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Name : Brandon Navas

Imagine you are thinking of starting a restaurant in your community. Answer the
following questions:
1. Who will be the various stakeholders of your business?
A stakeholder is either an individual, group or organization who is impacted bytheoutcome
of a project. They have an interest in the success of the project, and can bewithin or
outside the organization that is sponsoring the project.[Lan17].If, I had to start a restaurant
in my community the various stake holders of mybusiness would be:1.The owner’s/
sponsors/ shareholders:They have the control and responsibilityfor the cost and income of
the business.2.The employee: They are responsible to ensure the work is done as per
themission statement.

2. What are some of the things you can do to benefit your community other than
providing jobs and tax revenue?
Everything will depend on the area or sector that I want to start my business since thanks
to that I could help with the flow of capital for the growth of my business and the flow of
foreign people if tourism would be attracted

3. Do you see any conflict between your desire to be as profitable as possible and
your desire to pay employees a living wage?
The two ideas can coexist. One should agree to meet one's financial obligations to one's
employees if one agreed to pay them a living wage. Doing otherwise would be unethical.
Profitability should come second to one's morality.

4. Which of the environmental factors outlined in this lecture might have the biggest
impact on your business? How?

Environmental factors can be both internal and external to an organization. Some internal factors
of a business include its value system, mission and objectives, and internal relationships.
I think that my business will have impact in the External factors of a business include competitors,
economic factors and technological factors

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