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For this performance task, you will choose one of the "special populations" that you researched in the

previous assignment.  You have been asked to lead a meeting that focuses on meeting the needs of
specific gifted child within this special population. Your role is to plan this agenda.

Include the following in your plan:

 whether you are meeting with the  provide data and interpretation
student's teachers or parents  strengths of the student
 additional people invited to the  potential concerns
meeting  applications/interventions
 objective of the meeting or training  suggested additional resources
 background on the student

Upload your agenda.  You may utilize an online template or create your own.  

Exemplary Proficient Emerging Developing

People 4 pts. 3 pts. 1 pt.
Involved Includes and Includes the following: Misses one of the
elaborates on the -Meeting (teachers or following:
following: parents) -Meeting (teachers or
-Meeting (teachers or -Additional people parents)
parents) invited -Additional people
-Additional people invited
Objective of 4 pts. 0 pts.
the meeting or Clearly stated Missing
Special 10 pts. 8 pts. 6 pts. 5 pts.
Population Provides detailed Provides background Missing or vague Missing or inaccurate
background information, information of one of information of one or
information, characteristics, the following: more of the following:
characteristics, strengths, and background background
strengths, and concerns. information, information,
concerns. characteristics, characteristics,
strengths, and strengths, and
concerns. concerns.
Data 5 pt. 3 pt. 0 pt.
Provides data and Provides data Missing
clear interpretation
Application/ 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. 0 pts.
Interventions Clear, understandable Appropriate but vague Includes applications Unclear or inaccurate
and appropriate applications and or interventions.
applications and interventions.
Additional 4 pts. 3 pts. 0 pts.
Resources Provides supporting Provides resources Missing
additional resources

Meeting Agenda
Date: 10-12-2020
Time: 9:30am
Location: Conference Room

Facilitator: Mrs. Gray

Attendees: Gifted teachers, 4th grade team, Special education team member
Objective: To establish the next steps in the process for what to work a student who is performing higher
although is diagnosed with a learning disability.

 Background – He was diagnosed in Kindergarten as high functioning Autistic. In first grade he
did not perform well on his standardized assessments but once his support was established his
scores have improved in the third grade. We are meeting to establish the next steps and where to
provide services and support in his fourth-grade year.
 3rd Grade data –
o Grades:
 Math: A
 ELA: C
 Reading: B
 COGAT Scores:
 Qualitative: 95
 Verbal: 65
 Nonverbal: 98
o Teacher is recommending him for target
 The scores are reflecting that they are high enough in the areas of mathematics and logic. He
exhibits difficulties and weakness with reading and speaking because of social issues related to
his diagnosis.
o Strengths – problem solving strategies. He can take care of himself however, he struggles
with social cues and norms. Math and nonverbal aspects of education provide relief
unlike constructive writing.
 Applications and Interventions –
o Place into target
o Allow for alternate methods for writing and assignments including written information
o Provide extended time
o Acknowledge and celebrate student’s works and solutions

Additional resources: These articles give details on how to identify students who are gifted with
additional learning disabilities to reach their greatest potential.

Identification and Assessment of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities

Dual Differentiation: An Approach for Meeting the Curricular Needs of Gifted Students with Learning

Progress on the Path of Empirical Understanding

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