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Rev SY20

Learning and Teaching Preferences: Learner, Know Thyself

Complete the various learning and teaching styles quizzes/inventories listed in the chart. Record your results in the middle column. You can copy
and paste the results right from the websites. Write a detailed reflection concerning these results, including ideas such as agree or disagree,
validates previous knowledge, “ah-ha” moments, etc. Be sure to review the rubric for reflection expectations.

Learning or Teaching Preferences quiz/inventory Results Reflection on the results

Keirsey Temperament Results: The WOW! I never would have placed those words as
HumanMetrics (Jung Typology Test™) Guardian describers of myself, but when reading the descriptions
Guardian share the and thinking about my role as a mother and teacher, they
are exactly how I feel about my life. I am a guardian

following core because I watch over and adore the children in my life.
My role as a mother is a pure blessing from God. I take
Keirsey Temperament characteristics my role extremely serious and my life is only meaningful
because of them. Then my role as a group leader at church for 4th and 5th graders and that as a teacher of 4th
graders, I am always looking over them and want what is
in their best interest always.
Guardians are the
cornerstone of society,
for they are the
temperament given to
serving and preserving
our most important social
institutions. Guardians
have natural talent in
managing goods and
supervision to
maintenance and supply
-- and they use all their
skills to keep things
running smoothly in their
families, communities,
Rev SY20
schools, churches,
hospitals, and
Guardians can have a lot of
fun with their friends, but
they are quite serious about
their duties and
responsibilities. Guardians
take pride in being
dependable and trustworthy;
if there's a job to be done,
they can be counted on to
put their shoulder to the
wheel. Guardians also
believe in law and order, and
sometimes worry that respect
for authority, even a
fundamental sense of right
and wrong, is being lost.
Perhaps this is why
Guardians honor customs
and traditions so strongly --
they are familiar patterns that
help bring stability to our
modern, fast-paced world.
Practical and down-to-
earth, Guardians believe
Rev SY20
in following the rules and
cooperating with others.
They are not very
comfortable winging it or
blazing new trails; working
steadily within the system is
the Guardian way, for in the
long run loyalty, discipline,
and teamwork get the job
done right. Guardians are
meticulous about schedules
and have a sharp eye for
proper procedures. They are
cautious about change, even
though they know that
change can be healthy for an
institution. Better to go
slowly, they say, and look
before you leap.

Guardians make up as much

as 40 to 45 percent of the
population, and a good thing,
because they usually end up
doing all the indispensable
but thankless jobs the rest of
us take for granted.
Rev SY20

There are four types

of Guardians
Although all Guardians share
core characteristics, not all
of them are the same. In
Keirsey’s observations, he
noted that there were four
kinds of Guardians. They
are: the Guardian Supervisor
(ESTJ), Guardian Inspector
(ISTJ), Guardian Provider
(ESFJ), and Guardian
Protector (ISFJ).

Supervisors are highly
social and community-minded,
with many rising to positions of
responsibility in their school,
church, industry, or civic groups.
Rev SY20
Supervisors are generous with
their time and energy, and very
often belong to a variety of
service clubs, lodges, and
associations, supporting them
through steady attendance, but
also taking an outspoken
leadership role. Supervisors like
to take charge of groups and are
comfortable issuing orders.

Inspectors are
extraordinarily persevering and
dutiful, particularly when it
comes to keeping an eye on the
people and products they are
responsible for. In their quiet
way, Inspectors see to it that
rules are followed, laws are
respected, and standards are
upheld. Inspectors (as much as
ten percent of the general
population) are the true
guardians of institutions. They
are patient with their work and
Rev SY20
with the procedures within an
institution, although not always
with the unauthorized behavior
of some people in that

Providers take it upon
themselves to insure the health
and welfare of those in their
care, but they are also the most
sociable of all the Guardians,
and thus are the great nurturers
of social institutions such as
schools, churches, social clubs,
and civic groups. Providers are
very likely more than ten percent
of the population, and this is
fortunate for the rest of us,
because friendly social service
is a key to their nature.
Wherever they go, Providers
happily give their time and
energy to make sure that the
needs of others are met, and
that social functions are a
Rev SY20

Protectors make up as
much as ten percent the
population, because their
primary interest is in the safety
and security of those they care
about - their family, their circle of
friends, their students, their
patients, their boss, their fellow-
workers, or their employees.
Protectors have an
extraordinary sense of loyalty
and responsibility in their
makeup, and seem fulfilled in
the degree they can shield
others from the dirt and dangers
of the world.

VIA Character Traits My belief in my faith has been an area that I have been Spirituality nurturing the last few years. It was always present but is
Strengths/Personality-Assessment#nav TRANSCENDENCE becoming significantly stronger. I often take moments to
find areas I am grateful for when I would usually be
Having coherent beliefs about the getting angry or frustrated. I want to find the good and
Rev SY20
focus on that rather than the negative thoughts I have
higher purpose and meaning of the struggled with for years. (especially pertaining to myself
universe; knowing where one fits as a learner)

within the larger scheme; having

beliefs about the meaning of life that
shape conduct and provide comfort.

Learning Preferences Inventory Questionnaire Results for Erin: I have always known that I was a more visual person. I find directions by my phone more difficult to understand
my way. If my eyes are looking for certain things as I
 Active: 1
drive, I can set to memory how I got there and repeat the
 Sensing: 3 direction in the future. When it comes to application, I
 Visual: 11 often must write and rewrite my notes and book
information to set them to memory. It is the constant
 Sequential: 3 reading and seeing that does this for me. These results
seem to be something that I already knew.
 1



 3

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 11



 3



What do my
results mean?
According to the model on which
the ILS is based, there are four
Rev SY20
dimensions of learning style, with
each dimension having two
opposite categories (such as active
and reflective). The reported score
for a dimension indicates your
preference for one category or the
If your score for a dimension is 1 or
3, you are fairly well balanced on
the two categories of that
dimension, with only a mild
preference for one or the other.
If your score for a dimension is 5 or
7, you have a moderate preference
for one category of that dimension.
You may learn less easily in an
environment that fails to address
that preference at least some of the
time than you would in a more
balanced environment.
If your score for a dimension is 9 or
11, you have a strong preference for
one category of that dimension.
You may have difficulty learning in
an environment that fails to address
that preference at least some of the

Right Brain Point: 50% I never knew that someone could be 50%/50% with how
Right Brain/Left Brain Left Brain Point: 50% they used their brain. I understand that it is possible, but I never figured that I would be someone who was that Now that you know the results, rare. I am intrigued by the fact that I am so balanced in
learn the differences between my perception and abilities.
the right and left brain ...
Rev SY20
To support right-left brain
development, check out our
MentalUP brain exercise
games, developed by academics
and game designers.
MentalUP Right Left
Brain Exercise


You can check out our

article Right and Left Brain
Characteristics and
Development Methods to
evaluate the result obtained
from the left and right brain test
in more detail.


Rev SY20

Interested in mathematical expressions and use language well

Pragmatic and care about the results

Interested in clear results

Successful in careers centred around academics and science

Creativity Tests So strange that I scored nearly 20 points below the

Your creativity
Online – do one or both average. I always considered myself creative, but perhaps I am within parameters rather than natural and frequent.
score is 39.97

Pondering Thoughts

Reflect on what you have learned about gifted vs. high achieving; creativity and socio-emotional needs of students.  What do you think are the
most important concepts from each area that you can use to inform and improve your instructional practice in the future?
Gifted vs. High Achieving- The students that are gifted and/or high achieving need to feel that they are included in the work and that it is focused on their brilliance.
To give them the education that they deserve, I must be proactive in listening to them and their needs because they often have ideas for how they want to solve the

Creativity- Give them room to explore and think about their problems and solutions. Allow them the means to find the path to their resolution. Also, provide them
parameters for what they need for their grade but the freedom to determine the route to get there.

Socio-Emotional Needs- provide these students with praise and support for whatever they might need. This has been difficult for me, however, with more years of
Rev SY20
experience I am able to see where I need to focus that energy and frequency.

Reread your individual reflections and think about what you have learned about yourself and your thinking, learning, and teaching preferences.
How can you use what you discovered to improve your instructional practices and the learning of your students? 

Although I have been teaching for nearly 8 years and working with children for over 20 years, I finally feel like these tests provided me with the clear answer that I am working
in the field that I was meant to be working. It is crazy to think that I am a guardian who is protecting and providing for others, but the definitions seriously hit the nail on the
head. This is giving me a lot more confidence in my ability as a teacher. As I think about how I will apply this information within the classroom, I am thinking about trying to
teach less with my own learning style but discovering ways to meet the needs of my students. Also, with using my brain equally, I need to try and keep aspects of each calmer
as I teach to ensure that I am effectively teaching to my best for my students. (I have seen where my emotions can take precedence over my ability to assist.)

Exemplary Proficient Developing Engaging
Results Column 8 pts. 6 pts. 4 pts. 1 pt.
Provides the results of each Provides the results of 6 of Provides the results of 5 of Provides the results of 4 of
of the categories the categories the categories the categories
Reflection Column 12 pts. 10 pts. 9 pts. 7 pts.
States agree or disagree with States agree or disagree with States agree or disagree with States agree or disagree with
the results the results the results the results or
Provides a thorough Provides a rationale for each Provides a vague rationale Provides a vague rationale
rationale for each for each
Pondering Thoughts 15 pts. 13 pts. 11 pts. 9 pts.
Thoughtfully explains Explains the thinking process; Attempts to demonstrate Lacks thinking and/or
thinking and learning analysis of the learning thinking about learning, but learning; does not move
processes; in-depth analysis experience it is vague and/or unclear; beyond a description of the
of the learning experience attempts to analyze the learning experience
learning experience

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