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Simple Present is used to state:

a. Habit/ activities which is frequently done
Example: He works as a teller in a private bank
b. General truth
Example: The earth is round
Simple Present is also used as a sub clause to modify main clauses coming in “present” tenses. For
example: I will tell him the news, as soon as he comes.

The pattern for Simple Present is:

Verbal Sentence Nominal Sentence

(+) S + V1/ V1 + s/es S + is, am, are

- V1 is used for the subject: I, you, we, Be is followed by noun or adjective
they, plural noun/pronoun
Example: Marina is a kind girl
Example: They clean the yard every

- V1 + s/es is used for the subject: he,

she, it, singular noun/pronoun
Example: He cleans the yard every

(-) S + do/does + not + V1 (-) S + is, am, are + not

Example: They do not clean the yard Example: Marina is not a kind girl
every week
He does not clean the yard
every week

(?) do/does + S + V1 (Yes, No (?) is, am, are + S (Yes, No

Question) Question)

Example: Do they clean the yard every Example: Is Marina a kind girl?
Does he clean the yard every
week? (?) question word + is, am, are + S
(Wh. Question)
(?) question word + do/does + S + V1 Example: Why is Marina very
(Wh. Question) kind?
Example: Why do they clean the yard
every week?
Why does he clean the yard
every week?

Note: Verb and Be have similar position as “predicate” for a sentence. They are used
interchangeably. If there is “verb”, there is no “be” and vice versa (except in progressive tenses).
For instance: I am go  it is incorrect, since it is double predicate.
The Time Signal for Simple Present:

Simple Present is indicated by time signal such as: every ..., on Sundays. It is also indicated by the
use of “adverb of frequency” such as : sometimes, seldom, usually, rarely, always, never, often.
When there is no time signal or adverb of frequency, simple present can also be indicated by the
context of the sentence.
Example: A tree absorbs carbondioxide (the sentence indicate something happening everyday).

Simple Present vs. Present Progressive/Continuous

Simple Present is frequently interpreted to be similar with Present Progressive. They are obviously
different. Simple Present means habitual activities, whereas Present Progressive means ongoing
activities (activities happening on that time). They are indicated by different time signals.

Exercise 1. Use either the Simple Present or the Present Progressive!

1. Dian can’t come to the phone because she (wash) ___________ her hair.
2. Dian (wash) __________ her hair every other day or so.
3. Kathy (sit, usually) __________ in the front row during class, but today she (sit) _________ in
the last row.
4. Please be quiet. I (try) _________ to concentrate
5. (lock, you, always) _____________ the door when you leave?
6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’t answered my letter yet. I (wait, still) ____________
for a reply.
7. Every morning, the sun (shine) __________ in my bedroom window and (wake) _______ me

8. After three days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) ___________ again today.
9. A: Look! It (snow) __________
B: It’s beautiful! That is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It (snow, not) ______________ in
my country.

10. Mike is a student, but he (go, not) __________ to school right now because it’s summer. He
(attend) ________ college from September to May every year.

Exercise 2. Using interogative Simple Present in speaking. Translate the following sentence
into English!
1. Apakah seekor ikan bernafas dengan paru-paru?
2. Apakah anda siap untuk berangkat?
3. Mengapa bayi menangis jika dia lapar?

4. Apa manfaat kalsium bagi tubuh manusia?

5. Dimana ibu biasanya membeli sayuran?

Exercise 3. Analyse the error in the sentences, and correct it!

1. We do hungry.
2. You are study in their dorm.
3. Sisca and Albert are not walk along the beach.
4. My family and I am eat chicken pizza every Sunday.
5. She sell necklace in her uncle store.
5. Robert buy a new bicycle with my sister.
6. They are not clean the rug but they cleans the doormate.
7. You do not drinks a bottle of milk.
8 He is join Math club with another ten students.
9. I types my homework on the computer.
10. Julia and I does not interested in music.
11. Patrick Star does Spongebob’s best friend.
12. My mother’s new car does not expensive.
13. We takes medicine when we are sick.
14. You are need to see a doctor if you are sick.
15. They are open the door slowly.
16. She run to catch the bus.
17. We gets the new whiteboard because the first one are broken.
18. What is you want?
19. What does your favorite food?
20. Melissa do not speak softly.
21. My skirts is dirty.
22. They do lazy.
23. My mother is not ask me about my school assignment.
24. I am think the violin is hard to play
25. She is works as civil servant

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