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Kristina Peters
WEDNESDAY | 12.10.08

campus briefs
Senate plans for technology options Sketch comedy
performance Thursday
Lunchbox Voodoo will perform
By JOE ASTROUSKI its last shows of the semester this
Administration Reporter week.
Lunchbox Voodoo, a student
The Faculty Senate discussed the sketch comedy group, and Hello
strengths and weaknesses of Eastern’s Dali, a student improv group, will
Information Technology Services at perform at 9 p.m. Thursday in the
its meeting Tuesday. Block Box of the Doudna Fine Arts
Senate members spoke by tele- Center.
conference with Geoff Wold of the Lunchbox Voodoo will then
Lurie Besikof Lapidus and Co. con- make its final performance of the
sulting firm. semester at 9 p.m. Saturday in the
Eastern hired LBL to conduct Charleston/Mattoon Room of the
an online survey of faculty and staff Martin Luther King Jr. University
on their experiences with ITS, Wold Union. Both events are free.
“We want to be able to identi- Artist winners to be
fy the strengths of ITS,” Wold said.
“We want to identify any areas that announced Sunday
need improvement. If there are any Award winners of the 17th Bien-
nial Drawing/Watercolor: Illinois
teaching needs that haven’t been met
exhibition will be announced at
… we want to identify that, too.”
2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Tarble
Senate members told Wold some
Arts Center.
members of the ITS staff are more
Artists around Illinois entered
qualified than others.
more than 100 students into the
“There is a real dichotomy in
competition. The awards total
quality control,” said senate member
$5,450. The actual exhibition of
John Stimec. “There are several staff the artwork will be displayed Sat-
at the help desk that are very adept urday and continues until Feb. 22.
at what they do … there are others The majority of works are
that are not as adept.” representational landscapes,
Senate chair John Pommier com- cityscapes, figure studies and still
mended ITS for communicating lifes.
with faculty, staff and students.
“There’s a real strong sense that
we are involved in this process (of Supplies, funds needed
maintaining technology) because we for animal shelter
are informed,” Pommier said. “There County Animal Rescue and Edu-
was a sense that “we’re getting it cation, the Coles County animal
straight.” shelter, is in need of donations of
Stimec also said he was concerned collars, leashes, water bowls, rub-
that the online survey LBL distribut- ber chew toys or money to raise
ed to faculty and staff was not confi- awareness and make a difference
dential and that responses could be for abandoned pets at the shelter.
traced back to individual responders. Carl Sandburg Elementary
Jeff Cooley, business affairs vice School and Petropics, 626 W.
president, said university adminis- Lincoln Ave., are teaming up for
trators wanted the responses to be the drive.
Faculty Senate members listen to a conference call from Geoff Wold of the Lurie Besikof Lapidus and Co. con-
traceable so ITS could respond to Petropics will match $1,500 in
sulting firm Tuesday afternoon in Booth Library.
the problems listed. donations brought by school
“If someone has a definite prob- “The university has received Though President Bill Perry Faculty Senate also present- children. Donations can also be
lem, we need some way to get back both state and national recogni- put plans for the plant on hold last ed Cooley, who will retire Dec. 31, dropped off at Petropics or at the
to them and help fix those prob- tion for what we do here through month, Reed said the university is with a framed senate resolution in
To get to the C.A.R.E. from
lems,” Cooley said, adding that the our recycling program and through still committed to building the ener- his honor during the meeting.
Charleston, drive west on Route
university did not want to discour- our efforts at energy conservation,” gy center. “We are doing a search right now,
16 and take a left on Loxa Road.
age negative responses. Cooley said. “(Perry) is still committed to the but there is no way we can replace
There will be a sign to direct
Cooley, along with Gary Reed, Reed said Eastern’s proposed project,” Reed said. “During Janu- you,” Pommier told Cooley. “(Cool-
drivers to the shelter.
director of facilities planning and Renewable Energy Center would ary, we’re going to make some design ey) wants to serve, and he serves
The shelter is open from 8 a.m.
management, also spoke to the sen- improve the university’s energy effi- changes.” everyone so well.”
to 3:30 p.m. Monday through
ate about efforts to make East- ciency and would reduce emissions The university will take those Friday and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on
ern’s campus more environmentally by replacing the current coal-fired changes to Charleston residents in Joe Astrouski can be reached at 581-
friendly. plant. January, Reed said. 7942 or at

Textbooks due back

CAMPUS | SENATE by 3 p.m. Dec. 19

Last Student Senate meeting to be held tonight

Textbook Rental Service will be
open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dec.
15; from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 16
through 18; and from 8 a.m. to
Election results decided at the meeting. “The State of the Senate The total cost for the retreat was 3 p.m. Dec. 19. Late fines will be
charged on textbooks returned
presented, AB Drew Griffin, chair of the exter- addresses issues within the senate $552, and Student Government’s
after Dec. 19, at the rate of $10
nals relations committee, and Stu- and what we have accomplished,” portion of the cost is $110.52.
additional allocations dent Senate member Paul Reid Bulgar said. If these fail, Ceci Brinker, direc- per book. The five-day grace
to be voted on were vying for the position. Eric Wilber, student execu- tor of student life, will have to foot period will expire at 4:30 p.m. Dec.
24. Late textbooks will only be ac-
Both Griffin and Reid think tive vice president, said other than the bill.
they could handle the job. elections, proposal approved by The senate will vote on $4,500 cepted for the following five days.
By HEATHER HOLM Griffin said he could handle Apportionment Board will be pre- for UB Special Events; $10, 460 After the five-day grace period,
Student Government Editor running a meeting. sented at the meeting. for UB Mainstage; $4,500 for UB no textbooks will be accepted
Reid said current Student Sen- Five allocations from last week Comedy; $5,235 for UB Produc- and all textbook charges – in
Winners of the Student Gov- ate Spear Issac Sandidge and Bul- for University Board will be vot- tions; and $2, 350 for UB Home- addition to the previously posted
ernment’s fall semester elections gar support him. ed on at the meeting along with coming. late fine charges – will be posted
will be announced at Student Sen- Because it is the senate’s last a line-item transfer from Student These passed unanimously at to the student account.
ate’s final meeting tonight. meeting, Bulgar will present the Government. AB two weeks ago. – Compiled by News Editor
Student Body President Levi State of the University address. If approved, the transfer would Also, two other events AB Stephen Di Benedetto
Bulgar said every person who ran “This speech is about the well- move $300 from student payroll to approved will be presented at the
should get a spot on the senate being of the student body,” Bul- copy service. meeting. Comments, Corrections, OR
next semester. gar said. “Also, I will talk about A proposal discussing mon- The costs for the events are events
“It was an uncontested elec- things that have happened in the ey for the Student Government $8,275 for “Up All Nite: Casi- To report any errors, local events
tion,” Bulgar said. “There were no world over the semester, such as retreat that took place in the fall no Royale,” $3,200 for “UB Rush or general suggestions for future
issues.” the election of Barrack Obama and will also be voted on. Hour Lucky Charm” and $9,025 editions please contact our Edi-
All new members will be sworn the state of the economy in the The Black Student Union, Stu- for “Spring Fling Wild Safari.” tor in Chief, Kristina Peters, via:
in at the meeting as well. speech.” dent Life Office, Latin American Phone | 581-7936,
The Student Senate Speaker Sandidge will also give the State Student Organization and UB all Heather Holm can be reached at E-mail |
position for the spring will also be of the Senate Address. participated in the retreat. 581-7942 or Office visit | 1811 Buzzard Hall

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