Dragon Diaper Gladiatorial Arena PDF

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Dragon Diaper Glatorial Arena: A D&D 5e ABDL setting.

(Note: The end goal for this will be 25 monsters and a more fleshed out setting. I am
working on getting everything converted over to the PDF, which you can find on the link
above. New stuff will come once that’s done. :3)
In an unknown corner of the world, a very particular gladiator arena is run, known only to
those who wish to make people disappear, or who have no qualms about selling people into a
life of combat for others entertainment. What only the kinky and depraved in the land know is
that the ring is run by the great white dragon Yarverath, who’s feats of magic and strength are
only matched by the loads she can dump into her pampers. With years of magical wards built
into the very bedrock of her little realm, challengers find very… interesting rules in play.
Special rules;
Continence checks:
Every hour, or if a spell or poison calls for it, creatures in diapers have to make a continence
check. The roll is a d100 minus any consumable penalties a character has. Each check also
gives a -1 time penalty, and all characters start with a +5 bonus to represent potty training.
Failing a check in a diaper gives a -2 permanent penalty, while making it to a potty restores 1
point of permanent penalty. The permanent penalty caps at -80. Should the total penalty reach
or exceed 100, the creature has an accident, and any penalty over 100 is carried over. So if it
reaches 120 (somehow), subtract 100 and add the 20 remaining consumable penalty to your
next continence check. If a check is failed, the player chooses what kind of accident they have.
Diapers tend to come in many patterns, but all are quite effective at stopping puddles. A
creature can wear a number of diaper layers equal to half their strength or dex score, rounded
up, without penalty. More than this halves move speed and give disadvantage on dex saves. A
creature that wears more layers then their strength or dex score must crawl. For every diaper
layer a creature wears, it can hold one wet and one mess.
Attributes of diapers:
Pull-ups:​ The thinnest kind of diapers, pull-ups can’t be stacked with other pull-ups, regardless
of the layers in between. They don’t count towards diaper layers either (unless you wear a
bunch, but that accomplishes nothing), and can be used effectively as boosters with other
Simple:​ An ordinary diaper. Usually plain white. 1 layer.
Poofy:​ Poofy diapers are 1 layer thicker than normal, but have better patterns.
Swim:​ This attribute makes diapers waterproof from the outside, and just as absorbent on the
Comfy:​ Adds one diaper layer, and an unwilling target put in these must pass a DC 10 wis save
to take them off.
Sissy:​ Despite the name, not all sissy diapers are pink. This attribute represents the thickest,
most childish diapers normally found, two layers thicker than a simple diaper.
Untraining:​ This attribute adds a diaper layer, and doubles the time penalty every time a
continence check is made.
Susceptibility:​ These diapers add one diaper layer and give pottymancer spells a +1 to hit, and
the wearer of the diaper a -1 to resist.
Thickening:​ While these diapers seem mundane, they actually are highly magical. When used,
the diaper simply expands a layer. When used fully, a thickening diaper provides 10 extra
Greater Untraining:​ Every hour, these diapers give a -2 permanent contiance penalty, and add
two diaper layers.
Greater susceptibility:​ While worn, these diapers give advantage to be hit by pottymancy
spells, and a -2 to saves against them. It adds two layers.

Simple diapers and pull-ups cost 1 GP per 10 pack. The mundane enchantments Swim, Poofy
and Comfy double the price of any diaper they are in. The enhancement Sissy triples the price.
Untraining, Susceptibility and Thickening are 50 times more expensive. The Enhancements
Greater Untraining and Greater Susceptibility are 100 times more expensive.
Cost multiples stack, so a sissy swim diaper would be 5 times more expensive for example.
Baby powder​ costs 5 CP, or can be sold for the same price. It gives advantage against one
leaky wis save, granted on the first roll you fail.

Diaper changes:
Diaper changes take 1 minute, divided by a character's dex, int or wis mod, whichever is
highest, rounded down. If negative, the change time is multiplied instead.
New Status Conditions:

Defeated:​ When a creature is reduced to 0 HP from non-lethal damage, they fill the padding up
to capacity and become defeated. A defeated creature can take no actions and can only crawl
at 5 ft per round. To remove the defeated status, a diaper change or extra padding and healing
must be given.

Regressed:​ A character that has their Int reduced to 1 is for all intents and purposes a bab.
They cannot fight or cast spells, unless they are in clear and immediate danger. They then
have disadvantage to make attacks. Once Int is restored, the character goes back to normal.

Leaky:​ A leaky diaper requires a wis save with a DC of 5, increasing by 5 every round. If no
action to get changed is taken and the save is failed, the character is defeated until they get a
diaper change, but once changed they return to normal health.

Combat can only be ​non-lethal​ in this realm, no matter how powerful an attacker might
be. The three important changes are Finishers, the knocked status and Build Points.
Finishers​ are moved made to impress the crowd to defeat an enemy, be it a session of
hypnosis, sitting you diapered butt on their face, or even breastfeeding your opponent. Your
personal preference as a player and imagination are the only limits, and each finisher can be
diffrent. Finishers deal damage equal to your level, and cannot miss. However, they can only
be used on an opponent that would be reduced to 0 HP by a finisher. However, monsters can
also use finishers, doing damage equal to their number of hit dice.
Enemies or party members reduced to 0HP by a means other than a finisher are
knocked​. They can only move or attack, not both, and are knocked out by any further damage
or a finisher.
Build Points, or BP, are a pathfinder concept. Each enemy you defeat becomes your
charge. Each charge can contribute 1 build point a day, and can accumulate these points to
work on a project. Sample projects:
Gather food for self and up to two other creatures​ (Can feed twice the number of other
creatures per size category below, and half as many per size category up.) : 1BP
Work for diapers for self and up to two other creatures​ (Diapers magicly adapt to any
creature who can wear them): 1BP
Work as labor ​(Skilled gives 1 GP, or unskilled for 2 SP, GM’s discretion.): 1BP
Four Person Tent​: 10BP
One room​:50BP
Small two room house​: 100BP
Small Tavern​: 200 BP
Medium House​: 300 BP
Barracks​: 300BP
Diaper Factory​: 400BP
Medium Tavern​:1000 BP
Small Guild Hall​:3000BP
Large Tavern​:5000
Guild Hall/Castle​: 10000BP

The dragon who owns the place, Yaverath is an ancient white dragon who alone runs
the entire compound. She isn’t evil; she can be bargained with, and she abhors death.
However, her whims can be described as chaotic at best, and she prefers to not take sides.
Any challengers from outside the pits are thrashed and given a whiff of her smelly rear end;
most dragons in the pits enter this way. If one hopes to gain their freedom, they must either
beat her in a fight, or put up one hell of a show in the pits.

The Hub
Built into the side of a crystal mountain, it takes a keen eye to spot that the Arena and the lands
around it are in fact enclosed to prevent eager little ones from escaping, especially dragons.
The hub is the only town, but anything that exists, be it a relic, mundane weapon or another
package of diaper, can be found and bought here for the normal price, thanks to Yaverath’s
great wealth.
The Banners
In order to keep things interesting, Yaverath gives special permission to a handful of parties,
known as Banners. The leaders of the banner gain any foes they defeat in battle as minions,
allowing them to become members of their workforce. (Or just baby or be babied by whom they
capture.) There are currently thirteen banners. Most of the banners have become mercenary
groups or similarly unremarkable, with the exception of the eighth banner. The Eighth banner is
led by Lyrissa and Simion, a Cleric of Morganath and a monk, respectively. Morganath is the
only officially recognized god, and while all others are freely permitted, the keeper of kinky
secrets and knowledge of all kinds is beloved for her willingness to wear and use pampers
herself. She is weak as far as gods go a remnant, but still very powerful compared to mortals,
and the 8th banner is well organized and quite rich.
Traps come in two varieties; turret or concealed. Turrets make everyone’s day miserable,
hitting random targets from any available. They have 4 times average party level HP, and AC of
10, and +2 times every four levels the party is on average. Concealed traps are hidden, DC 13
perception to spot from 5ft away, until someone, friend or foe, takes a wrong step. Concealed
traps always hit, so GM’s be sure to use them lightly.

Concealed traps:

Doubles thickness of all worn padding.
Potty Pants
Increases conscience penalty by -20 and forces an immediate check.
Increases the damage finishers do by one until the end of the battle. A full set, however
improbable, doubles finisher damage
Dragon’s Mark
A rare trap, this marks you to receive Yaverath’s finisher one round after activation. It does 17
damage; if the target has more than this, they take no damage, and instead lose a turn being
mushed by a huge dragon butt. If they have less HP then finisher damage, they are knocked

Turret Traps:
Potty bolt
Gives a -10 consumable penalty and forces an immediate continence check if target is
diapered. (Must target diapered creatures.)
Chain Turret
On a hit, the target is restrained, and vulnerable to taking finisher damage, even if it doesn’t
reduce them to 0.
Gives target a random diaper, stacking on any old ones.
Status Turret
Give a random diaper attribute to the target, if a diaper is worn. (Cannot target non diapered
GM notes: ​Just some tips in case your players ask.

How badly does the monster need to go?: ​A fully potty trained creature had a +5 to contiance
checks. A total penalty between -1 and -5 would mean the monster shows no signs of needing
to potty. A total penalty between -6 and -25 means the monster is showing signs of fidgeting, or
if the penalty is permanent, they walk in diapers with some level of proficiency, allowing the
party to gauge roughly how long they’ve been here. A total penalty of -26 to -50 means the
creature is slightly potty dancing when they aren’t doing anything else, or walks in diapers quite
ably. At total penalty of -51 to -75 means the creature is doing quite the potty dance, or else
walks in its diapers with practiced ease. A total penalty of -76 to -99 means the creature
bouncing on it’s toes, pressing its hands on it’s diapers to delay the accident, and any other
form of uber childish behaviour whenever it isn’t doing something else. If the permanent penalty
reaches this range, they walk with the grace you’d expect from someone who’s worn and used
dozens of diapers. (The exception is dragons: any you fight are brand new, and still waddle like
Does food give a consumable penalty?: ​An average meal gives a consumable penalty of -5,
a snack -1 or -2, and a big meal might give a -10 or even -15. Larger creatures can eat more,
so it is feasible to feed a huge dragon or other creature until it’s potty time, or you can just spike
the food with laxatives or diuretics.

Unique Monsters:

Naga Queen
This reptilian creature shouldn’t be confused with other Nagas. Her top half resembles that of a
dragonborn, and her breasts appear full of milk. If an adventurer stares too long, they get a
mischievous wink.
HP: 8d12+8 (80) Speed 30 feet, Swim 20ft, Climb 10ft. AC 15 (Leather armor and shield.) CR 2



19 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (+0) 10 (0)

Skills​: Perception +2, 10ft blindsight from heat vision.

Difficult to diaper: ​Due to an unusual body shape, it takes two successful diaper spells or traps
to diaper a Naga Queen.
Actions​: Warhammer: +6 to hit, 1d8+4 damage.
Constrict.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. ​Hit:​ 13 (2d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the
creature is restrained, and the Naga Queen can't constrict another target.
Nurse: ​A restrained target can be nursed by the Naga. If the Naga wins a contested dex save,
the target takes 1d4 damage,takes a -10 consumable penalty, must make a contience check,
and is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Finisher: (8 damage)​ If a finisher is used: ​the Naga wraps the target in her coils, forcing them
to drink down her delicious milk. Cooing about how good of a baby they are, she moves her
coils so the crowd can get a good view of the target’s padded rear, diapering them if the target
is undiapered. In mere moments, the target’s diapers start to sag, then much more rapidly as
their bowels evacuate. Even still, the milk is too tasty to resist~

Kobold Novice Pottymancer

A trickster like all kobolds, this one seems to have picked up the art of pottymancy. While small
and unintimidating, it still can cause quite a bit of mischief.
HP: 3d6-3 (8) Speed 30ft. AC 12. CR ½. Spell save DC 12. Small


7 (−2) 15 (+2) 9 (−1) 8 (−1) 7 (−2) 14 (+2)

Skills: Swift changer​: This creature is particularly adept at changing diapers. Double their
highest modifier for the purposes of diaper changes. (Changes diaper in 2.5 rounds, 2 after
rounding down.)
Ranged Finisher: ​This creature can use a finisher at up to 30ft of range for half damage,
rounded down. (1)
Susceptible to diapering: ​This creature either is either small enough to be diapered, or has an
ideal body shape. Regardless, it cannot resist any spells that diaper it, provided they hit.
Pack Tactics.​ The Pottymancer has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least
one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated
Powder Cloud
Cause accident
Spells: 3/day
Lesser Diapering
Lesser Command of the Bab
Bottle of Healing
Dagger: ​+4 to hit, damage 1d4+2
Sling: ​+4 to hit, damage 1d4+2, range 30/120
Inventory: ​Since bottles of healing go bad only after 48 hours, a kobold pottymancer has two
on their person when a fight begins.
Melee: (3 damage.) ​The pottymancer pulls out a little rope, tripping the target with it. Once
prone, the target is diapered if needed, and the pottymancer sits on the targets diaper, casting
cause accident right into their bladder and bowels, much to the crowds delight. The target is
helpless to do anything but fill their diaper while the pottymancer ties up their arms. If the target
is good, they might even get a diaper change!
Ranged: (1 damage.) ​From out of nowhere, the target feels a massive urge to fill their diapers.
Unable to hold back and exhausted from the fight, they give in, falling on their mushy rear end
as the crowd laughs. From elsewhere on the battlefield, the pottymancer snickers.

Kobold Warrior
A more robust kobold then you’ve seen, this one is wearing some leather armor and is carrying
a shield. Perhaps it’s the result of exercise, but you’d wager it’s more to do with the love and
care from other monsters.
HP:3d8 (14). Speed: 30ft. AC 15 (Leather Armor and Shield.) CR ¼ Small


7 (−2) 15 (+2) 10 (0) 8 (−1) 7 (−2) 8 (−1)

Skills: Swift changer​: This creature is particularly adept at changing diapers. Double their
highest modifier for the purposes of diaper changes. (Changes diaper in 2.5 rounds, 2 after
rounding down.)
Susceptible to diapering: ​This creature either is either small enough to be diapered, or has an
ideal body shape. Regardless, it cannot resist any spells that diaper it, provided they hit.
Pack Tactics.​ The Warrior has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of
the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Shortsword: ​+4 to hit, 1d6+2 damage.
Shortbow: ​+4 to hit, 1d6+2 damage.
Finisher: (3 damage)
With surprising strength, the Warrior slams the pommel of their blade into their target’s gut.
They can only groan in dismay as the blow loses their bladder, causing them to fall to their
knees. A second strike releases their bowels, and before the diaper filling target can recover,
their hands are tied to their feet, standing on the target triumphantly as the crowd cheers.

Minotuar Nurse
A Master of Battle, this Minataur also seems to have figured out keeping allies in the fight helps
more then a little bit. With breasts full of milk and a diaper bag on her shoulder, she’s ready to
dish it out and pick up her companions afterwards, even if her horns aren’t as sharp as a male’s.
HP: 9d10+27 (76) Speed 40ft AC 14, (Natural Armor) CR 3 Large



18 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (−2) 16 (+3) 9 (−1)

Skills:​ Perception +7
Swift changer​: This creature is particularly adept at changing diapers. Double their highest
modifier for the purposes of diaper changes. (Changes diaper in 1.6 rounds, 1 after rounding
Spanking Paddle: ​+6 to hit, damage 2d12+4
Headbutt: ​+6 to hit, damage 2d6+4
Nurse: ​As an action, the Nurse can nurse one ally that has been defeated. Provided the ally is
changed, they regain 2d4 HP and take a -20 consumable penalty and can rejoin the fight. An
injured ally can also be nursed for 2d4 healing and a -10 consumable penalty.
Finisher: (9 damage)​ P ​ icking up the target, the nurse puts them over her knee and brings their
spanking paddle onto their rear mercilessly, not relenting until their hide is turned red. As the
crowd cheers them on, the Nurse then diapers the target if needed, breastfeeding them and
erasing the damage from the spankings, but still leaving them defeated and in a rapidly filling

Pampered Basilisk
Basilisks are normally feared throughout the land as creatures that can turn men and beast into
stone. This one seems to be wearing an odd pair of pink goggles, and the puffy pink diaper on
its butt is simply adorable.
HP: 8d8+16 (52). Speed 20ft. AC 15 (Natural Armor.) CR 3 Medium


16 (+3) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)

Always pampered: ​This creature always starts out an encounter in a diaper, and if somehow
removed, a new one magicly takes its place of the same type.
Altered Gaze: ​If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the basilisk and the two of them can
see each other, the basilisk can force the creature to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw if
the basilisk isn't incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature is retrained as it potty dances. It
must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a
failure, the creature has an accident.
A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn.
If it does so, it can't see the basilisk until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes

If it looks at the basilisk in the meantime, it must immediately make the save. If the basilisk sees
its reflection within 30 feet of it in bright light, it mistakes itself for a rival and targets itself with its

Bite: ​+5 to hit, 2d6 damage, DC 13 str save or be knocked prone: 2d6 consumable penalty.

Finisher: (8 damage.) ​Leaping into the air, the Basilisk knocks the target prone, a diaper
appearing on the target if they are not wearing one. Setting its rump onto the target’s face, they
are hear a loud hissing sound, followed by a hefty blorch as it’s pampers become just a little
fuller. The target is swifty knocked by the potent smells of a messy diaper, the basilisk rubbing it
in just a few more times before looking for the next victim.

Powder Wolf
A wolf this large would be far, far scarier if it wasn’t wearing a onesie, wasn’t baby white, and
didn’t have snowflake patterns on the onesie and thick diaper on its butt. Still, knowing this
place, it is still a threat.
HP: 10d10+20 (75). Speed 50ft. AC 13 (Natural Armor). CR 3 Large


18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1)

Skills: ​Perception +5, Stealth +3

Keen Hearing and Smell.​ The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
hearing or smell.
Pack Tactics.​ The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Always pampered: ​This creature always starts out an encounter in a diaper, and if somehow
removed, a new one magicly takes its place of the same type.
Ranged Finisher: ​This creature​ ​can use its breath weapon as a finisher for 3 damage.
Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked

Power Breath:​ (Recharge 5–6). The wolf exhales a blast of white powder in a 15-foot cone.
Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, or they must make a
contiance check with a 4d8 consumable penalty.
Finisher: (10 Damage) ​The Wolf knocks the target down, a diaper appearing on the target if
they aren’t wearing one. Licking their face, it blasts a cloud of powder into their face. At such a
short range, they are helpless to resist the building pressure inside. To add insult to injury, once
the pressure finally becomes too much, the Wolf places it’s poofy butt on the target’s face and
wets itself, marking its territory. The target is overwhelmed by the soggines, and falls
Ranged Finisher: (3 damage) ​A blizzard of powder overwhelms the targets senses, and more
importantly, their continence. As they fall to their knees, the target’s bladder bursts. As they fall
to the ground, a rush of mush fills the back, rendering them out of the fight.

Not even the body of a lion, wings of a dragon and tail shooting spiked can save the kitten from
looking adorable in Yaverath’s clutches. With savanna patterns on it’s pampers and a full body
sleeper to it nice and warm, it mewls instead of roars as it charges at you.
HP: 8d10+24 (68). Speed 30ft, 50 ft fly. AC 14 (Natural Armor). CR 3. Large


17 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1)

Tail Spike Regrowth.​ The manticore has twenty-four tail spikes. Used spikes regrow when the
manticore finishes a long rest.
Always pampered: ​This creature always starts out an encounter in a diaper, and if somehow
removed, a new one magicly takes its place of the same type.
Ranged Finisher: ​The Pottyicore’s tail spikes can act as a finisher for 2 damage.
Multiattack​. The manticore makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws or three
with its tail spikes.
Bite​. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Claw. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Tail Spike​. ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, range 100/200 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 7 (1d8 + 3)
consumable penalty, forces continence check.
Finisher: (8 damage)
The Pottyicore shows its target where it gets its name. Sitting it’s pampered butt right on its
target, a hefty bloorch fills the air as the target is assaulted with a squishy, smelly diaper. It is
more than enough to knock them out.
Ranged Finisher: (2 damage)
With careful aim, the target receives a potty inducing spike in the gut. Already exhausted, the
target collapses as their bowels cramp painfully; by the time they are able to find relief in their
diaper, they are too exhausted to continue.

A strange, haphazard collection of baby items and magic, the words it speaks makes no sense,
and in fact makes your mind a little fuzzy…
HP: 9d8+27 (67). Speed 10 ft. AC 9. CR 2 Medium


10 (+0) 8 (−1) 16 (+3) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 6 (−2)

Padded Ground.​ The ground in a 10-foot radius around the Babbler is padded difficult terrain.
Each creature that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or
have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.

Babbling.​ The mouther babbles incoherently while it can see any creature and isn't
incapacitated. Each creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the Babbler and can hear the
gibbering must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature can't take
reactions until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to determine what it does during its turn.
On a 1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the creature takes no action or bonus action
and uses all its movement to move in a randomly determined direction. On a 7 or 8, the creature
has an accident.
Undiaperable: ​Being a collection of things, this creature cannot be diapered.
No Allies: ​This creature will attack the closest other creature besides Babblers.
No Finisher: ​This creature cannot perform a finisher.
Multiattack​. The gibbering mouther makes one bite attack and, if it can, uses its Thickening Blob.

Bite​. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. ​Hit:​ 17 (5d6) piercing damage. If the
target is Medium or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Thickening Blob. ​(Recharge 5–6). The Babbler spits a poofy glob at a point it can see within 15 feet
of it. The glob explodes in a rush of diaper fluff on impact. Each creature within 5 feet of the impact
must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or have their padding double in thickness.

Babying Cube
A pale white and pink cube that smells delectable, like cotton candy. You aren’t sure what it
does, but it’s tempting to find out…
HP: 8d10+40 (84). Speed 15ft. AC 6. CR 2. Large


14 (+2) 3 (−4) 20 (+5) 1 (−5) 6 (−2) 1 (−5)

Condition Immunities​ blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone.

Senses​ blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius).
Ooze Cube.​ The cube takes up its entire space. Other creatures can enter the space, but a creature
that does so is subjected to the cube's Engulf and has disadvantage on the saving throw.
Creatures inside the cube can be seen but have total cover.
A creature within 5 feet of the cube can take an action to pull a creature or object out of the cube.
Doing so requires a successful DC 12 Strength check, and the creature making the attempt takes 10
(3d6) consumable penalty.
The cube can hold only one Large creature or up to four Medium or smaller creatures inside it at a
Tantalizing: ​The cube smells amazing. When within 20 ft of the cube, a DC 15 wis save must be
passed to spending the turn to willingly be engulfed by the cube as you eat it. For every point of
consumable penalty given this, the cube loses 1 HP.
No Finisher: ​This creature has no Finisher
No Allies:​ This creature attacks the closest creature that isn’t a Babying Cube
Pseudopod. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. ​Hit:​ 10 (3d6) consumable
penalty. Does not lower HP of cube.
Engulf. ​The cube moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can enter Large or smaller creatures'
spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creature's space, the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw.
On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the cube. A
creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.
On a failed save, the cube enters the creature's space, and the creature takes 10 (3d6) consumable
penalty, must make a contiance check, and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can't breathe, is
restrained, and takes 21 (6d6) consumable penalty at the start of each of the cube's turns, and must
make a contiance check.. When the cube moves, the engulfed creature moves with it.
An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check. On a
success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the cube.

Lullaby Harpy
A much sweeter Harpy then ones you hear about. For one, this one is wearing clothes. For
another, she looks like she is willing to breastfeed anyone. Still, with claws and a club, she isn’t
a pushover if it comes down to a fight.
HP: 7d8+7 (38). Speed: 20ft, 40ft fly. AC 11. CR 1. Medium.


12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1)

Multiattack.​ The harpy makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its club.
Claws​. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.
Club​. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Luring Song.​ The harpy sings a magical melody. Every creature within 300 feet of the harpy that
can hear the song must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the song
ends. The harpy must take a bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue singing. It can stop
singing at any time. The song ends if the harpy is incapacitated.
While charmed by the harpy, a target is incapacitated and ignores the songs of other harpies and
makes a contiance check every round. If the charmed target is more than 5 feet away from the
harpy, the target must move on its turn toward the harpy by the most direct route, trying to get within
5 feet. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks, but before moving into damaging terrain, such as lava or
a pit, and whenever it takes damage from a source other than the harpy, the target can repeat the
saving throw. A charmed target can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If the
saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it.
A target that successfully saves is immune to this harpy's song for the next 24 hours.
Nurse: ​As an action, the harpy can Nurse an allied creature, healing it 1d4 damage and giving it
a -10 consumable penalty
Finisher: (7 damage) ​The harpy leans in close to the target, crooning a song only they can
hear. The target goes weak in the knees, falling into the harpies waiting arms. Her soft song
filling the target’s mind, they hardly notice that they are suckling from her breast… nor do they
notice the rapidly growing weight in their diaper. Lulled to sleep, they are defeated.

Dire Pup
A bounding Direwolf in a doggy bone diaper. It seems far more hyperactive than a normal
Direwolf, and with floofier fur. It will still play with you like a chew toy though, so you’d best be
HP: 5d10+10 (37). Speed 50 ft. AC 14 (Natural Armor). CR 1. Large


17 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 7 (−2)

Skills.​ Perception +3, Stealth +4
Keen Hearing and Smell.​ The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
hearing or smell.

Pack Tactics.​ The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Always pampered: ​This creature always starts out an encounter in a diaper, and if somehow
removed, a new one magicly takes its place of the same type.

Bite:​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked

Finisher: (5 Damage)
Bounding to it’s target, the Dire Pup tackles them to the ground before whining suddenly. A
massive hissing sound fills the air as the not quite house trained pup floods it’s pampers,
squishing the target underneath. By the time the Dire Pup is done wiggling and poking it’s
diaper with its paws, the target underneath is out cold.

Kobold Matriarch

Towering over the other kobolds you’ve seen, this one stands three feet tall instead of one foot
six. Dressed in rather kinky leather and brandishing a whip, she still gives off a motherly air,
even if she can only use her breasts on other small creatures. A rather thick, baby block pattern
diaper peeks out from under her dress: perhaps she’s been here a while?

HP: 6d8+6 (33). Speed 30ft. AC 13 (Leather armor). CR 1. Small.


10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1)

Skills: Swift changer​: This creature is particularly adept at changing diapers. Double their
highest modifier for the purposes of diaper changes. (Changes diaper in 2.5 rounds, 2 after
rounding down.)
Leading by example: ​The Matriarch always starts in a sissy diaper, and suffers from a -25
permanent contiance penalty. Additionally, all other kobolds allied to the Matriarch start with a
-25 permanent penalty and poofy diapers. If the Matriarch fails a continence check because of
an opponent's effect or a trap, all other allied kobolds within 20 ft gain a d4 as if they gained the
guidance cantrip. This effect can only be used once per day.
Pack Tactics.​ The Matriarch has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one
of the Matriarcs's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Whip: ​+4 to hit, reach of 10ft, damage 1d4+2.
Lasso: ​If the Matriarch is within 10ft of a target and has her whip out, she can make an
opposed dex check against the target. If the target fails, they become restrained.
Nurse: ​The​ ​Matriarch can nurse an injured small ally, healing them for 1d4 damage. The ally
takes a -10 consumable penalty, and must make a contiance check.
Hypnotize: ​If the Matriarch is within 5ft of a retrained target, she can use a shiny watch to try to
hypnotize them. If the target fails a DC 12 wis save, they are stunned for one round, and must
make a contiance check with a -10 consumable penalty.

Finisher: ​Getting her watch right in front of her target’s face, the Matriarch coos how good of a
baby the target it. As the target watches the watch swing gently back and forwards, they feel
their bladder loosen, causing the front of their diaper to become pleasantly soggy. A few
moments later, the back of the target’s diaper is rapidly expanding, and the target has fallen
asleep, defeated.


Based on the hefty blush and it’s face and it’s awkward waddle from its diaper butt, you think
this dragon is a new arrival. It’s the only way to explain the fact it doesn’t need a change yet.
Use any dragon stat block, and add the following traits:
No control: ​A creature with this trait has been cursed by the magic of the arena. They
automatically fail continence checks.
Thickening diaper: ​The creature starts combat in a thickening diaper.
Finisher: (Damage equal to number of hit dice) ​With as many dragons there are, no one
finisher can work for them all. Some ideas:
Sitting on their foe.
A powerful magic blast.
Spanking their foe.
Being too darn cute.
Using tails to tickle, squeeze, or otherwise cause accidents.
Tickle fight.


Swarm of Diapers

Animated Diapersuit

Spectator Nanny

The reputation of beholders and beholder-kin is well earned. The paranoid eyeballs tend to slay
before asking questions, but this Spectator seems to be fairly friendly, a diaper bag slug over an
eyestalk. You aren’t sure how you feel about the three or four foot long tongue though.
HP: 6d12+8 (39). Speed 0 ft, fly 30ft (hover). CR 2. Medium.

Kobold Knight

Dressed in studded leather and brandishing a sword, shield and crossbow, this hardy looking
kobold looks ready to take you on.
Kobold Marksmen

Wearing simple leather armor and carrying a shortbow, this kobold looks ready to pepper you
with arrows.

Kobold Pottymancer

Dressed in just a robe and a thick diaper with adorable patterns of hearts, this kobold is possibly
the biggest baby of them all, despite being a solid two foot six. Still, they look like they might
know more about magic then potty training.
HP: 5d8 (22). Speed 30 ft. AC 12. CR 1. Small

7 (-2) 15 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3)

Skills: Swift changer​: This creature is particularly adept at changing diapers. Double their
highest modifier for the purposes of diaper changes. (Changes diaper in 2.5 rounds, 2 after
rounding down.)
Ranged Finisher: ​This creature can use a finisher at up to 30ft of range for half damage,
rounded down. (2)
(Un)Trained Pottymancer: ​This creature starts battle in a sissy diaper, and cannot change
itself. It also has a permanent penalty of -80.
Pack Tactics.​ The Pottymancer has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least
one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated
Powder Cloud
Cause accident
Mage Hand
1st level Spells: 4/day
Lesser Diapering
Lesser Command of the Bab
Bottle of healing
2nd level Spells: 3/day
Fill Bladder and Bowels
Bab’s Shield
Lesser Babify.
Dagger: ​+4 to hit, damage 1d4+2
Sling: ​+4 to hit, damage 1d4+2, range 30/120
Inventory: ​Since bottles of healing go bad only after 48 hours, a kobold pottymancer has two
on their person when a fight begins.
Finisher (Melee, 5 damage): ​The Pottymancer gathers a powerful ball of magic their hands,
hitting their target with a flourish. The target immediately loses the battle with their continence,
only able to enjoy the growing warmth in their padding as they fall to their knees. Another ball of
magic, and the target falls asleep, defeated.
Finisher (Ranged, 2 damage):​ T ​ he Pottymancer sends a special mage hand to the target, and
it presses gently against the target’s padding. Regardless of its current state, the target
suddenly feels their control slip, and are gently coaxed to the ground as their rapidly filling
diaper is massaged the whole while.
D&D spells.

Cause Accident:
Casting time 1 action. You make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can see. If you
hit, it makes a con save. On a fail, it makes a continenece check. Hit or miss, the target knows
of your attempt and your approximate location.

Casting time 1 action. You throw an object worth 1GP or greater, be it a gold coin, plush animal,
toy, weapon, or anything else you have on hand. You select one target, and throw the object
with a ranged attack roll. On a hit, they try to catch the object, gaining disadvantage on checks
to see, pursue or grapple you for one round.

Powder cloud:
Casting time 1 action. A 5ft space becomes filled with white powder, obscuring anything inside
for one round (Attacks from within or at the cloud suffer the blind penalty). You can also powder
diapers with this cantrip as part of the change action, or manufacture one bottle of baby powder
per day.

Emergency Capacity:
Casting time 1 action. You touch one worn used diaper, making a melee spell attack against an
unwilling target. If you hit, thickness is doubled, and the diaper gains one layer of capacity.
This can only be used once per garment.

1st level spells:

Lesser diapering:
Casting time 1 action; You select one target in a 100ft range. Make a ranged spell attack roll.
On a hit, the target is diapered with a pull-up or simple diaper. It appears under clothes, so they
have to remove any clothing to take it off, which might take several actions, or even minutes.

Lesser Command of the Bab:

Casting time 1 action; You select one target. You can speak one word to have them do
something childish, only if they have the proper equipment or attire. If they do not, the spell
auto fails. If they do, they make an Int or Wis save, target’s choice.
Example words;
Cry: Spend a round crying, but they automatically take the dodge action.
Potty: Use padding, provided they have extra capacity and padding to wear.
Play: They only do non-lethal damage for the round.

Ward of the Pottymancer:

Casting time 1 hour. Duration 8 hours.
You select up to 6 targets that are friendly or neutral to you. Until the spell ends, all spells of 1st
level or below and mundane weapons do non-lethal damage.
For every level above 1, the spells that do non-lethal damage increase by one. At 5th level,
even magical weapons do non-lethal damage.

Bottle of Healing:
Casting time 1 action:
You create a bottle of enchanted milk. The bottle takes one minute to drink, but heals
1d10+spellcasting modifier of hitpoints and forces a continence check at triple penalty. The
bottle stays good for 2 days before spoiling, and takes care of one day of food for one creature.

2nd level spells

Lesser Babify:
Casting time; 1 action.
You target one creature wearing at least a diaper. Make a ranged spell attack or a melee spell
attack. If you hit, the target must make an Int or Wis save, their choice. If they fail, they must
make a contiance check. If they fail that, their int becomes 1 for the next 2d4 rounds, and they
cannot take any actions or resist any opposed check. Any attack immediately ends the spell,
and the target resists with full abilities restored.

Fill bladder and bowels:

Casting time 1 action.
Make a ranged or melee spell attack against one target. On a hit, they must make a con save.
On a failed save, they take a 2d20+spellcasting mod consumable penalty, or half as much on a
successful one.

Bab’s shield:
Casting time 1 action. As a reaction, you can shield yourself or another neutral or friendly
creature from all harm from 1 attack, including area effects. However, the target of the shield
receives all damage taken as a consumable penalty.

Create Diapers:
Casting time 1 action. You create up to your spellcasting bonus in 10 packs of diapers. They
are mundane, and can have up to 2 traits, chosen from: Poofy, Comfy, Swim, Sissy.

3rd Level spells

Casting time 1 action. You select one target in a 100ft range. Make a ranged spell attack roll.
On a hit, the target is diapered in a diaper of one of the following qualities; Sissy, Poofy, Swim,
Untraining, Susceptibility.
Mass Diapering:
Casting time 1 action. See Lesser diapering, but you can affect a number of targets equal to
your spell casting attack bonus. Make an attack roll separately for each target.

Command of the Bab:

Casting time 1 action. You suggest a course of action to your target. It cannot be harmful to it or
others, or the spell auto fails. If the suggestion is successful, the target must make an int or wis
save, their choice. If they fail, they follow the course of action through, provided nothing harmful
or dangerous happens.

Greater bottle of Healing:

Casting time 1 action. You create a bottle of pink milk that has three servings. It takes 1 minute
to drink each serving, and each serving heals 1d12+spellcasting bonus damage. It also forces
a continence check at triple penalty.

4th Level Spells

Summon Minor Caretaker:

Casting time 1 action You select a point within 5 feet of you. A caretaker resembling whatever
you wish appears, with these stats:
Str 14, Dex 12, Cha 12, Wis 10, Con 14, Int 10. HP 45, AC 11+spellcasting ability. Attacks;
Snuggle; Wis save DC 9+spellcasting ability or target is grappled. Spank; 2d8+spellcasting
ability non-lethal damage.
The caretaker will care for you and your allies, provided it has supplies. No creature can
succeed against it to avoid a diaper change if they have soiled padding, and it will change the
target into either the thickest diaper it has, what the caster specifies, or if it is an ally, whatever
they request. Only one caretaker can be summoned by the same spellcaster, and the same
caretaker is summoned each time. (Though it can take different forms.)
The spell must be renewed every day with another spell slot of equal level, or the spell ends.
Phantasmal spanking paddle:
1 action, Concentration, 1 minute
You select a target within 50 feet of you. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, you deal 2d8
non-lethal force damage to your target and reduce their speed by half for 1 round. If the target
is diapered, the damage becomes 4d8 and speed is reduced to a quarter.
Pocket Nursery:
Casting time 10 minutes, duration 10 hours. You summon a doorway to a nursery that can hold
up to 16 medium creatures, 8 large creatures, 4 huge creatures, 2 gargantuan creatures or 1
colossal creature. The nursery will replace any diapers that need changed, and diaper any
creature that enters without padding in a simple diaper. Continence checks here are auto failed
Casting time 1 action. Target one creature wearing a diaper. Make a melee or ranged spell
attack against it. If you hit, the target must make an int save. If it fails, it makes a continence
check with a -10 consumable penalty. If it fails, it’s int becomes 1 for 2d4 minutes, and str
become 1 for 1d4 hours. Damage against the target ends the spell, but spankings are

Enable accident:
Select a construct in range; it’s form changes to require food, water, and to use the bathroom,
and conceivably require those needs, though it remains a construct. Depending on the
construct, it’s dietary needs might range from pure gold to tree bark, GM’s choice on the matter.
5th level Spells

1 action to cast, duration 10 minutes, concentration. You create a shimmering light that draws
the gaze of any creature within 40 feet of it. Any creature that is in the area when it’s turn starts
or enters the area must make a wis save or be fascinated by the object, only able to take the
move action to get closer. If the creature receives harm, it makes the save again with

Crib of Holding:
Casting time 1 action. You select one target in range. Regardless of the size of the target, it
must make a Str or Dex save, target’s choice. On a success, nothing happens and the spell
ends. On a failure, a crib sized for the target appears, a cover appears, and the target is
trapped. The target receives half cover from all attacks and cannot make attacks of its own. It
can make a Str or Dex check every round against the casters spell DC to escape. The crib
remains as a permanent structure until it is either destroyed from the target escaping, or the
caster disassembles it as an action.

Brown Note:
Casting time 1 action, concentration 10 minutes. You select a 30 ft square. All creatures in that
square must make con saves. On a failure, they make a containce check with a -5 consumable

Greater Diapering:
Casting time 1 action. You select one target in a 100ft range. Make a ranged spell attack roll.
On a hit, the target is diapered in a diaper of one of the following qualities; Greater
Susceptibility, Greater Untraining, Thickening. It also cannot be removed with anything other
then a wish spell until it is fully used.
6th level spells.

Greater Command of the Bab:

Casting time 1 action. Your target must make a wis or int save, caster’s choice. If they fail, they
act like a baby for the next 24 hours. Any harm against them allows them to repeat the save.

Greater Babify:
Casting time 1 action. Make a melee spell attack against a creature. If you hit, the target must
make a Wis or Int save, caster’s choice. If it fails, it must make a contiance check at a -20. If it
fails, it’s int, dex and str scores become 1 for the next 2d4 days. Any damage that befalls it
allows it to repeat the save to restore int, but not dex or str.

Greater Bowel Movement:

Casting time 1 action. Make a Melee or ranged spell attack on one target. On a hit, the target
must make a con save. On a failure, any padding it is wearing is immediately filled to full
capacity, and the target is stunned for one round.
Padding of the Giants:
Casting time 1 action. Select 1 large or larger un-diapered target in a 100ft range. Make a
ranged spell attack roll. On a hit, the target is diapered in a diaper of one of the following
qualities. On a failure, the target receives a diaper thick enough to cause encumbrance

7th level spells

Greater Caretaker:
If taken after Lesser Caretaker, replace that spell with another of equal level. The caretaker has
stats equal to 10+your spellcasting ability, and 100 HP. No creature in used padding can resist
a change against it, and it has three attacks. Nanny ray; a target within 50 the caretaker can
see must make a contiance check.
Spanking; Melee spell check against one target, 6d8 non-lethal damage on a hit.
Snuggle; wis save or be grapple for a round.
Animate Diapers:
Casting time 1 action; You can animate 1 colossal diaper, 2 gargantuan diapers, 4 huge
diapers, 8 large diapers or 16 medium or smaller diapers. Each diaper has 10HP, +10 for every
size category larger than medium it is, and an AC of 10. Each diaper can make a melee attack
with a modifier equal to your melee spell attack, and a hit diapers the target. They cannot be
removed without a wish spell.

Force Accident:
Casting time 1 action; select one target. It is forced to have an accident, regardless of its
current penalty.
8th level spells.

Fortress Nursery:
You create a nursery of infinite size and with infinite supplies.
Create demi-diaper:
You create 1 diaper of any size. This diaper has the qualities; Greater Untraining, Greater
Susceptibility, Sissy, Thickening. It can be animated with a command word for 10 minutes, with
an AC of 15 and 100 HP. Once applied to a target, only the caster can remove it, unless it is

9th level spells.

Master Babify:
Casting time 1 action. Select one creature in range. It immediately has all stats drop to 1, fills
any diaper it is wearing, or if it didn’t have one, it gains one instead. It will remain like this for
2d4 days, unless the caster decides to free them as an action, or wish is cast.

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