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Maharishi Bhrigu (Sanskrit: Bhṛgu) was

one of the seven great sages, the
Saptarshis, one of the many Prajapatis
(the facilitators of Creation) created by
Brahma.[1] and entere Bhargava
Community moola rushi. The first
compiler of predictive astrology, and also
the author of Bhrigu Samhita, the
astrological (Jyotish) classic, Bhrigu is
considered a Manasa Putra ("mind-born-
son") of Brahma. The adjectival form of the
name, Bhargava, is used to refer to the
descendants and the school of Bhrigu.
According to Manusmriti, Bhrigu was a
compatriot of and lived during the time of
Manu, the Hindu progenitor of humanity.[2]
Bhrigu had his Ashram (Hermitage) on the
Vadhusar River, a tributary of the
Drishadwati River near Dhosi Hill in the
Vedic state of Brahmavarta,[3] presently on
the border of Haryana and Rajasthan in
India.[4] Along with Manu, Bhrigu had made
important contributions to Manusmriti,
which was constituted out of a sermon to
a congregation of saints in the state of
Brahmavarta, after the great floods in this
area,[5] nearly 10,000 years ago.[6] As per
Skanda Purana, Bhrigu migrated to
Bhrigukutch, modern Bharuch on the
banks of the Narmada river in Gujarat,
leaving his son Chyavana at Dhosi Hill.

A painting depicting Bhrigu

Affiliation Saptarishi

Abode Amravati

Personal information
Parents Brahma (father)

Spouse [[Khyati], Ushana and


Children 1st wife Kythi Devi

(Daughter of
Dhaksha) his
children's are 1.
Dhata, Vidhata,

Dhata children is
Pranudha Vidhata
Children is Mrukandu
(his son is
Markandeya), his son
Bhavanarayana, his
101 son's Vamsha are
telling has Bhargava

2nd wife Ushana and

his son is
Vamsha are telling
has Bhargava

3rd wife Pulooma

Devi, his son is
Chavana and his son
Orva, his son Ruchika,
his son Jamdagni, his
son parashuram
Vamsh are telling has
Bhargava Community

He was married to Khyati, one of the nine

daughters of sage Kardama.[7] They had
two sonsnamed Dhata and Vidhata. He
had one more son with Kavyamata
(Usana), who is better known than Bhrigu
himself – Shukra, learned sage and guru of
the asuras. The sage Chyavana is also
said to be his son with Puloma, as is the
folk hero Mrikanda.[8] [Maha:1.5] One of
his descendants was sage Jamadagni,
who in turn was the father of sage
Parashurama, considered an avatar of

Bhrigu finds mention in Shiva Purana and
Vayu Purana, where he is shown present
during the great yajna of Daksha Prajapati
(his father-in-law).[12] He supports the
continuation of the Daksha yajna even
after being warned that without an offering
for Shiva, it was asking for a catastrophe
for everyone present there. In Tattiriya
Upanishad, he had conversation with his
father Varuni on Brahman.

In the Bhagavad Gītā, Krishna says that

among sages, Bhrigu is representative of
the opulence of God.[13]

Patience test of Trimurti …

Many great sages gathered at the bank of
the river Sarasvati to participate in Maha
Yagya. All the great saints and sages could
not decide that out of the Trinity Lord
Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva who is pre-
eminent and to whom should they offer
Pradhanta (Master) of that Yagya. With the
consent of all the great saints presents
there, it was decided that Bhrigu will test
and decide who was pre-eminent.

Upon being entrusted with the task

Maharishi Bhrigu decided to test each of
the Trimurti. Being ignored and attacked
by Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva, he visited
Lord Vishnu. Vishnu was asleep and
Bhrigu kicked him in the chest to wake him
up, as Bhrigu was enrage by the fact that
Vishnu always keep on resting on Shesha .
Vishnu smilingly welcomed Bhrigu and
starting massaging his feet asking him if
he had hurt his feet in kicking his chest. In
the process Vishnu destroyed the third eye
of Bhrigu that he had on his feet, which
symbolized his ignorance and ego and as
soon as it was destroyed he realised his
egotistical outbursts with extreme pain.
He begged for forgiveness and Vishnu
forgave him. He then declares Vishnu the
greatest among Trimurti. But Lakshmi was
angry with Bhrigu and cursed the
Brahmans that they would achieve wealth
only by hard work.[14]

Bhrigu and Places associated

with him
Bhrigu's Ashram 'Deepotsaka' was located
at the base of Dhosi Hill in present-day
village Dhosi on the border of Narnaul
district in Haryana and Jhunjunu district of
Rajasthan, from where he migrated to
Bharuch.[15] His son Chyavana, known for
Chyavanprash also had his Ashram at
Dhosi Hill. Bhrigu is also worshipped at
Bharuch, Swamimalai, Tirumala, Ballia,
Nanguneri, Thiruneermalai, Mannargudi.
An Ashram for Bhrigu is in Maruderi,
Kanchipuram district in Tamil Nadu.
Khedbrahma in Gujarat is associated with
Brahma and Bhrigu 's legend of testing
Trinity. Lastly, Bhrigu migrated to Bhuinj
Satara, Maharashtra where he took
Samadhi. His ashram and his daughter's
Laxmi's temple also situated there. His
sons chyavan's ashram and samadhi are
also situated on chyavaneshwar hill near

In Taittriya Upanishad first six anuvakas of
Bhrigu Valli are called Bhargavi Varuni
Vidya, which means "the knowledge Bhrigu
got from (his father) Varuni". It is in these
anuvakas that sage Varuni advises Bhrigu
with one of the oft-cited definition of
Brahman, as "that from which beings
originate, through which they live, and in
which they re-enter after death, explore
that because that is Brahman".[16] This
thematic, all encompassing, eternal nature
of reality and existence develops as the
basis for Bhrigu's emphasis on
introspection and inwardization, to help
peel off the outer husks of knowledge, in
order to reach and realize the innermost
kernel of spiritual Self-knowledge.[16]
Bhrigu Samhita
After the incident of testing of the trinity,
Bhrigu decided to write his famous books
of astrology, the Bhrigu Samhita. Maharishi
Bhrigu collected birth charts, wrote full-life
predictions and compiled them together
as Bhrigu Samhita. Bhrigu Samhita is
believed to be one of the first book of its
kind in the field of astrology.[17][18][19][20][21]

1. Narada said.. The Mahabharata
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli
(1883 -1896), Book 2: Sabha Parva:
Lokapala Sabhakhayana Parva,
section:XI. p. 25 And Daksha,
Prachetas, Pulaha, Marichi, the master
Kasyapa, Bhrigu, Atri, and Vasistha and
Gautama, and also Angiras, and
Pulastya, Kraut, Prahlada, and
Kardama, these Prajapatis, and
Angirasa of the Atharvan Veda, the
Valikhilyas, the Marichipas;
Intelligence, Space, Knowledge, Air,
Heat, Water, Earth, Sound, Touch,
Form, Taste, Scent; Nature, and the
Modes (of Nature), and the elemental
and prime causes of the world – all
stay in that mansion beside the Lord
Brahma. And Agastya of great energy,
and Markandeya, of great ascetic
power, and Jamadagni and
Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and
Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and
the virtuous Rishyasringa, the
illustrious 'Sanatkumara' of great
ascetic merit and the preceptor in all
matters affecting Yoga..."
2. Gopal, Madan (1990). K.S. Gautam
(ed.). India through the ages .
Publication Division, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India. p. 78 .
3. Mahabharta, Van Parv, page 1308,
Geeta Press, Gorakhpur
4. Sudhir Bhargava, "Location of
Brahmavarta and Drishadwati river is
important to find earliest alignment of
Saraswati river" Seminar, Saraswati
river-a perspective, Nov. 20–22, 2009,
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,
organised by: Saraswati Nadi Shodh
Sansthan, Haryana, Seminar Report:
pages 114–117
5. A.V. Sankran, Saraswati – the ancient
river lost in the desert, Current
Science, 1997, Vol. 72, pages 160–61
6. David Frawley, quoting Grahm
Hancock in "Underworld" : Flooded
kingdoms of the Ice Age, A Vedic and
Indian Perspective.
7. "Bhrigu" . Glorious Hinduism. 2 July
2019. Retrieved 4 July 2020.
8. The Vishnu Purana a System of Hindu
Mythology and Tradition Translated
from the Original Sanskrit, and
Illustrated by Notes Derived Chiefly
from Other Puranas by the Late H.H.
Wilson: 1 . Trubner. 1864. pp. 152 –.
9. Subodh Kapoor (2004). A Dictionary of
Hinduism: Including Its Mythology,
Religion, History, Literature, and
Pantheon . Cosmo Publications.
pp. 185–. ISBN 978-81-7755-874-6.
10. George Mason Williams (2003).
Handbook of Hindu Mythology . ABC-
CLIO. pp. 160 –161. ISBN 978-1-
11. Yves Bonnefoy; Wendy Doniger (1993).
Asian Mythologies . University of
Chicago Press. pp. 82–83. ISBN 978-0-
12. Vishnu Purana SACRIFICE OF
DAKSHA (From the Vayu Purana.) The
Vishnu Purana, translated by Horace
Hayman Wilson, 1840. 67:6.
13. Bhagavad Gītā – Chapter 10 Verse 25
15. Padampuran
16. Paul Deussen, Sixty Upanishads of the
Veda, Volume 1, Motilal Banarsidass,
ISBN 978-8120814684, pages 241-246
17. Koʻmarhanʻ, Mranʻ mā Nuiṅʻ ṅaṃ
Samuiṅʻʺ (2005). Myanmar Historical
Commission conference proceedings .
Myanmar Historical Commission,
Golden Jubilee Publication
Committee. Retrieved 12 August 2018.
18. Experts, Disha (1 May 2017). The
History Compendium for IAS Prelims
General Studies CSAT Paper 1, UPSC &
State PSC (Second ed.). Disha
Publication. ISBN 978-9386323446.
19. Rao, T.M. (2008). Bhrigu Samhita .
Pustak Mahal. ISBN 8122310214.
Retrieved 12 August 2018.
20. Eyzdagird, Erhiem (16 March 2018).
Bhrigu Samhita: el Primer Libro de
Astrología Védica: Traducción Al
Español de Manuscritos de Hojas Del
período Védico . Independently
Published. ISBN 1980573212.
Retrieved 12 August 2018.
21. Lane, David (18 March 2011). The
World's Oldest Astrological Book: The
Bhrigu Samhita of Ancient India.
MSAC Philosophy Group.
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