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Kianna Rojas

Nearpod Student Interview Transcript

Below is a mini interview I conducted with some of my students. I decided to do this after hearing
a student say that he loved how we were using computers and technology was his “jam”, as he put
it. I used almost the same questions for the students. A ‘T’ means the teacher (myself) and an S#
is the students I interviewed. Since there was more than 1, I numbered them.

T: I wanted to ask you about the Nearpod we used today. Did you liked the Nearpod?
S#1: Yeaahh, it was fun.
T: Now, you prefer using the Nearpod more or the books?
S#1: Uhh, probably Nearpod.
T: Probably Nearpod? What did you liked about it?
S#1: I liked, uh, the little parts where you, uh, write and then post a picture?
T: Oh, the collaboration board! That was your favorite part? I liked it too. You guys had a bunch
of great responses.
Called next student
T: Ok, so I am just asking students what they thought about the Nearpod. Did you liked learning
that way or would you have preferred using the book?
S#2: Umm, I think [both is] alright for me.
T: Ok, did you liked the Nearpod though?
S#2: I guess so.
Student number 1 chimes back in
S#1: I really liked the Nearpod.
T: That’s good. Did it help you be more, like engaged? Do you know what engaged means? Like,
if you felt you were really into the lesson and really learning. Does the book help you with that
more or the Nearpod? And, think outside of using the collaboration board.
S#1: Theeen, probably the book laughs
T: So, the book better?
S#1: Yeaahhh, but the collaboration is what made it [the Nearpod] really fun.
Called next student
T: I wanted to ask you about the Nearpod we used today. Did you liked the it?
S#3: Yes!
T: Ok, now would you prefer using the book or a Nearpod or – like, engagement-wise, which
would you prefer using and made you felt more engaged or like you were learning more, the lesson
on Nearpod or using a book?
Student thinking for a bit
S#3: I liked the Nearpod more.
T: You liked the Nearpod more?
S#3: Yes!
T: Ok, and what was your favorite part of it? Because it was my first time using it for the whole
S#3: Uhh, I liked the underlining (the ‘draw it’ feature), quiz, and the questions.
T: Ok, and you’re being honest?
S#3: Yes!
T: Ok, thank you (student name)!
Kianna Rojas

The second round of students I asked

Asking two students at a time
T: Did you guys like the Nearpod?
S#4 and S#5: Yeah!
T: Would you rather learn through a Nearpod or a book?
S#4: I would rather the Nearpod
T: What was your favorite part of it?
S#4: It was the collaboration board.
Student 5 nodding in agreement
T: So, your favorite was the collaboration board? You too?
S#5: My favorite part was when someone posted the picture of a mansion. (Referring to the
collaboration board where I asked students what they would do if they were given a ton of gold.)
T: Ok, so besides the collaboration board, do you think you were more –
S#4: Oh yeah, yeah! I liked the underlining things! (Underlining the paragraphs using the ‘draw
it’ feature)
T: Engagement wise, because this was my first time doing it, did you think you were more engaged,
or did you get bored with it?
S#4: I get more engaged!
T: Ok, so you liked the technology?
Student 4 nods yes
T: And how about you (student 5)? Did you like using the Nearpod and technology or would you
like doing things more traditional, which means pencil and paper?
S#5: Umm, I don’t really know.
T: That’s fine! Another student said that he wouldn’t mind either.
S#5: I like traditional and technology.
Calls students 6 and 7
T: Did you both like the Nearpod or prefer to do things in the book?
Both Students: Nearpod!
S#7: Yeah, Nearpod.
S#6: I feel like it’s more better ‘cause sometimes, like, when your up there (pointing to the front
board), we can’t see it (the text and what I’m underlining), so when were close up to it, it’s easier.
T: It was my first time using it for the whole group, so I wanted to get your thoughts about it. What
was your favorite part of it?
S#7: Oh! Where we got to look at the pictures!
S#6: I think I liked underlining the cause and effects, because it made my brain go work laughs
T: Oh, it made your brain go to work?
S#6: Yeah it made my brain light up!

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