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Rev SY21

Summary of Reading and Viewing Graphic Organizer

1. List important information you learned about creativity (general): 2. List important information you learned about creativity in
 Students can often feel ignored because their gifts are the education, especially the USA (specific):
“normal” or expected giftedness.  We are creating a fear in being wrong – creating less
 Our society doesn’t view creativity as highly as it does academics chance for creativity.
and other standardized scores.  Large focus on teaching one side of the brain – not the
 If you have a fear of being wrong, then you will not be able to whole child.
think creatively. That fear keeps your creative views from taking o Industrialism of society is creating this change/shift
a forefront in your abilities.  Rethink how we prioritize education and children
 Although our society doesn’t appear to place a large note of  We have a large drop-out rate (60%) and its mostly
impact on creativity, “as a human society, we define ourselves because we are not focusing on the whole child. Academic
by the contributions of those who create.” facilities that do focus on links to the community,
supporting teachers, and a broad and diverse curriculum
has a stronger success rate than the traditional American
 We need to change the conditions for a different set of
possibilities; cherish and value the relationships of
teachers and learners; and acknowledge and instill the
creative and innovative thinking.
3. Summarize what you learned about creativity. Include thoughts about your own instructional expectations and practice. (Be sure to
answer both parts of the question.)
The readings and videos were like a light bulb flashing on for me, because I can understand how students can feel lost and discouraged
with the current trends in education. It was interesting to view how educators should almost reset the way to approach teaching topics to
motivate student’s thinking into asking questions and digging for answers. I am not saying that I am a “creative thinker”, but out of all of
the categories for giftedness that we serve, this is the one that I would most likely have fallen under. I believe that my approach to
teaching has shifted naturally towards this model. I began my teaching career modeling those educators from my past, i.e. those that
would list out your work and require silence until everyone had completed the task at which time we would move onto the next task. Only
in recent years, as I was earning my master’s degree and teaching the AC ELA class did I realize that this model was not one to suit my
students. They are talkers, thinkers, investigators, artists, independent, and extreme people that each require a different approach. I have
begun allowing for more options on assignments, giving time for collaboration as well as independent work, and really trying to listen to
what they desire from their education.
These materials simply solidified that the model from my past wasn’t a poor one, but just that this singular way of teaching isn’t the best fit
for everyone. I think teachers should take the approach of sparking curiosity in their students within every aspect of their learning, similar
Rev SY21
to that of the scientific method, and use the tools to promote more creative thinking within the student population.
As Sir Ken Richardson said, “Education is not a mechanical system, it’s a human system,” made me think just how mechanical we have
been trained to think because of the standardized testing, grouping based on qualifications, and just how simply we chalk things up to
being a behavioral or learning behavior/disability. No one likes to sit in one place for too long, especially children, so why do we conform so
easily and just expect this?
(This is where I think I fall under the creative umbrella, because I begin on one foot and somehow walk many circles and conversations
within the topic but all over the page. And I took the most random pattern of notes as I was reading and viewing to reflect upon but looking
back am struggling to note what information came from where.)

4. Re-read “Flowers are Red” a song by Harry Chapin. Explain your interpretation of the message in these lyrics. What does this song tell
us about teaching and learning? (Avoid just retelling the story in the song.)
I see the lyrics speaking true to the way education has been for so long, we expect every child to fit into this round hole, similar to the
bubbles of a standardized test. However, many children can’t stay within such small parameters, they must express themselves and the
world that they view. The little boy in the song was trying to do just that until the educational system denied him his voice and individuality.
Luckily, there are those teachers who smile and see what children see, the beauty in everything being different. This educator is trying to
change the routine of the system (the gifted instructors that we are to become) and encourage this thoughtful beauty out of our children.

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the checklist to determine if you have met the goals of this assignment. This is for your personal use.

Yes Not Yet

Part 1 (10 points)
Included general important information learned about

Part 2 (10 points)

Included specific information learned about creativity in
education, especially the USA. Includes information explaining
the creativity crisis (specific):
Part 3 (10 points)
Summarize what you learned about creativity.
Rev SY21
Reflect about your thoughts regarding your own
instructional expectations and practice.

Part 4 (10 points)

Re-read “Flowers are Red” a song by Harry Chapin.
Explain your interpretation of the message in these lyrics.
Provide rationale about this song to teaching and learning.


Accomplished Competent Does Not Meet

Part I (general) 10 pts. 8 pts. 5 pts.

Gathers relevant general Gathers some general Lists vague information
concepts and main ideas concepts and main ideas that relate to creativity
that relate to creativity that relate to creativity

Part II (specific) 10 pts. 8 pts. 5 pts.

Gathers relevant specific Gathers some specific Gathers vague information
concepts and main ideas concepts and main ideas that relate to creativity in
that relate to creativity in that relate to creativity in education.
education, especially in the education, especially in the Missing information about
USA. USA. the creativity crisis
Explains the creativity Explains the creativity
crisis. crisis

Part III (summary and 10 pts. 8 pts. 0 pts.

reflection) Thoroughly summarize Provides a vague summary Incomplete; missing the
learning about creativity. about creativity. summary or self-reflection
Self-reflects instructional Self-reflects instructional
expectations and practice expectations and/or

Part IV (interpretation and 10 pts. 8 pts. 0 pts.

Rev SY21
rationale Thoroughly explains one's Explains one's Incomplete; missing the
interpretation of the interpretation of the summary or self-reflection
message in the lyrics. message in the lyrics.
Includes a rationale of the Includes a vague rationale
song to teaching and of the song to teaching
learning and learning.

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