Mrs. C. P. New- FOR S.~LE-Rl1ud Instantaneous lSo.
Imed up alon?,slde of that. httle lad borg, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Powell, ~'I a~drf;:t-m~;:le~~enl~a~~~',w;~;n~~~~d
largeiy according to his plans and
specifications. It was a town of
magnificent home gardeninO' during
cheate~ by S111. out of Ius human M~ .. and ~rs. Harry H~ller, Mrs. avenue. 'Phone Ardmore 275.
chance~. The Jury of readers can \Vllham NIcholson, the MIsses Ruth .,
.. b
wor Id war scarcItIes ecause e was
° h take the case.
a d B tt H II·
n. e y ? at, 0 t' 1N' ar bertI' \\'ANTED-A girl, wll1te, for house-
1 , I work alHl cooking; whole or IUl1't time; The Busy Drug Store
a sower who went out to sow; its Mr. Loos ~a\e hberall) both to MISS Elva MIller.. and Mr. Fred sleep in or out; timall family. 403 Dudley
the conuTIun.lty and to t~e chu~ch Henne, Miss Bessie Hagan and 1\11'.\ avenue. 'Phone Narberth 2227-W.
people love music and have music
because 11e loved nlusl'c alld had
music; it is hospitable to art be-
G did the matenal
bl ed stores
. WIth i
hessl hfi , ut tlt.
e bAnthon)'
' I Schmiedle . of Philadel- FOR RENT-Desirable
est phla; Messrs. Robert and Charles vate home without bon rd. Convenient to
.rooms 'III prl-.
'Phone 1620
A t the Station
la We Deliver Any where
cause he ever had the artistic tem- 0 1~, was t at le rst g~ve us own Young, Jr., of Narberth. station. P. O. Box !}.l:3.
perament; he was a pioneer in its self but. ah:lo~t always m a m?dest GET PAY EVERY DAY-Distribute jJI~umllllll1lllllll1l1111111l11lunnlU_lmnmIlIUIIIUUllllll1lllllllllonlllllmnun1llllJlllJurunuUlnllllllrnmm_I1IIIIIDIIIIIIIUIIlDlilllllli!WiII@UUIO!b!UUIU'.
splendid community spirit.: the old way. HIS vlOhn was an appreciated Rev. Robert E. Keighton, pastor 150 necessar~' 11roducts to estaJblished
Y. M. C. A. was a tragic failure part of the Sund.ay ~cho?1 o~chest~a, of the Baptist Church. will broad- users. Extl'llcts, soaps. food products, etc.
only because the residents of the and he spent IllS hfe ~n .Narbelth cast the noon-day religious service World's largest company will back ~'ou I~===~~========================~
. . as one of the trustees ot Ius church f \ TLI'r . with surprising plan. Write Dept. 1\:-6,
borough could never qUIte attal11 T' ••• • rom i\ 011 Monday, February 281 Johnson avenue, Xewark, N. J.
to his own municipal generosity ~ Ith the sal~le genIUs which m3;de 22, at 12.15. (2-27-26) ~"" "'J>"" """~"'''' %''''''''._'' ••'''•.....__.._ ...._.~
and unselfishness, and in the ex- his. own busl11ess a success, he 111-
cellence of its schools and the fer- vanablr sa\~' the finances of tl~e l\Irs. Walter A. Fox, of Kar- Chester FOR SALE-17-acre farm at Lionville,
count~·. on lIew macadam road.
vor of its church life very much ~truggl.l11g. httle church through .111 b.rook Park, is entertaining her S-room house. Delco plant electric light
is due to him. All this is particu- Its begl11nll1gs, and e.ven well on ItS SIster, Mrs. McGeorge, of Buffalo. and bath. ahtlUdlince of fruit. J. T. Bar-
larly true of the early days; of later. ye~rs, and until ~he. very end clay. 33 Sa'biue avenue. Phone Nnrberth THIS IS TO THE LADY OF THE HOUSE
course, he gave way to other leaders of hIS hfe he was an II1dlspel~sable Miss Patience \Vohlert enter- 25.'3!)-.J. (2-20-26)
as age crept on. counse~or there: He was even I11t~r- tained at a Valentine Dance at her l"OR SALE-Buick roadster, good con-
TI I fl' t 'b t' ested 111 the Improvements whIch dition. :1:175. .J. T. Barcla~', 33 Sabine
le argenes~ty0 l.1 ls cofn Nr~ U lOll S have largelv made over the old home last Saturday evening. Her tll'enue. . (2-20,26)
to th e commum f
leo ar b er tl1 I I' . d . guests included the i\lisses C)'nthia A Bank account is particularly valuable to the
. d b f c lurc 1 I11to a new one, an It was d M
ItaS usua11y been mlsse ecause 0· 'bl I I
pOSSI e to ma ,e t lese attractl\'e . an artha Metz!!er,
Helen Hoff- Housekeeper.
th e mo d es ty 0 f tlle man, 1JU t IlIS dr' b f I I I d man, Dorothy Speck, Honora Sny-
own gentleness which made him a (Itlons ec~use 0 w tat le la so der, Anne Compton.. Elizabeth SALESMEN! It saves those petty annoyances so often concurrent
great, was a chief facto.r in making 0lalrdgellY c lure 1 w1111latth~t
d.°lne I past
was to make the Cook ' In i\Kessrs • Cal'I ...1'letz O cr el'\tller-
' ,~ The era of automatic ~il heating is here! with the payment of your household bills-making
N arb ert I1 t Ile rea IIi unusual com- '. ton Lane Alfred Odiorne Carson The oil burning industry offers greater change, asking for a receipt, being sure you have the
mun!ty that it is. There is a com- There used to stand 111 front of Greene, \ViIlial11 Dothard. 'Dunstan ollllOrtunities for the present and future "cash on hand."
mumty centre, there is a Narberth the old church a. sturdy poplar Smitll and PerlJert Btll'rell of NT ar - thlln lInv other field of endeavor.
I Id f I d h .·1 ,- We a~'e the pioneers nnd the leaders o~ The little stub on your check-book will tell you
Park, there is an "Our Town," w 10S~ el11era .0 mge tempere t e berth; the Misses Frances Gibbons, this great industry. A thoroughly proved
~here are a great many good things StUl~shldne I that ~ltdered ~hrouglh the Blanche Morris and Marie Clayton llroduct, with hundreds of satisfied local plainly "how much" and "where" the money went;
111 Na.rberth because Augustus J. s al11e .~ ass WI11 ows I11to t le ~a- and Messrs. Maron. Tack and u&ers, Eight yenrs on the nntionul market. the neatly designed check, easily filled in and signed,
Loos hved in it cred edifice. or shaded the laughmg i\latl e\ MI'II r d L .' '1 d Approved b~' the underwriters laboratoriee
. ' I 'Id
!rrendshil? .is one of the most c 11 ren as t 1er e
'1 fil d d I 1 V e an OUlS ...v an es.
own t le steps. of Ardmore: Miss Marjorie Sellers ?J:~n~~ti~::~horitles governmg OI - urmng
lV . ' '1 b . will be a pleasure to dispense. Payment by check
P:lceless pnvlleges on earth, and But tl le SltJlendllddtreeftfeli bbeforebthet and Mr. Pait! Dohan. of Merion; Due to the overwhelming demand for
is a reliable, dignified method of settling your
Il!S was a :are friendship ~o possess. ax. I ts op la. 0_ en. een e~ Miss Gertrude McGradv. Miss Com equipment, we need more salesmen obligations-and a sure proof that they have been
'I he 17-ml11ute cameradenes. on the before the storm~ b d ot wl11ter, hbut It l\K1. arY S can I'111 aneI "I 1I r.
- R\.0 d O'er ou the 1\Inin Line. f met.
Pennsy electric trains between Nar- never succum e except to t e ax R Id S 0 f B :.\1 -tr "'e must have high caliber men 0 un-
berth and Broad street will alwavs which got it out of the way of the J eyno F ' 11 f \rP l .' a W\:[ l' r. questionable integrity who are desirous
. d . f·1 ,I' new architecture 'vVhen the old ames •au " 0 'I l lanova; . .1 essrs. of maldng II permanent connect.ion where
b. e prrze ~11eI110r.les 0 t 1~ one \\ 10 .,.." . Paul Sassman, John Fox. Burrell the returns and advuncement WIll only be
IS . attemptll1g thiS very. . madecjuate structUlI e \\a~ II s\\ allo\\ ed '1' up 111 the
I Trl' p, t E' nc B a 11· an d D a\IL "'1";:,pee".
-I' l;mited hv. their abilitv. and effort.
tnbute. It was dUrIng one of these new, t le 0 ( tree went WIt 1 It. n of Haverford Coil 0' • ;\1' \' . Flouters need not npi)ly.
that Mr. Loos drew aside the cur- the passing of Mr. Loos there seems L' I,' f C • , ~",e, • I. el non I If ~'Oll live on the M:~in Line and a:e
tains which veiled his heart and to be a sort of sad harmony, a pa- Ip ,111, 0 YI1\\) C • HOI\' eml)lo~'ed and makll1g n success In
, I' . . . . . I I f II ~·otlr present \York. lt~t 11<': show you the Open Friday evenings, 7 until 9
t~ld the story of how he ha~1 fought t letIc appropnateness \\ It 1 t le a l\Irs. \\Talter Steck beck. \Ha\'ne Jlo,",sibilities for II greater future in lin in-
hiS way past honest doubts 1I1tO con- of the aged poplar. The grand o I e I ' d\lstr~' wh:ch is destined to be second only
victions of spiritual verities. This tree and the. grander ~Id man have avenue, during the past week, lost by to thll~ of the :l11toll1ob.ile..
and similar conversations were of kept step WIth the extt of the old death, her father. Rev. \Villial11 Mc- ....~11 lIlfol:mntlon reeell'ed WIll be I,ent III
" .. , . . . . . . . to: 4 ft% • • •

- t d t f 11' 1 church Good by-all three Callum, who died in Hahnemann SlrH~t l·ontillence.
co.urse 00 sacre. 0 U1~0 ( 111 C ~- • HO\U "RD " B \' KI'S HosIJital, Philadel!lhia. after a Ion!! Phone or write for appointment with
tall, but one thmg which he said 'I .~ .~. r 1 '>. • ~ Mr. Bromund, District l\Ianngcr. at Nar-
mig IIt be mentioned as being per- illness. Formerlv - he was acti\'e in berth 1is-1. or BUclde~:-Scott .. Inc. 717
:haps helpful to other men similarly AN APPRECIATION the ministry at Johnstown. Pa. The North BI'oml street. _Plu!ndelphlll, Poplar
,funeral se.rvi~es \:,ere. held Thur;;- S!lOO between -1 and" P. M. Monday and
.situated. It was a sort of crrand To the Editor of Our Town:
follow-up of conversations, °some I
The passinO' of Augustus J. Loos day at SlI1kmg Springs., Pa.: 111 1uesdn~·.
personal, others public, to the extent removed frOl~l our community one charge of the Re\'. John \. an Ness,
,of having taken place in the Men's of those rare h.ul11an beings of 10f the Narberth Presbyterian , - - - - - - - - - of the Betler Grade
Bible Class of the church which we whom there are. in these days, all Church. YE ODDITY SHOPPE
both attended. The subject in mind too few-not especially in Narberth
is the efficacy of the atonement of -but in the world at large. Viewed
I --- .
Amon&, those to receive degrees The Gift Shop of NaTbe1·th NOKOL is the pIOneer and
Christ and of the statement that from any angle ?\Jr. Loos was an at ~he n,1ld-year cOl11men~ent of the
"there is none other name given un- ideal citizen. Likewise, he was a Umverslty of ~ennsyl\'at1la last Sa~- For two weeks only is running leader of this industry.
der Heaven among men whereby we generous and kindly man. But of urday were MISS Ruth Bertha Hoff- a ~ost-~rice sale of many
must be saved." Mr. Loos said all his many fine qualities the one sten, of 21 Ilona avenue, who was I chOice pieces to make room Over 35,000 people in Phila-
something like this: "I know it is that often appealed 1110St st'rongly to awarded the of. Master of for our new stock. delphia and suburbs are enjoying the
a low ground upon which to those who knew h.it1l best was the A .. rts, for studIes 111 Latll1. She se- Open Every Friday Eve. from. 7 to 9
stand, and I trust that it is but the genuine sincerity with which he al- cu:ed her A. B. degree. at Cornell.
benefits and comforts of Nokol Auto-
lowest plane upon which I stand ways gave of his time. talents and l\I1~~ Carol.~. Cummll1gs. (Mrs. j 104 Forest Avenue matic Oil Heating.
and that I have attained to higher money to every worthy cause. Phlhp A. Llvll1gston) r:celved the
levels. but it is playing safe, it is When A. J. Loos said he would Jegree of Bachelor of SCIence. The NOKOL has been used for
taking no risk to say to ourselves do "this" or "that," you knew that -
'0 eight years and has passed the ex-
that if this teaching is not true, he was "doing" or "giving" out of
nothing is lost; and if it is true, the fullness of his heart. and ex- of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McCracken,
;\-liss Anna McCracken, daughter
Oa~a - M~Ginley-:
I 218 N,13t..hS~ phTIa-:]~ periment stages. It is a thoroughly
e\'erything is gained." peeted nothing in return. There of Merion avenue, was on the pro- Ben I'h....... Spruce :18-00 Bnd 3H-1I1
IIeyelOne Phone. alU''' 'fOrM
proven product, guaranteed in every
Mr. Loos was a constant atten- was never the least suggestion of gram of the Valentine Musical gi\'en
dant upon the Men's Bible Class in "trading favors" in anything that he by the pupils of Marie Meyer Ten GARAnteed Roofs respect and backed by a $30,000,000
the Presbyterian Church, and his did, and one is more than half con- Broeck, Saturday, at \ Vayne. company.
questions always kept the teaching vinced that if there were l110re peo- 1'- ..:. ~. _ _ _ _ .• '
upon a high level. The lesson could pie in the world like A. J. Loos, : Approved by Underwriters' Labortories
not be commonplace with him in the there would not be nearly so much : ~IARSHALL COMPANY :
class. Naturally he had a logical justice in George Bernard Shaw's,: '

mind, which was trained at Cor- famous statement to the effect that , CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS :
'nell, and developed in New York the "only trouble \vith Christianity: :
journalism. He liked psychology is that it has never been tried." : PHONE, NARBERTH 1661-J ,
and often introduced the subject E. A. M. , :
1I1tO the Iesson when it was appro- ,.,.,~,.,--------,-,--_ •• , •• ,---,---,._-,-,-,------~.

priate. One of the most interesting QUOTA CARD PARTY Automatic Oil Heating for Homes
lessons we ever had was that in 'I'he quota card party, which willi
which his question drew out the be held on February 23, in the Y. THE COST BUCKLEY & SCOTT, Inc.
fact that there is a very definite M. C. A .. is intended to raise a part
Bible psychology, 'which includes of the quota which must be paid
I The cost of dry cleaning clothes is very slight in
717 N. Broad Street
comparison to the benefits that accrue. Many a dress Phone for information, without obligation on your
spirit. soul and body. The latter is by the local League of Women Vot- or suit-his or hers-that has been practically dis-
that thing by which we sense .things, ers to the County League. The
the material universe; the soul is larger body, in turn. must pay its
carded can be made to serve satisfactorily if we
renovate it. It is fashionable nowadays to make your
part, ·to
that by which we sense ourselves, quota to the State. which supports clothes serve you fo1' more than one season.
and the spirit that by which we the National League. H. W. BROMUND, JR.
sense God. This interlocking system requires ADELIZZI BROS. D.istriet Manager
The incident was being related in ~h~t every unit pay its share; hence CLEANERS-TAILORS-DYERS Narberth 1784
class one day of a father who con- It IS of the utmost importance that 102 Forest Ave. Narberth 2602
fessed that he believed one of his the local group meet its quota,

. ~= = Dependable Quality Prompt Service=: =~ GEO. W. BOTIOMS Of Speakers at Rotary Club Lunch.
..c.. B Id
eon Tuesday Afternopn. CI<lsses Book Assembly to Middle of
. 1 S ' ,
on:=~H. In
subject of E. Stanley Bowers, hall, Thursday ~lOrning of last
OfT~I~ i~~a~~; ~~~~~~ri~~ t~~:~~~ th~p~~:~n~:r~~:e:ssembIY
= = i~i~l:X~[il:]l11;l:mlii::lTI!:l:~!ill:l:mL"alm:!l]li:llim:!:l]l':r:::Jiir~i:]!:::'!!i~!:illf
speaker at the luncheon of the Bala- week, the Boy Scouts of the high
1S As the Radio Announcer says: "This is Station WEAF, New York City, presenting the 1S Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club at school gave a program commem-
1S weekly Ever Ready Hour Entertainment." So we might say: "This is Station C. M., Narberth, 1S West Virginia the Cynwyd Club Tuesday. Mr. orating "Scout Week."
1S Pennsylvania, broadcasting and presenting a weekly program in Dependable Groceries and 1S
= Meats,"
the price advantages of which is "Music" to the ears of any housekeeper who may be =
"listening in" for prices with which to meet the keen competition of the day.. Prices for the 1S
Bowers is the president of the
Philadelphia Rotary Club.
Reverend oa
Led through the devotional ex-
ercises by Miss Mildred Coor-
Emerson them, the. Scouts opened their
week only-February 20th to 26th, inclusive.
A man gave orders for furnishing a new house, and specified he wanted neither a mu-
Barnes, pastor of the Overbrook program wIth s.nappy bugle calls
Presbyterian Church and organizer by Tho~as LIbbey. Raymo.nd
'1S seum nor a furniture store--he wanted a real home. When you are putting out specifications 1S a semi-bituminous of the local club, was another talker. ~udronff then. pr~,ceeded wIth
1S 1S He stressed the point of a business Ranks of Scou~mg, followed by
for your needs in Groceries and Meats stipulate that you want neither private brands nor credit
prices, but real value on a close cash basis. Such a "home" for your Grocery orders may be
best had right here at Cotter's Market in Narberth. 1S
= that is harder-

man putting service in his business Flemmg, wh.o s~,oke on
above self. "Many men wait to do The HIstory of ScoutlOg. Jack
.1S 1S 12.00 good in the world until they are closed th~. pro,~ram .by
:: :: Can'ied: 12 50 ready to retire," he said. "Rotary ,Eeadmg a Co~poSIt10n, ScoUtlOg
= = • believes in doing good as you go m the School.
§ Flour Sale for This Coming Week § along and not waiting until you are Then .through the efforts of sev-
= = A good substitute to ready to depart from this world.",eral. senIOrs John P . .Jones opened
= = .
Geor~e M. ~amter, a mem ber of Ja"Old
Lmcoln program, 111 memory of
::1S1S Gold Medal, Pillsbury or Ceresota Flour 1S
=fill in while you are
waiting for. Anthracite
Honest Abe." His to ic was
the PhIladelphia Rotary, was an- "A Few of the Less Kno~n De-
other guest at the luncheon. tails of Lincoln's Life." Mis:>
, ~_= - 12-lb. Bag, 70c =:=~
Narberth Coal New or Used All lIIakes Repaired
Catherine Timlin was the second
~speaker and recited Lindsay's
SEWING MACHINES "Abraham Lincoln Walks at Mid-
:: :: and (Phone-Merion 1458.M) night." Miss Betty McDowell
~ Bag, 30c; 48·lb. Bag, $2.75; 98-lb. Bag, $5.50 ~ LOUIS T. SCHOCH ~AnishCed the exercises by reading
Building Material Co. 10,7 Kenilworth Road, Narberth hinese Student's View of
Lincoln as a Hero."
1S § More Assembly Programs.
~ BORDEN'S EVAP. MILK r. LUX IVORY SHAKER SALT § 1I11111.Hlnlll.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltnIlIIIlIUlIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11I11.111••111111111 A drive by the Student Council
:: TaU can 11c 2 small pkgs. 19c 3 pkgs. 25c = to liven up assembly programs has
= = been started, and already many
:: :: classes have responded, booking
1S BurrER FRESH EGGS 1S assembly privileges up into the
'~ Sweet Cream "Heathized" Butter Wtder the Humphrey Brand, direct from Snug Harbor § middle of April. A few speakers
::_ R. G. A. Label, 92-score--65c lb. Farm to us--5Oc dozen. -
=_- are included I in the prolrrams,
~ to
vary as muc 1 as possible the en-
Tuesday morning's assembly
1S= Oxford Brand, Fancy Maine Red Ripe, Solid Pack Square Deal Brand-Tender =
§ had currentAevents
traction. as itsgiven
talk was chief at-
'=:= = ~ 2 cans 2Sc 3 cans 2Sc and Very Sweet-19c can=====-§ Miss "Roddy" Gray on "The
Clergy's Attitude Towards Prohi-
Del Monte Peaches, Rich Syrup .. tall can 15c Puffed Wheat " ',' .2 pkgs.25c bition." Charles Sherman stated
Del Monte Asparagus, Mamm. Green, can 35c Fancy New Fard Dates lb. 25c many facts about the coal strike
Del Monte Pineapple, Crushed can 19c Grape Fruit, H.&H. Brand, sweetened, can 25c settlement and delved into past
Herbert's Cherries, Royal Anne, large can 38c Freihofer's Macaroni pkg. 10e strikes, comparing them with the
Royal Baking Powder 12-oz can 45c Quaker City Cracker Meal pkg. 10c last shut-out, which was the
Walter Baker's Chocolate .. , . %-Ib. cake 19c Beechnut Peanut Butter .. " tmnbler 10e longest in history.
H eart M alne
· A ppI e auce
SIS can ' c Dromed"""'"
_~ C 0 coanu t 14-Ib• P kg• 17c
11. 1'he Maroon and White basket-
Wilbur's Cocoa %-Ib. can 18c Franklin Powdered or XXXX Sugar, 3 pkg. 25c ball team lost a tough one when
Pillsbury Pancake FloUr 2 pkgs. 25c Clawson's Pure Vanilla 2-oz. bot. 25c it was rUdely jolted last Friday by
Astor Rice pkg. 1 ()c Boscul Coffee I-lb. can 55c West Chester High, in the West
Chester cage, by a score of 32 to
.1I1111....HlIlIIlIU.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111.11111.11I 23. Z immerman's q uintet p Iayed
SARDINES APRICOTS SALMON championship basketball and
Marie Elizabeth, Fancy Im- Herbert's Choice Peeled. smartly outplayed the Ardmore
P orted Portuguese Boneless. Notice this fruit is peeled, in rich Horse Shoe Brand Fancy Red ANNOUNCEMENT lads with their swift passing at-
~= This brand of Sardines needs no s4yJ'USc'Pcan'an.d extra quality. Value Salmon. .§!= I tack. An off night and a hoodoo
recommendation from us. ANNA CASE, America's Foremost Soprano glaring at them seems "Alibi AI's"
__=_-_ Large can 30c 35c can 38c can ===_-1 In Recital version of the Lower Merion quin-
tet's defeat, but even at that West
Chester never had a free hand and
§ Rump and Round Steak ',' .. lb. 45c I Best Cuts Standing Rib Roast lb. 38c
Direction Main Line Orchestra Association. Admis-
sion by subscription only. $10.00 for season entitles
subscriber to two seats for following events:
always had to keep stepping to
remain in the limelight.
Tonight,meetwhen the Darby,
§ Nice Lean Pot Roast Ib. 2Sc to 35c Thick End Rib Roast lb. 25c § dribblers Upper at
:: :: Mai. Une Orchestra Concert with Soloist-Februarv home, there will probably be a
§ COUNTRY PORK §! 21,1926. • decided change in the line-up.
= - ANNA CASE, "Intimate Recital"-March 7, 1926. Norristown continues to lead
=_=_- Fresh Shoulder Pork .. lb. 30c , Loin Pork for Roast ... lb. 38c Ipork Chops, best cuts .. lb. 45c =_~ French-Cook-Vogel Trio with Soloist-April 11, 1926. the league, with Lower Merion
Main Line Orchestra Concert with Soloist-May 16, 1926 ancl \Vest Chester in a tie for
:: :: second place. Only a spill handed
::= Fels Naptha Soap. . . . cake 5c Ivory Soap I
3 c akes 20c Old D utch CIeanser, 3 cans 20c =
==_ Send Name and Check fol' $10.00 to '\by \Vest Chester and Lower
l\lerion would bring the Royal
:: Young P. B. Soap, 1ge. cake 10e Gold Dust ',' .. large pkg. 25c Best Ammonia ... qt. bot.25c :: BOX 603, ARDMORE, PA. Blue and White five off its perch
E § for a triple tie. There's a good
= =
:"',1111I11I11I11111I11I11I11111I1111111111111I111I11111111 I11I11111I111I11I111I111I11I1 11I11I111I111I111I1111111I1111I11I1111I111I1111I11I11I11111I1111I111I1111:
possibility of that happening, and,
2 if so, an interesting- play-off would

~. ensue. If something in that order
What should occur perhaps Norristown
wouldn't be so fond of "platter
dinners." ,
Means In Campaign Against Tent Cater'
pillar-Association Active.

TO THE MAIN LINE A campaign against the tent cater-

pillar is now being waged by the
~ain Line Citizens' Association.
Ltteratme urging co-operation in its
Can we not persuade you to begin Hundreds of homes are relieved of family wash- destruction was distributed this
ing cares each week-a day's time saved for
"The eggs of the tent caterpillar
now by opening a special account in each home-many years of leisure, youth and
health are given to the women along the Main
p are laid on the smalIer twigs of the
., apple and wild cherry and other
this bank to build up a cash reserve in Line. 8 trees, in masses a hal f inch in length
~ and about one-sixteenth of an inch
A few years ago the laundry was ex- ~ thic~:' says ~he circul~r. The eggs
order to insure your personal success clusively a shirt and collar business--today are lI1c1osed 111 a gelatll1ous-like ma-
St. Mary's LaWtdry not only cares for the terial which has a shining metallic
through the partnership of your own entire bundle, but it cares for it in exactly lustre. Most of the egg masses will
the way the patron desires. be found on wild cherry, and once
they are recognized and known it
GOOD BRAINS AND MONEY is easy to spy them. The masses
To make laundry service accessible to every should be cut off and burned, and
family St. Mary's Laundry has spent large sums if you have no use for the wild
of money in the best of equipment. cherry bush that may also be de-
stroyed. The eggs of the tent cater-
pillar are hatching now, and will
Because of the wide variety of services St. disclose the caterpillars in April
Mary's Laundry has become the Wash Day or early May, and start to make the
Servant of hundreds of Main Line families. tents. Each egg mass destroyed be-
fore hatching- period in the spring
The Merion Title and Trust Company st. Mary's Laund1'y offm's se1'vices to
fit every family's budget-all ironed
will mean tlie destruction of 300
sm'vices, pa1'tially i1'oned services- "An immense amount of good
se1'vices in which the clothes a1'e re- may be accomplished in the winter
turned damp to be ironed at horne. time by collecting the egg-masses.
Narberth Ardmore BaJa-Cynwyd You have all these to choose from. This is infinitely more effective than
spraying, and costs nothing, besides
affording valuable exercise in the
PHONE, ARDMORE 175 open."
Further information may be ob-
tained through the Main Line Citi-
zens' Association.


the league meeting in Ardmore

were President Harry J.
DIES IN HOSPITAL ris, secretary;

Operation Fatal to Mrs. J. S.

Stephenson. Prominent
of Ardmore; Jack Mor-
Charles Harnden, of
Narberth; E. T. Dilworth, of Pres-
ton A. A.; Joe Cullinan, of Ard-
more K. of C.; William Rogers, of
Worn-Brassy Parts of Your Car with
Pure Silver. Reflectors, Lamps,
Radiator Shell
63rd & City Line, Overbrook, Pa.

in Township. Bryn Mawr; Fitzgerald, of Ber-
Silver plates, worn-brassy bath room
wyn, and Harry Hoffman, of the fixtures, Sheffield Plate where copper SPECIALISTS IN SCALP
Autocar.. shows, old spoons and fori,s. Buy a AND FACIAL MASSAGE
758 LANCASTER AVE. bottle of U-KAN·PLATE Polish TO-
HEAD OF WOMAN'S CLDB Jimmy Dykes, of Connie Mack's DAY from your local Dealer or De-
Athletics, who bas been actively BRYN MAWR/ partment Store. $1.00 for half pint. French Marcelling. Hairdressing and All Its Branches.
Mrs. J. Samuel Stephenson, of associated with Preston A. A., also A. R. JUSTICE CO.
15 City Line, Bala, died in the attended, but left early to broadcast 'PHONE: BRYN MAWR 882
Hahnemann Hospital Wednesday
night after an operation performed
a talk on baseball from ABg, the
Haverford College radIO stattOn. -------------
G~Tts in Silve1' Wedding
'!"' iOoIC>o~.",....:>ooQo<"'"
. . . . . . .

'I'uesday. She was 58 years of a~e. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=I When Dissatisfied Try

I:dentified with nearly every activ-
ity of Bala-Cynwyd, and prominent
in township affairs, Mrs. Stephen-
son was one of Lower Merion's
Build Your Garage of Wood HEWIT'S
hest known women.
She was president of the
The Best Substitutes for Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
Woman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd, Anthracite Coal are-
234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254
secretary of the So,utheastern Fe.d-
eration of \\Tomens Clubs, chaIr- Pocahontas Coal We Call for and Deliver

man of the Red Cross work for her
district and an active member of
ti1C Auxiliary of St. JaIm's Church. For Furnaces
_iIIj@M!@j.!HPlmil'!id!!41Q1!bIII!lI!iUI!!!i1IlUlmu~munllll1llDDlJDlllmllll!llNlA!H!Q!I!!!I!!II!!!I!D1!!liii!ImUIii6!I!U!jIUil!lunWWl'dd"gO@U lllU p
She was also active in the Needle-
work Guild. Winif1'ede Coal I
Mrs. Stephenson was the only
woman member of the Lower Mer-
ion Board of Health, having been Stove and Egg Size for . DOES IT PAY
the first woman to hold that position Furnaces. Nut Size for
in the township. Magazine and Hot·
She originated the pl~n .for a
To Buy In Philadelphia
Water Heaters.
building fund and memonal Itbrary .'
for the Woman's Club and was
largely instrumental in carr~ing the Anthracite Briquettes When you can get in Narberth Radio Sets that are
guaranteed with service that is service ~

financial drive through to Its suc-
cessful conclusion. For Furnaces. Small It is CHEAPER
. Mrs. Stephenson had resided at One year's free service with every set we sell.
the City Line address. 20 Hot-Water Heater and MORE ATTRACTIVE
~rears. She was born 111 PhIladel- Kitchen Range. MORE QUICKLY CONSTRUCTED We have a set for every pocketbook.
phia, the daughter of M:. and ~1rs.
J. S. Stevenson. She IS survIved Good sets from $49.50 complete with loud speaker
by her husband, a wool me~chant 'Phone.: Cynwyd 700 Call us for prices on LUMBER needed for up to $3000.
of Philadelphia; three chIldren,
Mrs. Henry Kelly, Jr., of Bala-
above plans.
Cynwyd; Mrs. Edward Legge, of Jos. M. Cranston Our Prices are definitely lower than any reputable
Boston, and Mr. Samuel Stephen-
son, Jr., a student at Lafayette Col-
Bala.Cynwyd, Pa. SHULL LUMBER COMPANY house in Philadelphia.

lege. 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd Only Exclus·ive Dealer in Narberth, Merion, Wynne-
Funeral services will be held Sat- wood. Bala-Cynwyd for Radio Corporation of Amer-
t: rday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St.
Cynwyd 662 ica, Eagle Neutrodyne, Super-Zenith. Atwater Kent,
lohn's Church. Rev. Henry A. F. Apex and Crosley.
Hoyt and Rev. A. E. Clat~enbu:g l~s~~~~~~~~~~~~1I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
v:i\l officiate. Interment, whlcl: Will BUY AT HOME and save money, time and incon-
be private, will be at Westmmster venience.


Hoover and Westinghouse Agents

There was no hesitancy Monday in 'Phone: Narberth 2282 250 Haverford Avenue
accepting both the Knights of Col-
umbus and the Ardmore Autocar
because these teams, though both
from the same community, repres:nt
different cro'Yds and in no way 111-
terfere with each other.
...... " ..........." ....." ",....." ........."''''.........., ,',....., ',....., '''~
I f an Oakmont team were form-
~ ~
ed, however, it might weaken the
Caseys, as many of the players on ~ I~
that nine last year came from Oak- ~
mont and South Ardmore. Another
Bryn Mawr team might also weak- ~ I~
.en the Preston A. A. ~
Regardless of the number ~f ~ I~
'Clubs there will be an open tern-
~ I~
tory alonO" the Main Line for league
.members b to draw upon. This means
that a player need 110t live in the
~::ommunity for which he play~.
Last year there was a "closed tern- ~ I
tory" rule, but this wa~ evaded by a
series of exchanges wluch the league
permitted club managers to make.
The territory rule was the only
I~ I
action taken by the league at its
meeting Monday. Otl~er p~epara­ I I
tions for the season, which WIll open
the latter part of May, were held up buy I I
until the March meeting, when a fire, windstorms, theft, injury and even death.
more thorough represe~ltation ~f

Premiums may seem high, but you know the
clubs is expected. ElectIOn 0'£ offi-
cers will ta\:;:e place at that tUlle.
Clubs to Organize.
benefits are worth the price.
Dry CoLd-
Most of the clubs will meet to
organize within the next few weeks.
There is one form of protection, however, that
all of us in this community enjoy every day and
~~ - Keeps foods fresh for days
Narberth is expected to hold a meet- it does 110i cost liS one cent! We never can know ~ Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator will not only keep ~
ing the latter part of the month to
elect officers and a manager. At
this session Bill Crowell and Fred
how many lives it has saved, how much sickness
it has prevented, how many hours of content- I~~ your refrigerator cold, but dryas well. The freezing
unit that takes the place of .ice becomes thickly coat-
\\Talzer, perennial opponents for the
Narberth managership, are again ment it has brought to our homes.
I ed with frost, and the air becomes crisp and sharp.
In this dry, frosty air foods stay fresh for days.
expected to oppose each other.
Crowell, who is a nationally-
known football official, won last
This protection is the service rendered by the
business men of our town, who quietly and faith- ~ Kelvin'tor-chilled refrigerators stay cold, for ~
year; Walzer copped the honor the
year previous. fully meet our daily needs. No matter what I Kelvinator never melts away like a piece of ice. 2
If Walzer sticks to his declaration emergency may face us, they continue to supply ~ Day-in and day-out they keep foods perfectly and ~
that he wi1l not pilot Cynwyd again,
this club will be hard put to find
another skipper. Cynwyd will also
us with food, shelter, clothing and the other
necessities of life. I
I~ ~::~~ =:n~~: ~~c:ua;~:;:;:r:~; I~
be fhced with the problem of se-
You will find their ads in this' paper. They
curing financial backing. Last year
it was financed by the Active Mem- solicit-and deserve-your generous patronage. !KELVINATOR!
bers Club of the fire company, but
whether this organization wiH again They are your friends ifJ time ofneed!
back the team is doubtful as it lost
money last season. The newly-
formed Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Ro-
I I Phone for a Representative


tary Club may be sought as a back-
er but, because of the Narberth
membership in this organization.
there is doubt that the move will
be successful.
I Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 I
The club representatives present Jla".""" ....." ,"'"""""""""" ..

I Church." The Scarlet Cockerel •....•.•.• SUblett~

Narberth 1683-W Repairing
NEWS OF THE CHURCHES All are invited.
6.45 P. M.-Senior Endeavor Society
meeting. Address by Mr. Ralph Zundel,
CALLED BEFORE BURGESS STUDENT HONORS The Dark Friiate ..•.•......•..Hawes
The Genial Sultan .•••..•••...Thayer
All Saints Church, Wynnewood, Par
Rector-Rev. Gibson Bell
of the Philadelphia School of the Bible.
7 P. M.-Intermediate Endeavor So- Citizens Summoned for Violations of ARE ·ANNOUNCED Camping and Woodcraft .•.••• Kephart
The World Almanac, 1926
Assistant Minister.-Rev. Francis A. ciety meeting. Leader: Miss Kathleen Snow Shoveling Ordinance. Boyhood Stories of Famous Men .. Cather
C. ROY SMITH Gray. Herron. About 12 citizens were summoned Many High Scholarship and The En~hanted Christmas Tree ...• Wilde
S A. M.-Holy Communion. 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. In the DramatIzation of School Classic.. Lasselle
ABOUT IT 10 A. M.-Church School. series of sermons on Elijah and Elisha to Borough Hall on Monday eve- Attendance Records Short Plays Weber and Webster
11 A. M.-Litany and Anti-Commun-
ion. Sermon by Rev. F. A. Gray.
Mr. Van Ness will preach about N"aaman ning to answer before the Burgess Are Earned. Cilildren's Literature
.Narberth 2616 Ardmore 163-J the Leper. to charges by the police that they . Curry, Clippinger
Anthem-"Go To Dark Gethsemane," The vVeekly Prayer Meeting will be ChrIStmas Everywhere •...•.•. Pa.!:'e Co
by T. T. Noble. Choir of 40 voices. had neglected to clean the snow off OTHER SCHOOL NOTES Allen's
VERL PUGH held next vVednesday evening. There Antonyms and Synonyms .. Alle~
During Lent services will be held on will be an interesting symposium on the their sidewalks within the time limit Commercial Geography Brigham
Electrical Contracto'r Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock and on Twenty-third Psalm. or to the degree required by the SCHOLARSHIP HONORS FOR THIRD Peeps at Industry-Cocoa Brown
ElectrIcal Repalrs and AppJllUloos Sunday evening at 7.30. snow-shoveling ordinance. Nearly FIRST HONOR: PERIOD. Rainbow Gold ...........•.... Teasdale
Woman's Club Building. Ardmore ave- all of them had an excuse of some R. Bank. GRADE IX. Silver Pennies .....•.•....... Thompson
-314 Grayllng Ave. 8 Vricket Ave. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. R. Hopkins North America Jones
nue, Ardmore, Pa. kind, but as all manifestes a willing- E. HUllt E. Michaelson
Narberth. Fa. Ardmore, Fa. M. E. McLinn, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 A. M. K. Smith Modern BUSiness Geography .. Huntingdon
Regular Services, Sunday, February 21, Wednesday evening testimonial meet- ness to comply in the future, no GRADE VIII. Historic Girllioods Holland
B. Jones D. Mllter
1926 : ing 8 o'clock. fines were imposed. A. ilIonks J. Murray Wealth of World's Waste Places .. Gibson
J. SnYder Roman Life in the Days of Cicero
Sunday School 9.45 A.M. Reading room, No. Hl \Vest Lancaster GRADE VII.
Noone who had previously been
R. S. TOUHILL Preaching Service 11.00A. M.
Sermons by Dr. S. D. Daugherty, of
avenue, open each weekday, 10.30 to
4.30 P. M. summoned for the same offense had
F'. DovIe
R. Graham Church
The Enchanted Past .....••... Hodgdon
Philadelphia, Pa., on "Lenten Evange- 1,\ nutes ~I. Baughman A Day in Ancient Rome ...•.. Shumway
Eleclrical Contractor lism and Sacrifice."
The subject of the Bible lesson sermon
for February 21 is "Mind."
slipped again and been included in
the present group of defendants.
D. C']e\"t.·n~('r E. Terry
GBADJil VIII. Life of Garfield ...•............ Thayer
501 S. Narberth Avenue Luther Leagues: Junior at 6.45 P. M. A. Bailey R. Klein Where Our History Was Made ..•. Faris
BELL' PHONB: MIllRION 121 and Senior at 7 P. M. One warning, without a fine, has ap- Il\ Van Anken H. wnsoIl What the Old World Gave the New
Baptist Church of the Evangel. parentIy been sufficient in the past GRADE VII.
Evening Service '" " 7.45 P. M. A. Aungst J. Bailey . Southworth
B6tlm4fu 8t1nt16W
\ .,.. ""._".,.,.,----,.,- ,
.., Sermon and Special Music: "What
are you doing and sharing?"
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Robert E. Keighton, Minister.
Services for February 21:
9.45 A. :M.-Church School.
11.00 A. ~I.-Morning Worship. The
and, as the IJurpose is to e-et the
walks shoveled, rather than to col-
leet fines, the hearing undoubtedly
]~. l"unk
I'" HohlJ
R. WllsoIl
J. ~fclntlre
H. Sigel
Plrst honor-Awurded to pupils Whose gen·
PrIvate Life of the Romans .... Johnston
Cotton ............•........... Turpin
Dutch Boy Five Years After Bok
ernl tl\·eruge In not le:-;~ thon four major 8ubJects The American Nation Tyler
, Interior and Exterior Painting : sermon will be preached by the Rev. H. accomplishecl the desired end. i ... 00 or higher nnd who have no mark lower Electro'Craft
The Presbyterian Church.
Rev. John Van Ness, l\Iinister.
O. vVyatt. Mr. Wyatt is a young man
who has been in Assam for five years. The attitude of nearly all of the
OUl" SO.
llnth Hopl,lns
Ernestine Hunt
How to Make a Radio
A Book of Boyhoods Freyer
~: 407 Essex Avenue : Meetings for February 21: He returns on his furlough to study at defenclant citizens was one of help- Eillunor MlehlH\lsf"1I Katherine Smith
., Fhone, Norberth 2631 , BUADE \'III . Editors: Kathryn Aungst and
9.30 A. M.-Bible School. All depart- Crozer Seminary and the University of ful understanding and approval of Betty Jones Allee Monks Susan Reevs.
.~.~~"-,---_.,-_.,._-"--~ ments. Pennsylvania. Here is your chance to the effort of the borough authorities John SnYder
11 A. M.-Morning \Vorship. Ser- hear a real missionary.
mon theme: "Sojourning in Egypt." ! 7.00 P. ThL-Young People's Service in to enforce the ordinances. One Si>
Second hunor-Awarded to pupils whose ,::en·
eral average In not thon four major subjects Is
to 89 .Ild whO have no mark lower than 70. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE
CUSTOM RADIO 11 A. M.-Junior Church conducted by the Social Room. man, admitting his fault, said: "I GRADE IX.
Mrs. A. S. Digby. 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship and bap- Richard Blinks
am entirely willing to pay a fine." Madeline Fred Bates HOLDS FIRST SOCIAL
BYNESCO 4 P. M.-Organization of Communi- tism. Sermon: "A Psalm of Life." At
Baughmall Doroth~' Clevenger
There was one, who by past experi- 1mzlI hpllt 'I'errs Helen )IcCrucken
Installation and Service cant's Class with an address by the Pas- the close of the Evening Service the or- DOl'Oth:.' :\Iiller
.Jane l\Iurra,.,
Valentine Day Fitly Observed by
tor on the "Origin and History of the dinance of Baptism will be administered. ence might have been expected 1110st
R. D. Smedley Several of our young people are follow- to understand and approve the con- F"ulIl, llo~'le GnAlh~b~~lIGrnltnll1 Young Church Folks.
104 Dudley Avenue ing the Master-may there bc others! scientious efforts of the borough RI~~'n~XI~so~~'1I0 hov.. not been alJ,.nt or tards The first social activity of the
'Phone: Narberth 883-J
GEORGE R. MARKLE Wednesday, February 24:
(;.4,; P. M.-Church Family Dinner.
authorities to enforce the ordinance.
. I' b h I 1
dnrlng the lI... t semester:
Richard Hun!is
Hetty Bow
ne,vly-formed League of Narberth
Y oung P S .
BUILDER 8.00 P. M.-Church Forum. Our He was m( Ignant ecause e la( I,. Brooks E. Hunt man eop took place
Large List ot Main Une Homes Guest Speaker is Mrs. Willard Smith, been summoned and said he thought ~i: W:~I';II"lsen J;: ~:;~fb)' February 12, in the Presbyterian
Funds tor 1st and 2d Mortgages Home Administration Vice President of it was "pretty small potatoes." v. :,<,';11,111'" :<. SI,lnelli CI
Estimates Cheerfully Given
B. & L. Association Money
Quick Settlements
Plans and Estimates Furnished
for Repai1' and Const1'uction
the Atlantic District. Our friends are
most cordially invited to dinner and the
Burgess Frye quite properly and
emphatically resented, for himself
~1. \\"'1I1Z
W. iliad'
E. Clpgll
BUADE \'lIl.
B. Bowmall
P. Cali hUll
~: IIf:I~~el
I lurch. Having alread.v set an ex-
ceptionall)' high standard for our
devotional meetings, we were re-
Friday, February 26: officially and fer the policeman, such
2119 North 63rd St., below Overbrook P. M.-Class in Church Member- an attitude and expression and a E. Peters GRAtE ~~~oa minded that again an equally high
Station. Overbrook 2405. ship. The Pastor meets those young peo- fine seemed to be impending in that ~i. ~!;~lOrl: ~. ~~~~ii standard has been set for our social
pIe of our church who have recently case. The "leading citizen" soon R. WllsolI G. Wolf ,vork.
National Bank Building united with us or are contemplating Bap-
tiSlll. Here is the opportunit)'-much dis- saw his error, apologized and the in- Junior High School News. The Valentine social was a great
Cigars NARBERTH 2287
---------------- r
cussed-to "know what I am doing!" cident was closed.
The Burgess pointed out to all
On Friday, February 12, the success. Only the untiring efforts
school was entertained by an inter- of Raymond Austin an'd his helpers
at HARRY B. WALL Methodist Episcopal Church. present that the era of the S110W esting program commemorating made this possible. The social room
Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, IVIinister. plow is ended; that on the whole the Lincoln's birthday. "Memories of was artistically decorated with
DAVIS' Plumbing, Gas Fitting Serviccs for Sunday, February 21:
9,45 A. ~r.-Bible School. Hon.
,.vall~s of NarlJerth 11a,'e been better
' Tad Lincoln's Father," read by hearts, red streamers and other ap-
and Heating Fletcher W. Stites, Superintendent. cleaned this year than ever before, Martha Maxwell. and "Lincoln's propriate novelties, which upon
OF ALL NARBERTH, PA. 11.00 A. M.-l\Iorning Worship. because shoveling is more efficient Inside Life," read by Vestus Spind- sight would give one the real atmos-
LIGHT HAULING KIND!" Theme: "God's Call to His People." than plowing and that, while lenien- ler, were very entertaining. phere and spirit of good fun.
PHONE, NARBERTH 160201 3.00 P. ~L-The Probationers' Class
local or out of toWD will meet. cy was his rule and practice, a C0111- These were followed by the "Get- Many games were played and
Quick and Efficient Service 6.45 P. l\I.-The Epworth League de- plete list of all summonses would be tysburg Address." recited by prizes offered to t1)e winners.
P. J. DUFFY Phone Narberth 672 votional meeting. kept and a fine and full costs would George Trimble, from the sixth (They were good prizes, too-asl,

Narberth Tax.-Cab Co.

335 Dudley Avenue 7.-1;; P. l\£.-Evening Worship. A pa- be imposed on all second offenders. grade, and "Lincoln Walks at Mid- Baird Caldwell). One prize was
I'hoae. Narberth lilT." triotic service under the auspices of the
Good Fellowship Club. Senator Fletcher The ordinance requires that the night,'" recited by Ray Wilson and to be awarded to the church pro-
Walter Roser Tuesday evening, February 2a, at 8.00 walks shall he cleaned to the full Anne Marshall. The program ducing the best stunt. This prize
W. Stites will be the speaker. width of the pavement within 24- closed with a series of bugle calls was won for the Presbyterian
Justice of the Peace ::1'1
Haverford Ave.
Office The regular monthly meeting of the
::l~ Haverford Ave. Good Fellowship Club will be held @fl.
o'clock. Mr. Hess, known as the drum-
mer boy of the Civil War, and Senator
hours after the end of a snow
Citizen Objects.
wood Boy Scout Troop. I
given by Fred Bates, of the Wynne-, Church by the young talented come-
dians, the 'Walsh brothers and
:rhe freshman class gave a most ~ai:d. Caldwe~~. They were .the
REAL ESTATE Stites are on the program. enjoyable dance in the auditorium I shmmg stars of the evenmg.
Fire Insurance-Best Companies For Permanent' Praver and Praise Service on \Vednes-
dav at 8.00 P. M.
In this connection the editor re-
ceived this week a letter. expressing on Friday evening, February 12. A Gerald ~perry ~ade a .great attempt
feature dance, given by Evelyn Jef- at provmg to hIS audience that I~e
Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.
Satisfaction Choir rehearsal on Thursday e\·ening.
At the morning service the choi r will
one opinion on the new plowing pol-
icy. As it came fr0111 one of the fries and Bernice Piercy, was en- could balance a newspape: on hIS
sing "Come and Abide in Me." by joyed by all and an exhibition of nose, but the newspaper, bemg stub-
BUY A O'Hara. and "Beyond." by Ackley. borough's oldest and most loyal cit-
The choir will render in the evening izens, it is prowated from the "let- the "Charleston," given by Ruth born and no~ his. favorit~ paper, he
"0 Lord. Our Lord," by Schnecker, and Hopkins and Eleanor Michaelson postponed Ius trick untIl the next
Smedley "Judge Eternal. Throncd in Splendor,"
b\' \Vhelplay.
ters" column:
"I think the borough had better
bu\' a new horse and let the old
was very entertaining. Ellen Pray social.
and Robert Vallette won the Balloons, confetti and autograph
'The church of Good Fellowship has
Built Home a welcome for you at all sen-ices, plow do the first work on our side-
walks. Left to individual effort the
elimination dance.
declaring that they
At II o'clock books were among the novelties en-
a wonderful time. The chaperones
had joyed.
Last but far from being least
Mrs. Allen F. Gwynne. \\'ho has work is only hal f done-a mere
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY been visiting her parents. Rev. and cowpath being cleaned. Then the ,,:ere Mrs. Cle.venger, Mrs. Hop- were the reireshments. Tl1ey were
Mrs. Harry 1\1. Chalfant. has re- use of the big plow in the street only [.;II1S, Mrs. SmIth, Mrs. Lane and plentiful and of the best and need-
turned to her home. piles the snow in the gutter on to Miss Pray. The teachers who at- less to say they were ~njoyed by
Phones: Narberth 661-J or 1612-W the curbs, making it almost impos- tended were Misses Church, Eames, all. '
sible to cross the streets. Please, Eckbert and Frick~; Mrs. Elsbree, The evening was ended in a most
HENRY & COMPTON TAXI SERVICE lVIr. Road Master, just clean the Mr. and Mrs. Oerlell1. }vlr. and Mrs. beautiful and spiritual atmosphere.
PLUMBING P. F. DONAHUE crossings and restore the sidewalk Burnham and 1'.11'. W.tlson. 7" The young people gathered in an in-
Residence, Station, plow, and we pedestrians will thank Last Satu:day .evenll1g the h.. lyu- formal manner around the piann
STEAM & HOT-WATER HEATING Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713-W gan Camp FIre GIrlS w~re ch<;>sen to and sanCT heartily many of their fa-
Easter Eggs JOBBING' Narberth Baggage Called {01' and Delivered
vou. Automobiles can level the
illid-road soon enough." rep.resent ~he. Camp Flr.e GIrlS of vorxte hymns. What a splendid end-
HI8 CONWAY AVENUE NARBERTH Prhtladelphta 111 a play given at t,he mg for a social evening! The
Decorated eggs made
from the purest ingre- 68 RESIDENTS RESPOND TO Y. M. ~nd Y. \\. H. A. It "a,s, young people resolved that a more
~~lled The Alphabet Tr~gedy. pleasant evening could not have
dients. All sizes and
prices. Names put on
Introducing the Four Greatest
COXTIXUED FRO:.\I THE FIRS'!' PAGE to perfectIOn and scored a bIg suc-
I he sever~l players acted thei! parts been spent anywhere.
. 1les t 0 tl lan I< pu b -
Th e Ieague WiS
free of charge.
highly appreciate d at scout Ilea d - cess.On Tuesday our boys had a bas- IC y ItS presi ent, •James. Met
I' I ' 'd I
.1 c U C.l-
Hand - made choco-
lates of the highest Laundry Services Known quarters was received from a ketball game with Montgomery Day eon, and Ray~ond ~~sttn, ~ soct~l
quality and excel- \roman resident of the borough. It School. The final score was 46-3 2 lead~r, for thelt~ unttrll1g efforts 111
lence. A' pleasing THRIF-T ROUGH DRY was short. but very encouraging. in favor of the Montgomery boys. mak~ng the SOCIal a stlccess.
assortment, $1.00 per
PERFECTION The letter said: "It is a pleasure to The 66 books added to the school Watch for tl:e announ~em~nt of
pound. ECONOl\fY
con~rib~lte to so worthwhile a~; 01'- library during January and Febnt- our next devotIOnal meet1l1g.
Made and Sold by Larger quarters perfectly ventilated and sani- gamzatton as our Boy Scouts. ar,' ',li'e as follows:
tary with all modern equipment permits us to offer I
Those ,:ho have contributed to Beitolline tl~e Smith , .. , ;ll1'llO:
C. Mabel Pedrick the above. We invite you to inspect our new build- date of g0ll1g to press are: of New Mo.on Montgome;). Senator Flet.cher V\T: Stites will
and ing just completed and equipped at a tremendous . A E \~T II t P A Boy <5 Book of Pmltes p) It address a speCIal meetmg for men
C. A . P eene). . . ',01 er, . . Bov's Book of Cowbo\'s Pyle . I 1I,r h d' Ch 1 S
Mary V. Dold cost, with the sole purpose of rendering to the public \Vales. Leon Ma~shatl, LeWIS \Va:d Stolen 'l'rcllSnrl' : pyll'1ll1 tle lv~et 0 1St urClon _un:
on the Main Line a better Laundry Service. Eashy. H. C. fritsch, F. H. Blake, A HUlHlred Things 11 Girl Can l\Iake I day evemng, February 21, at /·4."
at 111 Grayling Avenue Eugene H. Da:,'ls, E. F. Hoxley, Mrs. Snow' o'clock. This meeting is designed
Narberth, Pa. J. Howard Wllso.n. W. C. Claghorll, Remance of CO!!1 '.' G~bsonl for the men of the community and
OurNew American Float Roll Almar Stores Co .. John B. Ketcham, Romance of SCIentific Dlsco,ery .. Glbson I I ' 'd' 11 . ,'t d P t ' 1"
Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. F. H. Glanz, W. H. Creamer, Jr., Homllnce of Modem Mechanism a ate COl ta Y un Ie. a no Ie
Phone, Narberth 1224-W will relieve many a household from all-day worry. :}eorge H. Schultz, A. E. Reid. Williams I songs.
Henry Fleer, Virgin(a ~f. Speck, Scientific Ideas of Today . On Tuesday evening, Febntary
Service fa\' the Individual Frank X. Purcell. CaptaI11 "'. J. Cros- ~hre: .Tohn Golden !'Iays G()1rl~~ 23 at 8 o'clock the Good Fellow-
san, D. A.' Newhall, Mark H. Hub- E abrICs and How to Them .. Delllug : C f h' h h 'Il
The hair is in danger of betl, Jr., Adelizzi Bros.. C. H. Evans, ClotlIing: Choice, Care, Cost shIp . lub 0 t e san?e c urc, w~ .
becoming dull and lus- for the busy man or woman, perfectly laundered and Elizabeth M. Posey, Gerhard Beck- Woblmand hold ItS monthly meetmg: Tins Will
treless in winter unless delivered promptly.. man William P. Nash. Jacob K. Les- HOlllance of Mollern Af'tl'onomy be a p·ttriotic one at winch Senator
it has special care and
attention. sey,' Charles H. Stecl,· Carl B. Metz-. . Bo' B I f B l\IaePBlIetI'8ton Fle~ch~r W Stites Burgess Henry
Do not forget we are conveniently located for "1 E "1 L'
goer, C . B. C arson,""
L A .",lllel·lean·
.", c mn, . . . fl'les, Bee 'tl es
vs 00 (0 ugs, u er- '.'
A . MI'ller and Dr. A. H. Hess Will
We offer a regular the commuter. Drop your bundle at our office and Young
course of save 10%. Phone Ardmore 923 today and have our c. Arley Farmer, \ViIliam Hoyt Ret of. ~opnll1r Scicnce Books, 15 Yol~lInes be the speakers. Dr. Hess, of the
C I I n Mr and Mrs E Stanley Elcctl'lclty : GIbson P R R Y. M. C. A. became
Hot Oil T"eatment driver call. o e na.. ., , The King of the 1\10untallls About . . . b' f I
Thomas U. S~hoch, C. C. E;ntenmann, In the Clutch of the Corsican famous as a drummer oy 0 t 1e
and Shampoo E~nest A. BaIley, P: M. Field, C. M. In the Ti"er's Lair ...•........ Muller Civil war and made a remarkable
'Phone for Appolllt'lllent-f681l·W Llttl.e, GAlan J' SM R . The Old T;,bacco Shop
l11lthl' LdauDrencHe T Bowen record in'the sale of Liberty bonds
D aVIS, eorge A . or tar, r. . . Old Engll' II Tales Retold . ld .I 1 'd
1\1 D
I cue, ff H C K · F A L -
ervey . eun. . . an Tales From Chaucer s " Chaucer dunner . b the wor war


1 t 1e at
AT A SPECIAL PRICE ahan, Charles R. Starn, P. B. Kraut, The Children's Hoiner ColuIll of hIS drum. He WIll gIve a demon-
EIlen S. Brillto~. . The Islund of the l\Iight~· ColunI stration of his skill on the snare
Edward Schl11tdhelser, Fr~d Hance, Tales of the Enchanted :Mountains drum and will speak on "Princi-
ELIZABETH WISLER James Osterle. Leroy A. KIl!g, Peter Higginson I 'f A " C't' I'" .
Eidenberg, Robert and Laura W. Sny- Jimmy Sharwood ..........••.. Haltoll pes 0 mellc~n IIZ~t1S np. .,
Cor. Narberth & Haverford Av. der, Samuel S. White, Jr., W. R. Par- Tales of Arctic Heroism ...•.... Gl'eel~· Added .attractions w~l1 be the
k~r, Mrs. A. H. Durboraw, W. Elmer Tales o~ the Odyssey .•.......... Havell. Presbytenan Sunday School 01'-
Phone-Narberth 1!581l,W Cricket 'l'errace. Ardmore, 923 T1tus, Harry B. Wall, J. R. Hall, How- The Childhood of Gl'eece Tampre)'! chestra and a male chorus. Chef
ard F. Cotter, Robert Fellows Wood, Masterman Ready •.......•..•. l\Iarryat K k f u I 1 'ill see that
T. A. Brady, Col. I. A. Miller, W. M. Nobby's Luck ............•• Protheroe 'I raus op ,as St a, " .
em Wentz. Godfrey Martin. Schoolboy Turley no one goes hungry. .


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