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08 news 5
» Juicy
f r o m pa g e 1
“I believe that the
» McCann
f r o m pa g e 1
central issue here is
that of respecting
“People are going to have their “I have to pick up some meetings,”
opinion,” said the senior physical each other.” McCann said.
education major. “There is no need He said he would get to know
to ban the Web site. It is completely more of the groups on campus
anonymous so it shouldn’t affect you — Robyn Paige, such as Faculty Senate, Student
as a person.” interim director Senate and the Council on Uni-
Paige does not think banning any of Greek Life versity Planning and Budget.
particular Web site, such as juicyc- “There are a lot of important
ampus.com, would solve the greater issues on our table,” McCann said.
problem illustrated by the posts. with those who post on the site,” He said the proposed Renew-
“I think that if people have an she said. able Energy Center is one major
interest in engaging in this particu- Paige said she hopes that peo- issue that will be worked on in
lar behavior, they would just simply ple who are posting on the Web site hope of finding a solution.
find another way,” she said. would consider the greater impact President Bill Perry said he
Paige said she feels this site is of their actions. picked McCann after asking differ-
just another example of how people “I would guess that often people ent groups on campus to describe
share information with one another. AMIR PRELLBERG | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS do not think about the harm that what types of characteristics were
“Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear Juicycampus.com is a Web site that allows any user to go on and post a simple Internet post can have on needed in an interim vice presi-
that much of what gets posted to rumors about people at their school. Eastern is one of the schools an individual in the short and long dent for business affairs.
this particular Web site is positive,” included on the site with comments. term,” she said. “I believe that the He then considered the three-
she said. “This site is only what peo- central issue here is that of respect- to four-month period an interim
ple make of it, and it appears that Paige said if people would stop “I believe that this site only has ing each other.” would serve, which includes the
people are making this particular reading and responding to the posts power over the fraternity and soror- legislative session.
site a location for negative and often on the site, then the negativity ity community at Eastern if our JessicaLeggincanbereachedat581- He said he selected McCann for
untrue statements.” could cease. students allow it to be by engaging 7942 or at jmleggin@eiu.edu. those reasons.
“We are going to be dealing

» Dining
f r o m pa g e 1
“Students need to
» Inyart foster new growth, according to
Inyart’s announcement. Through
with some uncertainty,” Perry said.
With Eastern being asked to
hold 2.5 percent of its state fund-
f r o m pa g e 1
understand they need this, the city is able to continue on a ing in reserve, Perry said it is
to work with us path of development, he said. important to have everyone ready
“Tower is a unique dining room Inyart said those issues are finan- The city’s renovations of high traf- for the next budget process.
area being that most of the items to keep the meal plan cial security in the city; the invest- fic city streets like Fourth Street and Perry added the plan is to have
being served are behind the serving cost down.” ment and promotion of new com- Polk Avenue were also accomplish- a permanent vice president for
lines,” Huckstead said. “We have a mercial, industrial and residential ments outlined in Inyart’s announce- business affairs start by April 1.
much smaller salad bar area than the construction; and continuing with ment. The final touches on the face- A search committee is in the
— Mark Hudson,
other dining centers, which would improving the city’s image through lift of City Hall will continue into process of a national search for a
Housing and Dining director
require student workers to be in an renovation projects such as the Waste the new term as well as the pend- permanent successor for Cooley.
area where they could also monitor Water Treatment Plant. ing renovation project on the Waste McCann said he applied for the
(dishware) being taken out of the going up and they do not want to go “The biggest issue the new Water Treatment Plant. permanent position.
dining centers.” back to that. municipality will face is the results “I think I’m helping, and I would McCann has served as director
Hudson said cameras being “It is disappointing that we are of the predicted financial downturn hope that people see that,” he said. of business services/treasurer since
installed in Stevenson would be able trying to be more ‘earth friendly,’ explained by our comptroller at the “I hope (the voters) appreciate and June 2006.
to watch over students taking dishes. yet it will end up costing the dining retreat,” Inyart said. respect the job I am trying to do and McCann has served as a partner
“Once an employee sees someone center and Panther Dining in gener- City Comptroller Heather Kuyk- continue to support me.” with the accounting firm of Doeh-
leaving the center with dishes, they al much more money due to the loss endall explained that according to Inyart said he has no idea what ring Winders and Co., LLP; as
are to go up to them and give them a of equipment and ultimately end up timeline estimates, smaller cities would happen if he lost the election chief financial officer with Behn-
warning,” Hudson said. “It’s expen- costing the students more,” Huck- would feel the effects of the reces- to an opponent, but wishes the win- ke and Co., Inc., a Decatur insur-
sive, and we want to educate them.” stead said. sion 18 to 24 months after the ini- ner would see the progress that had ance firm; and Murphey, Jen-
Because so many dishes have Right now, Stevenson’s dishware tial reports. been done and continue it. ne and Jones, now known as Peat
not been returned, there are amnes- is borrowed from other dining halls. Because of this, Inyart said he “I hope the accomplishments the Marwick.
ty boxes on each floor of Lincoln, “Students need to understand wants his campaign to emphasize staff and I have made would contin- He received his bachelor’s
Douglas and Stevenson halls for stu- they need to work with us to keep his term’s financial preparedness ue on despite my presence...but then degree in business/accounting
dents to anonymously return items the meal plan cost down,” Hudson through “proper planning and fiscal again, I don’t plan on losing,” he said from Augustana College in Rock
they have taken. said. restraint.” as the smile returned to his face. Island.
Hudson said, about eight years The improvements to local busi-
ago, the dining centers went to all Brittni Garcia can be reached at 581- ness and residential areas help to bol- Krystal Moya can be reached at 581- Matt Hopf can be reached at 581-
plastic, but realized the price was 7942 or at bmgarcia@eiu.edu. ster the Charleston economy and 7945 or at ksmoya@eiu.edu. 7942 or at mthopf@eiu.edu.

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