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“It’s time, my Queen.” The maid spoke in a somber and hushed tone.

The queen who sat and

stared out the window at the rioting people said nothing, a blank look upon her beautiful and
cold face. She stood with years of practiced grace, her blue dress hung delicately on her thin
body barely shuffled at the movement. She stared one last time into the window’s reflection, at
the crown on her head that now meant so little. The kingdom was no more. Overtaken by its
own people. The weight of the mistakes and burdens her now dead father had made were too
heavy for her to bare. The starving and frustrated people would not wait for their newly
crowned queen to prepare a solution, a solution that should have been found generations ago.
With the help of the Council of knights greedy for power the castle fell within a couple days.
The last of her supporters sent to the gallows. Confined to her room under heavy guard the
council voted on her fate, the gallows. It was what the people demanded. As she was escorted
down the hallway by a few knights her maid and life long friend sniffled and stifled her crying.
The queen wanted to join her with her own tears, but she would not allow herself to cry. She
had devoted her life to the people, and now for the sins of her lineage she would give her very
life to the people. The muffled screams of the people grew as they approached the heavy
wooden double doors. The knights behind her pushed her maid aside, sending her into
hysterics. “Please! Don’t do this! The queen is good, she doesn’t deserve this! You greedy
dogs only want-!” She was silenced by a sharp backhand from one of the escorting knights.
The force of the metal plated handing sending her to the ground with a whimper. “You will be
silent woman. Know your place.” He growled. “Forgive her.” The queen spoke softly to the
knight, he answered with a scoff. “Whatever, open the doors.” He demanded. The queen shut
her eyes as harsh sunlight filled the entry way and momentarily blinded her. She was hit with a
wall of sound as suddenly the screams she had heard for days was now in front of her. The
knights began to stride forward, but she hesitated. “Hurry up.” A knight shoved her nearly
sending her to the ground, but she managed to catch herself just in time. Thanks to her years
of noble training she was able to posture herself, head raised and shoulder straight. Her heels
clacked on the cobble rode. “There’s the bitch!” Was only one of many screams as the crowd
laughed and screamed. A woman approached her, an angry scowl on her face. “My daughter
starved to death because you, you bitch. You deserve this.” She hissed as some knights
pushed the woman back into line of equally angry people. The queen felt her breath hitch, but
she continued to walk, finding her shoulders slumping slightly, and eyes looking to the end of
the road. There in the court yard stood her fate. Broad and sturdy, the metal blade glistening in
the sunlight, the blood on the blades edges still fresh from a previous execution. A woven
basket at its feet, ready to catch its next victim’s head. Right as her step faltered, a rotten
vegetable was thrown at her, making her lose balance completely. She was sent sprawling the
ground, her frail skin scraped against the bricks leaving angry red scratches across her arms
and hands. She hissed in pain quietly while others laughed, more rotten food being thrown at
her. “Stop.” Was bellowed across the court yard silencing the crowd and halting the onslaught
of airborn objects. A knight dressed in grey armor from head to toe, and a bright red cape
stood over the Queen. She lowered her head expecting him to strike her, or give another
speech on how she deserved what she had coming. Yet in a soft voice he asked her, “Can you
stand, my lady?” Startled she looked up at the knight, looking into his eyes for any sign of a
trap, but found she could not find his eyes behind the helmet. Hesitantly she found her voice,
unable to hide the shiver in it, “yes.” Slowly she rose to her feet, taking the knights outstretched
hand. After making sure she was fine the knight turned to bellow at the crowd once more. “Any
objects thrown towards the lady will need to go through me.” He announced, the crowd began
to yell in outrage. More projectiles were thrown. “Excuse me my lady.” He said before bring the
woman to his side, shielding her with his own body, shield and cape. He did not care that the
crimson color was to be stained, nor the rotten odor that would surely cling to the armor. The
other knights merely watched in awe as the two began to walk again. After a few steps of silent
the man spoke. “Forgive me my lady.” He spoke quietly. “What for I am the one that should be
thanking you.” She said softly, eyes still trained ahead. He was quiet again for another couple
steps. “Forgive me for being a coward. I am on the council, seat number 13. At the meeting
deciding your fate I had a say in it. Yet I was too much of a coward to defend you, so I said
nothing. I know this is not your fault, your hands are as innocent as the day you were born.” He
said in a shameful tone. The woman perused her lips before speaking. “I could have run away.
Many people offered to help me from this fate, yet here I am. I am willing to give my life for my
people, to be apart of the dark history so that the new one may not repeat.” She spoke with a
wisdom that did not match her age. The knight was quiet, his stance remained so she was
unable to read his reaction or emotions. They were silent for the rest of the walk until they
reached the gallows and came to a stop. “Thank you for shielding me.” She placed her delicate
hand on his helmet where his cheek would be, and gave him the last smile she could muster.
As she began to walk away he spoke again, “For you to perish today would be a waste, so rare
a queen born with wisdom only equal to the size of her heart be born. You will not die today.”
He said, she gave him a puzzled look but did not have time to respond as he drew his sword,
impaling the blade into the stomach of another knight to his left. More knights drew their
swords and ran for him, while others came to his aid. The crowd screamed and began to panic,
running and stampeding as blood was spilled upon the bricks. A horse riding knight aimed his
sword for the red capes knight. “Look out!” The queen screamed, the knight turning just in time
to impale the rider’s leg with a sword and pulling him off the horse, ending him quickly with a
clean sword strike to the neck. He grabbed the horse’s reigns and steadied the uneasy horse.
“Please get on my lady.” He pulled the horse over to her, picking her light weight frame easily
onto the horse. “W-Wait I can’t-“ the queen began but the knight struck the horse sending it
barreling forward. The queen gasped and groped for the reins. Finally steady on the horse she
looked back one last time where the knight stood, he bowed his head to her in a silent prayer
for her safety. The queen only saw the knight clash his sword with another as she exited
through the gates. Exiting to her freedom, gifted to her by the knight.

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