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3 AH-HA Moments:

 The scoring changes from K-2 and 3-12. I found this intriguing because of the influences and
changing in student’s behaviors for understanding and application.
 Who all can make a referral for a student to enter the gifted program; a peer, teacher, parents,
administrator, and even oneself.
 High school screening can take place every year where as in the younger grades it is takes place
every 2-3 years.

2 Connections:

 From having a classroom model where I was the EIP and ESOL inclusion teacher, I am thrilled to
see that there are requirements for inclusion of them into the gifted program. I have not had
much luck experiencing the needs to the data, but I have had students that I believe have gifted
talents that I wish I would have collected pieces for to create a portfolio.
 Students can be further assessed if the committee deems it reasonable. I would have thought it
to be a bit more cut-and-dry, however, I do like that this allows for many opportunities to allow
students the best results because of their processing and possible anxieties.

1 Question:

 With everything happening in the world, how is Cobb addressing reaching these students and
meeting the needs for those students who would be included into the program with a portfolio?
I know that resources and scores are valid for 2 years, but this is affecting academics heading
into the second school year.

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