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Name: Manuella Peña Vásquez_ Date: 15/04/2020

In order to evaluate your portfolio, the following criteria will be taken into account: achievement
regarding the contents determined for the unit, completeness of every of the sections, and
independent work.

1- Complete the self-assessment check-list about your achievement of the contents determined
for the corresponding course and unit.
2- Read carefully the descriptors for the self-assessment of the portfolio in the holistic scoring
scale, identify the one that best describes your achievement and commitment, and give
yourself a grade. Add comments as you wish.
3- Reflect on your responsibility and commitment during the course: have you arrived at
classes on time? Did you complete the corresponding assignments? Have you identified
doubts and asked for clarification? Have you worked at home in order to develop your
competence in English?
4- Complete the “reflection chart” and upload to your folder in the drive.

Self-Assessment Check-List

Check the column that best describes your achievement for the corresponding competence.

PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR I cannot do I can barely I can do it but I can do it I can do it

this do it, I still I still have with only very
must work some few accurately
on it difficulties difficulties
I can orally describe myself by x
using vocabulary for physical and
personality traits, and the
appropriate grammar structures (to
be- to have/simple present)
I can orally describe someone by x
using vocabulary for physical and
personality traits, and the
appropriate grammar structures (to
be- to have/simple present)
I can write about myself to someone x
who doesn’t know me: physical
description, personality traits and
I can write descriptions of people by x
using the appropriate vocabulary
and structures
I can interview someone I don’t x
know in order to inquire about
his/her personality and physical
description by using varied
vocabulary and the structure of the
simple present.
I can read, understand and report x
my comprehension of texts about
different relationships people
construct: friends, sweethearts,
acquaintances, etc.
I can understand different stories x
people tell about friendships or
other relationships they build, and
then orally report my
comprehension about them.
I can write about people around me x
and the relationships I have with
them by using the appropriate
vocabulary and grammar structures


The following descriptors correspond to 5 different levels of achievement. To self-assess refer to

the descriptor that best reflects your achievement and give yourself a grade.

Level 1 portfolio: 4.5 - 5

The portfolio includes all the worksheets, compositions and other mandatory assignments
completed in class. Assignments were either accurately completed or some occasional mistakes
have been fixed. There is plenty of evidence of the student’s work outside of class intended to
clarify doubts and/or develop his/her communicative competence. Completeness of activities,
independent work and attendance reflect an outstanding level of responsibility and commitment.
Level 2 portfolio: 4 – 4.4
The portfolio includes all the worksheets, compositions and other mandatory assignments
completed in class. Although some mistakes in the assignments were evident, they have been
fixed. There is evidence of some student’s work outside of class intended to clarify doubts and/or
develop his/her communicative competence. Completeness of activities and attendance reflect
responsibility and commitment.
Level 3 portfolio: 3 – 3.9
The portfolio includes most of the worksheets, compositions and other mandatory assignments
completed in class. Most mistakes in the assignments have been fixed. There is little or no
evidence of student’s work outside of class intended to clarify doubts and/or develop his/her
communicative competence. Absences and or some lack of commitment might have affected
achievement to some extent.
Level 4 portfolio: 2 – 2.9
Many worksheets, compositions and/ or other mandatory assignments completed in class are
missing. Besides that, many mistakes in the submitted assignments have not been fixed. Lack of
completeness of activities, and/or absences, reflect a low level of responsibility and commitment.
Level 5 portfolio: 1 – 1.9
Very few or none worksheets, compositions and other mandatory assignments completed in class
were submitted. Very few or no mistakes have been fixed. Lack of completeness of activities and
absences reflect irresponsibility and lack of commitment.

The portfolio includes all the worksheets, compositions and other mandatory assignments
completed in class. Although some mistakes in the assignments were evident, they have been
fixed. There is evidence of some student’s work outside of class intended to clarify doubts and/or
develop his/her communicative competence. Completeness of activities and attendance reflect
responsibility and commitment.

Grade: 4.5


My strengths

My strengths are that I still write correctly in English

My weaknesses

Sometimes I'm wrong in grammar and coherence and cohesion,

My pronunciation is not so good

My improvement plan

I must spend more time practicing my pronunciation and writing correctly with the correct grammar

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