El Covid 19 Y Sus Consecuencias

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Realized By: Nayerlis Guzman Polanco

Received By: Viviana Charris



the changes that the covid 19 has generated have been too drastic since it has brought serious
consequences which are going to be a little difficult to recover in one way or another,
according to studies carried out by experts on the subject, it has been verified that during this
pandemic, life has changed not only economically but socially, politically and environmentally
And for this the best solution is to comply with all the biosafety norms and the rules that the
government has proposed, in order to recover our lives and fulfill our activities


(Write a paragraph explaining that the report you used documentary research and

what is it?)

Documentary or bibliographic research is one that seeks to obtain, select, compile, organize,
interpret and analyze information on a study object from documentary sources, such as books,
archival documents, hemerography, and audiovisual records, among others.

Within all documentary research the following elements are identified:

Documentary unit, that is, the physical or virtual space in which the available sources are

Documents or sources of information;

Study sheets for organizing reading notes.


(Write a paragraph where you’ll explain the method of research used in your inform and what
is it?) Qualitative research

The method the qualitative uses

When we speak of qualitative methods, qualitative research, or qualitative methodology, we

are referring to the most widely used type of information gathering procedures in the social
These are linguistic-semiotic-based methods. They employ techniques other than survey and
experiment, such as open interviews, discussion groups, or participant observation techniques.
Every qualitative method aspires to collect the complete discourses on a specific topic, and
then proceed to interpret them, thus focusing on the cultural and ideological aspects of the
result, instead of the numerical or proportional ones.


(Write a paragraph where you’ll explain the database used in your inform, that is, write the
name of information source)

The sources by which I carry out my research are the following:



in addition also provide data of the knowledge that I have about this and all its



(Write a paragraph where you’ll explain the activity of collecting information that can be used
to find out about a particular subject)

In these research sources I had the opportunity to investigate in depth about covid19
(coronavirus), taking into account its serious and natural consequences that are currently
occurring not only in one country but throughout the world, but, more than anything, try to be
aware and bearer out of this situation. calmly, but the most important thing is to take care of
ourselves and others, provide help to those most in need whenever we can recreate this step.
Covid has been a phenomenon that has made the world stop and realize the most important
and fundamental thing that it is for each of us.


(Write a paragraph where you’ll describe of operations on data, to retrieve, transform, or

classify information.)
The investigation was taken and processed from different web pages and from my own
knowledge, which has knowledge of the covid and its most relevant and strict consequences.


(Waiting for vaccine)

(write a paragraph where you’ll explain that you found and the most significant or important
about your findings)

In the half year that has passed since the start of the pandemic thousands of scientists have
investigated, even in real time, the virus that has stopped the

usual rhythm of the world.

Much remains to be known and neither a medicine nor a vaccine has been


But in these 6 months science has managed to answer questions that have

been key to face the virus.

Today we know what it is, what it is made of, how it spreads or what happens

when it enters our body.

This is why we are testing the vaccines that have been carried out and we

only have to wait for the results.

(Sub-heading 2)

(write a paragraph where you’ll explain that you found and the most significant or important
about your findings)

The lack of symptoms against an active pathology carries a risk for both

infected people and the public. Current recommendations encourage patients to stay home if
they are asymptomatic, making late hospital presentation and sudden death a risk. And there
is also the public health nightmare, as about 40-45% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are
asymptomatic, with an equally high viral load as those who are actively ill.

(Write a conclusion you should show the overall significance of what has been covered. You
may want to remind the reader of the most important points that have been made in the
report or highlight what you consider to be the most central issues or findings).

the following aspects are the ones that have been heard the most and the most important in
these moments Something has gone viral is that there are rumors that in hospitals homicides
are practiced on patients with covid19 to be able to vacate ICU stretchers since they are
collapsed and it is impossible to continue treating patients Another rumor is that each person
who arrives at the hospital immediately informs them that they have covid19 and they only do
this to earn money, since it is heard that doctors are "giving them a large amount of money to
kill patients I think all this may be true, but it only remains to tell these people that what they
do is not right, and if they reconsider as soon as possible it would be all better, since they
would not like the same thing to happen to their families.


(Write a recommendation are what you think the solution to the problem is and/or what you
think should happen)

I think that the solution to these problems that they are presenting cannot have, since many
people believe that the government and the president know about this situation and they only
cover these people and that's it. since if they act on them they will also fall alongside these
people and everything will be complicated not only for them but for all of Colombia the only
thing I suggest is that these people along with the government become aware of the damage
they cause to thousands of families and reconsider as soon as possible.

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