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6 news | the daily eastern news | Thursday 11.13.


CITY i Event

City retreat to address year’s goals

Friday’s meeting will discuss the future holds for the council.”
the upcoming projects Inyart said today is the bulk of city mat-
“But last year we changed to a more positive format that
ters as the department heads present their
for the city, look to future “hot topics.” highlights the direction the departments want to go in rather
In previous retreats, departments would than dwelling on information we already know.”
By KRYSTAL MOYA report on what they had done up to the
City Editor meeting.
Over the last year, Inyart said City Manag- — Mayor John Inyart
City officials will gather today for the Fall er Scott Smith changed the format.
Retreat at City Hall, 520 Jackson Ave., to dis- “It used to essentially be a lot of ‘Here’s
cuss current and future plans of the city. what we’ve done,’” Inyart said. “But last year
The two-day retreat will allow the city’s we changed to a more positive format that said. “Emergencies arise and things go over, Then from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., there will
eight departments to present their current highlights the direction the departments want but this year everything seems to be right on be a discussion on the Waste Water Treat-
status and plans that need council direction to go in rather than dwelling on information track, which seems encouraging.” ment Plant’s upgrades.
on. we already know.” Friday’s meeting will address issues and The city will also address the results of the
Friday – day two of the retreat – will “I look forward to seeing what the depart- plans that deserve more time to discuss out- performance contract with Siemens from 1
encompass larger projects and outside pre- ment heads think is their hot topics and what side the department’s presentation. p.m. to 2 p.m.
sentations for informational purposes to the they want input and approval from us.” From 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., a city rep- The entirety of the meeting is open to the
council from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The meeting will also address issues where resentative from Tuscola will be presenting public.
“Nothing is really earth-shattering,” Mayor the year’s city budget has fallen over and a presentation on how their city’s munici-
John Inyart said. “Mostly we review expendi- under for specific departments. pal solid waste plant works, addressing issues Krystal Moya can be reached at 581-7945 or at
tures and new department plans to see what “The budget is just that – a budget,” Inyart such as recycling and landfill closure.


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