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Technical Specialized

Basics of cGMP & GMP in

Training Pharmaceutical Industry

Production & Quality Managers, Section Heads,

Pharmacists, Chemists, Microbiologists,
Supervisors, Officers, Technicians, Technician
Assistants, QC Analysts, IPCU Inspectors, QA
Inspectors, Transit Storekeepers, Storekeepers,
Dispensing Area Staff, Preparation Area Staff,
Archiving Area Staff, Packers, and anyone
Interested In This Subject.
Current & Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Industry
Course Objectives
• The participants will have the basic knowledge of what is GMP.
They will know what is Quality Management and the
requirements for a quality assurance unit
• The participants will be able to review measures to ensure good
sanitation in premises, personnel, equipment, apparatus and
• The participants will understand the basic aspects of
qualification and validation & its scope
• The participants will conceptualize complaint handling
procedures and product recall procedures
Current & Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Industry
Course Objectives
• The participants will have the basic knowledge on the general
issues that arise when considering contract manufacture or
• The participants will identify the role of self-inspection in the
quality management system
• The participants will realize the general issues related to
requirements & training for key personnel
• The participants will know the key requirements for site choice
and the specific requirements for main areas
Current & Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Industry
Course Objectives
• The participants will be able to discuss problems related to
issues around selected items of equipment.
• The participants will be familiarized with specific requirements
for each type of material(from starting to waste material)
• The participants will gain the basic documentation skills needed
in order to fulfill all pharmaceutical requirements
• The participants will be able to discuss aspects of good practices
in production and quality control
Current & Good Manufacturing Practice for
Pharmaceutical Industry Course Index
• Introduction to the • Self Inspection and
training program quality audits
• Quality Management • Personnel
• Sanitation and hygiene • Premises
• Qualification and • Equipment
Validation • Documentation
• Complaints and recalls • Good Practices in
• Contract production production and
and analysis quality control
Ask for arrangement of a
training course for your
company now
please contact upbeat consult
at Mobile
+962 796362237 or land line +962 6 5515451
Amman- Jordan office or
You Can Send us an E mail to
Skype: upbeatconsult

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