Our Town December 18, 1926

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XIII, Number 11 Narberth;PIL,'Saturday, December l~~ 1926 PRICE THREE CENn;

The Christmas vacation will be- NO ,REDUCTION IN
Merion next Friday. The usual TAXES NEXTJUR
.Christmas exercises and programs
Addition Was to Have Been "A Singing Town on Christmas Eve" Slogan of Women's Lower Merion' Five Topples' will take place in most of the
schools on Thursday. Classes New Budget of Council to
Ready Earlier, But Was . CluJ>-...:New Community Tree Centre of Haverford in Opener will be resumed Monday, January Require No Increase
Delayed. 3.
Annual Celebration. With Ease. The students in the private Probably.
schools of the district will get
• CAFETERIA IS FEATURE To make N ar- In sending in her SOUTHERN WINS NEXT practically a full week's start on lWlLL CLOSE TEA ROOM
berth a singing copy this week, the' their fellow "sufferers" in the pub-
lic schools. Their vacation will
• The east wing of the Senior town on Christmas publicity chairman Lower Merion High won its begin Saturday, this week..., Epis- The budget for 1927, on which
High School is reported ready for eve I Isn't it a of the Women's opening basketball game with copal Academy begins its holidays the new tax rate will be based,
occupancy this week, with its new beautiful idea? Let Community Club H,averford :aigh last week but then as does Haverford, School
• it be a beautiful re- included the fol- lo:st the second to Southern Highand practically all the others. The .was the most, important piece of
caf(;'ceria, offices, storer09ms, clos- vacation period of the private .business to come before Council
ets and eight new classrooms. The ality. Our church- lowing comment, on Wednesday. Both games were schools this year will be uniform
wing was expected to be complet· es have promised to which the editor played in Ardmore. ,due to an agreement reached a Monday night. While the exact
help by sending a chooses to interpret 'Southern High, year ago by the members' of the
last year amount to .be spent has not been
ed by September, but many un- Headmasters' Association.
looked-for difficulties delayed group from each, as a gentle dig: champs of the City League, neat.
Haverford College also starts its .determined, nor the millage, it is
Wills, Bill & Company, the gen- who wiII start from "If you run your ly trimmed the Maroon and vVhitc Christmas vacation on Saturday as felt that the budget will approxi-
eral contractors. its church, singing usual announce- varsity combination by a 28 to 16 does Bryn Mawr and the Uni- mate that of 1926, caliing for the
a carol, in time to ment as to Candle score. The versity of Pennsylvania, which
down-towners, with Same 24 mill tax rate.
The west wing, planned to be many Lower Merion students at-
ready by Christmas, has also been reach the Commu- Lighting, please virtually the same five that. faced.tend. Monday, January 3, is the Discussion of the budget was
• delayed; it is not known for a nity Tree near the add this new ma- the Ardmore varsity of last year, general reopening date. made by Council while in execu-
certainty if this will be ready for railroad station at terial to it·"w~re,however, held to a playoff tive session, at which time observ-
occupancy by the first of January: 7.3 0 o'clock, There For some 12 till the beginning of the second CHRISTMAS CANTATA ers were barred from the chamber.
but the school directors have the Burgess, Mr, years the editor half. TIle score at half tl'me was Full details will therefore not be
Firye, will act as. and his predeces- 12-11 with. Lower Merion on the Special Music to Be Given Sunday in available until final passage of the
hopes. . When the additions are
the master-of-cere- sors have chosen as short end. Presbyterian Church. ordinances next month.
completed, the Senior High School . M rs. L . tIlelr ' can dl e story "Childe Jesus," the beautiful
building, which was built in 1910, momes. :, In the half the Southerll qtll·n· C The two bills, subject to correc-
C D . 1 . 1 f h hristmas Cantata by Clokey and
will enlarge its present capacity . oug ass, preSl- t lat a t e year tet rail roughshod through the Hazel Kirk, will be sung by a tion, were given first reading
from 500 to between 800 and 1000 dent of the preceding. As a l\lerion men for 16 counters, hold· 1 f' d .
• students, and will equal the capa- ,i\¥omen's Commu- result, most of our . 1 1 c lorus 0 trame V01ces tomorrow Monda,y night. The biggest ex-
C I11g t le ocal passers to 5 points. evening at 7.45 o'clock in the pense Item next year will be that
city of the nearby Junior High. nity lu.b willTgtl've older readers have tJp till the last three minutes the Presbyterian Church. The public for Highway and Sewer mainte-

• A boys' gymnasium, eight addi· '~i'~:'" • • a greetmg. len the article well score was 20-15, but on the sub· is invited. The cantata is a fine nance, details of which appear in
tional classrooms, offices and an "?:~~
, the whole gather-memorized by this
. '11 " . h
S··tl·tutI·on of tIle Lower' MerI'on s'ec- 11' f . . .
co ectlon 0 exqUISIte ancient the report of the chairman, printed
enlarged auditorium are inc1u~ed ..' mg WI J01l1 111 t e time. However, bnd team the Southern court men carols from many lands as, fol- below.
• in the uncompleted west wmg. '·t::~~;·\· familiar carols un- the idea is more tallied 8 additional points to the lows:
Another important matter which
The cost of the additions will be - .... der the leadership significant than it home five's 1. Cook, Barclay and 1. The Pro m i s e _ Gregorian led to lengthy discussion was that
$325,797. of Mr. Bruce Carey. was 12 years ago. is Miller, as expected, did the scor- Melody, 8th Century. . relating to the legal status of the
The new cafeteria installed in This celebration has been planned just as informative. ing for the home quintet. 2. Annunciation _ Bearnais Air, "Flagstone Tea Room" on Mont-
the east wing opened this we~k, by th~ Civic Committee of the Com- Read on, a patient subscribers! The prospects as a whole while 13th Century. gomery avenue. This eating place
occupies its eI?-tire le';1gth, With munit3' Club, which has been for a Narberth will agin this year ob- not very bright at the beginning 3. Apparition to the Shepherds- was established .several weeks
kitchen and dlshwaslung rooms number of years responsible fpr the serve a custom which has made the of the season are not black. The "The First Nowell." ago, close to the recently opened
• opening from it upon a court. The Community Christmas Tree, always homes a thing of beauty-that of L. M. quintet should develop into 4. Adoration of the Shepherds- Brynwood Manor Inn.
floor is of linoleum, the walls of a with the co-operation of other 01'- placing lighted candles in the win- a formidable passing machine that Swedish Christmas Carol.
• cheerful white brick. ganizations and many individuals in dows Christmas eve. Most of the ought to cause trouble in the Sub- 5. The Star-Polish Carol. 13th Th~ Inn 'Yas granted a building
the Borough. 'fhough the tree and residents have expressed their in- urban Class A League. Most of Century. permIt to remodel the old Ellis
CHANGE MEETING DATE the lights are now provided in per- tention of lighting up the greeting the material of the Merion squad 6. The Wise Men-"We Three home into an apartment hotel and
The attention of members of manent form, there will be incident- candles before going to the Commu- is at present green and very inex- Kings of Orient .Are." restaurant. The structure while
the Good Fellowship Club of the al expenses. Anyone wishing to nity Christmas Tree. perienced but it is also composed 7. At the Manger-Old French i~ the "residential" sectidn pro-_
• Narberth M, E. Church is called help carry ,these may send a con- It was I I years ago-Christmas l mostly of sophomores and juniors Carol. vIded under the zoning law is not
l tha
to a change in the regular dates tribution to Mrs. H. A. Jacobs, 210 19 5- t .about three score Nar- -material which will prove inval. 8. Mary's Lullaby _ Tyrolean barred as it is rated as a' "tene-
for the meetings. Instead of be- Essex avenue,. where it will be berthites inaugurated the c~ndle uable to the school in future years. Carol. . ment" or "hotel." The restaurant
feature is considered as secondary.
.' inO' held on the third Thursday of gratefully receIVed. CONTINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE Announces Letter Men. 9. Song of Devotion-Old French
;;:'c:J".,;~a~~:~onth, me~tings t~k~, CLOSE~Q.N T~RE~}RPQ~S )9~N.",:>:, .~~1l10Ullc~cl o.~~r~l. .~"
The tea room, however, seems
:: Will. .:SpHOOL TO. _ c. " .' .... ..Letter m:n .were . in Child. esus Danish to fall under the classification of ,
<),'. '::estaur,ant,': op~ra~edf9~1l:r~~t~.,._:",~~
whIch· tmterprIse·"ls.·.proscnbOO}ll1 ~.,.. '. ;
",'i'~" ""·-~em.bel' •
meeting to' next Monday Vacation Nearly Two Week~Other'
. . .' 1\{ " ' ' .
, .' --.-
Scouts Owned Narberth Last Friday
, ·'Merion : The students . rec':"';''';I.'lg 11. Adeste Fldeles.
'., ......-., the zone affected. As a result of •
evenmg aTt 9 at the chufrchF·
rt Th h SClhool.Notes. . Evening. letter~ m " soc~er a~e: J. Knipe, COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS the discussion, in which Senator
George . nutzen, 0 orres e sc 00 s w1l1 close for the " captal11;. C ZIpperhn, H. Zipper- . Fle~cher W. Stites offered legal
avenue, will be the speaker and a Christmas holidays on Wednes- It was Bo~ Scout I1Ight 10 Nar- lin, H. Ball, Zengerl, Gerenbeck, The program of the Commu11lty adVIce, the Burgess was instructed
large attendance is looked for. All day,. December 22, at the usual berth last Fnday. A. Fleming, D. Fleming,,'W. Sigel, Club on Tuesday was a mingled to' order the Tea Room to close.
are invited. closlOg hour. They will reopen "Jack" Foster and His Wynne- Pennypacker, McNichol" Tully, disappointment and delight: dis- A new standing committee of
on Monday,January 3, 1927. wood troop staged a joint visitation Dockins, Kessler, Utterback: appointment at not seeing Mrs. H. Council was appointed in the form
CAMP FIRE BAZAAR A SUCCESS The Junior High School will with Philadelphia's prize troop Smith, S. Miller, MacLeod, mana, S. Prentiss Nichols, who was. ex-
of a "Property COlnmittee" whose
The Camp Fire Bazaar held in celebrate the closinO' of school known as "Logan NO.3," on the ger. expected; delight in hearing her duties shall include the supervis-
one of the unoccupied stores along with exercises appropriate to the local organization. In hockey .are: . E. Gibbons, substitute, Mrs. Lewis R. Dick, of io~ of all Borough property. They.
Haverford avenue, near Narberth season. No plays will be given The three groups of boys gath- captain; B. Sellers, M. M. Kress, Philadelphia. Mrs. Dick, who is WIll work with the Recreation
avenue was a success. It was this year. el'ed at the Cabin and paraded from E. Reese, Shaw, M. Foley, J. Lan. well known among club women, Board in the supervision of the
held l;st Saturday. The girls Miss Fricke's chorus of o'irIs there to the Y. M. C. A. building, dis, C. Metzger, M. Scanlon read a generous number of poems two town-owned buildings on the
made many gifts; others were do- sang for the Community Club on where an enjoyable camp council E. SiteI', S. Wynn, C. Hamilton, of Christmas and of Childhood Playground, and will act as the
nated. Tuesday, December 14. was held. P. Sellers, M. Mawhinney, G. with an art so perfect that it seems representatives of Council in all
The Camp Fire ~irls organized Bank deposits amounting to The bugle and drum corps of the Grover, E. Keim, E. Michaelson, altogether natural and effortless.
about a year ago 111 the Junior $114.26 were made this. week. Logan troop headed the young M. Landis, manager. A group of girls from the Nar- CONTINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE
High ~c!tool, Nar~erth. under the Pu~i1s who wish to withdraw their marchers, and as they swung into bert Schools sang carols as they
supervlslo~ of MISS hEam~s, Dho- savlOgs must present pass book Haverford avenue the members of MRS. MARY E. R. HOWENSTEIN shothuld. alwayfs be tSlungM' wsitWhthJe MqTHERS' COUNCIL
m estic SCIence teac er 111 t e and wl'thdrawal sl' . d b th h B C ' · · · · en uSlasm 0 you 1. r. . , Is Addressed by Psychology Expert
. Ip, slgne y e t e orough ounct! slttmg m sol- Mrs Mary E Ross Howen- K' k . k th h t H
schoo!. . teacher, at the time of withdrawal d I'b ' ' . ' . . l' ' . I~ patnc was e os ess. er on Child Guidance.
M 'll b used for the d b ' d emn e 1 eratton over the 192 7 bud- stem, WIfe of J. . Howenstem, assIstants were Mrs A C Staples 0 Md'
C onew ~l Th~ few gifts left f~h must h e .accomdP~ll1e by get were at their wits ends to know 129 Chestnut avenue, died last 'Mrs J E Chappatte' M'rs J R' Juni~r HigOh S[ho~r,eglrn.gThal·nddetuhse
amp un. ked a d sent to a a T~r, ~ot er or guabr Ian. whether or not war had again been Saturday afternoon at the Uni- Abb~tt' Mrs F P Dunlop Mrs'
over ,,:efe lr a t~ t Alt~ The girls f ere/s ~t presde.nt ut 0!le calse declared, or whether to assemble the \rersity Hospital after a brief ilI- W N' Mills' M~s . Daniel Leitch' L. B.olton, Profess?r of Psychol-
p~ohr gt th k t'h s 'who helped 0 1 COIn aglOus f Iseh~sek m t le police forces to suppress a local up- ness. She was 56. and' M'rs C ~H Ba'tes ' ogy m Temple UOlversity, talked
WIS 0 an 0 e sc 100 -a case 0 c IC en pox- .. A . . N . . vv.. to 60 interested parents, teachers
make the bazaar a success. although there are man absences nsmg. reSIdent of arberth for The Hospitality Committee so- and friends of the Mothers' Coun-
owing to coughs and col~s. . No permit fpr a parade had been mo.re than 20 years, Mrs. ~OWe!l- licits contributions for a rummage cil, stressing the fact that since
NEWP.E.CLUB The new bus schedules became !ssued!. Work on the budget was stem ,had. long been promment 111 sale. Mrs. John B. Brooks.has children inherit at least 40 per
A Fellowship Club has been or· operative on Thursday owing to ImmedIately stopped, and a ~rd local.affalrs. She .was a member generousl~ offered to store the cent. of parent characteristics it
nized at' All Saints' Protestant a return to a full session schedule ord~red ~hrow~ ar.oun? the butldmg of the Narberth M. E. Church rummage 111 the basement of her is the. duty of parents to st~dy
&iscopal Church. The first meet- at Lower Merion High School. until an mvesttgatlOn mto the cause and- of the Order of the Eastern apartmeht house at 1~8 North the mIrror of themselves in their
in was held Tuesday evening. The new routes are as follows: could be made. .' ~tar, and was one of th~ !eaders Narberth avenu~, where !t may be own children.
"emporary officers were chosen Bus Number One (girls) Chest- The mere formality of permis- 111 the work of the AUXIliary of taken at any tnne prevIOUS to 7 . In his own inimitable way, Dr.
to serve until the formal election. nut and Wynnewood through sian fo~ a parade of Boy Scouts' the Harold D;. Speak~an Post, P. M. any day. Bolton pointed out that one does
They are Frederick A. Egmore, Chestnut, Narberth and Mont- was qUIckly ~aken care of and the Nt 3~6, merlcan LegIon. not have to look very far to be
chairman, and Ruth Hopkins, sec- gomery avenues to school.. 83 Scouts, WIth a score of ad,;t1ts, . urmg the ~ar, .Mri· HoRn- STOLE SHRUBS able to explain the "whyness" of
retar The next meeting will be Bus Number Two (gIrlS) settled down to the more senous stem was actIve l!l ocal .ed Two men are in the Norris· some actions of one's children. The
held Yjanuary 2, to which all Haverford an~ Narberth through work of the organization. Cross work and contl1~ued that In- town jail, awaiting trial for the optimism of Dr. Bolton toward the
oun p eople of this section are Narberth, Wll1dsor, Essex and Morton G. Neff, of Narberth pre- terest afterwards, domg a great alleged theft of shrubbery and ultimate outcome of humanity in
hl,vitlcI. Refreshments will be Montgomery avenues t? schoo!. sided. "Jack" Foster's father .was deal of work for the wounded evergreens from the John AI- general and of children in particular
served at this next meeting, to be Bus Number Three (boys)route there and extended to the two troops veterans at. Oteen, N. ~., and .at brecht N.urseries, Narberth... was most refreshing and most en-
held at the Parish House. same as Number One. a warm welcome to the borough. Base HospItal 49, J?htladelphla. There IS a State law provldll1g couraging to parents and teachers
Bus Number Four (boys) Nar- The response was made by C H She was a past preSIdent of the for a fine of $25 for each plant in this almost pessimistic age.
'TWAS COLD WEEK berth .and Woodbine through Yoder, scoutmaster of Logan' N~. 3: local post auxil~ary and was. a cut or removed. If th!s law is in- Parents and teachers are to keep
'Twas a cold week the one which \Voodbme, Essex and Mont- whereupon young Frank Knecht member of the tn-county commlt- voked, the escapade WIll be an ex- in mind the ever varying age
ended Saturday. The highest eagle scout of Logan NO.3 and ex~ tee.
point to which the thermometer gomery a;venues. .. . . pensive one, for near!y 50 shrubs activities of children, influenced
rose was 40 degrees, according to The Klyugan Camp FIre GIrls Scout Mayor of Philadelphia in 19- Mrs. HowenstelO was born at were removed. At thIS tme of the greatly by individual inherited
the Main Line Co·Operative held a very successful bazaar on 26, sprang to his feet and led the Marydel, Md., an~ ~as married year, when th~ temptation cC?mes charactistics.
Weather Observor at Narberth Saturday, December 11. The cheering in honor of the Narb~rth 32 years ago at WIlmmgton. She to collect one s own decorations, Another thing that Dr. Bolton
arid it dropped one day to 7 de- . sales a;mounted to abo?t $17, 20 Scouts.
grees. is survived by her hu~band, three local nurserymen point to the ex- emphasized was that some chil-
The week was in keeping with of which was taken 111 by the I N W'l . . - brothers and ·two chIldren, Mrs. pensive law as a warning. dren are not capable of absorbing
the below normal tendency which junior <;lrganization, the Kuneki . f' I son, rebrmg scou.tm~st- Mary Wade Collins, of Chestnut book knowledge and that it is the
the month has shown so far. The Camp FIre. . er 0 the Narberth orgaOl~atIon avenue, and Roland Ross Howen- GUESTS OF GOVERNOR duty of the school to find out what
first 11 days of December have
averaged 11 degrees colder than NARBERTH FIVE WINS dthuendadtdoretshsed tthhe .boys, alnd 1111tro- stein, of the same address.
c e ' em elr new y e ected Fl' h Id H
Among the news items in the kind of education is suited to the
. bTl h f' I t bUd d th .
T N b th B ' Cl d lead l' B . m' F C k B th· unera servIces were e arrlS urg e egrap 0 as c an en to work along those
normal, according to the charts of
'the Co-Operative Observor, a he arer oys edt
ub score wer: ;ou d' ~n 00 I' . f~ Tuesday from the . parlors of week we note that Dr. and Mrs. lines. It is likewise the duty of
temperature deficiency of 123 de- a. decisive victory over the fast salv of nhJ~hee~ ~nh sa vo ba. edr Charles M. Stuard, Ardmore.. The O. J. Snyder, of Woodbine and the school to be the best place
grees has been recorded since the and formidable Dansac Club last voic~' s y e com me service was. conducted by the Narberth avenues, were dinner for children to be in at all times.
. ; first of the month.
.The month; up to Saturday was Wednesday evening in an . excit- •' . Rev. Robert E. Keighton, chap- guests of Governor and Mrs. Both parents and teachers
,'. '.' . , also . colder. than' the .same' period ing court match. The tally was. The Logan troop )oume:v.ed to lain of the Legion Post. Burial Pinehot at the Executive Mansion, voiced their gratitude to Dr. Bol-
•. ,'•. )o£:,llistDecember.. ·~A temperature 18-7. ." , . . . Narberth by autom,obtles, whtl~ the was at Westminster Cemetery. . Harrisbilrg, last Thursday eve- ton for the generous gift of his
. ;!deficiency'of but 4'1 degrees was So far the club. has had a suc:-Wynnewood tr~p. ~arched 1.n a •. . . ning. Dr.Snyder is President of time and experience in helping
,- ;recorded.lastyear from December ' cessfulseason,defeati~gall oppo- ~~dy to th~9ab111'·J.ustSCl,Uth of ,¥ou cansaveti~e,worry and'the State. Board of Osteopathic hem to amore sympathetic under-
',;~"1 to·It.·
~.~,// '_T~~::'" -~'
c •
, ,
nent~.bywidemargins. , .L'Iarperth railroad station. .mon~y by buying in. Narberth. Examiners. ' s t a n d i n g of children.

'Jelieve in Mussolini tactics will in- '. CHARLES B.WAFER

:lude practically all the, drivers of
Pensburst Farm 111 Narberth Avenue Garden Ware
1 rive-ton trucks.

L .1.
r.Je Vews
i\. T.
Main Line Girl Scouts.
An army of painters wearing
the Girl Scout insignia has de-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 scended upon the Girl Scout Hut
Albert B. Fall has let it be on Memorial House grounds in
known that he dislikes the news- Haverford and Bryn Mawr troops
paper publicity in connection with led by Miss Martha Payne, of
Narberth, Pa.

Light 'Hauling
Specialty on Packages and
for gifts that are different



,his trial. Perhaps he has learned, Wynnewood, captain of the Hav- , . PHONE CYNWYD 97 TRUNKS--40e And Other Un'usual Gift.s
by this time, how the publicity erford 'Troop, volunteered to' paint PACKAGES-tOe
could have been avoided. the hut inside and out. Donning
* * * their oldest clothes, the scouts be- Hauling in Town
France has named Paul Caudel gan on the outside, and to date
to be Ambassador at Washington. the girls themselves, as well as HARRY B. WALL up
He is described as a "veteran dip- the' hut show signs of a thorough Are You Going to Move?
lomat." We think we',d prefer an acquaintance with the paint can. Plumbing, Gas Fitting SHOW ROOM OPEN EVENINGS
Let M(!I Move You.
Ambassador who means what he Miss Payne reported that the . and Heating
competition among the painters
says and says what he means. was so keen that' she was con- NARBERTH, PA.
. * ' *' stantly being asked which part in
K1l1g Ben, of the Hou,se of her opinion was painted the best.

David, has, made some <?f hiS !ol- She added, "I may have to call on 1-=============
lowers beheve that h.e. IS an .1m- the committee to help. me decide
mortal, whereas additIOnal hght this momentous question." WHERE WILL YOU SWIM
A Pleasant Store
on ~he sUbjec~ seems to show that Among the embryo painters THIS WINTER?
he IS merely Immoral.
. * * *
are: Eliza Nichols, Marian Jan-
ney, Virginia Brock, Rebecca No need to discontinue this health-
Suggestions! .
A girl stowaway from Ger~llany Brock; Patty Hare, Sue Holcomb, ful exercise and sport when you can
went foodless for 17 .days In an Beatrice Payne and Margaret swim·in the Y. M. C. A. Pool all the
effort to get to AmeTlca, but we Clifton. yea,' round. Christmas Tree Light Oqtfits
know a lo~ of flappers who have The hut was given in 1922 by
gone practically foodless for many Mrs. Charles C. Harrison, Jr.,
The water is heated to a uniform
Tree Ornaments
months in an effort to get below chairman of the Main Line Com-
]30. mittee to the Haverford Troop. CUlperature and filtered. Toys and Children's Books For Gift Packages •
* * '" The girls of that troop were so We Have
A New Orleans woman burned delighted to have their very own SIX FREE LESSONS to all who
Cigars, Tobacco in Gift Packages 9)~
her husband's automobile to pre- house in which to meet, they enroll for three months 01' more.
vent him from joy-riding with made the curtains and furnished
other women. The Judge before all the necessary equipment for a l!'OB MEN_WOIllEN_BOYS_GIBLS
Christmas Cards...·Fine Display TAGS, CARDS, SEALS,
whom she was tried justified her perfect Girl Scout hut. The build- Rates Fit Your Purse Candy of All Kinds TYINGS, WRAPPINGS •
act. That had better not get too ing is now being shared with the
much publicity in these parts, or Junior and Senior Bryn Mawr Agency for Whitman's and New designs, beautifully
there will be a general bonfire of Troops, Miss Marian Lodge, cap- Main Line Christian Association executed. •
hubby's car. tain; Miss Helene Coogan. lieu- of th.e Y. M. C. A. Shellenberger's Candies Then Decorations - but
'" '" * tenant and the Rosemont Troop, come and see. You have
Charlie Chaplin's matrimonial M'iss Rita Dolan, captain; Mrs. 116 W. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore. no idea of the effectiveness
bark has again hit the rocks. Char- W. Lawrence Saunders, second
lie is certainly maintaining his lieutenant.
Ask for a copy of the New Booklet
j I1St Issued.

profession's reputa t ion tothe h est I 1l=:e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:a::e:a::e:a::a:e::a:e::a:e::a:e::a:a~:a:a:a:aca:eca:ece:ece:eca:eca:eca:er:e:

DAVIS' of Dennison's Crepe Pa-
pers and Decorations.

of his ability. The trouble with I WAYNE 1350

actors, as a rule, is that they are 0
The Oldest Store in Narberth
too blamed temperamental. ~ DEVON PARK HOTEL 224 HAVERFORD AVENUE •
The crown* of * *Catherine the is g MAIN LINE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, DEVON, PA. Narberth 1735
Great, made of more than 1500 g HOLIDAY SEASON
diamonds and valued at $52,000,-1
000, is offered for sale in America. I§ .
Residents of Other Towns Welcomed
SPECIAL rates are being quoted for private functions
The thing won't fit us, and besides being held during the Holidays. Already many din-
w.e haven't got anywhere to wear 0 nel'S, parties and dances have been booked. Why not
It. * '" * , I arrange your private entertainment here? All comforts and
conveniences at your disposal with unlimited parking space.
VVe've just got to have our fling Exclusive and commodious surroundings. The Yuletide,
:_,,_,~yith royaltv in this ('emocl';:>,tic
dmntry:and as Queen Marie does
the fade-out, King Ben comes on
fireplaces add a Christmas cheer.
Make yow' resel'vations early for the New Yea,"s
Eve Supper Dance, including Special Features
in close-ups on the front page. and Souvenirs. $5 per cover. Music to 1 A. M.
Take a Tip from Santa Claus
A couple
* * '"
in Knoxville,
Tenn., Resldellt Mallagc/' Mallag~lIg Director
got married last week after a
courtship of 35 years. \\' onder if L~~!?Q~~~~~~8ff!l;-2.!:I~~ff8;~~~lPl=~a:l!.!I~'~~iC9~~~~~
they are equally as cautious when ~
they approach a grade crossing
• and see a "Stop, Look. Listen" THE SPIRIT OF TUt: ~i'«~ ~ I
The Christmas spirit is today I
almost as commercialized as Stan- The happiest time of the year .~.(1J,i?
dard Oil. is at hand. The whole universe t,~, I}

'" * *
House "Varfles
Eaten is preparing to celebrate' the c->if~1\
by Senators," says the headline, h greatest day. Folks' every- ;'$J;:;\.b.~
which means that Cal has got
somebody on the carpet. where are searching for gifts to express their merry
wis~es. By all means, in your quest for gifts for
* '" "
A 'l'exas man caught a bear JOIN OUR
ChrIstmas, you must visit the Hemstitching Gift Shop,
with his bare hands ancl killed
him. He was a married man.
318 Dudley Avenue, Narberth
~: * *
Rudolph Valentino's second ~
\'-ife says-for publication-that r~===QQQ=Q=Q=QQQ===QQ======~Q==CQ~
Christmas Club
she is getting' spirit messages
from the screen star, and there BE SURE OF A MERRY CHRISTMAS BY JOINING AT LEAST
are other indications that press- ONE OF THE FoLLOWING CLASSES
agenting is on the decline.
* '" *
It is a matter of opinion whether
Announcing .CLASS 25
shifting the front pag'e space from Members paying i5 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive .. $12.50
Mrs, McPherson to King David
was really any gain, the open(ng of the Radiola Shop in the Montgomery CLASS 50
* * ~. Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive.. $25.00
The store clerks, post office em- Arcade
ployees, etc.. will ,have to be CLASS 100
!;ihown how Christmas brings Members paying $1.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive.. $50.00
peace on earth and good-will to
men. Featuring the R. c.. A. Radiola. Prompt and efficient CLASS 200
'" * *
Queen Marie has gone home sales and service and repairs. Under the direction of ".Members paying $2.00 a week for fifty weeks will 'receive •. $100.00
much sooner than she expected, Robert Littler and M. A. Zengel. CLASS 500·
but the men say that not many of Members paying $5.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive .. $250.00
the women folks follow her ex-
with interest if payments are made regularly.,
* '" *
As President Coolidge does not
Buy a Radiola for· Christmas
say whether he will run again, the
newspaper boys might ask the
"Presidential spokesman" if he Montgomery Pike at MeetingHouse Lane'
* '" *
John M. Browning. inventor of
the machine gUll, is dead, but his
No. B in the Arcade The Narberth National Bank
Temporary Phone: Narberth 25 13
fame will be perpetuated by Chi- Open Friday Evenings - 7 to 9 P. M.
cago gang leaders.
... '" ...
It is apparent that those who ..a==============ccc==cc=ccc==c==cc=o
• .... -::' ....., .....' ..

. . ." """"""'.. ." """'.. . 1. 1~~=====~~=~==~-====~=~=~~

' .• "



Are your Boiler and Pipes covered? If not, you
II When Dissatisfied Try
Are being sold for the Benefit of the
Endowment Fund of Goucher College
Send orders to '
~ are not getting maximum results from the fuel ~ H'EWIT'S Box 936, Narberth 14 Society People .Warned an
~. ~
burned. i~ Fined as Reckless

• I,~ Pipe covering in the average house pays for

itself in coal saving in less than three years' time.'
In addition, it helps very materially in making a
Tailors, ,Cleaners and Dyers Phone Narberth 672
Narberth Ta'·X1" Cab Co. CHIWREN
~ more uniform distribution of heat throughout the ~ 234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254 _
,• ~ house. ~ Walter Roser F

• I
ASBESTO~o!~~~,~~TING CO. ~~r:. ...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w;;;;e;;;;C;;;;al;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;;fo•r;;;;;;;;an;;;;d;;;;·; ; D; ; e; ; liv; ; e.,r; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~
Line, were fined $14 each for "fast
D°J>;~BS:~lo~~ ~~RD~V"E
Office: 2111 Haverford AYe.
Wid~;r~~:w~e~:~~~~n:a:r t~: ~:~
~ ~ ~==========:;;;:;;~ and reckless driving" by Magistrate
1~.o~~ ~rl~r
~ Henry & Compton
Phone ~
Norristown ~
or 6 -
Jobbing Carpenter
Stillwagon at the Ardmore police
station last Friday night..
• ~ Narberth Plumbing & Heating Co. ~ N ot T L cite
~..............., ' ,.. . . . ,
. ' ,......" ......, ......
,"""""~"'~ 00· 8t ]" I
orm !Inc osures-, creens
S E '_. - - - - -
,xpensive limousines were lined
up in an imposing array in front of I

• Overbrook
Phontl Narberth 1671
~~~~========~ who received summonses appeared
Piano Teacher
the station house, as many of those

in p~rson or sent their chauffers.

Bryn Mawr
The summonses were sent as the
• WM. T. McINTYRE Studio at
result of a police campaign against
speeding during the past week in
Fine Groceries 158 MERION AVENUE the rs-mile zone along Bryn Mawr
DINNER PARTIES and WEDDINGS Phone Narberth 1673-M Among those who paid fines are:
Special at any of OU1' Stores:
James M. Willcox, "Camp Woods
by Ithan," Villanova; Mrs. Cora
===============- I
California Bartlett Pears; 3 cans for $1.00 10 DOLL HOUSES FANNY H. LOOS Baird Jeanes, Devon; Wheeler H.
• California Asparagus; 3 cans for $1.00 Piano Teacher
" While they lMt HANGING BOOKSHELVES Page, "Willowbrook Farm," Paoli;
Studio Over Ga'rage at Mrs. Amy F. Okie Browning, Old
417 HAVERFORD AVENUE Lancaster road, Devon; Mrs. Mar-
garet Keen Butcher, Llanfair and
.. You've had plans in mind for sev- =~==========~- Wister roads, Ardmore; Harvey T.
PETERS' 2 in 1 eral years that yolJ. hoped to try some P. J. DUFFY Sayen, "Roseleigh," Bowman and
Montgomery avenues, Merion; Mrs.
OLDEST DRY GOOD STORE IN NARBERTH Brookhurst and Montgomery Avenue Anna Williams Dreer, Roberts road,
• Manu Suitable Gifts for Christmas time. Nothing is impossible. Let us Rosemont, and A. Edward Newton,
Linen Goods Toys and Games The last three named sent their
Dainty Handkerchiefs Fine Hosiery put a price on the material part of GREASE :: OIL :: ACCESSORIES chauffeurs to answer the charges,
And Many Other Excellent Gifts TIRES :: TUBES In addressing the assembled mo-
A Viist Would Be Worthwhile and Appreciated
your idea. torists at the beginning of the hear-

, Drive in and get your car oiled ing Magistrate Stillwagon explain-
230 Woodbine Avenue Open Evenings and greased while you wait. ed that residents along Bryn Mawr
Agent jor Goodyear Tires ancl Tubes avenue had sent complaints that the
SHULL LUMBER COMPANY 50-foot highway was being made a
• .- 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
I speedway by motorists.
"We have received letters and
JAMES R. COLE telephone calls concerning the speed-
• CYNWYD 662 Rear of 250 Haverford Ave. ing along this thoroughfare," said
House and Decorative Painting
Mail Orders and Jobbing Promptly the magistrate, "and we sent out
• Attended to motorcycle policemen with instruc-
Buy Your Home a Gilt Phone, Narberth 339-W tions to break it up. People who
live along the street declare their
rFr================~11 children are afraid to cross because
of the speeding cars. We are de-
termined that this speeding shall GEORGE R.
Tappan Gas Ranges
WIRING stop."
The motorists were then arraign-
Pittsburgh Automatic Gas Water Heaters ed one by one and all fined similar
Building Construction amo·unts, $10 and costs.
Spencer Magazine Feed Boilers , CALL NARBERTH 1635 2nd Floor
Mrs. Butcher, although paying
the fine, protested her innocence to
... Narberth National· Magistrate Stillwagon.
Heatomat Gas Boilers Bank Building "I do not plead guilty to fast and

Frigidaire Electrical Refrigerators

reckless driving," she said. "I was
sitting in the rear seat with my
!.!S:===5=========~11 daughter and we were not going fast
301 Haverford Avenue or breaking any laws."
Slate and Tile Roofing
"Who was driving your car?"
asked the magistrate.
For Permanent
Bathroom and Kitchen Fixtures Mrs. Butcher explained that Jul-
ius Hamilton, colored butler, was
BUY A at the wheel.
I YE ODDITY SHOPPEI "Well, how fast were you going,

COOK BROTHERS t "The Gift Shop of Na1'berth"

Julius ?" Magistrate Stillwagon ask-
ed the butler. t Smedley
"I guess about 30 miles an hour,"
I• Built Home
Gifts of Quality and Distinction. said Julius.
PLUMBING-HEATING-ROOFING Also Christmas Cards that are "different" .' "That's just what the officer testi-
fied," said th~ magistrate. "He said
104 Forest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
you were gomg 30 to 35 miles an t
- ...
----..----..----.- - _.1;:;::;;;:;;:;;;:;;=:;;;:;;===:;;;;:;=:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; hour in a Is-mile speed limit zone.
Wayne, Pa. Narberth, Pa. The fine is $10 and costs."
THE NOOK The motorcycle policeman gave
Wayne 827 Phone: Narberth, 17SB
LYONS' HARDWARE .. 104 Forest Ave., Narberth similar testimony against all of the
211 Haverford Avenue, Narberth, Pa. Basement others, declaring some of the cars
passed other vehicles at intersec-
===========0Q00e==================== TOYLAND NOW OPEN!
See "REX", Real Live Pony, that we are giving away
Art needlework, infants' and
children's wear, lingerie and
Bryn Mawr avenue is the main
hosiery. outlet from Fairmount Park for
Little Chats About Your Health. No.8. FREE!
You can buy all your Gifts here. All new, clean HATS motorists going over to Montgomery'
stock.. Priced to sell. We buy for two stores; "buy avenue and is used by hundreds of
lIIA.BGARET D. SHDIP motorists between the Main· Line
for less-sell for less."
Athletics and Bring in the Kiddies to see Rex and ride our wheels
HELEN M. SlUMP towns and the city, Several months
i!!ii!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!! I ago a man was killed by a motor
and scooters.
Heart Strain. car on this street and residents sign- " GIFT SHOP
Full line of Pyrex Ware. £, ed a petition asking the Board of
Commissioners and Superintendent
A number of heart specialists were recently questioned regarding
We Deliver Phone 2277 E. J. LYONS For Christmas: of Police Smith to take some kind
the effects of strenuous athletics on the hearts of growing boys and"girls Your Big Hardwa1'e Sto1'e of action to break up, spe,eding.
and while the replies varied regarding certain angles of the subject aU LAMPS .• SHADES
advised that no boy or girl be permitted to enter such contests until a "WHERE THE PRICE IS LESS" BRIDGE TEA SETS ,THE KISSING CUSTOM
careful physical examination established whether' or, not any' abnormal- :Reoa8E"fClO1Cb~:9:n:9:8:1tfi_ CHRISTMAS CANDLES Since the Christian era, mistletoe
ity of the heart exists. has 'been dedicated to Christmas
It was stated that. infectious disorders sometinies affect the-heart HENRIETTA B. FRICK time.· With it went the custom of
without the knoWledge or suspicion of parents or anyone else. 10 Montgomery Avenue 'kissing'under ',the white-berried
If 'your boy or girl is planning to take up strenuou's athletic exer-
cises have a good physician make a carefUl physical examination before
This Is THE Toy Store (C, Montgomery Arcade)
Phone. Narberth 2821
plant, probably . a' survival of the
; sa.,t't1,rnalia ,of pagan rites. '
any damage is done. .. ,., -, . :'Bttt the 'Christian elders decided'
Always get the physician's advice regarding health matters Let -A good selection" at reasonable prices. . ... ==:;;;:;;=:;;;:;;;:;;;;;=;;;;;::;;;;;;#: ~ MI;Ginte~
..#=:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;,.1 that when the churches were decor-
ated with mistletoe, there was too

'Gara 10
Koch fill your prescriptions. .
You are invited t~ inspect our displ~Y.· I 218' N.13 Qi S!; Phila:l ~ much kissing going on· during the
services and too' 'many .requests for
B'!11 Phone, Spruce 38-116 and lIB-M
.. Pholte (!; Ctr~f Vincent Mariani's ReT_tone Phone. Bacle '10-114 the w:edding service.' ' 'C" :,
We So they abolished mistletoe ,and
1267 Deliver (':r.:~ .NARBERTH DEPARTMENT
hung up' in its stel,ld holly, to signi-
'fy the dark monotony and many
thoms, of matrimony. But the, mis-
tletoe stayed in the homes, at Christ-
GARAnteed ROdfs
238-40 Haverford Avenue' 230 Haverford Avenue R. S. TOUHILL mas, and so did the kissing custom,
NARBERTH . Electrical Contractor It is bad luck for a maiden to

.."..,.. "'........
PHONE NARBERTH 2276 703 S. Bowman Avenue stand under the mistletoe and not be
p .' .. kissed. It means that she will not'
~========================::=III:==,:tJ, • PHONE MERION 1088
be married that year.
" ',,. ,

CHRISTMAS CANDLES "Our Town" welcomes news

Christmas Trees ~),' ..

notes on any subject from its read-

CONTINUED FROM THIll FIRST PAOB ers. Kindly send contributions to
greeting as. an expression of neigh- P, O. Box 966 or phone them to
YouWiUFind .
Qwned by the Narbertb Civic AsllOC1atloD. borliness to the passerby. These Narberth 2545, not later than on
Publlsbed every Saturday at Narberth, Pa. loyal home folks responded to a Thursday noon' of each week. :
suggestion made in "Our Town,"
National Bank Comer
Editor and pubrwMr and the first silent salutation took NOTICE Essex Avenue
Ta:OlllAS A. IllLLWOO.
the form of a single candle placed The annual meeting of the stockholders And Many Other Attractive Articles
BuBln68. Manat/6f' ;n each window, visible to the street of The Narberth National Bank for the' SABlE CENSORE Margaret and Katherine McDowell Helen Jones Deacon
or streets near .the individual's election of directors and such other busi- Montgomery and Woodbine Avenues 303 Chestnut Avenue
neRa as ma~T properly come before tllP. Delivered
SUBSORIPTION PBlOB home. meeting will be held at the banking hOUh-e NARBERTH '2789
One Dollar and FIfO' Cent. Per Year III A4ft8ee
In 1916 II 5 homes had adopted on TuesdaY, Januriry 11, 1927, at- 5 P. M. "
'"'Jf the happy custom. And from the J. L. McCreary,
Cashiel'. FOR
simple single candle form the salu- BRASSY WORN-OFF : , ,
. tation grew into geometric arrange- _. - Bath Room Faucets f ,

. ments of candles displayed in every CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Brassy Auto Parts, Reftectors, etc., ~ To Look One.'s Best for the ~
window of the house. One of the - ,
•• . • I

Yule Seaso'n ;•
Minimum, 90 cents per week. Price,
siml)ler of these arrangements was
- - - - - . . : : . . . : : : . - - - - - - - . 'obtained by the use of two short the """ice of two. Thereafter 1 cent
Entered al aeeond claD matter. ()eIIIIIr ,.,
1~14, at the Poet Oftlce at N~ . . . . . . . candles and one tall candle, the tall per word.
Three inse?,tions f o r .
2 cents a word.

U t< /4N ""E ' ;

A F aCIa
.1 M '-

I" • ,
til . . assage ,

·1 candle being placed in the centre SEWING MACHINES-All maketl re- . A Hot Oil Treatment and Shampoo :
, December 18, 19. and the two short candles on either paired~ IJiberal allowances on old ma- , A M IW d M • -
Saturdav" side of the tall one. chines for new Singer. Phone Merion It Silver-Plates. Use It as' a Polish : arce ave an a anJcure ~
145"8-1\1. (tf.) , •
The candle greeting is a very old LOOK LIKE N E W , Phone for Appointment-Narberth 2582-W :
tlOPE TO ~~I~lt~~ TAX RATE custom in England, but is used in LIGHT HAULING of all kinds, local
few places in the United States. or out of town. Quiek and efficient serv-
~~Pint,$I; Pint, $1.65
, Se6 Demonstration
B a Itl1nore . one 0 f t h e f ew I arge nue,
IS ice. Narberth.
Sabie Censore, Phone241 Hampden
Nal'berth 1773-~.
av~· LYONS : RICKLIN : COTTER •~ • . "
cities to consistently repeat the prac- (1. f.) .A. R. JUBtice Co., 904 Walnut Street: Corner Narberth and Haverford Avenues :
matters affecting the taxpayers
with regard to Borough buildings.
tice year after year, while New FOR SALE-Christmas artieles; fine.,
England has been rapidly deveIop- selection of crirds, wrappin~ paper,. seals.
! I'.................................................................... .
Councilmen Wood, Kaeber and
Fretz form the committee. Ib'ng t~f glreatetr sentiment for this W~n'iiot::l~Sb~~:~u~~tra~~::e s~~~::::h ~~~~~~i9~~~i9~~~~i9i9i9~~~i9i9i9i9~~~~~~~i9~~i9~~~~
The report of the Highway eau I u cus om. 3 0 7 - 1 \ I , ' ( t f ) '.~. ~
Committee follows: :t:J arberth has adopted the greeting MARY ELIZABETH DURBIN an- W ~
On November 23, acting under in- as Its own and each year has found unees hand-embroidered articles on Nll!t•. ~ , "01
structions which the president gave at
the November meeting, this committee
it more widely practiced. So let us ~~ her home, 231 Nal'berth avenue, after· ~.
beat last year's record-let us add noons until Christmas. Ol'l1ers taken all W
placed in the hands of the chairman
of the Finance Committee the foll<;lw- every newcomer to the list and half ~'e:I1' arounc!. (12-18-26.)
as many more. Better still, let's see GARAGE FOR RENT-Roo~ f~~ t",;,o
ing summary of our budget reqUire-
ments for 1927:
Labor, materials and main-
Haverford avenue surface
to it that every occupied house ears. 113 Chestnut avenue. Write CL,
shows at least one candle on the eve
o f D ~cem b e~ 24~ al~.
' k h
care of Our Town.
E 'T P' t
N - rlva
d Iet seep t em chester . road, Mel'ion. Phone Merion W e garage,
(12-25-26) ~
113 WI'n W
- ~ Chn·stmas Frul't Cakes
water sewer 3.942.00 burnlllg until nudmght. 1771-W. (t. f.) ~ Pumpkin and Mince Pies ~
Surface water installation at One caution-be careful of the FOR SALE-Black Hudson seal coat; ~ ~
cor. Chestnut and Essex.. 1,153.00
One new motor truck ..... 4,500.00
Total $35,000.00
curtains! Year after year a bunch blnck cloth coat with squirrel collar, size ~
of over-practical fire-marshals cry 40; also black leather an11 maho an dav- ~>.
. h . h f I enport. \VJite "C" c/o 0 ur Town.
g y
Springerle and
other Yuletl'de Cakes
?ut 111 orror. at t e c~stom 0 p ac- FOR SALE-Very fine old mahogany ~
We will be glad to discuss all of the mg candles 111 the wmdows. The 'deboal'd four Robert Morris rush seat ~ Candy Canes ~
detailed items by which these amounts . I ' . Sl •
fi re mars I1aIs areng 1t m trymg to ehairs, dining table, old tier table and W ~>.
were determined with the members of
Council and we shall very much ap- avoid property loss, but their minds lovely old flower painting, all in perfeet ~ Novelty Candies ~ •
preciate the interested advice and com-
ments which any councilman may care
to make on the 1927 highway pro-
gram as we have outlined it.
all run in the same channels they condition. Wi'He drnwer "L" Ardmore, ~...
. h I ' bl' Penna.
seem to recog11lze t e gen~r~ pu IC I .:..::FO,;;.::R:;.--=SA-,,-,;"L-=E==---;,no,.--,ok,..--o-,fC"7
as a bunch of low-grade IdIOts who Brunswick talking machine. Splenclid con- ~>.
- -
kn ow 'l;-"e'de-,--;al;:::b'O
Candy'for the Youngsters

Candy in Fancy Boxes

In accordance with the authority lack the intelligence to put back the clition; interesting prices. Narberth ill:
Famous Home-Made Ice Cream ...e.t
granted at the November J'!1eeting, t.his curtains, and fasten them back. 308-W. W . ~
committee secured a wrItten rulmg I f ordinary care is taken, and if FOR SAL.E-C~rYed oak. dining .r~om ~ "01
from the borough solicitor, indicating
that the borough would be entirely in- no candles are left burning while set.. TeD 1)lec~S III splendlfl ~ndl~~ol~: ~ For years residents of Narberth and vicinity have come here for ~~
I . . Monng and wdl sael'lfice. Wl'lte X W
side all reasonable legal and moral I
t 1e house m unoccupIed, the danger POBox 916 Nllrberth. ~ their Christmas baked goods. Our bakery, located near the shop, ~
rights if it should connect its inlet at is negligible. W ~ have never yet I .FOR SALE~Two Clow gas stea~. 1'11- ~... l' f h kilfull b k d od h u Iy Th h d th "01
the corner of Forrest and Haverford had any trouble 111 Narberth from <lintors, slightly used, excellent condition. W SUPP les res , S Y a e go S 0 r . e s op an e
avenues with the old 12-inch sewer
pipe in the bed of Haverford avenue. such a cause and despite the fact Inquire of owner-phone Nal'bel'th-or ~ bakery are under the personal supervision of the proprietors. ii
that n~arly e~ery home ~o~vjoins in, Henry & Compton, Narberth ~~\-27) ~ ~
Therefore, on December 1 the chair-
man of this committee notified all
abutting property owners that this con-
nection would be made on January 1
and warned them to take whatever pre-
there IS no reason to antIcIpate dan-
FOR SALE-Spalding's tubular shoe
!lkatcs. size 5. nlmost new. Phone Nar- W
So let's all do our part, and if, in bel'th 1647-M. ~
t Whlete's Swee·.t.. Sho,p ~~
caution seemed to them to be neces- the bargain, the weather m a n , g i v e s : t : : .~ L . ~
sary in order to prevent water from us snow, Narberth will. be, a ,town ~ '~ ~
backing up t~rough any conne~tions
which they mIght have from theIr cel- worth inviting your friends to come CHARLES F. EBERT .. ~ 219 HAVERFORD AVE., NARBERTH ~
lars into the old 12-inch sewer pipe.
Mr. Robert J. Nash has written a oU(T~~r:e~·oW! If you can write Jobbing , " ~. . Phone Nar berth 1705 !
formal protest against this proposed
procedure and has indicated that he a better article than this old timer,
send it in and we will publish it
103 Dudley Avenue
would hold the borough responsible
for any water damage which might de-
velop in the basement of his property next year,) Phone: NARBERTH 2229 .. t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f2~~~~~i2~i2~i2~~~
at. the corner of Forrest and Haverford
avenues. We have every reason to be-
lieve' that Mr. Nash's property at that · . ........................ ...................................·
point is not connected with the old
12-inch sewer pipe at all.
Combination Breakfast ···

. Last Friday evening Mr. Ralph S.
Dunne representing the Merchants'
AS50ci~tion, appeared before the com-
6 TO 10 A.M. ··· ·•••

mittee 'meeting of Council to protest
:in the name of other property owners
(2) Fried Eggs with Potatoes , ··•
(2) Boiled or Scrambled Eggs with Potatoes ••.....•..•.....•••
. .35
.35 ·••

.against this conllection and to urge the

borough to lay an entirely llew surfa.ce ··••
(1) Poached or Fried Egg and Bacon with Potatoes .; .......•..,. .35
water drain pipe throughout the enUre
business section of Haverford avenue
instead of making connec.ti~n,with t~e
Ham and (1) Fried Egg with Potatoes
(1) Pork Chop, Fried, with Potatoes


Fried Scrapple with Potatoes " ....••..•....•..•...••... : .•..••
old 12-inch pipe. There IS mcluded III Hot Cakes served with above orders , ,., Extra .10
···• 'f

our budget estimate an item of ap- FLried Sausage and 1I0t Cakes with Syrup ..•....•...•••.•..•••• .35
proximately $4000 for a surface .water
sewer on Haverford avenue. It IS our
11 M. 8
uncheon Served From A. .50
to P.M '" ••
recommendation that if this proposal
is included in the 1927 budget, the con-
5 P. M.· 8
Special Dinner from M••••••••.......• .70
to P.
·· ·••
nection with the old 12-inch sewer
might be postpone.l without serious in- NARBERTH RESTAURANT ··• ···
jury to the publ'c interest. It would
be our. understanding, however, that
this postponement was not to be in-
222 Haverford Avenue ··· ··••
terpreted in any way as an abrogation
of the borough's right to connect with
the 12-inch sewer pipe whenever it saw ... . - ••• .... Famous Southern Lodge Cooking under the su.. ···
fit nor of the possibility of making use
ot'the old 12-inch sewer pipe as a part
of a complete system of surface water
··• .'
perv~sion of· Minerva Justice. Grill, Tea Room ··••
'. ~ "
.... '. •
drainage' for 'the business district. NOW THE PHONE IS IN •
or Dining R~om Service.
On December 4 bills for the recent •
• •
resurfacing of Wynnedale avenue were
sent out to the abutting property own- .:'
ers. The total cost· of this' wor.k
amounted to $2,8\l3.34. of which the 70
per cent. to be' paid by the borough Narberth 28-38 ·•• .. M.eals· ~tall·hoUTs, ,Music

amounts to $1.976.27 and' the 30 per
cent. to bcpaid by .the property own·
ers amounts to $847.07. From the bor- •
: f

c;lrill.open all' night for after theatre s~ppers~·

ough's amount can be subtracted the
$500 previously contributed' for that
Easy to Say! E~y to ~emember!


• ·••• ..
.; ;

purpose by Mr.: A. C. Shand, Jr., ma~.

ing the borough's net total cost of this
improvement $1,476.27.
28- 38-

. .
" Reservations are now being made for' New
Year's Eve ,and holiday parties. Phone, ·Nat-
" .•
Following is. the amount of money
spent on borougJt work by the. High-
way and Sewer Depar[ment durlllg the
'.·• .:berth 2269."

·· ..:
month of .November~ 1926; We Deliver, of course! And .shall be •

. Hireof'i-oll~r, •• $1072.00
1.11 bor
rials. A.b""
glad to call for your prescriptions. ··• .~.

Ash Collections •. $723.42"
'$27.00 914
..... .. .. ··• . ~'.

.. '
Street Cleaning.. 328.34
Street Main.. ,...
Hire of roller.. ,
.. . . . . ..
$27.00 ...
.. • .. • .. ·•• ',\'
t.: .

• .,'6

. . $1072.00 $27.00 914 SHEA'S DRUG. STORE" ·•• 720 Montgom~ry Avenue ••
•• Narberth
2838'~l . ·
During the month we have collected
the '. ashes 'and rubbish to a total- of
. 914'cubic :yards. The total cubic yards
coltectedls running higher than thi~
220 Haverford Avenue ··•• Phone: Narberth A limited number 01 select Hotel Apartments are now availa.ble
timelasty~ar, showing an increase in RIGHT AT THE STATION •
tbe number of houses. . We. have
cleaned the street in what .spare time Where .the Apothecary Has Held Forl.h ·
.' we could .' find and repaired some of
the>holesiri,the streets; i .'
. For the'· Last Quarter-Century
. _. . , '",,:-""'~
; ' . ..- ~
.. "" ~ "

r-:-.....-~---._· __--~.;.;.'-....;......_..·. . . .~... '.n ~:X!.!X1.!lli.!X!).Iil. (!.I@.)@)(!.!lli.~.Iil.@.)G.*.!X1.!X.iX!l. (!.I@.*.!X1.!lli'~.Iil' @.)G.lCi'!X1'~.~'Iil. @.)G.*.!X1.!X'~. ~li!.*.!X1.!X'j'":~i· GX!l8(l.!lli.tJ(i).~)G'lCilG~NIC!X!!X1·Sl@. il·(il.@')G.!X1'!lli'~. il·(il.GX!'*'!X1.!lli'!)C!).Ii

in Narberth.. '"';;;:l,::.;.;i
:";.;.;..'...................,.;.;,......._ - . ; ; " , , - . ;
• ..:,'
. , .

•... .....
munitr Christmas Tree. The . Pas~ ;~~d:?:i~~tthte. S~;hY. Sc~ool . ';ViII
December24.-'l'.30 P. M., Com- tor wdl be the speaker. . for. the Ki "a a. . .. e WhIte GIfts, Church News
INTERSTATE RADIO &.ELECTRIC CO. munityChristmas Tree, Haver-
. The Pres~n Church.
We should like to. call attention to Th.. ng.
the White Gift Christmas Gift Serv- comeeaf~~iral p.ubhc wIll find a wel~
.' ..

II C. Roy Smith, Mg...

ford avenue.
December 28-2.30 P. M., Chil- Meetings
dren's party,Elm HalL All chil-
Rev. John YanNess, Minister.
for December 19:
ice of the Church .School, next Sun-
day, December 26, at 9.45 A. M. This FI t
. servIces.

iI All service will be. followed. byS Baptism .WOMAN'S rs Church of Christ, Scientist.
dren invited but must be accom- departments. 9.30 A., M.-BibleSchool.
Christmas music.
h M .... W
at t e ornmg orship, ervi~e. . CLUB BUILDING
• Olfers ma.ny Christmas Gifts in our complete line of panied by an adult. 11.00 . A. M.~Morning worship. The Church School Party WIll be'l . Ardmore avenue '
Christmas Service. Sermon theme: held on Tuesday, December 28, at the .~~.~~ ~. ~-Sunday Sc:Vices.
Radio Sets and Accessories, and Contn'b utors and advertisers "The Time, Manner and Purpose of church..
Incarnation." The children of the See next week's notice for the new W-
. : ice' . .-Sunday School Serv-
.,.. Electrical Appliances f01' the Home. are requested to send all commu- Junior Church will be present at this series of Sunday Evening Sermons, m t~dnesday evening-Testimonial
Agents for Murad, Arborphone, Fer-, nications to "Our Town" on Wed- meetiilg, ana sing Snelling's beautiful covering the period of the Old Testa- Id~' 8 O'Clock. . R
• nesday or earlier,.in order that the hymn, "Peaceful Night." . ment. ave;:e,I~~c:~:kl: vrest Lanca'ster
guson, etc., National Mazda Lamps. Christmas issue. may not be de- 6.45 P. M.-Joint meeting of the 4.30 P. M. y, 1.30 A. M. to
layed. . Junior and Senior Endeavor Socities, All Stalnts' Church. S The subject for the Bible L
with special music and Christmas ex- Wynnewood, Pa. ermon for Sund D esson
Z2 ARDMORE AVENUE, ARDMORE, PiA. ercises by each society. There will be Rector, Rev. Gibson Bell. "Is th~ Univer ay, ecem~er 19, is:
PEARLS RESTRUNG a brief address by Mr. Vanners en- 8 A. M.-Holy Communion. Evolved by Ato~i~ J::rCcl~?~:ng Man,
Phones: Ardmore 2927-Narberth 1683.W titled, "A Legend of Christmas Eve." 11.00 A. M.-Litany and Ante-
JEWELRY REPAIRED . 7.45 . P. M.-Evening worship. The Communion Service by the Rector.
Pric68 Reasonable Church Quartette, assisted by a chorus 4 P. M.-The Church School will FIRESIDE
Will Call for and Deliver or trained voices, will sing the hold its Christmas Service in the M R -
MRS. HARRY· SIGGENS beautiful Christmas Cantata by Clokey church, at which time the stocking rs. obert E. Devine of K
and Kirk, entitled, "Child Jesus." It will be presented.' more road Brookline ' en-
===================================== 503 Brookhurst Avenue
NARBERTH :l708-J is a fine collection in story form of Christmas Eve-Holy Communion with lunch
ancient carols from many lands dating at 12, midnight. cellaneous eon shower
b 'd , entertained
n ge on and S ta mis
d -
back as far as the eighth century. - Christmas Day-Holy Communion the .4th, in honor of MI'SaS uMraan:r,
Home-Made Bon Bons by There will also be sung a composition at 8 and 11 A. M.
our own organist, Mr. Walter J
C 11
0 lns, of Narbrook Park C e
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 25 Montgomery Avenue '. The Christmas entertainment by the
Bible School will be held on next
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Narberth, Pa.
M• E• Mc; L'mn, Pas tor.
were laid for 24.
On ~ednesday evening Miss
Kathenne Aung
• overs

M' . s t en t ertained the

Phone: Narberth 2207 Wednesday evening in the Recreation Regular Service, Sunday, Decem- a Isses ElIzabeth Terry Betty
Room, beginning' at 7.30 o'clock ber 19: too, Eleanor Micha Is' V.
On and' After Qoe There will be special exercises by each 9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
departm.ent and.3.· Christmas pageant 11 A. M.-Preaching. Theme: "The Madelin B' h mIra
== ===============
ginia Eyre Al . e 0Gn, Ir-
will be .presented by the members' 01 Child Born to Us."
the Senior Endeavor Society. The 7 P. M.-Luther League.
For e aug man, Betty Robb
Eve- Margaret Robertson and Mis~
Home Made
annualo.ffering to the Presbyterian ning Service. Theme: "The Story of Eames, of the Domestic Scie
Department in the J . H!lce
January 1, 1927Inee Ie
Orphanage will be received. the Birth."
On next Saturday morning at 9 We cordially invite all who may School all' C
"O'clock, there will be a brief prayer d~sire to worship with us, or hear the Narbe'th M· p.. . ullIor. Igh
amp FIre GIrls of
and praise service in the church par- dIscourses. M' r .
Phone NARBERTH 699 lor. Let us all gather for a few mo- Last Sunday was a good day; make . ISS Edythe E. Maguire enter-
ments on this happy day to extend to this one better. t~med at bridge last Tuesday eve-
THE ARCADIA each other our hearty Christmas nmg t h h
greetings and to think together of the
deeper meanings of the Incarnation. Narberth Methodist Episcopal
a er ome on Grayling
avenu~. Those present inclUded
299 HAVERFORD AVENUE' Church. the MIsses Julia Fitipoldi, Kath-
Baptist Church of the Evangel. W. Sheridan Dawson, Minister. ryn . Bur&"ess, Eleanor Burgess,
Will Be Under the Management of ~ - NARBERTH Robert E. Keighton, Minl·ster.
Services for the week of December 19: 9.45 A. M. -B'bl . . ====c==========c
Services for Sunday. December 19: Mane MIesen, Kathryn TorchI'-
I e Sch00.I Hon. ana,. E leanor Templeman .and
t Sunday, December 19:
9.45 A. M.-Church School.
F. W. Stites, superintendent.
11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Ret a
Manon Bryon.
Th W
Dressmaking for Children 11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Set- Sermon by the Pastor. . e omen's Missionary So-
mon: "Jesus: Revelation of Man." 6.45 P. M.-Epworth League De- cIety c:f the Lutheran Church will
ALBERT KORTHOUS Christmas Hints: 7.00 P. M.-Young People's De- votional Meeting. .
votional Service.
. hold ItS monthly meeting at the
7.45 P. M.-Evenmg WorshIp. Ser- home of Mrs. Seaboldt 401 N _
Toys That Are Different 7 4 ~ P M ·E I' g 0 h' Se mon by the Pastor. berth T ' ar
.;) . .- ven n w rs Ip. r- Monday, at 8 P. M., the Good-Fel- aven.ue, uesday at 2 P. M.
Christmas Socks ~~~~" "The Hope of the Third Wise lowship Club will hold their regular H Th~ J U11l0r B Department of the
For Information Call Narberth ~6~9 Wednesday, December 22: monthly meeting. elpmg Hands Circle of Ardmore
Handkerchiefs, Undies, etc. 8.00 P. M.-Prayer Service. Topic: ~ednesd~y at 8 P. M., Prayer and gave an entertainment for the
"The Ancestry of Jesus." PraIse ServIce. . ., benefit of their Christmas Sun-
12 Montgomery Avenue Friday, December 24: Sunday, Dece!11ber 26, wlJI be gIVen beam work in the aud'to . f
O-=================================c::>, Ph N b th 1
7.30 P. M.-Our church unites with to the celebratmg of Chrtstmas. A the Y M C A I
the. Women's Community Club in a cantata will be rendered in the morn- . . . . ast evellIng. The
I .rIum 0
I~=~=======================;I one: ar er 655 Christmas Eve Service at the Com- ing by an augmented choir, and in program was a pronounced suc-
-.- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i9i9~i9R~~~~~~~~~i9~~~
~ ~ ~ontgomery avenue, who is mak-
ceWinifred P. Sleator, of 25

~ ~
n . 4 } . .

?~,' ~- t~,. ~.. ~

. Illg home-made bon bons, recently
. .. sold to one of his customers some
candy which has been sent to

It~ ' i
Dannenhau~r~s. Ar~ade Pharmacy. ~
friends in London England for
Chdstmas. • •
"The Salety Burner'" ~ A COMEDY OF ERRORS
Whether wood shingles or fire-resisting roofing
cover your house, it is best to be particular about
I ~
w ,
At the RitterihouseNew Arcade Building :I:~ o,J~~~rdaa: al~%ni~~s ~~~::d i~
the Narberth Fire Company to
is true inthat
often, fromopen fireplace.
your blazing fire of ~ Meeting' House. Lane and Montgomery Avenue ~ ~7: cr:~twthaastotnhefirNearbaetrtlheaTste,nI't-
w "G1
. logs, great chips of burning wood will be carried up ~ ~ was so understood.
the chimney by a strong draft-sometimes dying a ~ ~Getting up to the tennis club in
times death as they shoot game
a dangerous into the air~t other
of hide-a:nd-seek ~
~.. , Included with.. our popular and exclusive line of !
"G1 ~~~~r~h~i~e~tahsen'tVoalnUyntefierres ftOhUerned,
with your roofing material. 1 [ '" l' ~ but that there was a cellar fire in
The use of Cannel coal prevents this hazardous w merchandise ;advertised' last week we 1st: "G1a house on Montgomery avenue
spark-flying. The blaze which Cannel coal makes is ~ ~ east of the Cricket Club in Haver-
strong, and bright-but very clean-for there are
i9... " L'Origan, Narcissus Sets~Extract, Toilet Water and ~
of" ~ ford.
never any escaping sparks to fly up the chimney. w Coty's
Attractive Packages
d E d E t . t . I d' P d ' . Cl!Q 00 "G1
Hasten.ine- out Montgomery
Th ' . h I h' ~ arlS an merau e x rac, mc u mg ow er-'-opu. . ~ avenue to make up lost time the
their one
log reason
fires w y socoal-the
to Cannel many peop e are burner.
safety c angmg ~w C Compact--$7.00..
B Also more cO,.inplete
O sets. Attractive Correspond.ence
G Cards in unusual "G1 ~ engines took up a little too much
~ aron's lack NarCISSUS Extract~. c?lors-Blue, Orc~ld, ocoa and ray- ~ room to suit Baird Caldwell, who
Then, too, it is cheaper, at $14.00 a ton. w Kerkoff's Djer Kiss Extract.. SIlver and Gold Tlpped-$l.OO. "G1 was proceeding leisurely west-

."NARBERTH ~ Toilet Water and Compacts. .,: :' ' . '

~ Conde's Black Cameo Extracts.' •• '
Perfumizers. suitable !or wearing around the
neck-Plam, $1.25, Decorated, $1.75.
:! ward, and so he came to a rather
"If.?( sudden stop.
r ~ l ~ . ISh
W Also Enameled Top Compacts in ,Blue, Red, c ra fft'. s B rass B oxes?f ChocoI a t es, usef UI ~~ Eleanor DirectlyRichards,
behind him was Essex
of 210 Miss
Telephone Narberth 375 I
! ~~ H Green
b' and
, E Purple. ;:
for CIgarettes
5-lb. boxes and tnnkets. Also 2- and ~ avenue.. Naturally
. it was also up
.' W ou Igant s nameled Top Compacts, At- . . "If.?( to her to stop if she could. Her
J!.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~-J I~ tractive Perfume Sets and Dustijlg Powder. Famdy Bo.xes of Chocol~tes-5 Ibs., $3.00. ~ car skidded, whirled completely
hir========================5i1l1 ~ Andrea's Dama. de Noche-$1.0Q,'$8.00 .;md The same m Hard CandIe~ Ibs!, $2.00. ~ around and crashed into a car
~ $25.00." .. . . .' ,.. , 11 driven by Fred E.Bowie, of Mey-
~ "If.?( ersdale, Pa.

Every Year---
.' :'.k ! Fire engines, Baird Caldwell,
"If.?( and two cars with broken spokes'
~ in their rear wheels all proceeded'
.' . .
Whitmal,l's Cloisorne: 'Boxes of 5 pounds. Popular numbers in'
~ westward.
11:. ,Y2'", 1-, 2-poundbQxes. " ,.

The people of Narberth depend more and

~ Cigars in 25's and 50'~1I brands. ~ MEM-B-E-R-S,-R-O-T-AR-Y-TOPIC
more on Crane's for Drugs and Gifts at
~ Sheaffer's Pencils an~~:Pens from $1.00 up. ~ ~. Stanley Bowers, past presi-
~ Electric Desk Lamp·.< ,I.vory Finish-$5.oo~ ~ dent of Philadelphia Rotary Club,
Christmas time.
~ .
Christmas Gifts of aU kinds too numerous to mention.
"If.?( was the principal speaker ·at the
011 weekly luncheon of the Bala':Cyn-
~' This year we an es~ciaIly attractive ·nave· It
SolI a few boxes of istmas bh~. Cards,::l8:tiln~,ved
cards for
6...... $1.00. ~ wyd-Narberth Club Tuesday. He
~ spoke QQ membership and told. of
and complete line of gifts, in.this, ...
.~ .:·Arid yet a modern, up.:to-date Prescription Drug Store. ..e.c the necessity of meeting classifica:.,
;~ Narberth's Most Complete Gift Store: lea.
' Co~, t.inuous Radio C.blicerts through the courtesy· of -the' Arcade
.'~. .
'"et tion req1.i.4'e.ments . first· in:. the. '.
tar . .:' :.I.t;,jdiola Shop, store B, same bqilding. . ~ choicein getting c~tes that filled.',
of, ne\\t.lP.cmbers ·and then
it :W:e :aim to give the co~munity the service a~d benefit of years of requiretne~t.s.
. !.:' 011 personal f.a. ther.:tha,p.'
STATIONERY : : PENCILS :: PENS training, of unpl,lr'¢hasable experience~ . 4t the reverse practice of choosiug~.
.' ,

~I ·I·~~=~ti~::it~tfi~ ttn.:n. ma~~~ _.

tar •. : ~ '. T~O FIRES':'
. '.
CHRISTMAS CARDS ~ ~ WISHING 'ALL A ~ The Narberth Fire- Company
~. . ." ~ was called out on two small
It.··. :. ~ alarms this week. The ;;fi.rst, .
CRANE'S DRUGSTORE ;; Merry Christrt)as' and a Happy New Year .@ ~~~nh:~a~hi::;;~'att~heh~:~~; .
Narberth and 'Haverford Avenues ~, ~ E~ A. MUSGhamp, 24 Woodside.
~ . ~
~ avenue... T~second; Thursday
WE DELIVER ANYWHERE ~ " ~ afternoon, involved a car in the
ft . '. . _ -; garage 9f John A. Caldwell, Elm-
w . ' . , wood and Essex avenues. Dam-
. :, '.
age in this case was also slight

gifts we leave prepared; the spar-
~·H.~.~1\a.~•.~.Jr.~.~. ~.~.·~.i.•.. l~~~.
fl~ ·•.·.~.S·~:~·•.·~af:"~.·I,..· . ". 0 0

A 1'1. .nP
kling eyes, the joyous shouts of '
laughter of our loved ones. Just
now we are joining in the beauti-
ere is your b
opportunity "I'
to uy your h 0 10d
1 ay
0 W ash
tnc ers, I T
roners, . oasters, ercoIators,
~~ ~~i~~~;~=t ~~~~~~ S:~~~~~:J !~ gifts on Easy Terms and at attractive prices. Urn Sets, Waffle Irons, Lamps, Gas or ElectriC
~~~\~e~~ati~e c~~~~d~~~ a:r~~~kpe;~~
forth the strains:
An elaborate assortment of the finest GAS and
Fireplace Heaters, Electric Refrigerators, Gas
Ranges and Water Heaters.
"Hark! the herald angels sing !! 0 nIy standard d Oma de b-y natIonaIIy Shop a Iong the Maln LOIne, avol°d th e crowds.
~ eVlces
0 0
Glory to the new-born King.
~~dc:~d =i~::era~~c:~~f~d~i1d, known manufacturers: Vacuum Cleaners, Elec.. Make your selections from choice merchandise.

~g;':~~;\~~~J~~~;f~~~ i A Wonderful Array of Gas and Electric Gifts

Isn't.it beautiful? I
and hstened to that glOriOUS musIc
and it. brought the .tears to my
~ave sto~d ;i
"~ ~lec~r~c Table apphances of p~~c-
I~ Table
eyes~Just seemed hke an angel " . ttcablhty, beauty and. dependablhty
chorus. Ah ! Christmas means ~. -always acceptable gifts. Beautiful Shades!
mor.e to ~ome. than ~o. others.
Chrlstt:nas IS a tnne of glvmg-not
" .
Coffee Urns'
Coffee Urn Sets
Attraet·Ive Stand'
o~ly gIfts, b.ut love. .If we <!o not
g~v~ lo'.'e wIth ~?e gIft the JOY of ".
;1- Percolators
Waffle hons Superbly beautiful Boudoir, Bridge and f


glvmg IS lost; for God s~ loved

the world that He gave HIS only
~: Cake Griddles
To sters
Floor Lamps with a complete and up-to- .. ,

begotten Son, that whosoever be- ;~: T bal 5t date assortment of shades.
1levet h on H'1m s h.ou ld. not pens
. 11, " . a e Cookers
Fireless oves
but have everlast~ng lIfe." There ;.. Irons ~
are scores of destItute people who
'11 I CI .
;r: ,
\ I . . lC I'
ur mg rons
tI \,,, •
~~ren~r~ :i~s~~:i~~ me~I~~~sdo i~ CONVENIENT TERMS-Anyone of these Electrical Appliances YOUR CHOICE ON CONVENIENT TERMS! ,....
Be sure to see our lamp display before making the final selection. You will . '"
not. know the JOY of recelVmg. a ~. may be purchased on ea~y payment terms. Call at anyone of our sales offices

Christmas card-there are SCOI es , and make YOUR selectIon. be pleased with our very reasonable prices.
of sick persons fighting that dread- --------------------------"--------=-------.-:..::.-.----.:..------ _ •
Shall 1"-;
ful scourge, tuberculosis.
we forget or shall we remember? " .
If we forget these helpless ones
and carelessly pass by those who . THE THOR
ask our help, then God will forget
us. We cannot all give big sums,
but we can give as much as pos- IJ •
sible. God will be the judge, ~ Over 800,000 housewives use Thors, the oldest of The Ironer that folds and rolls into a corner when f',f-·"
whether they are deserving or not, iii. the ironing is done-entirely automatic, open end

for the Bible says: "Inasmuch as ;~~ the electric washers. You can have one of these •
ye have done it unto one of these, ;. latest model Thor Washers, the No.6 or No.8 size roll-works at a flick of the finger.
My least ones, ye have done it -'
delivered to your home for the small first payment of ELECTRICALLY HEATED
unto Me." Yes, these least ones,
God's least ones, are in need ot . or,
food, of shelter, of love and care. " :
Out in Tucson, Ariz., one of the
daily papers publishes a sheet in ;":
ONLY $10 DOWN, AND A YEAR TO PAY Delivered to your home and a free demonstration.
its paper solely for the benefit of " Telephone, Ardmore 3500, or call at any of our sales offices for a
contributors ill with tuberculo.sis, .~! free demonstration CONVENIENT TERMS. ONLY $10 DOWN
This page is edited solely by these f!
people, and they call themselves -
"Happy Dayites." The page is
called "Happy Days in Old Kelvinator ~nd Welsbach Electric Refrigerators
Pueblo." Such . lovely, cheerful
letters 1 Each one writes under an A Gift all:8.atisfying a.nd acceptable as furs or jewelry and as practical as arctics in a storm.
assumed name-the editor alone ; . Tbe'UU1'iMATE in·· gifts for the wife or mother who l~ves fine things-because they are of tre-

knows their real names. I was so . mendo~s service throughout the year.
impressed with their brave spirit ~~
that I wrote them a Thanksgiving I- The recipient of an electrically operated Refrigerator will be delighted with her gift.
letter. The editor published it,
and oh! how those dear ones did. : Just telephone Ardmore 3500 and we'll send a man to explain this wonderful home convenience and
respond! Talk about "hands particularly our
aCross the sea"! I reached out ~:
my hand to them and they grasped,,'.
it with eager hands and words of
love. I have a battle to fight each "

Thanksgiving day, each Chr.istmas !! --------=----~--_:__~-----------------------------------:__-- _

day, because one· I love so well is I '
missing, but I try to conquer the •
foe and be happy by making some
on~ else happy. The spirit of
C.hristmas is not to give that we ~;
I: THE UNIVERSAL DE LUXE A Welsbach "Hotzone"
,may' get; something more valuable " . ELECTRIC CLEANER I
Automatic Water Heater
,in . re1!urn, but to give and not ex-!"! :iil
pect anything in return but 10ve'I'


. MABEL REED WILSON. Have you seen this very latest model cleaner'?-some-
'. .Home Town Thoughts.
" thing superb in electric vacuum cleaners-only one
InstaIled in your home to supply hot water for every purpose
at every faucet to every member of the household is a Christ- 'Ii" 1

You can make a very fine . . moving part, the least possible mechanism to keep mas present that wiIl be remembered every time the hot
Christmas present to your home . operating. water faucet is· opened. II
town, without aliy additional cost,· . .:

simply by buying your Christmas

stuff at home. . . . '.
Christmas trade is like a big Only $2.50 Down and a Year to Pay ONLY $5000 DOWN puts one of these wonderful appli-
river flowing through a city· or ; ances in your home ready for you to enjoy its service while
to\vn, only if a business wants to·: ; Ask for a free demonstration and trial in your home.
iI you are paying for it-a small amount each month.
get the full benefit of that ·power
it should divert some of it to its
own plant through the channel of :
advertising. :
'I' -----;---------------_.....:..:-_-------=- ;r

Some people thlnkthey'iniprove 1 .'

tl;teir tl..1a.-nces .of succes~ by going
away from home, but a good part .'
i' ..

·. .. . I'.
of ·them by so doing throwaway
·chances' Jor·. promoti6ri·theyhad '. .
alre~d:Y'ga'ined. - .-. .. .'
FIREPLACE HEATER For this beautiful
. .~ . . .... . "., . .


- ;

" . Enjoy the coziness ahdluxury of the open fireplace

:.' . No R. PEACOCK. .... . .

IU .,", .
, this Xmas DY ha.ving iadia}ltheat from a gas fire- with the
. .'litteridr. and : 'Exterior P~i~ting
WILL BE GL2\D :TO', EST~MA'l'E . place heater installed. Ther'c's'a size for every Th~ee7fourths enamel finish and
. 407'F:8sex Ave.,· Nar.berth; "Pa. -' . . fireplace and period designs if·you Wish them. AU'TOMATIC O'VEN HEAT C·ON·TROL

'. . .... I'hone. Narberth 283r' - .

. ~':, .. _ _ :-:-::~_~_~~-:~_~_:_~~~y-~~~~~~-!~~.!'1-~-___=_------$_2-i-S-th_e
. .:fi.:. :rs:. .t. . :.'p:. .a_y_m-.:e~n_t_d.:. :.~_li_':Ve_'r. . :.e.:.,d_a_n_d. .:_.co.:. n_n. .;e_ct.:.,e_d:.i_n. . ;y. .:o: :. u. :r_h. .:,o. .:,·m_e. . .:.: re.y:a:. ;,.:d.:fo:. r~u.:.s.:e:-, :'1::.
balanc~ the i'nay be paid $5.00 each month with your gas bill. Total $61.00.

0.:.1611I;A. ;'~~~nu~~~:~~~llbeb~:kd~f~~:h=tl~~:o5°p~c~~yD~i4i~IY from a "complete stock of n:w ap-

PHcl~~~e~82 -, ".' .,,'
.Telephone 3.500 Blvd. 1600 327 47
Justice 01 the Peace
Narberth Electric Shop Approved Nat. Board UnderwrifM'a Contractor &0 Builder REAL ESTATE
JOHN L. JENKINS Fire Insuranc~Best.,Companies Reindeer Stuff' Found to Be
oilers 201 Price Avenue . NARBERTH,. PA. Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave. Merely a Blind for His
~~~~~~~~~~~~'£9~~~~~~~~~~~'£9'£9~'£9i9i9~~'£9~~~~~~~~ Real Job.
~ Schedule of Montgomery. Bus Co., "Inc. ~ Where does Santa Claus hide
~ . . ~
after Christmas?
W Montgomery A venue Line unt'll. 3 30 P •M • Starting atSATURDAYS.tG.t
5.30 A. M. ~
~ Then 3.45 P. M. and every 15 min. Then every 20 min. until 9.10 A. M. ~ Unless this genial, bewhiskered
until 10.30 P. M.
Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until
Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 min. .tG.t
old gentleman can show a good
reason for appearing in public but
~ Leaving AndeArs~n and Montgomery 12.30 A. M. ThuntitI2125'030pPM'M • d every 20 ml'n .tG.t
once a year, and then retiring for
W venues . Then 1.00, 2.00 and 300 A M e n . . • an •. ~
~. rintill0.10 .P. M. ~ 12 months into seclusion, he is a
Starting at 5.30 A. M. St rt'
t 6 00 A M
T,len '10.50 P. M. and 11.30 P. M. ~
Th 1230 A M fake philanthropist.

ct'e-a,'f as eDawn
. ..... ~ Then every 15 ml·n.' ,u'ntil 9.00 A. M. a mg a . •• . en . •• .tG.t
fc)T Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. ~ In some quarters it is doubted

:~ ~
~ Th
Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min.
3•00 P•1\'.1 .
3 15 nd every. 15 min unti1 until 12.30 P. M. d .
Starting at
5 ' Th en every hour unt'l
A. M. '.
9•30 .A' M.' ~
.~ whether he personally delivers all
the packages that are found at the
Then 12.45 P. M. an every 1 mm. Then 10.10 A. M. and every ~O m.ln; ~
W en. a •
~ 10.00 P. M. until 10.30 P. M. '1 12 50 P M ' ~ fireplace Christmas morning; in
. -the Startling Shrill of the Morning Bird w Then 10.20 and every 20 min. until Tn,en 10.50 P. M. and every 20 min. untt . •• . '. ~ others it has even been whispered
~ 200 P M Then 1.10 P. M. and every 20 min. ~
-Without the Faintest Murmur ofa Leaf ~ T~e~ 1230
w . ., .
i 30 and 230...
A M ThuntilI0102.3$020Ao· Md' ~ 00 A M
e n ; . an... ••
until 8.50 P. M.
Then 9.30 P. M. and 'every 40 min. ~
~ that he is so lazy he gets the in-
the vast realm of ral lio, will
mates of a home for rich old un-
Those Cull clear tones of ~ SATURDAYS SUNDAYS until 11.30 P. M. ~
the New Apex "Six"-how reveal a world of untold cles to lick the Christmas seals he
pleasuri! created Cor you by ~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. Starting at 6.00 A. M. , Then 12.30 A. M. ..e! uses to decorate bundles. Rein-
delicately they accentuate W Then every 15. min. until 9.00 A. M. Then every %-hour until 9.30 A. M. ~
the hatmony of music, the the progress of science. deer driving once a year gives him
Truly, the New Apex "Six" ~ Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until until 1.30 P. M. Westbound ~
power of human voicel quite a thrill, but as for hard work
True enjoyment. Natural to has combined the greatest ~ 12.00 A. M. Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. Leaving 54th and City Line .tG.t
an uncanny degree, devoid achievements of the day. It W Then 12.15 and every 15 min. until Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. WEEKDAYS ~ at times when newspapers con-
,/- of all distortion. To herald has encompassed every ad· ~ 10.00 P. M. I until 10.30 P. M. I tarting at 5.50 A. M. M .~ sider him poor "copy"-Santa
those fleet sounds, a mile vanced feature made paS' ~ Then 10.20 and every 20, min. unti Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until Then every 20 min. until 9.30 A. • ~
W 12.00 P. M. . 12.30 A. M. Then 10.10 and every 40 min. until ~ Claus simply doesn't deliver the
or a thousand miles away, sible through years of can·
at the tum of a single dial scientious research. Allow ~ Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. 4.10 P. M. ~ goods.
will bring that superlative us to give you an actual ~ . Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 A. M. Then every 20 min. until 8.30 P. M. ~ So the reporter burst into San-
thrill of radio known only demons~~ation - in your w. St t' t S5u3NODAAYif Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- Then 9.10 P. M. and every 40 min. ~
~ Then ar mg ~ ta's office one day. "Here. Santa."
to the Apex owner. To own home if you wish. W verya%-hour
. •until
• 9.00 A. M. utes later than the above-men- u nt'l

P.M. , ~
he said, "is what people are say-
sit back, then, and The satisfaction de·
rived will prove be·
~ Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until Le~~h:: ~~~~~Ylvania R. R. Sta. Then 12.00 and 1.00 A. M. ~ ing about you. How come?"
hear those mellow
hermonies - to yond compare. ~~ Th1e·noOIP.l·5Ma·nd every 15 ml·n. untl'l than
tion in Narberth 19 minutes later SATURDAYS ~~ The room was crowded with
shut your eyes Come in today the above-mentioned times. Starting at 5.50' A. M.
and dwell in and hear it.
10.00 P. M. Then every 20 min. until 9.30 A. M. children, most of whom were nak-
~ Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min. Narberth Short Line Then 10.10 and every 40 min. until ~ ed to the waist. Two nurses
~ until 12.00 P. M. 12.50 P. M. ~
W Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Eastbound rhen 1.10 P. M. and every 20 min. ~ were weighing a boy on a pair of
~ Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M. ~ scales in a corner, writing down

ItA &
~ tion in Narberth 7 minutes later Leaving Penna. R. R. Station, Then 11.10 P. M., 12.50 A. M. and ~ his weight as well as height on
W than the above-mentioned times. Narberth 1.00 A. M. ~
a chart. Santa himself stood in
~ Leaving 54th Street and City Line WEEKDAYS SUNDAYS ~ the center of the room bossing the
~ 21 minutes later than the above- Starting at 5.30 A. M. Starting at 6.00 A. M. ~ job.
~ mentioned times. Then every 20 min. until 9.10 A. M. Then every hour until 9.00 A. M. ~
~ Westbound The n 9 50.A. M• an d every 40 ml'n . Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 min; .tG.t ~ Meets Santa Face to Face.

t' The NEW APEX "SIX" W .

~ Leavmg 6 an
3d d L
A until 3.50 P. M. until 1.10 P. M.
ancaster venue Then 4.10 P. M. and every 20 min. Then 1.30 P. M. and every 20 mm.
until 8.10 P. M. until 9.10 P. M.
• ~
"Make it snappy," breezed San-
ta with one of those world-wide
For Beauty - For Clarity - For l~erformance W Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 8.50 P. M. and every 40 min. Then ,9.50 P. M. and every 40 min. ~ grins of his. "I've got 20 more
~ Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. until 11.30 P. M. untJ1 11.50 P. M. ~ kids to examine before 5 o'clock."
Narberth Electric Shop ~ Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. I Then 12.30 A. M. Then 1.00 A. M. ~ "Where do you go after Christ-
mas?" the reporter asked.
Sales and Repairs
258 Haverford Avenue i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Everywhere. Just now I am
examining these children for signs
of undernourishment or incipient
tuberculosis. That's part of what
I do all the year round. On top
of that, I conduct open-air schools
in some places, support preven-
toria in others, where children can
go and live in the open air and
sunshine. I am busy almost
everywhere- with health educatio,tl,._",.",.."..,
in the public school~:..!Th~::'"15est',!v"
gift I give is health, and I give it,
not only at Christmastime but
all the year round."
"vVhere do you get the money
to do all this?" asked the reporter.
"The people give it to me when
they buy Christmas seals, my
boy. A penny at. a time the
money rolls in. Last year I had
the tidy sum of $4,750,000 to ex-
pend in the Utiited States. I al-
ways see to it that practically all
the money given me when people
buy my seals stays in their State
MAGNATRON TUBES <\nd is spent to fight tuberculosis
Re-create the actual performance. in their own community."
Diltance with volume. "Santa!" cried the reporter,
Volume without distortion. "you've been selling Christm~~.
Packed in cushioned boxei.
ID a handy cartoD of five. seals for almost 20 years. HaVe:
Ask for MAGNATRONS. ". you accomplished anything?" ;-1;-':
ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE." "I've helped cut the death ra~e:
A. All Good Deal.,. fr'Qt1)lulJerculosis in half during
NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP that time," answered Santa, "and,
.Magnatron Distributors besides that, there are more than
258 lIAVERFORD AVE. Narberth, Pa. 600 tuberculosis sanatoriums in
. 'Q) the country now, and there were
only. two or three when I started.
Confi,dimtially"-and here he low..;
ere<1 . his voice so that children
could not hear him, "the big rea-
son I call on all the boys and
girls' on' Christt'nas Eve is to take
a peek into their homes while
they are asleep and see how my
. ~. Floor Lamps, Complete $13.50 health'work is coming along,
Bridge Lamps 12.00 Where He Gets the Money.
Boudoir Lamps 2.50 "Do you collect all this money
Fancy Table tamps 9.85 yourself?" the reporter asked.
SPECIAL "Oh, no, no. no: that would be
impossible. I can't be everywhere.
Five:tubetadio set, complet with all accessories. $225 Plenty of men and women volun-
Value, while our small shipment lasts $85.00 teer to collect this money for' me ;
Fancy Tree Outfits $1.50 otherwise so huge a sum could
HOOVER VACUUM. CLEANERS never be raised a penny at a time.
EASY WASHERS .UTENCO IRONERS And almost everybody in the
'Christmas Seals Fight Tubercu-
Headquarters for Lionel Electrical Trains
LEAVES $42,500
RADIOS The wiU of Agnes C. Donnelly,
R. C. A., Apex, Crosley, Atwater Kent, Garod, (works late of Lower Merion, which was
right from lighting socket). No charge for installation. admitted toprob~te'last Saturday,
Free service for one year. . THE MERION TITLE & TRUST CO. disposes of an estate valued at
$42,500; which she gives to her
sisters, Mary J. and' Theresa M.
NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP Narberth Donnelly, who are named as ex-
ecutrices. The will was executed
WALTERG; CASE July 12, 1907'. '.
Narberth 2282 '
Cupid will ring some Christmas
O::=-~====~~~==~==========~~::::===========:=i belles, too.
1,." ' ," ," '-.,_,',: "';""'.' '.' (, """ '._ ,'C,' .'.,';"'.:' ':,,_, "\":,;,,,.,_,,,.,';~'" ';, ,'_ .' . ".t-_"-::'""":",,,,, .'.~," "',-:,_""".':,' 0,:".,-·1,' ,.,",:,'" '\":' '"''':,!,: ..':,-""',,/,,./,,',:,',,''' \,;"'.·,,,':';'''''',:.,.:,;:I.-.~,,.;;<':.,,',,>::'':,,.C.::':';'::'::':""'~"-:"',.'"::'J,~'.. ":"::(':',"':',:>,~'; :':·\·;::~";,'".,":,,,~.',,\.:~,.),.;'i;";~:"~<'~:I,!c',;,:,:'}:~i'{ilt",;'\'~"·'!/)""":.,-:!,,.,,',,,.-,,,,·, ;.;",:,- \~":.,,,,,,:~,'.:.f·
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En! .v'!.,},;~ 'Et

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kt~ ~ni,.,
~2t~ ~Jl~ ': ';:·r\!:
y. au.
, '.
c,an PI.e.as,e everybOdy.t.hiS Christm..as sea~
son if you concentrate your'· purchasing in
En~ the, Narberth business section. Whether it ~n~::!.::,
~n~ be gifts, food for the Christmas table, or emerg- ~nS:'::
ency repairs to things about the house, so that
you will be ready for visitors, scores of Narberth
En~ business men are at your service. ~ttl?
En~ ,0"ur shopping centre is different. from the few ~ni; .
En3 stores of ten years ago.. Now you can supply near- ~rr '·:.\.!,:iI~.i
En3 ly all your needs right in Narberth, and at a big ~n~;~'
En~ saving of time and money. In Narberth's drug ~n~ '.', ;.~'.~'.!~
En~ ~tores, hardlwatre and eledctrichstores, haberdasher- ~n3:','i:~
~n1 les, genera . sores, ,can ys ops, gift shops-to ~n ..:,t··
~n~ ~:'~~~e.but a few, you can choose a gift for in~: '<r~
~n~ , P;':"
~u~ In tJ;1e meat, grocery, fruit and provision stores ~n~~';~
~o~ you WIlI find everything needed for a sumptuous ~n~·.,~
En~ repast Christmas day. The banks, with their ~n~: 'Ii
En~ ." Christmas clubs and savings accounts, stand for ~ns.:~~:
~n~ the money side of our festivities. The real estate ~t;"
~n;' and insurance man works for the establishment ~ ~:
~~~~ and safety of our homes. The coal man, the car- ~ns:
:. .: penters, plumbers, roofers, shoemakers, tailors and ~o~
En~ Jther service specialists among our business men, ~nr
~n~ ltre rendering constant co-operation when called ~ni: ,
=. upon. ~nt!·
~n~ There are few kinds of enterprise that Narberth ~nr
~n~ :loes not furnish. Look into our local business F~ ;"
~n~, 3ection; see how complete and progressive it is, ~ ,~;
:: !lnd do your Christmas buying at home. lo ~..:
;: = _ ~
~O'.:~ ~,

.. 41'!

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'.:o~ ~.,~:
~ ..:

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""':i;n'~" 'J'1"" FU;"

..~~. ,
For Pleasant Christrri~s Shop'ping" This Year U

.. t.~ •.r
,.... •~2t~·.:
~n~ By all means, take the youngsters into the crowded department stores once this season.. It will be tiresome, but the in~
~k ~v
~n~ milling crowds, the worn-out shopgirls, the long delays, will be compensated for by the excitement a child finds in such confusion. ~ni
~~ ~~
~ But after that one trip save yourseH hours and doIlars by DJalc,ing your purchases at home, from the complete stocks of our local ~
in~ firms. Choose gifts in peace. Buy from your friends and neighbors and lend your support to local industry. You, too, will benefitl ~n~
~ ~
~ ~
~ <r.:
.. ~
~ ; ~~~

f;~i This Advertisement Is Inserted. Through The Co-operation Of The Following : ~~~~
..~~= ••~~1.:
~~ ~~
~n~ 102 Forrest Avenue 2M] Haverford Avenue 258 Haverford Avenue !nl
i:t~ Phone, Narberth 2602 Phone: Narberth 2201-W Phone, Narberth 375 ;r!
i:.~ 302 Have1'ford Avenue - 7'\'.:"' 230 Haverford Avenue ~r~
~.r:t Phone, Narberth 163,5. 201 Haverford~AvertUe . Phone : Narberth 2276 ~t~
i.~i '239 Haverfo1'd Avenue HEWIT'S 250 Haverford Avenue ~trs
ini Phone,. Narberth 699 Tailors, Cleaners & Dyers Phone, Narberth 2282 -ill
~u~ Real Estate T. A. KERRIGAN & SON 228 Have1'ford Avenue En~
~u~ 205 Haverford Avenue Builders Phone, Narberth 377 ~r~
~~ ~p
~,,~ ~n~
104 Ess6x Avenue 1!Jssex & Haverford Ave<nues
~'·i Phone, Narberth 1752
: CHRIS KOCH, Phone, Narberth 630 ~l~
tn~ COOPER B R O S . , Ph
Haverford Avenue
~u" Narberth & Haverford Avenues one, ar. h 1267 Real Estate '4'..:
Phone, Narberth 2 5 5 4 "
Phone, Narberth 1710 in~
~t~ HOWARD F. COTTER Pri"nter and Publisher SHEA'S DRUG STORE ~n'
~tt" Y. M. C. A. Building Phone, Narberth 2545 At,the Station ~tf
~u:; Phone, Narberth 1750 ..... ,.. J 220 Haverford Avenue J a
tn~ ~. C. H. CRANE _ 211' Havlirfordl'ilvenue S. J. THOMAS ~n'
~tt~ Haverford and Narbertli Avenues: Narberth '2277 '." Dry Goods and Haberdashery ~tt.~
1= =., Phone, Narberth 1620 236 Haverford Avenue
~k ~~
: :I J. A. MILLER Sn~
~n~ GEO. M. DANDO Roofing , WHITE'S SWEET SHOP. ~U' '
Ett~ 209 Haverford Avenue III Forest Avenue 219 Haverford Avenue ~n~
:i1,~i Phone,Narberth 1680 Phone, Narberth 1705 lu~
i,n3 Oldest Store in Narbertll Haverfard &.NarberlllrAvenues 237 Haverford Avenus , ~;~t
.' "n" Phone, Narberth 1735 : Phone, Narbertb.,::;398 Phone, Narberth 369 l:1~ii
'lo~ ".: :
.~: ~::' " ':~.,'-
...;g:, . ,
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