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Proposed Transformer Locations Evaluation in HUSJ Faculty

Transformer Location Evaluation Factors Evaluation

Transformer at University Boundry- 400sqmm

Cable Price- 6.8 Million (with 4.5% voltage
Coble Length Cost Calculation With (150m Drop)
fro University boundary to the site,
Trenching cost not considered as cost will Transformer at University Boundry-300sqmm
be same for all 3 cables) Cable Price - 4.8 Million (With 5.1% voltage
Transformer Location Evaluation at Site
premises and University Boundry
Transformer at Site Boundary 95sqmm HT
Cable Price = 2.64 Million

HT Cable - Voltage Drop is negligable

300sqmm there will be 5.1% voltage drop
Voltage Drop to150m length

400sqmm there will be 4.5% voltage drop

to150m length

Transformer at Location B within Site Additional LT 300sqmm cable length of 60m-

Premises (Cost 1.9million & Voltage drop 2% )
Transformer Location Evaluation at Site
premises Location A & B (60m apart Option of HT Supply to the Management Additional HT 95sqmm cable length of 60m-
between two locations) Faculty from HUSJ (Cost 1.05million & Voltage drop negligable )

There is sufficient space at location A and

Transformer location Space avaialability limited space in location B

Having Transformer at Site

Premises will reduce the

More than 400sqmm cable

will be required. Having
Transformer at site
premises will reduce the
voltage drop

Location A propose due to

low cost and reduced
voltage drop and space
Cost Calculations with respect to BOQ item Price

Approximate Cable Rates for 1 meter

95sqmm HT Cable (Cable Rate from Dimo) 17567.00
300sqmm LT Cable( Cable Rate from NRE) 31865.00
400sqmm LT Cable ( Cable Rate from NRE) 45230.00

150m LT Cable for Transformer at University Boundry to Site

300sqmm LT Cable Cost 4779750.00
400sqmm LT Cable Cost 6784500.00
95sqmm HT Cable Cost 2635050.00

Transformer at Location B
300sqmm LT cable cost 1911900.00
Transformer at Location A
95sqmm HT Cable cost 1054020.00

Voltage Drop Calculation

Appearent Power Demand as per the load calculation 498.03 KVA
Maximum current 769.869315599581

Voltage Drop as per the catalogue(300mmsq Kelani Cable

1 considered) 0.185mV/A/m
Transformer at the University Boundry additional Voltage Drop 21.3638925 5.14792590361446 Percentage

Voltage Drop as per the catalogue(400sqmm Kelani Cable

2 considered) 0.165mV/A/m
Transformer at the University Boundry additional Voltage Drop 19.0542825 4.59139337349398 Percentage

3 Transformer at the Location 'B' additional voltage drop 8.545557 2.05917036144578 Percentage

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