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Profile of Growth Firms:

A Summary of Industry Canada Research

March 2008
Chris Parsley, Industry Canada
David Halabisky, Industry Canada

The pioneering work of Birch (1989) demonstrated Definitions

that employment growth in the United States was
Hyper Growth Firms: those with at least 150 percent growth
predominately created by small firms. As a result, in employment over 4 years;
attention has concentrated on the growth potential Strong Growth Firms: those with between 50 and
of small firms and since the mid-1990s, the federal 150 percent growth in employment over 4 years;
government’s small business policy framework has Slow Growth Firms: those with positive growth in
employment of less than 50 percent over 4 years;
focused on ensuring that the business environment is
Declining Firms: those with negative employment growth
conducive to small business growth and enhancing over 4 years.
competitiveness in the economy. However, basic
information and analysis on Canadian growth firms
has generally been lacking, concentrated only in SUMMARY OF KEY FINDINGS
certain sectors or based on small select samples of y Growth firms are defined as having at least 50 percent
growth in employment over a 4-year period.
growth firms.
y Growth firms are very important to the Canadian
This project grew out of the need for data to economy; hyper growth firms accounted for 4 percent
of continuing businesses between 1993 and 2003, but
objectively analyze firm growth in order to support
were responsible for 45 percent of net jobs created by
policy development. The multi-year project involved continuing firms.
several partners, including Statistics Canada, the y Although small businesses accounted for nearly
National Research Council’s Industrial Research 80 percent of net job creation between 1993 and 2003,
high growth was found in all firm sizes.
Assistance Program and the Government of
y Growth did not appear to be disproportionately
Ontario. This profile on growth firms summarizes concentrated in any particular industry or region.
and highlights the work of Industry Canada’s Small Furthermore, high growth firms were not concentrated in
Business Policy Branch. Details on each of the four high-tech or high-knowledge industries.
phases of the project appear under Summary of Work. y Tracing growth over the medium term suggests that there
is a risk trade-off between growth and survival; hyper
The disproportionate contribution to job creation by growth firms had a lower survival rate than businesses
hyper and strong growth firms indicates the economic with lower employment growth.
significance of these businesses and has caught the y Among micro firms (firms with fewer than five
employees), strong growth firms had the highest survival
attention of researchers and policy-makers around the rates. For all other firm sizes, slow growth firms had the
world. Studying these firms brings valuable insights highest survival rates.
into what makes them successful and the barriers they y Firms that use strategies such as exporting can achieve
face, and will help policy-makers provide advice on much higher growth than firms that do not employ
such strategies.
how to further encourage growth firms.
Summary of Work Phase III
Phase I y Covers 1993 to 2002 (North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS) industrial coding)
y Covers 1985 to 1999 (Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) industrial coding) y Examined the job creation performance of
y Sensitivity testing on triage period
Phase IV
y Examined different periods of the business cycle
y Covers 1993 to 2003 (NAICS industrial coding)
Phase II
y Examined growth by firm age
y Covers 1985 to 2000 (SIC industrial coding)
y Examined firm survival and survival by growth
y Examined growth by firm age
y Examined different cohorts of start-ups
y Examined the ability of firms to maintain their
level of growth

Data and Methodology

This project uses a firm-level, longitudinal universe The employment unit used in this work is called an
database known as the Longitudinal Employment Individual Labour Unit (ILU). An ILU is assigned to
Analysis Program (LEAP). It includes all employer each person who receives a T4 slip. If an employee
firms in Canada and can track individual firms or receives more than one ILU, their “unit” is distributed
employees from year-to-year. Each phase of this among their employers in proportion to the wages
project covered a different time period, but the paid by each employer.
majority of results reported here cover the 1993 to Aspects of this work take advantage of the ability to
2003 period. Results for firm age cover the period link data files together ― the Exporter Registry was
from 1999 to 2003 because the first part of the linked to LEAP to examine job creation by exporters
observation period was used to construct the firm and to see whether exporters were more likely
age variable. Finally, export results cover 1993 to to be high growth firms. File linkage is a complex
2002 because of data availability. process that involves matching business numbers
Regardless of the time period examined, the in both databases and merging the records. This
methodology used was consistent. Firms in the process cannot match all records perfectly, however,
private sector were selected by removing those because of incomplete records and different data
that operate in public administration, health and collecting/reporting schemes in different databases,
education sectors, along with Canada Post. Results so additional attempts are made by matching
for these public industries are generally not reported; business names and addresses. The success rate
however, they are used as a point of reference in of matching the LEAP database and the Exporter
the examination of firm survival. Private sector firms Registry was approximately 65 percent, but there
were then triaged into one of the four growth groups are several reasons why businesses may not match.
based on their employment growth over the first Firstly, exporters can be employer or non-employer
4 years of the observation period. All businesses businesses, whereas LEAP only contains records
were tracked to the end of the period to measure on employer businesses. Secondly, businesses
their employment growth over the medium term. may be registered differently in each database and
Results are broken down by firm size, growth group, some businesses may have complex operational
region and industry and, in some cases, the results structures that report exports in different legal
are compared across subsections of the observation entities than their payroll accounts.

2 Industry Canada
Figure 1
Share of Continuing Firms and Net Job Creation by Growth Category, 1993–2003





Hyper Growth Strong Growth Slow Growth Declining
Firms Firms Firms Firms





Share of Firms Share of Net Job Creation

A SMALL NUMBER OF FIRMS CREATE A HUGE very similar to net job creation by hyper and strong
NUMBER OF JOBS growth firms. Net employment gains by slow
growth firms were offset by losses in declining
The 1990s were a period of growth for the Canadian firms (Figure 1). More remarkable was the
economy; approximately 2 million jobs were created contribution of growth firms: the 52 800 high growth
between 1993 and 2003. Half of this job creation firms (hyper and strong growth firms combined)
was the net result of firms entering and exiting the created 997 000 net jobs, while the 128 000 slow
marketplace; the other half resulted from the growth growth firms created 791 000 net jobs and the
of businesses that operated over the full period. There 129 000 declining firms shed 822 000 net jobs.
were 800 000 employer firms in 1993 and by 2003 Clearly, there is tremendous leverage in terms
this number had grown to 893 000. Of these firms, of job creation by these relatively few hyper and
410 000 operated continuously, while 583 000 strong growth firms. Consequently, encouraging and
entered the market and 490 000 exited. developing these growth firms will have a significant
Results show that continuing businesses created impact on the performance of the Canadian economy.
966 000 net jobs between 1993 and 2003, which is

Growth Firms Project 3

Figure 2 Figure 3
Net Job Creation by Firm Size and Growth Category, Contribution of Hyper and Strong Growth Firms to Job
1993–2003 Creation, by Region, 1993–2002
400 000 200%


200 000

Net Change in Employment

Hyper Strong Slow 120%
Growth Growth Growth
-200 000


-400 000 60%


-600 000


lum h


Co ritis
-800 000





Number of Employees in 1985

0–99 100–499 500+ Share of Hyper and Strong Growth Firms Share of Job Creation by Hyper and Strong Growth Firms

CREATION Examining the location of hyper and strong growth
Small businesses were very important for job creation firms reveals that they were evenly distributed across
over this period. Although small and medium-sized Canada’s regions. Figure 3 shows that between 1993
businesses have accounted for approximately 48 and and 2002, hyper and strong growth firms accounted for
16 percent, respectively, of employment in recent between 16 and 18 percent of continuing businesses in
years, they were responsible for all of the job creation each region. However, the role that these firms played
between 1993 and 2003. Small businesses created in job creation varied slightly by region.
747 000 net jobs and medium-sized firms created In Quebec, Ontario and the Prairie provinces, hyper
263 000 net jobs over this period, while large and strong growth firms were responsible for between
businesses shed 44 000 jobs. As seen in Figure 2, 50 and 60 percent of all net jobs created between 1993
however, hyper and strong growth is not limited to and 2002. Hyper and strong growth firms had a much
small firms. Medium-sized and large hyper and strong more significant role in the Atlantic provinces and
growth firms created approximately 40 percent of all in British Columbia. In these two regions, there was
net jobs created by hyper and strong growth firms. very little job creation over the period examined so
high growth firms became much more important for
job creation because of the high number of jobs lost in
declining firms.

4 Industry Canada
NO ONE INDUSTRY APPEARS TO BE PREDISPOSED To examine this in more detail, a ratio was computed
TO GROWTH to determine the concentration, by industry, of job
Hyper and strong growth firms appear to have a creation by hyper and strong growth firms. The
fairly even distribution across all industries. Of the ratio divides the share of net jobs created by hyper
70 industries examined, the top eight in terms of and strong growth firms in each industry by each
net job creation by hyper and strong growth firms industry’s share of hyper and strong growth firms.
accounted for half of net job creation by these two For example, the industry with the highest ratio was
growth categories and the top 23 industries accounted transportation equipment industries, with a ratio of
for 80 percent. Although this appears to suggest that 5.4. In other words, the share of jobs created by high
employment creation by hyper and strong growth growth firms operating in transportation equipment
firms was concentrated in certain industries, all of this industries was 5.4 times more than the industry’s
job creation was proportional to each industry’s share share of firms in the economy. This indicates a high
of businesses in the population. In short, growth is level of growth in this industry, but this result should
everywhere. be tempered by the size of the industry ― there were
only 261 high growth firms operating in transportation
equipment industries. The top 20 of the 70 industries
examined are listed in Table 1.

Table 1
Ratio of the Share of Jobs Created to the Share of Hyper and Strong Growth Firms within the Industry, Canada, 1993–2003
No. of Hyper and of Jobs
Rank Industry Strong Growth Created to
Firms Share of
Total (NAICS) 52 855 1.0 -
1 Transportation Equipment Industries 261 5.4 Low
2 Other Service Industries 38 4.7 Medium
3 Rubber Products Industries 285 3.7 Medium
4 Shoe, Fabric and Yarn Stores 656 3.3 Low
5 Beverage Products Industry 27 2.8 Low
6 Food Industries 414 2.8 Low
7 Amusement and Recreational Service Industries 1 150 2.5 Medium
8 Metal, Hardware, Plumbing, Heating and Building Supplies 947 2.2 Medium
9 Furniture and Fixture Industries 395 2.2 Low
10 Oil and Gas Industry 86 2.1 Medium
11 Non-Metallic Mineral Products 160 2.1 Medium
12 Publishing and Printing Industries 637 1.9 Medium
13 Mineral Extraction Services 369 1.7 Medium
14 Machinery Industry 729 1.7 High
15 Clothing Industry 183 1.7 Low
16 Wood Industries 317 1.6 Low
17 Department Stores and General Merchandise Stores 1 397 1.3 Low
18 Fabricated Metal Products 1 072 1.3 Medium
19 Accommodation Service Industry 2 585 1.3 Low
20 Machinery Equipment and Supplies Wholesale 1 130 1.3 Medium

Growth Firms Project 5

Figure 4 Figure 5
Distribution of Firms and Net Job Creation by Firm Age, Distribution of Net Job Creation by Firm Age,
1999–2003 United States, 1995–1996
60% 300

50% 250

Percentage of Total Net Job Growth


(1.87 million jobs)


0% 50
0–1 2–3 4–5 6–7 8+
–10% year years years years years 0

–20% -50
–40% 0–1 2–3 4–6 7–9 10–13 14–18 19+
–50% Firm Age in 1996 (years)
Source: Acs, Zoltan, J. “Entrepreneurship (What’s the Big Deal) and the Macro
Economy in the 21st Century, Understanding Entrepreneurship: Issues and
Share of Firms, 1999 Share of Jobs Created, 1999 to 2003 Numbers.” Paris: OECD, October 2005.

Contrary to popular belief, high growth firms are the first year of the file (1991) were designated as
not concentrated in high-tech sectors. The top 20 “8 years or older.”
industries listed in Table 1 were assigned a knowledge This analysis revealed that the bulk of jobs were
level1 that confirmed that high growth can be found created by firms in their first or second year of
anywhere, not solely in high-knowledge companies. business (i.e. firm age 0 or 1), but that job creation was
Only one of the top 20 industries was deemed to still strong for those firms in their third to eighth year
be high knowledge, whereas 10 were medium of operation. Those firms that were 8 years or older,
knowledge and nine were low knowledge. The lone however, shed jobs as a group.
high-knowledge industry among the top 20 was the
machinery industry, which ranked fourteenth. Job creation for firms in Canada appears to be quite
different from that for firms in the United States.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of job creation
between 1995 and 1996 by firm age in 1996.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of all firms in 1999 According to Acs (2005), all net job creation in the
and the distribution of job creation between 1999 United States comes from businesses in their first or
and 2003, by firm age. The LEAP database does not second year of operation. Although the time periods
contain a firm age variable so one was created by are different for the Canadian and American data, they
subtracting the year of entry from 1999. Therefore, the do suggest that, overall, Canadian business growth
years between 1991 and 1999 were used to create the is more prolonged over the first 7 years of operation,
firm age variable and job creation was measured over whereas in the United States there would appear to be
the last 4 years. Those firms that were in operation in more churning taking place.
Taken from Kanagarahaj, Sri. “Business Dynamics in Canada, 2003.” Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2006, 61-534-XIE.

6 Industry Canada
Figure 6
Survival Rates by Firm Size, 1993–2003








Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Micro (1–4) Other Small (5–99) Medium (100–499) Large (500+)

SURVIVAL RATES LOWEST IN MEDIUM-SIZED FIRMS the first 5 years compared with those operating in
AND GOODS PRODUCERS service industries; after 5 years, however, there was
Survival rates for the 1993 to 2003 period are shown no marked difference. The difference in survival
by firm size in Figure 6. One third of businesses rates between goods-producing and service industries
survived for 5 years and only one quarter were over the early stages of a firm may be explained by
still operating after 9 years. Survival rates for the the level of capital investment required to operate a
first year of operation were an anomaly relative to goods-producing business. These investments may
other years because micro and other small firms place a strain on cash flow and increase the initial
had higher survival rates than large businesses. This chances of business failure.
may be explained by the very small number of large Survival rates varied by province and tended to reflect
businesses in Canada and perhaps due to the unusually the general economic health of each region. For
large number of large businesses that ceased operating example, firms in Atlantic Canada had significantly
because of the recession from 1990 to 1992. lower survival rates than all other regions in Canada.
Survival was also examined by sector, region and Only one quarter of firms in that region survived
growth groups. Among the broad industry sectors 5 years, whereas nearly 40 percent of firms in Quebec,
analyzed (goods producers, service providers and Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia survived at
public sector), firms that operated in the public sector least 5 years. Those operating in Saskatchewan and
(as defined earlier under Data and Methodology) had Manitoba also had lower survival rates than the
the highest survival rates as more than half operated average ― only 32 percent of businesses operating in
for at least 5 years. Businesses operating in goods- these provinces survived for at least 5 years.
producing industries had lower survival rates over

Growth Firms Project 7

Figure 7
Survival Rates by Growth Category (given that firms survived the 4-year triage period), 1997–2003










Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 Still
Hyper Strong Slow Declining

SURVIVAL RATES HIGHEST IN STRONG GROWTH Hyper growth firms had a slightly lower survival rate
FIRMS than strong growth and slow growth firms, suggesting
Survival was also examined by growth category, but that there are risks involved in pursuing extremely
a slightly different methodology was employed. In high levels of growth. However, the potential returns
order to assign firms to a growth category, they had from high growth business strategies can justify
to survive the first 4 years to be included in the the risk.
triage period. Survival rates by growth category were also examined
Strong growth firms had the highest survival rates, by firm size. Results showed that survival rates
with nearly 70 percent of these businesses still increased with firm size in all growth categories,
operating 6 years after the triage period (Figure 7).2 regardless of the length of time examined. The
Slow growth firms had a survival rate of 67 percent proportion of large firms that were still operating
after the same period and hyper growth firms had a 6 years after the triage period was 25 percentage
survival rate of 64 percent. Not surprisingly, declining points higher than that of micro firms. This gap
firms had the lowest survival rate, with 59 percent still between small and large businesses was greatest
operating 6 years after the triage period. The overall among slow growth and declining businesses.
average for all groups was 64 percent.

Note that Figures 6 and 7 are not comparable because they illustrate survival rates for two different samples. Figure 6 illustrates
survival rates for firms starting in year 0, whereas Figure 7 illustrates survival rates for firms starting in year 5. In other words,
Figure 7 shows survival rates for firms that have already survived an initial 4-year period that was used to assign the firms to a
growth category.

8 Industry Canada
Figure 8
Distribution of Growth Categories in Triage 2 (1999–2003) Relative to Triage 1 (1993–1997)





Hyper Strong Slow Declining
n = 13 586 n = 39 269 n = 127 920 n = 129 429

Hyper Strong Slow Declining


ARE FIRMS ABLE TO MAINTAIN THEIR GROWTH suggests that the “hockey stick” model of growth
PATH? (i.e. slow growth during the early stages of a firm’s
To get a better idea of firms’ growth path, a second life cycle, followed by a sudden takeoff of very high
triage was conducted at the end of the 1993–2003 growth) likely does not apply to all firms. Instead,
observation period to examine growth rates over two firms appear to reinvent themselves with innovation
subperiods (the first four years versus the last four to achieve high levels of growth, which is consistent
years). Figure 8 shows the distribution of firms at with the notion of product life cycles. Such a model
the beginning of the period (first triage) along the of behaviour is consistent with a world envisioned by
horizontal axis, while the vertical bars indicate in Joseph Schumpeter in which there is both job creation
which growth category firms ended up at the end of and destruction as firms leapfrog each other through
the period (second triage). innovation and development of new markets.

As expected, very few firms were able to maintain When the distribution of firms at the beginning of
high levels of growth over the entire 1993 to 2003 the period versus the end of the period was analyzed
period. Of the 13 500 hyper growth firms in the for each region of Canada, the results were similar
first four years, only 4 percent were hyper growth to those illustrated in Figure 8 for each region except
firms at the end of the period, while 12 percent were Alberta and British Columbia. In these two provinces,
categorized as strong growth firms. It is also important more hyper and strong growth firms were able to
to note that some firms that were in the slow growth maintain high levels of growth over the 10-year
or declining firm categories in the first four years period, reflecting very strong economic growth in this
were able to improve their business’ performance part of the country.
and become hyper or strong growth firms. This

Growth Firms Project 9

Figure 9
Annual Employment Growth Rates by Growth Category over Different Segments of the Business Cycle, 1985–1999








Hyper Strong Slow

-5% Growth Growth Growth


1985–1990 1990–1993 1993–1999

HOW DOES GROWTH CHANGE OVER THE BUSINESS the recession and 2.8 percent after the recession.
CYCLE? Similarly, strong growth firms grew at an annual rate
of 13 percent during the first subperiod, declined by
The first phase of this growth firms project examined
1 percent during the recession and grew 2.1 percent
the 1985–1999 period and divided it into three
annually over the final subperiod. Slow growth firms
subperiods (1985–1990, 1990–1993 and 1993–1999)
grew at an annual rate of 3.3 percent during the first
to examine how growth groups fared over different
subperiod and then declined at an annual rate of
segments of the business cycle. The three subperiods
1.4 percent during the recession. After the recession,
were selected based on fluctuations in the business
slow growth firms had very minimal growth of
cycle ― the first and last subperiods were periods of
0.2 percent per year. Declining firms experienced a
economic growth, whereas the middle subperiod was
reduction in their rate of decline during the recession.
a recessionary period. As with the rest of this project,
Over the initial subperiod, declining firms shed jobs
firms were assigned to a growth category based on the
at an annual rate of 5 percent, whereas the rate of
first four years of the observation period (1985–1989).
job destruction was 3.2 percent per year during the
As seen in Figure 9, hyper and strong growth firms recession. After the recession, declining firms shed
weathered the recession (1990–1993) the best. The jobs at an annual rate of 0.6 percent.
pre-recession annual growth rate of hyper growth
firms was 34 percent, slowing to -0.5 percent during

10 Industry Canada
Figure 10 Figure 11
Number of Continuing Firms and Job Creation by Likelihood of being a Hyper or Strong Growth Firm by
Export Status, 1993–2002 Firm Size and Export Status, 1993–2003
600 000 50


500 000

Percentage of Hyper or Strong Growth Firms

400 000
Number of Firms and Jobs Created


300 000 25


200 000

100 000

All Sizes 1–4 5–19 20–49 50–99 100+
Non-Exporters Exporters
Non-Exporters Exporters
Firms Jobs

HOW EFFECTIVE ARE STRATEGIES SUCH AS 541 000 jobs, while the 18 000 exporters created
EXPORTING AT HELPING FIRMS ACHIEVE GROWTH? 473 000 jobs. High growth exporters were even more
Businesses can use different strategies to achieve impressive job creators. There were 4400 hyper and
their goals and exporting is one that has the potential strong growth exporters that created 363 000 jobs.
to rapidly increase a firm’s sales and propel it to high Clearly, exporters created a disproportionate number
levels of growth. This notion was tested by linking the of jobs ― they accounted for 5.5 percent of firms, but
Exporter Registry to the LEAP database to measure created 47 percent of jobs.
job creation by exporters relative to non-exporters In addition to being extraordinary job creators,
between 1993 and 2002.3 exporters were more likely to be hyper or strong
Figure 10 shows the number of exporters and non- growth firms (Figure 11). In the smaller firm size
exporters that operated continuously between 1993 categories, exporters were more than twice as likely to
and 2002 and their job creation during that period. be hyper or strong growth firms; nearly half of micro
There were 307 000 non-exporters and they created firms that exported were hyper or strong growth firms.

Data were matched across the Exporter Registry (which covers only goods exporters) and LEAP files for the year 2002. This
matching, together with the survival condition, identified smaller numbers of exporters (18 000) than non-exporters (307 000) that
operated continuously between 1993 and 2002.

Growth Firms Project 11

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Measuring growth over multiple periods provided
some insight into the growth path that firms follow.
Growth firms research has demonstrated that, overall,
The process by which firms grow appears to be more
the Canadian economy is a dynamic economy
complex than it is usually perceived to be. Very few
with a great deal of churning taking place. It is a
firms were able to maintain very high growth over an
Schumpeterian world of embracing change and
extended period of time, but analysis revealed that a
moving forward. There is much adjustment in the
number of firms that were not growing in the 1993–
small and medium-sized enterprise sector that goes
1997 period were able to achieve very high levels of
largely unnoticed.
growth in the 1999–2003 period. This suggests that
Among firms that operated continuously throughout factors such as product cycles and innovation have
the period studied, results demonstrate that a very important impacts on the growth patterns of firms,
small proportion of firms are responsible for the whereby they may fall behind but then reinvent
bulk of job creation in our economy. Moreover, this themselves to leapfrog ahead of competitors, who in
growth was found to be spread across all regions of turn will go through the same reinvention/innovation
the country and in all sectors of the economy. Small process.
businesses were responsible for more than three
Work to date has served to increase our understanding
quarters of the jobs created by continuing businesses;
of firm growth, but there remain many dimensions
however, hyper and strong growth was not limited to
to examine further. Future work will aim to add a
small businesses.
revenue variable to examine high growth defined on
Firms that pursue extremely high growth seem to have both a revenue and employment basis and thereby
a higher risk of exiting the marketplace than strong measure the economic impact of high growth
and slow growth firms. However, the potential returns businesses in terms of wealth. In addition, work is
from high growth business strategies can justify the planned to examine innovative behaviour and its
risk. impact on firm growth.

Data Caveats there is currently no way to compare growth on a

revenue basis with growth on an employment basis.
The employment unit used in these studies is
known as an Individual Labour Unit (ILU), which Another question often raised in the context of
is the best available employment unit for this type this project is the handling of mergers. The LEAP
of study. However, it does have some drawbacks. database treats mergers and acquisitions on a
Specifically, it is unable to differentiate between full- case-by-case basis, but it is believed that “false”
time and part-time, or seasonal, workers. In other births and deaths that occur when mergers or
words, it does not capture the amount of hours acquisitions take place have been removed. The
worked. Furthermore, the ILU cannot identify those principle method for detecting “false” births and
individuals that work for non-employer businesses or deaths is tracking pools of employees’ social
owner–operators in employer firms unless they are insurance numbers. If a large number of employees
on their own payroll. Therefore, a significant portion who appear in an exiting firm also appear in a new
of self-employed business operators may not be entrant, further investigation is undertaken and
recognized in these data. these cases are usually deemed to be a “false”
birth or death and are corrected. Statistics Canada
A second caveat is warranted regarding the
then rewrites the history of the two companies in
definition of growth. This series of studies defines
the LEAP database and treats them as if they were
growth as changes in employment, but growth can
always one company. Other methods used to detect
also be thought of in terms of revenue. A revenue
“false” births and deaths involve name and address
variable is not available in the LEAP database, so

12 Industry Canada
Acs, Zoltan, J. “Entrepreneurship (What’s the Big Deal) and the Macro Economy in the 21st Century,
Understanding Entrepreneurship: Issues and Numbers.” Paris: OECD, October 2005.
Birch, D. “Change, Innovation and Job Generations.” Journal of Labor Research, 10.1 (1989), pp. 33–39.
Halabisky, David. “The Growth Process in Firms: Job Creation by Firm Age, Growth Firms Project: Phase IV.”
Ottawa: Industry Canada, 2006. (
Halabisky, David. “Exporting Matters: Job Creation Performance of Exporters, 1993–2002, Further Results
from the Growth Firms Project.” Ottawa: Industry Canada, 2005. (
Halabisky, David. “Growth Firms Project: Phase II Report.” Ottawa: Industry Canada, 2004.
Kanagarahaj, Sri. “Business Dynamics in Canada, 2003.” Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2006, 61-534-XIE.
Parsley, Chris, and Erwin Dreessen. “Growth Firms Project: Key Findings.” Ottawa: Industry Canada, 2004.

Growth Firms Project 13

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14 Industry Canada

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