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Kristina Peters

Campus | Event

Women still struggle for equality campus briefs Career Services

By HEATHER HOLM New Mexico and Louisiana are the offers Mock Interviews
Activities Editor worst. Mock Interviews will be available
The amendment failed in 1982, for education majors from 9 a.m.
Women are not the only ones but is brought up again every year. to 4 p.m. today in Career Services,
involved in the process of getting the There are 15 unratified states in 1301 Human Services Center.
Equal Rights Amendment ratified in the U.S. Constitution dealing with Appointments are required, but
the United States Constitution. Some the Equal Rights Amendment, with the cost is free. Call 581-2412 to
men have a strong connection to it as Illinois being one. make an appointment.
well. To be ratified, it means they have
“Men realize that this is a fami- agreed to put that amendment into
ly and not just a female issue,” said the Constitution. Resume critiques
Emily Battin, former president for the Thirty-eight states are needed for available today
Business and Professional Women. the amendment to pass and 35 have A resume critique will be available
Rep. Lou Lang, D-Ill., brings up ratified it so far. for education majors preparing for
the Equal Rights Amendment every Samantha Lynch, president of the the Mid-America Educators’ Job
year. Business and Professional Women on Fair. The critique will be from 6 to
Battin spoke at 7 p.m. Monday campus, said the presentation showed 7 p.m. today in Buzzard Hall, Room
in the Lumpkin Auditorium for the Karolina Strack | The Daily Eastern News that people care about the Equal 1430. Bring a jump drive to save
“The Equal Rights Amendment: Not Emily Battin speaks of different countries that have Equal Rights Rights Amendment. one’s work. For more information,
Just a Blast from the Past” presenta- Amendments compared to the U.S. Monday in the Lumpkin Auditorium. “Some people don’t know about contact Kelli Brosam at 581-2412 or
tion. Battin discussed how the Equal these issues,” she said. “I think it is
Rights Amendment does not grant es of American citizenship and the tion, Illinois included. important for people to know this is
any rights not already there for wom- Fifteenth Amendment stopped the She brought up statistics about still an issue.” Ringuette interviews
en; it just provides a way to bring denial of the right to vote on the sexual harassment and discrimination Mary Nance Miller, of the Coles for dean position today
them forward. basis of race, color or previous condi- in the military that said nearly one in County chapter of Business and Pro- Dana Ringuette, English
“There are plenty of people who tion of servitude. three respondents of all ages say they fessional Women, helped bring Battin department chair, will interview
think the work is done,” Battin said. In 1920, the Nineteenth Amend- have been taken advantage of sexually. to Eastern. today and Wednesday for the
“We have come a long way, but we ment was passed, giving women the She also brought up another statistic “I think it will benefit women on dean of the College of Arts and
have got a longer way to go.” right to vote. that said one in four women are sexu- campus and in the community,” she Humanities position.
However, these only mention Because of the slow progress for ally harassed or raped in general. said. A social with the campus and
“people” and not “women.” a federal Equal Rights Amendment, Also in the presentation, Battin community will be held as part of
The Fourteenth Amendment 21 states have passed an Equal Rights said Washington and Connecticut are HeatherHolmcanbereachedat581- the interview process from 4:30
gave African Americans the privileg- Amendment in their state constitu- the best states for women’s rights and 7942 or to 5:30 p.m. today in the 1895
room of the Martin Luther King Jr.
Local | Meeting University Union. All are welcome

Conference to offer energy solutions to attend.

—Compiled by Associate News

Editor Emily Zulz
By Joe Astrouski where it’s people talking about what could register for free. Turnbull said the college will also
City Editor they’re doing in the lab,” Turnbull “We have a sponsor that offered host an electrical goods recycling pro-
said. “These are people that are talk- to pay for some people’s registration, gram all day Wednesday and Thurs-
In an effort to help Illinoisans save
energy and develop new technolo-
ing about practical solutions for your
home, your business, your communi-
and there are a few slots open for
that,” Turnbull said.
He said anyone can drop off tele-
gy, Lake Land College in Mattoon ty.” The free portions of the con- visions, computers, calculators, print- Charles Kyle, 23, of Charleston,
is holding its second annual Energy The conference is scheduled to ference include keynote addresses ers or other electrical goods at the was charged with driving under
Innovation Conference on Feb. 25- include about 30 presentations on Wednesday on alternative energy by Lake Land campus. the influence of alcohol after a
27. topics ranging from “Wind Turbine Chuck Hartke, former state Sena- “If anyone has … anything elec- 2:07 a.m. Wednesday arrest at
David Turnbull, a bioscience Financing” and “The Future of Eth- tor and former director of the Illinois trical, they can drop it off at the col- Ninth and Cleveland streets, the
instructor at Lake Land College and anol” to “Reducing Your Energy Department of Agriculture at 1 p.m. lege,” he said. “Normally, you have University Police Department
the event’s organizer, said the confer- Costs” and “Residential Geothermal.” and “Home Remedies and Cost Sav- to pay a fee..., but this (drop-off) is said.
ence is designed for ordinary citizens, Although some presentations are ings” by Doug Rye, national energy free.”
businesspeople and city government free, admission to the full three-day consultant, at 4 p.m. A theft was reported at Alpha
leaders. conference costs $50, Turnbull said. Both will speak in the Lake Land Joe Astrouski can be reached at 581- Sigma Tau on Wednesday, police
“It’s not a research conference Participants who sign up soon College Theater. 7942 or at said.

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