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Directions: Using the resources provided, supported by logical reasoning, complete the Venn diagram with a minimum
of three points in each of the larger circles, two in overlapping sections, and one in the center. Then answer the
questions that follow.

High Achiever
Gifted Learner Often works alone. Aware of own impulses
Curious and and open to the irrational
Shows off their intelligence asks a lot of within.
and creates peer questions. Often seen as
resentment. nonconformative.
Often extremely sensitive
Often overly aggressive and emotional.
and challenges authority.
solutions to

Creates beyond Daydream and

the task. socialize

Individualistic Keen sense of


Does not fear being

Can find things humorous
that others do not, but still
Nonconforming attitude- Creative Thinker
adventurous and willing to
take risks.
1. Considering your strengths, which section of the diagram represents the group of students you most
effectively engage and challenge? What about your teaching philosophy and style resonates with these
As a teacher, I tend to educate the gifted and creative thinkers stronger than I do the high achiever. This is
possibly because of the impulsiveness of the high achievers. However, I do believe that I am capable of
teaching all of the thinkers and learners because I have adapted throughout my career to realize that some
assignments can be presented in many different ways based on student preference and enjoyment. I have
made it a part of my philosophy that I remain flexible when giving assignments to help students find
enjoyment and expression within their work.

2. Which section of the diagram represents the group of students who pose the greatest challenge for you?
I would say the students that are between the gifted and high achiever. Only because they often as a lot of
further thinking questions that I, a creative thinker, do not antisipate causing me to be a tad frazzled.
However, I do take those opportunities to either allow for further research or write the questions down to
locate an answer at a later time, depending on the time and topic.

3. What are three specific actions you will take to better engage and challenge these students?
I will continue to work towards my philosophy of self differentiated tasks for engagement purposes on
projects and assignments, but leave these rubric based so they know what the expectation is to be met.
I might try to build in a few extra minutes for new lesson topics for further exploration to allow for some
questions and answers to be addressed.
I want to create a setting within my classroom where dialogue is a bit more open during tasks, by which I am
speaking to the task at hand and not simply time for chit-chat. I think that students will learn best from one
another and having me there as a facilitator rather than lecturer.

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