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6 news www.dennews.

com | the daily eastern news | Friday, february 27, 2009

CAMPUS | Meeting

Senate clarifies fan bus discrepancies to AB

University Board This is $30,557 more than they were
allocated last year.
presents budget, “I think this is a lot of mon-
asks for more money ey, but when you look at how they
are trying to spend it, they are try-
ing to spend it as conservatively as
By KAYLEIGH ZYSKOWSKI possible,” said the AB chair Tiffany
Staff Reporter Turner.
While everyone is feeling the
The Apportionment Board meet- effects of the economic recession,
ing began untraditionally Thursday UB has been forced to cut costs in
night in the Arcola/Tuscola Room some areas while trying to keep up
of the Martin Luther King Jr. Stu- with the rising costs of entertain-
dent Union by not meeting quorum ment and technology.
for 30 minutes. UB has cut internal costs, by
While the board waited to call decreasing pay for some members.
the meeting to order, members of Kaitlin Sullivan | The Daily Eastern News The lectures committee is look-
the Student Senate addressed the Members of Apportionment Board, from left, Chair Tiffany Turner, Mike Hilty and Vice Chair Kyle Collum listen ing into more cost-efficient presen-
AB members about the misunder- as members of Student Government speak about the fan bus for the women’s basketball championship road tations as well. The comedy com-
standing of the Senate bill for the trip at Thursday night’s meeting in the Arcola/Tuscola room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. mittee had a decrease in its fund-
basketball fan bus passed during ing request, because it has decided
Wednesday night’s Student Senate The distribution of the tickets dzki, followed by Speaker of the al of the final AB member, the for- to cut its major comedian for next
meeting. was presented as a lottery to the AB, Senate Drew Griffin, member Ryan mal meeting began at 7:30 p.m. year, and have smaller acts perform
The authors of the bill had pro- but as a first-come, first-serve basis Kerch and member Omar Solomon, With no old business, the AB instead.
posed the bill differently to the AB to the Senate. The bill was passed as co-author of the bill. and the University Board present- The AB also presented their bud-
during last week’s meeting than was a first-come, first-serve fashion, but “I felt this is what the students ed their budgets for the 2010 fiscal get asking for $40,499.
presented to the Senate Wednesday many Senate members were con- really wanted, after talking to many year. Both budgets were motioned to
night. cerned about “undermining” the students,” Solomon said. “I’m a new After having a substantial cut in tabling for next week.
The discrepancy had to do with members of the AB. senator, and I’ll learn from my mis- last year’s budget, the UB asked for
the way the tickets would be admin- The first Student Senate member takes.” a large sum. KayleighZyskowskicanbereachedat
istered to the students. to address the AB was Mark Olen- With quorum met after the arriv- In total, UB asked for $270,026. 581-7942 or at kzyskowski@eiu.edu.

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