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American Academy of Pediatrics Newborn Screening

Task Force Recommendations: How Far Have We Come?
Michele A. Lloyd-Puryear, MD, PhDa, Thomas Tonniges, MD, FAAPb, Peter C. van Dyck, MD, MPH, FAAPa, Marie Y. Mann, MD, MPH, FAAPa,
Amy Brin, MAb, Kay Johnson, MPHc, Merle McPherson, MD, FAAPa
aHealth Resources and Services Administration, Rockville, Maryland; bAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Illinois; cJohnson Consulting Group, Hinesburg,

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

The partnership of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)/
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and the American Academy of Pedi-
atrics (AAP) for improving health care for all children has long been recognized. In peds.2005-2633B
1998, the establishment of the Newborn Screening Task Force marked a major doi:10.1542/peds.2005-2633B
initiative in addressing the needs of the newborn screening system. At the request
Dr Tonniges’ current affiliation is Boystown
of HRSA/MCHB, the AAP convened the task force to ensure that pediatric clini- Institute for Child Health Improvement,
cians assumed a leadership role in examining the totality of the newborn screening Omaha, NE; Ms Brin is currently enrolled in
the School of Nursing, Vanderbilt University
system, including the necessary linkage to medical homes. The task force’s report,
Key Words
published in 2000, outlined major recommendations for federal, state, and other newborn screening, medical home, system
national partners in addressing the identified barriers and needed enhancements integration, federal initiatives, newborn
screening task force, American Academy of
of the care delivery system. Today, manifestations of the task force’s recommen- Pediatrics
dations are evident, many of which occurred under the leadership of HRSA/MCHB Abbreviations
and the AAP. These activities are detailed in this article, with a discussion of future HRSA—Health Resources and Services
progression toward a quality, consistent, coordinated system of care for children Administration
MCHB—Maternal and Child Health Bureau
identified with positive newborn screening results, their families, and the child AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics
health professionals who care for them. NIH—National Institutes of Health
CDC—Centers for Disease Control and
AHRQ—Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality
NNSGRC—National Newborn Screening
and Genetics Resource Center
ACMG—American College of Medical
AAFP—American Academy of Family
GPC—Genetics in Primary Care
MS/MS—tandem mass spectrometry
BOD—Board of Directors
EHR— electronic health record
PPI—Partnership for Policy
MCH—maternal and child health
EHDI—Early Hearing Detection and
ACF—Annual Clinical Focus
Accepted for publication Dec 27, 2005
Address correspondence to Michele Lloyd-
Puryear, MD, PhD, FAAP, Genetic Services Branch,
Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health
Resources and Services Administration, 5600
Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Online, 1098-4275); published in the public
domain by the American Academy of

S194 PEDIATRICS Volume 117, Number 5, May 2006

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I N THE UNITED States, the early screening of children for
special health care needs and congenital disorders
begins in the newborn period for every infant in every
nents of the newborn screening system, namely, screen-
ing, follow-up monitoring, diagnosis, treatment, evalu-
ation, and education. More than 30 leaders, representing
state and every birthing center. Under the auspices of public health, medicine, and family perspectives, met
state public health agencies’ newborn screening pro- over the course of 6 months, from autumn 1998 to
grams, all infants are tested universally for certain ge- summer 1999. At the end of the process, the task force
netic conditions, such as hemoglobinopathies, metabolic put forth a national agenda for action and a series of
disorders, hearing loss, and other congenital conditions. recommendations to strengthen the newborn screening
In addition, some states screen universally for infectious system, with proposed changes to meet the immediate
diseases such as HIV and toxoplasmosis.1 technological and programmatic challenges facing these
The advent of newborn screening began with the programs. These recommendations addressed (1) new-
work of Asbjorn Folling in Norway almost 70 years ago, born screening public health infrastructure, (2) family
when he first defined what we now know as phenyl- and professional roles in the program, (3) oversight of
ketonuria. Public, state-based, newborn screening pro- newborn screening systems, (4) research and surveil-
grams in this country began just over 40 years ago, with lance activities related to newborn screening, and (5)
the development by Robert Guthrie of the filter paper- finance mechanisms supporting newborn screening sys-
based testing technology still currently in use. Guthrie’s tems.
innovation facilitated the development of states’ new- During the appropriations process for fiscal year 1999
born screening programs because the method was easy, to 2000, there also was Congressional interest. Senate
stable, reproducible, inexpensive, and accurate, all nec- Finance Committee appropriations language indicated
essary components of a universal, population-based, that
public health program. In the past 40 years, newborn Within the funds provided, the Committee urges the
screening programs have evolved from fragmented sys- availability and accessibility of newborn screening ser-
tems of public and private laboratory services, with dis- vices to apply public health recommendations for expan-
jointed follow-up monitoring, to the current state-based sion of effective strategies. HRSA, in collaboration with
integrated systems. These programs are located within CDC and NIH, is encouraged to develop and implement
the state public health departments and operate through a strategy for evaluating and expanding newborn screen-
ing programs, pilot demonstration projects, and use con-
various partnerships or contractual relationships be-
temporary public health recommendations on specific
tween public and private entities. Partnerships between conditions, such as cystic fibrosis and the fragile X syn-
the public health programs, pediatric clinicians, subspe- drome. If implemented, the Committee directs that tan-
cialists, and childbearing families are essential to achieve gible steps be taken to protect patient privacy and to
fast effective diagnosis and treatment, and to prevent avert discrimination based on information derived from
morbidity and death. Today, these newborn screening the screenings.3
programs are faced with many challenges, including sci- Similar language was in the House appropriations report
entific advances in new screening technologies (and that fiscal year.
whether and how to introduce these new technologies), This article represents a review and analysis of the
communication with the various partners essential in a implementation of the task force recommendations by
well-functioning system, public concerns regarding pri- HRSA/MCHB and the AAP. They are the 2 primary
vacy with respect to health information and the sharing organizations that either directly (through funding or
of that information, and an ever-changing health care provision of services) or indirectly (through guideline
delivery system. and policy development and AAP clinical guidelines)
To understand more about the current status of new- interact with state newborn screening programs. The
born screening, a national task force was convened by recommendations relevant to these 2 organizations are
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1998, at presented in Tables 1 and 2.
the request of the Health Resources and Services Admin-
istration (HRSA)/Maternal and Child Health Bureau ROLE OF THE MCHB AND TITLE V PROGRAMS IN
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) and was cosponsored by History
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The history of Title V maternal and child health (MCH)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), programs and their genetic services activities are linked
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, As- intimately to the history of newborn screening. HRSA/
sociation of Maternal and Child Health Programs, Asso- MCHB has responsibility for federal Title V activities and
ciation of Public Health Laboratories, and Genetic Alli- for administration of the current MCH services block
ance.2 The task force was organized to make additional grant supporting state activities. Federal funding for
recommendations for state newborn screening programs state-level programs and projects, through either block
by using an approach that was based on the 6 compo- grant funding or discretionary funding, has been partic-

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TABLE 1 Activities Undertaken by HRSA
Recommendation Action Status
The federal government, acting through HRSA, CDC, HCFA Project with the ACMG (conditions and decision Ongoing
(now CMS), AHRQ, NIH, and other agencies, should model)
collaborate to provide ongoing leadership and support
for development of newborn screening standards, ACHDGDNC Ongoing
guidelines, and policies.
HRSA/MCHB should strengthen current mechanisms to
improve coordination of infant health programs and
initiatives within the state and/or between states,
including continuation of funding in support of NNSGRC established in 1999 Ongoing state reviews
newborn screening program reviews. Heritable Disorders Program established in 2004 New cooperative agreements for regional
collaboratives (7 regions and coordinating
A federally funded newborn screening research agenda Undeveloped; current research projects include
should be outlined that aims to develop better tests fragile X syndrome screening tool and
(more sensitive, more specific, and less costly); to assess hyperbilirubinemia screening nomogram
the validity and utility of new technologies (eg, MS/MS,
DNA-based testing, and other evolving technologies);
and to define appropriate uses of residual biological
samples for population-based research and
HRSA/MCHB should provide grants to states to stimulate Integration of Child Health Information Systems 25 states funded with 38 grants (22 planning grants
development of newborn screening information Initiative ended, 5 implementation grants ended in 2004,
systems, with a focus on newborn screening systems and 11 implementation grants are ongoing); PHII:
that are connected to the medical home, newborn development of policy/value case (ongoing),
screening system process and outcome evaluation, sourcebook/tool, and Community of Practice
development of standardized datasets, analyses of cost (ongoing); PHDSC: HRSA contract to develop
efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and integration with recommendations regarding EHR/pediatrics
other public health data systems. Support for (ongoing); AAP: EHR project (ongoing)
technological innovation (ie, new test technologies)
should include these measures.
Pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, and other health Integration of Child Health Information Systems PHDSC: HRSA contract to develop
professionals who care for children should contribute to Initiative recommendations regarding EHR/pediatrics
newborn screening data collection to advance (ongoing); AAP: EHR project (ongoing)
knowledge about health outcomes and intervention
effectiveness. Professional associations, the HRSA-
funded NNSGRC, and state newborn screening
programs should develop strategies to assist health
professionals in their efforts to participate in and learn
from newborn screening information systems.

ularly critical in establishing workable public health programs. Because oversight of these programs is a state
newborn screening systems within the states. Title V responsibility, the role of HRSA/MCHB has included
activities have been focused on (1) developing infra- Title V funding and technical assistance to states to foster
structure for applied and clinical research, (2) fostering policy development. HRSA/MCHB has focused its imple-
policy development, (3) ensuring service delivery, (4) mentation efforts largely on addressing newborn screen-
improving program quality, and (5) providing education ing public health infrastructure and family and profes-
and training. Federal Title V funding and guidance have sional roles in the newborn screening program. Fewer
long been providing support for screening and diagnostic MCHB/HRSA activities were developed to address re-
testing, follow-up services, nutritional supplements, and search activities. The bulk of federal support for basic
treatment services for children, as well as for state coor- research and implementation activities has been pro-
dination efforts and public education. The manner in vided by the NIH, followed by the HRSA/MCHB, CDC,
which MCH block grant funding to the states has been and AHRQ. For example, the NIH and HRSA/MCHB
used for program support or implementation has been have been responsible for supporting program develop-
left to the discretion of the individual states. ment, research for test development, policy develop-
The task force indicated that HRSA/MCHB should ment, and implementation of the state-based system of
work with other public health agencies (NIH, CDC, and screening for such genetic conditions as phenylketonuria
AHRQ), in partnership with public health organizations, and sickle disease diseases. The CDC has been largely
child health professionals, and families, to implement a responsible for a system of quality assurance and profi-
national agenda for strengthening newborn screening ciency testing through the National Quality Assurance

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TABLE 1 Continued
Recommendation Action Status
Federal and state public health agencies, in partnership Project with UCLA (educational process and Discussion of use and storage of biological samples
with health professionals, families, and representatives residual blood specimens) will be undertaken by ACHDGDNC; educational
of ethnic, minority, and other diverse communities, project through UCLA project: LSU toolkit for
should develop model legislation and/or regulation states for educational materials for parents
that articulates policies and procedures regarding use (parent/provider focus groups in Maryland,
of unlinked and identifiable residual samples for Louisiana, New York, and Utah); NNSGRC review
research and public health surveillance (this process of policies for newborn screening, educating
should include review and consideration of the recent parents, genetics, residual blood spots, and
recommendations to the President set forth by the informed consent
National Bioethics Advisory Commission for research
involving human biological materials); develop model
consent forms and informational materials for parental
permission for retention and use of newborn screening
samples; develop educational materials for parents that
include information regarding the storage and uses of
residual samples; organize collaborative efforts to
develop minimal standards for storage and database
technology to facilitate appropriate storage of residual
newborn screening blood samples at the state level;
consider creating a national or multistate population-
based specimen resource for research in which consent
is obtained from the individuals from whom the tissue
is obtained; such a resource could be an alternative to
retaining newborn screening samples for potential use
in research.
State MCH programs should conduct a review of the Quality Assessment of the Newborn Screening Program evaluation and assessment scheme to
newborn screening system and its relationship to the System Initiative develop a model based on existing guidelines
HRSA/MCHB block grant performance measures and that identifies quantifiable performance criteria
should evaluate the quality of data of the newborn for state newborn screening system components
screening-related performance measures.
States and the federal government should include public Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders and Ongoing
participation in medical policymaking. The Secretary’s Genetic Diseases in Newborns and Children
Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing (this advisory
committee no longer exists and a new committee, the
Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders and
Genetic Diseases in Newborns and Children, has been
established. This committee will serve this mechanism)
provides a mechanism for public participation in
genetic policy development at the federal level. Each
state should establish and fund a newborn screening
advisory body with public participation to advise on
newborn screening system policy developments. Such
an entity should include a broad range of public
advisors, representing parents, health professionals,
third-party payers, appropriate government agencies,
and other concerned citizens.
ACHDGDNC indicates Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders and Genetic Diseases in Newborns and Children; UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles; LSU, Louisiana State University; HCFA,
Health Care Financing Agency; CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; PHII, Public Health Informatics Institute.

and Proficiency Program. This quality assurance pro- ble Disorders Program; promoting education for families
gram was cofunded by HRSA/MCHB for 25 years, until and training for health care professionals; educating
2000. policymakers and newborn screening program staff
members; conducting research; and developing guide-
Improving Public Health Infrastructure lines and policy.
In the past 6 years, HRSA/MCHB responded to the task
force recommendations by developing initiatives di- NNSGRC
rected toward newborn screening public health infra- The mission of the NNSGRC is (1) to provide a forum for
structure, including establishing a national center, the interactions among consumers, child health profession-
National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource als, researchers, organizations, and policymakers, in re-
Center (NNSGRC); supporting state program improve- fining and developing public health newborn screening
ments in program integration; implementing the Herita- and genetics programs, and (2) to serve as a national

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TABLE 2 From Task Force Report to Now

Recommendation Area of Effort Title Medium Date/Status Notes
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Newborn Screening Fact Sheets AAP Policy Statement by Committee Currently being revised Multidisciplinary writing group organized
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines on Genetics
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is

The pediatrician should assist the Policy statements/technical reports/ Newborn Screening Fact Sheets AAP Policy Statement by Committee Currently being revised
family in understanding the practice guidelines on Genetics
diagnosis, symptoms, and potential
implications of a diagnosed
genetic/metabolic condition, as
well as the availability of genetic
counseling, family testing, and
other family support services.
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Genetic Aspects of the Evaluation AAP Policy Statement by Committee Currently being developed
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines of the Child With on Genetics
have received adequate newborn Development Delay and
screening and that appropriate Mental Retardation
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Technical Report: Congenital Section on Endocrinology technical Reaffirmed in 2004
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines Adrenal Hyperplasia report
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Management of Subcommittee on Hyperbilirubinemia: July 2004
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines Hyperbilirubinemia in the Practice Guidelines
have received adequate newborn Newborn 35 or More Weeks of
screening and that appropriate Gestation
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Health Supervision for Children AAP Policy Statement by Committee March 2003
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines With Turner Syndrome on Genetics
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is

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The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Health Supervision for Children AAP Policy Statement by Section on March 2002
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines With Sickle Cell Disease Hematology/Oncology
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Health Supervision for Children AAP Policy Statement by Committee February 2001
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines With Down Syndrome on Genetics
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Maternal Phenylketonuria AAP Policy Statement by Committee February 2001
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines on Genetics
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Health Supervision for Children AAP Policy Statement by Committee May 2001
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines With Williams Syndrome on Genetics
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should follow Policy statements/technical reports/ Ethical Issues With Genetic AAP Policy Statement by Committee June 2001
positive screening results to practice guidelines Testing in Pediatrics on Bioethics
diagnosis, including repeated
screening and diagnostic testing.
The pediatrician should follow Policy statements/technical reports/ Human Embryo Research AAP Policy Statement by Committee September 2001
positive screening results to practice guidelines on Bioethics and Pediatric Research
diagnosis, including repeated
screening and diagnostic testing.
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Evaluation of Newborns With Committee on Genetics, Section on July 2000
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines Developmental Anomalies of Endocrinology and Section on
have received adequate newborn External Genitalia Urology
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is
The pediatrician should ensure that all Policy statements/technical reports/ Molecular Genetic Testing in AAP Policy Statement by Committee December 2000
newborns admitted to the practice practice guidelines Pediatric Practice on Genetics
have received adequate newborn
screening and that appropriate
documentation of testing is

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The pediatrician should ensure that all Collaboration Partnering with AAFP on AAFP’s 2005 ACF incorporates the AAP 2004–2005 Genomics was identified as AAFP’s 2005
newborns admitted to the practice genomics Committee on Genetics ACF; AAP is partnering to ensure
have received adequate newborn representation incorporation of pediatric
screening and that appropriate perspectives, specifically regarding the
documentation of testing is areas of prenatal screening, newborn

present. screening, and developmental

TABLE 2 Continued

Recommendation Area of Effort Title Medium Date/Status Notes
Parental knowledge should be Campaign Safe First Week of Life Campaign Campaign to address needs of Ongoing Campaign halted by lack of funds
reinforced after delivery through mothers and practitioners to ensure
educational materials and optimal health during infant’s first
discussion as needed by the weeks of life
infant’s pediatrician or primary care
health professional and/or

knowledgeable hospital staff
Prospective parents should receive Campaign Safe First Week of Life Campaign Campaign to address needs of Ongoing Campaign halted by lack of funds
information about newborn mothers and practitioners to ensure
screening during the prenatal optimal health during infant’s first
period, preferably during a routine weeks of life
third-trimester prenatal care visit.
The pediatrician should maintain a Expert meeting EHR expert meeting National meeting for experts in the September 2004 Recommendations from meeting will be
central record and database EHR field to discuss integration of presented to AAP BOD for
containing all pertinent medical pediatric needs into development/ consideration
information about the child. implementation/functionality of
The HRSA should engage in a national Expert meeting/advisory AAP representative appointed to National advisory committee 2004 to ongoing Stephen Edwards, MD, FAAP, appointed
process involving government, Secretary’s Advisory representative
professionals, and consumers to Committee on Heritable
advance the recommendations of Disorders and Genetic
the task force and assist in the Diseases in Newborns and
development and implementation Children
of nationally recognized newborn
screening system standards and
The pediatrician should coordinate a State chapter activity EHDI AAP chapters through support of AAP Ongoing Integrated through role of “Chapter
seamless system of care with State and Chapter Affairs Division Champions”
pediatric subspecialty clinics, and Division on Children With
tertiary care centers, and/or Special Needs
community-based providers when
a child is diagnosed with a disorder
through newborn screening.
The pediatrician should follow Expert meeting/advisory Autism expert panel AAP expert committee convened 2003 to ongoing
positive screening results to
diagnosis, including repeated

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screening and diagnostic testing.
The pediatrician should follow Expert meeting/advisory AAP liaison appointed to attend HRSA/MCHB- and UCLA Center for November 2001 Tracey Trotter, MD, FAAP, was appointed
positive screening results to the conference on Newborn Society, Individual, and Genetics- liaison
diagnosis, including repeated Screening: State Policies and hosted conference
screening and diagnostic testing. Procedures for Educating
Parents about Newborn
Screening and the Storage and
Use of Newborn Screening
Residual Blood Spots
The pediatrician should ensure that all State chapter activity Chapters work to boost low AAP chapter efforts 2000 Chapter efforts include education and
newborns admitted to the practice screening rates advocacy regarding communication,
have received adequate newborn documentation, and resources for
screening and that appropriate increased use of EPSDT
documentation of testing is
Collaboration to provide ongoing Collaboration Collaboration with ACMG to Steering committee for the 2000
leadership and support for identify recommended AAP/ACMG project
development of newborn screens
screening standards, guidelines,
and policies.
The pediatrician should coordinate a Education/publication Autism ALARM Educational pamphlet on autism and January 2004
seamless system of care with primary care provider’s role in
pediatric subspecialty clinics, diagnosis, management, and
tertiary care centers, and/or communication with family
community-based providers when
a child is diagnosed with a disorder
through newborn screening.
Prospective parents should receive Education/publication Caring for Your Baby and Young Softcover book June 2004 Discusses guidelines for newborn
information about newborn Child, 4th ed screening
screening during the prenatal
period, preferably during a routine
third-trimester prenatal care visit.
The pediatrician should coordinate a Education/publication Childhood Hearing: A Sound PediaLink module through AAP July 2004 Online CME course addressing childhood
seamless system of care with Foundation in the Medical hearing, including genetic causes of
pediatric subspecialty clinics, Home hearing loss
tertiary care centers, and/or
community-based providers when
a child is diagnosed with a disorder
through newborn screening.
The pediatrician should coordinate a Education/publication Surveillance and Screening in the Training curriculum Spring 2003
seamless system of care with Medical Home
pediatric subspecialty clinics,
tertiary care centers, and/or
community-based providers when
a child is diagnosed with a disorder
through newborn screening.
The pediatrician should assist the Education/publication Surveillance and Screening in the Training curriculum Spring 2003

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family in understanding the Medical Home
diagnosis, symptoms, and potential
implications of a diagnosed
genetic/metabolic condition, as
well as the availability of genetic

counseling, family testing, and
other family support services.

TABLE 2 Continued
Recommendation Area of Effort Title Medium Date/Status Notes
The pediatrician should assist the Education/publication Interpreting Screening Tests to Article by Francis Glascoe, PhD 2002
family in understanding the Families and Encouraging
diagnosis, symptoms, and potential Follow-through
implications of a diagnosed

genetic/metabolic condition, as
well as the availability of genetic
counseling, family testing, and
other family support services.
Prospective parents should receive Education/publication Newborn Hearing Screening and Brochure 2002 Also available in Spanish
information about newborn Your Baby
screening during the prenatal
period, preferably during a routine
third-trimester prenatal care visit.
State public health agencies should Training for physicians on how to AAP Chapter Advocacy Summit Training seminar November 2001 Highlighted advocacy strategies to
direct their newborn screening advocate in their state for enhance newborn screening
programs to be consistent with newborn screening to be
professional guidelines and consistent with AAP policy
General education General education for pediatricians Contributing to AMA’s white AAP Committee on Genetics will Ongoing
on newborn screening paper, Family Medical History contribute to AMA’s Family Medical
in Disease Prevention History in Disease Prevention
General education General education for pediatricians What Follows Newborn Article in Pediatrics August 2004
on newborn screening Screening? An Evaluation of a
Residential Education Program
for Parents of Infants with
Newly Diagnosed Cystic
General education General education for pediatricians Examination of the Article in Pediatrics February 2003
on newborn screening Communication Practices
Between State Newborn
Screening Programs and the
Medical Home
General education General education for pediatricians Discovering Fragile X Syndrome: Article in Pediatrics February 2003
on newborn screening Family Experiences and

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General education General education for pediatricians Expanded Newborn Screening Article in Pediatrics June 2003
on newborn screening for Inborn Errors of
Metabolism by Electrospray
Ionization-Tandem Mass
Spectrometry: Results,
Outcomes, and Implications
General education General education for pediatricians Prospective Diagnosis of 2- Article in Pediatrics July 2003
on newborn screening Methylbutyryl-CoA
Dehydrogenase Deficiency in
the Hmong Population by
Newborn Screening Using
Tandem Mass Spectrometry
General education General education for pediatricians What’s New in Newborn NCE presentation sponsored by October 2003
on newborn screening Screening? Committee on Genetics
General education General education for pediatricians Newborn Screening by Tandem Article in Pediatrics November 2003
on newborn screening Mass Spectrometry for
Medium- Chain Acyl-CoA
Dehydrogenase Deficiency: A
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
General education General education for pediatricians Newborn Screening Program Article in Pediatrics February 2002
on Newborn Screening Practices in the United States:
Notification, Research, and
General education General education for pediatricians Diagnosis and Treatment of Article in Pediatrics June 2002
on newborn screening Maple Syrup Disease: A Study
of 36 Patients
General education General education for pediatricians Scientific Assessment of the AAP Grand Rounds June 2002
on newborn screening Utility of Universal Newborn
Hearing Screening
General education General education for pediatricians Universal Newborn Hearing Physician guide; AAP publication 2002
on newborn screening Screening catalog
General education General education for pediatricians Newborn Screening: Potentials, NCE presentation sponsored by October 2002
on newborn screening Challenges, and Politics Committee on Genetics
General education General education for pediatricians Guidelines for Perinatal Care, 5th Softcover book November 2002 Includes discussion of practitioner’s role
on newborn screening ed in discussing newborn screening with
expectant mothers
General education General education for pediatricians Genetic Counseling and Neonatal Article in Pediatrics April 2001
on newborn screening Screening for Cystic Fibrosis:
An Assessment of the
Communication Process
General education General education for pediatricians Survey of Pediatrician Practices in Article in Pediatrics August 2001

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on newborn screening Retrieving Statewide
Authorized Newborn
Screening Results
CME indicates continuing medical education; AMA, American Medical Association; EPSDT, early and periodic screening diagnosis and treatment; NCE, National Conference and Exhibition.

resource center for information and education in the child health information systems, linking their newborn
areas of newborn screening and genetics. Through its screening programs with other child health information
Web site, the NNSGRC provides newborn screening and systems, including public, personal, and provider health
genetic services information and resources to child information. HRSA/MCHB funding allowed the states to
health professionals, the public community, consumers, accelerate the process of integrating their information
and state and federal government officials. It also assists systems and provided the vision for integrating disparate
states through technical assistance review; to date, ⬎30 information into a comprehensive, timely, and easily
states have requested reviews for newborn screening accessible record. HRSA/MCHB grantees reported that
and genetic programs. In addition to annual national the idea of a “child health profile” was a catalyst in
data and information reports on state newborn screen- moving their departments toward integration. This was a
ing activities, the NNSGRC has convened organizations new concept to them, and the value of having a com-
and individuals for national discussions of pertinent top- munity-based child health profile was immediately
ics in the areas of newborn screening and genetics. These taken to heart. Missouri stated that the vision of a child
discussions are to assist key decision-makers in the pri- health profile facilitated articulation of the importance of
vate and public sectors as they consider and respond to integration in meetings with stakeholders. For Indiana,
the challenges and opportunities that arise from scien- the term “child health profile” helped provide a vision of
tific advances in genetics and newborn screening. Vari- something more than silo systems; it provided a vision of
ous smaller projects have been funded through the cen- better communication with stakeholders. Washington
ter, including development of a DNA-based screening State reported that the newborn screening team was
mutation panel for cystic fibrosis for use in a diverse able to host a retreat between stakeholders of the Early
population; focus groups for the development of parent Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program
education materials on kernicterus; funding of a national and the newborn dried blood spot screening program to
hemoglobinopathy reference laboratory; and develop- build support for integrating the data collection pro-
ment of a manual on congenital adrenal hyperplasia for cesses and databases for these 2 public health programs.
health care professionals. The successful retreat enabled the health department
The most recent activities of the NNSGRC, launched personnel to move forward rapidly with a combined data
in 2004, include an additional cooperative agreement collection tool and to implement an integrated informa-
(ie, Quality Assessment of the Newborn Screening Sys- tion system quickly. In Oregon, legislation was passed
tem) to work with state newborn screening programs that required doctors to report to the EHDI Program.
and HRSA/MCHB to focus on the short- and long-term Legislators responded favorably because the EHDI Pro-
data needs of the screening programs (eg, screening and gram was supported by HRSA and not state dollars. For
follow-up data). This project is evaluating previous pro- Utah, receiving HRSA and CDC newborn dried blood
gram guidelines for newborn screening systems and will spot screening grants at the same time allowed an inte-
develop an evaluation and assessment tool that is based grated system to be organized. Without the grants, the
on those guidelines and identifies quantifiable perfor- dried blood spot screening program would have been
mance criteria for state newborn screening system com- behind schedule, and integration of the dried blood spot
ponents. data would have been delayed.
Although HRSA/MCHB grant funding was small in
Supporting State Program Improvements in Program comparison with the overall funds needed to build an
Integration integrated information system, this is evidence that a
The task force also recommended specifically that HRSA/ small amount of money from a federal agency can have
MCHB should use federal funding to “facilitate and fos- far-reaching implications. The funding and the vision of
ter the involvement of newborn screening systems in a child health profile provided the impetus for states to
infrastructure development activities in states.”2 Since articulate the need for an integrated child health infor-
1999, HRSA/MCHB has provided financial and technical mation system in a manner that their stakeholders could
support to 25 state public health programs to promote understand easily. Having a federal agency willing to put
the integration of newborn screening and related child money toward that vision carried significant weight with
health programs and their information systems, toward state health department policymakers and legislators.
building a community child health profile.4 The ultimate A qualitative assessment of 7 state newborn screening
goal of these initiatives was to ensure that linkages to a programs’ integration efforts indicated that states needed
medical home are made when a child is identified as tools to assist them in these integration efforts.5 Toward
screening positive in the newborn screening program. that end, HRSA/MCHB coordinated the development of
States’ projects focused on the development of standard- resource documents, Integration of Newborn Screening and
ized data sets for program and data integration, outcome Genetic Services Systems With Other Maternal and Child
evaluation, and analyses of cost efficiency and cost-ef- Health Systems: A Sourcebook for Planning and Development,
fectiveness. With these funds, 16 states have integrated and an assessment tool, Integration of Newborn Screening

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and Genetic Services Systems With Other Maternal and Child The regional collaboratives have identified activities
Health Systems: A Tool for Assessment and Planning. These to address the disparities in services, including strength-
documents address the need for integration, present a ening of regional telemedicine capacity, establishment of
logical description of essential functions that integrated regional genetic service networks, and establishment of
information systems must support, outline a set of re- educational and training activities. The development of a
quirements to guide state public health programs in network of genetic services and provider networks
integrated information system development, and pro- among the collaboratives will promote the identification
pose evaluation measurements. Newer initiatives in- of shared areas of need, as well as data collection and
clude a cooperative agreement (ie, Newborn Screening information sharing.
Informatics Practice Network) with the Public Health
Informatics Institute to assist state and local public Promoting Education and Training for Families and Health
health agencies in integrating child health information, Care Professionals
ie, immunization records, newborn screening (hearing Physicians and advanced practice nurses are dually
and dried blood spot) results, and vital statistics, by charged to ensure appropriate care for newborns and to
providing a peer-to-peer forum for the exchange of in- educate patients and their families properly regarding
formation about best practices in the development of related health care issues. Because many parents are
integrated information systems. informed about newborn screening just before specimen
collection, it is essential that all clinicians involved in the
Heritable Disorders Program health supervision of newborns and expectant mothers
In fiscal year 2004 appropriations language, Congress be well informed about genetics and specifically about
designated funds for the implementation of the Heritable newborn screening. A survey by Kim et al5 indicated that
Disorders Program. The Heritable Disorders Program was the techniques used most commonly to inform and to
established to enhance, to improve, or to expand the educate parents were informational brochures and a
ability of state and local public health agencies to provide conversation with the parents (generally the mother of
screening, counseling, or health care services to new- the newborn) immediately before or after the birth of
borns and children having or being at risk for heritable the infant. The survey found, however, that states
disorders. In response, HRSA/MCHB established a grant seldom defined who would have the role of and respon-
program to improve access to newborn screening and sibility for informing and educating parents about
genetic services for medically underserved populations newborn screening. There was also variability in the
and to enhance activities such as screening and fol- approaches and content of the state newborn screening
low-up services, augmenting capacity needs, addressing educational materials. Often the family educational ma-
needed training and education, improving subspecialty terials required a high school level of literacy to under-
linkage, expanding long-term follow-up activities, stand the content, which compromised the ability to
strengthening linkages to medical homes, strengthening ensure that parents had the understanding to make in-
linkages to tertiary care, strengthening genetic counsel- formed choices. Currently there is no national uniform
ing services, and enhancing communication/education policy for prescreening education or informing of par-
for families and child health professionals. Through co- ents. In addition, without national guidelines for con-
operative agreements, HRSA/MCHB funded 7 regional tent, there is no assurance that physicians and other
collaboratives across the country, linked together health care professionals have the necessary tools to
through a coordinating center. The American College of guide parents in the decision-making process. In 2003,
Medical Genetics (ACMG) was funded as the coordinat- HRSA/MCHB projects with Louisiana State University to
ing center for the collaboratives. The regional collabora- develop educational materials for families and prenatal
tives represent the following regions and states: region 1: health care professionals were begun. These materials
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, provide information about newborn screening for fam-
Rhode Island, and Vermont; region 2: District of Colum- ilies and for health care professionals with the primary
bia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, responsibility for prenatal health care and labor and
Virginia, and West Virginia; region 3: Alabama, Florida, delivery services (obstetricians, family practice physi-
Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto cians, and nurse midwives).6 The materials were field-
Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virgin Islands; re- tested with the AAP, American Academy of Family Phy-
gion 4: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minne- sicians (AAFP), and American College of Obstetricians
sota, Ohio, and Wisconsin; region 5: Arkansas, Iowa, and Gynecologists.
Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, In September 1998, HRSA/MCHB launched the Ge-
and South Dakota; region 6: Arizona, Colorado, Mon- netics in Primary Care (GPC) project, with joint funding
tana, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming; region 7: from the Bureau of Health Professions, HRSA, NIH, and
Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Pa- AHRQ. This successful initiative was designed to plan, to
cific Basin, and Washington. implement, and to evaluate outcomes of faculty training

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programs in genetics. The project focused its efforts spe- the significance, functionality, and implications of using
cifically toward primary care (family medicine, general tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is an important
internal medicine, and general pediatrics) faculty mem- factor for forecasting future newborn screening needs. In
bers. Twenty medical schools and residency programs 2001, HRSA/MCHB, recognizing the need for training in
were funded through this project to train primary care the use of MS/MS, established (in collaboration with the
faculty members to teach genetics. The outcome of this Association of Public Health Laboratories) training
initiative was the development of additional specific workshops for newborn screening program staff mem-
newborn screening training and education projects for bers, including laboratory personnel and personnel in-
obstetricians, family physicians, and advanced-practice volved in newborn screening follow-up programs, to
nurses. address the entire newborn screening system.
Following up from the GPC project, the Society of
Teachers of Family Medicine and the AAFP identified Research
genomics as the topic for their Annual Clinical Focus Part of the task force national agenda was to “fund
(ACF) program for 2005. The ACF program is designed demonstration projects to evaluate technology, quality
to develop educational materials based on the GPC cur- assurance, and health outcomes.”2 In 2001 and 2002,
riculum and to bring awareness of the subject of genetics HRSA/MCHB funded 4 projects to evaluate various as-
to AAFP members and the public. The ACF program for pects of the introduction of new and evolving technol-
2005 includes topics such as family history, newborn ogies into newborn screening programs, including the
screening, developmental delay, counseling about ge- costs associated with the introduction of new technol-
netic testing appropriateness and test results, and the ogy; parent education; ethical, legal, and social issues;
role of genetic medicine in detecting and managing and the development of the technology itself.
chronic diseases. HRSA/MCHB and NIH are collaborat- In 2001, the Departments of Health of California and
ing to facilitate the development of specific modules on Massachusetts each were awarded a 3-year grant to
newborn screening, family history, and developmental identify models for evaluating the clinical validity, util-
delay for the ACF program. ity, and costs associated with the use of MS/MS in new-
born screening programs. Massachusetts was partnered
Educating State Policymakers and Newborn Screening within its regional network with Maine, New Hamp-
Program Staff Members shire, Vermont, and Rhode Island to identify data ele-
Ongoing education is important for all stakeholders in- ments (model database, data entry and analyses, screen-
volved in the newborn screening process. With that in ing algorithms, and case definitions) that would be
mind, HRSA/MCHB developed genetics and newborn useful in analyzing MS/MS and cystic fibrosis screening.
screening educational sessions for key state decision- California was partnered with Alaska, Hawaii, Washing-
makers, including state legislators and state health offi- ton, and Oregon on the project titled Implementation of
cials. These educational sessions were designed to create New and Innovative Technologies into Newborn Screen-
an environment for the participants to consider and to ing Programs.7,8
respond to the challenges and opportunities that arise In 2001, the Department of Health in Hawaii, in a
from scientific advances in genetics and newborn multistate partnership with Alaska, California, Idaho,
screening, such as the represented states’ genetic poli- Washington, and Oregon, was funded to examine the
cies, programs, and activities; the legal framework for cost of parental informed consent; parental attitudes
genetics and newborn screening for the represented toward informed consent; family-based development of
states; the available services for children with special newborn screening educational materials; provider and
health care needs, particularly those identified through consumer educational materials; and parental attitudes
newborn screening; how state policies protect children toward the ethical, legal, and social implications of ex-
from insurance discrimination on the basis of genetic or panded screening.9 The project reported that most
other health information; and the mechanisms in place women did not recall receiving any information about
to guarantee or to protect insurance benefits for children newborn screening. All of the participants wanted the
with genetic conditions. information from their prenatal care provider before
After returning from the workshops, several atten- giving birth. In addition, most participants thought that,
dants made legislative changes to strengthen or to ad- if they were informed about newborn screening prena-
dress needs of their newborn screening programs (eg, tally, the current system of “informed dissent” was ade-
Utah began screening universally for sickle cell diseases quate. All women in the focus groups also approved of
and Arizona enacted its hearing screening legislation). screening for disorders with no proven treatment that
The need for educational sessions for senior policymak- can be given in the newborn period. However, there was
ers continues to be felt as states face emerging fiscal and significant disagreement about screening newborns and
policy challenges. children for adult-onset disorders.
An understanding by state program staff members of In 2002, the Greenwood Center was funded to de-

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velop a screening tool for fragile X syndrome that would thorized under the legislation, as well as the most ap-
be suitable for universal population-based screening. propriate application of universal newborn screening
That project is ongoing. tests, technologies, policies, guidelines, and programs for
In 2004, additional funds were targeted toward re- effectively reducing morbidity and mortality rates for
ducing the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia and newborns and children having or being at risk for heri-
kernicterus among term and near-term healthy new- table disorders. The committee is staffed by HRSA/
borns. That project is ongoing and will assess prospec- MCHB, and agenda development is coordinated with
tively and validate published methods for predicting the other federal, ex officio members from CDC, NIH, and
incidence of hyperbilirubinemia during the first 2 weeks AHRQ. Information regarding the committee’s charter,
of life. its legislation, and its meetings may be found on the
Although these completed projects were effective, a MCHB Web site (
significant federally funded research agenda has yet to committee/default.htm).
be implemented. Recommendations for a research
agenda were put forth by the ACMG Newborn Screening THE AAP: PROMOTING THE ROLE OF THE MEDICAL HOME IN

Guidelines and Policy Development Partnerships

The task force recommended that HRSA/MCHB “engage Since the 1999 publication of the task force report, the
in a national process involving government, profession- AAP has partnered with several national organizations
als, and consumers to advance the recommendations of to assist in enhancing the public health infrastructure
this Task Force and assist in the development and im- and promoting research protocols aimed at newborn
plementation of nationally recognized newborn screen- screening. These partnerships, as well as AAP efforts in
ing standards and policies.”2 The interpretation and im- education, standard setting, and resource development,
plementation of guidelines vary considerably among are framed in the AAP belief that all children should
state programs. Programmatic differences include the have access to a medical home.11 The AAP defines the
number of conditions screened for, criteria used to select medical home as the ideal place for a child to receive
which conditions are screened for, fee structure, labora- accessible, family-centered, continuous, coordinated,
tory capacity, and newborn screening follow-up system. comprehensive, compassionate, and culturally effective
The task force’s recommendations reflected the need care. A child who has a medical home has a primary
to develop national guidelines for newborn screening child health professional who works in partnership with
programs, to ensure equitable access to newborn screen- the child’s family to ensure that all medical, nonmedical,
ing. For this reason, HRSA/MCHB contracted with psychosocial, and educational needs of the child and
ACMG to analyze the scientific literature and to gather family are met. This quality-based approach to care is an
expert opinions, to examine the available information essential part in the newborn screening process.
concerning the scope of newborn screening programs
and anticipated future directions, including delineation Education
of the best evidence for screening for specified condi- The positive identification of a congenital disorder
tions, and to develop a set of recommendations based on through newborn screening presents a complex set of
this best evidence that would address (1) a uniform variables to child health professionals, such as the low
condition panel (including implementation methods), incidence of many of the disorders, the complexity of the
(2) model policies and procedures for state newborn associated symptoms, and the emotional tension of the
screening programs (with consideration of a national family with a positive screen. With these variables, the
model), (3) minimal standards for state newborn screen- objectives of the educational efforts of the AAP are fo-
ing programs (with consideration of national oversight), cused on enhancing the medical home provider’s ability
and (4) a model decision matrix for consideration of to provide quality care to identified newborns and chil-
state newborn screening program expansion. The project dren and educating parents about the complex system
was reported by the ACMG Newborn Screening Expert and their role within it.
Group9 and was presented to the Advisory Committee Provider education has involved several approaches,
on Heritable Disorders and Genetic Diseases in New- such as educational sessions at the annual AAP national
borns and Children for review and recommendations. conference and exhibition; articles in Pediatrics that dis-
Perhaps the most significant policy development ini- cuss current technology, genetic counseling, and the
tiative occurred with the establishment of the Advisory current status of newborn screening program linkages
Committee on Heritable Disorders and Genetic Diseases with the medical home; and development of the 2003
in Newborns and Children in 2003. This committee ad- Surveillance and Screening in the Medical Home training
vises the Secretary of the Department of Health and curriculum. Through its partnership with the CDC Na-
Human Services concerning the grants and projects au- tional Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Dis-

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abilities, the AAP launched the PediaLink module with a subspecialist and the family. It is the hope of the
“Childhood Hearing: A Sound Foundation in the Medi- AAP that this clinical report will facilitate identification
cal Home” in 2004 (available at of clinical standards of care for these newborns and
This Web-based educational module educates child children, with future opportunities to evaluate its imple-
health professionals on different types of hearing loss, mentation in practice. The AAP acknowledges that it is
screening methods, medical and genetic risk factors, the through ongoing evaluation of such standards that the
importance of early detection, and the critical role of the pediatric community can ascertain best practice models.
medical home. Moreover, the AAP recognizes the tremendous signif-
The AAP believes in the many benefits of educating icance the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders
parents, facilitating the construction of family-profes- and Genetic Diseases in Newborns and Children has in
sional partnerships. This belief has been illustrated in shaping the future of newborn screening in the United
past publications of Newborn Hearing Screening and Your States. The committee’s recommendations regarding the
Infant brochures, inclusion of newborn genetic/meta- implementation of expanded newborn screening will
bolic and hearing screening material in the fourth edi- affect child health professionals directly. The role of Ste-
tion of the bestseller Caring for Your Infant and Young phen Edwards, MD, FAAP, past president of the AAP, on
Child, and parental fact sheets on hyperbilirubinemia. In the committee as a representative from the medical com-
June 2005, the AAP Board of Directors (BOD) endorsed munity is critical in linking those recommendations to
a series of new consumer and provider educational ma- the development of future clinical standards. The AAP
terials regarding newborn genetic/metabolic and hearing thinks the clinical guidance it provides should be reflec-
screening. Developed by health literacy researchers at tive of the infrastructure established in states, practices,
Louisiana State University through a contract with and communities.
MCHB, these materials confronted the literacy chasm
contained in current state newborn screening materials.6 Resource Development
Distributed to members of the AAP, National Pediatric Through funding from HRSA/MCHB, the AAP National
Nurse Practitioner Association, American Academy of Center for Medical Home Initiatives, which is housed in
Physician Assistants, and March of Dimes chapters in the Division of Children With Special Needs, has devel-
early autumn of 2005, these materials offer providers oped a variety of resources to enhance the medical
new opportunities to communicate with their patient’s home’s provision of care for newborns and children with
families about the newborn screening process, what to rare disorders. In 2003, the center launched an outreach
expect from it, and the significance of it. effort focused on the inequity in states’ sickle cell disease
screening practices. Aiming at the 7 states that were not
Standard Setting screening for sickle cell diseases at that time, targeted
Since the 1999 task force, the AAP continues to engage outreach activities, site visits, and educational efforts
in discussions regarding clinical guidance for child health were conducted. These activities helped lead to universal
professionals on the health supervision of metabolic/ implementation of sickle cell disease screening (New
genetic/infectious/hearing disorders. The AAP commen- Hampshire screens for sickle cell disease only in selected
tary on newborn screening dates back to the 1965 state- populations or by request).1 Accompanying this out-
ment Screening of Newborn Infants for Metabolic Disease.12 reach effort was the development of an educational
Current policy statements range from specific diseases to sickle cell disease toolkit. These toolkits were distributed
ethical implications of screening, while universally pro- to all AAP members and to all AAP and AAFP chapters in
moting child health professionals’ critical role through- the summer of 2004.
out the process. For example, the Committee on Genet- Before the middle 1990s, the average age of identifi-
ics newborn screening fact sheets provide a summary of cation of hearing loss in the United States was 30
the many issues involved in newborn screening, as well months.13 To engage in this cause, the National Center
as a concise listing of pertinent information according to and the Department of State and Chapter Affairs estab-
specific genetic diseases. The revised fact sheets were lished a national network of professionals in the AAP
presented to the AAP BOD in 2005. state chapters to promote hearing screening and its nec-
In the summer of 2005, the AAP established an ex- essary linkage to a child’s medical home. These “Chapter
pert, multidisciplinary, authoring body, from the pedi- Champions” have been instrumental in educating child
atric domains of primary care, genetics, neonatology, health care professionals, at the state and local levels, on
neurodevelopment, quality improvement, and infor- necessary identification, diagnosis, treatment, and fol-
matics, to draft an operationalized clinical report tar- low-up guidelines developed by the AAP Task Force on
geted at the point of care. The report will delineate Improving the Effectiveness of Newborn Hearing
explicitly primary care child health professionals’ role in Screening, Diagnosis, and Intervention. These guide-
quality care for identified newborns and children, spe- lines, titled Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Diagnosis
cifically defining their role in comanaging the condition and Intervention Guidelines for Pediatric Medical Home Pro-

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viders, are presented in an algorithm format to assist firmed the need for the AAP to assume a leadership role
child health professionals in the treatment and fol- in the newborn screening initiative and outlined poten-
low-up evaluation of a child diagnosed with a hearing tial action steps. After that discussion on January 29,
loss. The algorithm provides visual cues regarding all 2005, the BOD offered the following position statement.
necessary points of referral and communication for com- The American Academy of Pediatrics supports the need
prehensive coordinated care. for national leadership and consistency in the screening,
Many infants who have conditions detected through diagnosis, and treatment of genetic diseases. The Acad-
newborn screening soon develop medical conditions and emy commends the Secretary of Health and Human
disabilities that could qualify for and benefit from state Services for efforts to achieve this goal and pledges to
early intervention programs (operated under part C of work collaboratively to see that genetic programs are
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Because based on the best scientific evidence. State programs
should unify both public and private sectors to assure
of the significant relationship between medical homes
reliable and comprehensive screening and to form a
and early intervention programs, the HRSA/MCHB, the
seamless program to bring the best care available to
AAP National Center, and the Office of Special Educa- children with genetic diseases— coordinated through the
tion Programs in the Department of Education con- medical home, including appropriate pediatric subspe-
ducted a periodic survey in 2002 to assess pediatricians’ cialists and the child’s family.
perceptions of, involvement with, and barriers to referral
On May 5, 2005, the BOD officially endorsed the
for early intervention. Results from that survey high-
ACMG report, which recommended states’ implementa-
lighted a mutual gap in awareness between the medical
tion of a uniform screening panel. The endorsement
home and early intervention professionals. To increase
highlighted the medical home’s critical role in the fol-
familiarity, a brochure that outlines the roles of the
low-up process and pledged collaboration with other
medical home and early intervention professionals in
national partners, such as the March of Dimes, in pro-
coordinating care for an identified child, provides sample
moting states’ and practices’ adoption of the report’s
forms to assist in communication, and lists additional
recommendations. The AAP called for increased efforts
resources for professionals and family members was de-
in educating child health professionals to provide quality
veloped. The brochure was distributed to all AAP mem-
care for identified newborns, with the assurance that the
bers in February 2005 and was given to all state part C
AAP will use appropriate resources for the benefit of its
Another barrier identified in the 2002 periodic survey 60 000 members.
was the nonuniversal referral process for states’ early The AAP will continue to foster national partnerships
intervention service programs. The referral process itself, to engage in and promote the development of necessary
as well as the patient information needed to make a programmatic and clinical standards for state-based pro-
referral, varied from state to state. In an attempt to offer grams and community-based practices. Collaborative
a universal referral form containing only the consistently discussions with the ACMG regarding opportunities to
required patient information, the AAP National Center, integrate genetic expertise into accessible and concise
the Office of Special Education Programs, and the Ore- resources for child health professionals caring for chil-
lena Hawks Puckett Institute hosted a meeting with dren with positive newborn screen results, such as the
primary pediatric care and early intervention profession- ACMG action sheets, continue. Continued partnership
als in December 2004. Participants drafted a universal with the CDC will allow for educational programming
referral form, which was test piloted throughout the and resource expansion in the area of surveillance and
nation in the summer of 2005. Subsequent plans to pilot screening in the medical home. Access to HRSA/MCHB-
test the form through appropriate AAP channels before funded NNSGRC and the HRSA/MCHB-funded regional
submission to the BOD in 2006 are currently underway. collaboratives will provide opportunities for increased
All of the materials described in this section can be technical assistance to child health professionals, fami-
downloaded from the National Center for Medical Home lies, and the general public, as well as the geographical
Initiatives Web site ( sites to evaluate the pertinent clinical guidance of the
screening/index.html). AAP. Through these partnerships, the AAP intends to
continue to assist child health professionals in their im-
Future Efforts plementation of evolving national standards.
Undoubtedly, the newborn screening efforts of the AAP Electronic health records (EHRs) clearly have a role in
will continue in the future. The year 2005 signified a the administration of quality health care. Their capacity
great year of momentum for the AAP in the domain of to be a vehicle for providing medical homes to all chil-
newborn screening. In January, the BOD identified dren and their families demands their incorporation into
newborn screening as one of the year’s primary initia- all future screening activities of the AAP. With that in
tives and held a major-issue discussion at the face-to- mind, HRSA/MCHB and the AAP convened a meeting in
face meeting. Throughout that discussion, the BOD con- September 2004 to discuss strategies for reflecting the

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pediatric population’s needs in EHR standard setting, sion of coordinated comprehensive care to all children
functionality, implementation, and future research. Par- and their families, which is a strategic priority of the AAP
ticipants at that meeting generated a list of recommen- and HRSA/MCHB.
dations, which was sent to the AAP BOD for consider-
In January 2005, the AAP BOD approved a new
program to operationalize the content of the AAP policy Decision-Making Process Regarding Addition or Deletion of
statements, clinical reports, and guidelines for future Conditions in Newborn Screening Panels
absorption into EHRs. The Partnership for Policy Imple- There is a paramount need to establish protocols for
mentation (PPI) cements the commitment of the AAP to maintaining a uniform newborn screening panel. Cur-
contribute its intellectual capital comprehensively to rently, state and federal policies to determine which
standards-development efforts, which will enable EHRs conditions are screened for are guided by inequitable
to meet the needs of the pediatric community. The BOD variables, such as the evolution of treatments available
acknowledges the role of AAP policy statements, clinical for genetic/metabolic disorders or the presence of strong
reports, and guidelines, ie, not only to serve as a pre- consumer advocacy groups for specific congenital disor-
miere source of clinical guidance but also to communi- ders. For an effective, dynamic, decision-making matrix
cate a minimal set of technical requirements for EHR to be established, state policymakers, families, child
developers. The establishment of these requirements health professionals, and newborn screening programs
will thus assist in ensuring that EHRs naturally automate need to reach an ultimate consensus, despite the present
the standard of care prescribed by the AAP. context of disproportionate alignment of resources. The
PPI has 2 main objectives, ie, (1) to ensure that AAP Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders and Genetic
policy statements, clinical reports, and guidelines are Diseases in Newborns and Children can play an impor-
written so that EHR developers are able to incorporate tant role in this process.
them into decision-support systems and (2) to ensure
that AAP policy statements, clinical reports, and guide- Communicating Results of Predictive Testing or Risk
lines are “implementable” in pediatric practice. To attain Communicating screening results is a tender science.
these objectives, PPI targeted 12 policy statements, clin- With the past screening paradigm, an infant is either
ical reports, or guidelines in its first year. Two consult- identified as having a condition or not having a condi-
ants, namely, a pediatric informatician and a pediatric tion. However, with the emergence of new DNA-based
primary care quality improvement expert, were assigned technology, screening results now are predictive in na-
to each targeted document. Through their consultation, ture, indicating a subject’s higher risk for a congenital
the AAP’s topical experts will develop clinical content condition. This enhancement in the screening
that uses well-defined, unambiguous, standardized lan- paradigm is one that calls for great attention to the
guage and is clear in the presentation of the content’s communication practices of all health care profession-
evidence base. Enabling the content to be explicitly writ- als involved in the newborn screening process. As one
ten provides developers, standards-developing organiza- mother indicated, “Consumers do not experience the
tions, and other stakeholders with much-needed pedi- test, diagnosis, the day-to-day struggles, on a popula-
atric concepts for later absorption. tion level; it is completely personal.”14 The implica-
PPI will also develop an “implementation” section to tions for provider communication normative practices
be part of all targeted policy statements, clinical reports, should be considered in future educational endeavors.
and guidelines. This component will outline strategies
for child health professionals to use to provide the stan- Screening Newborns for Untreatable or Non–Life-Threatening
dard of care delineated in the content. Embedding this Diseases
information within the content enables the intellectual The idea that early health promotion activities in infancy
capital of the AAP to be a source of implementable or childhood can prevent later adult disease may cause a
clinical guidance. shift from screening newborns for diseases that are life-
MCHB is a partner in PPI, because the outcomes will threatening or cause considerable morbidity to screening
assist in linking state newborn screening programs with for diseases that are considered to have later onset, such
medical homes. Defining these technical standards will as type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart disease, or cancer.
lead to development of data and communication stan- Families report seeing benefits in newborn screening
dards and ultimately construction of a common lan- even if it identifies a condition for which no treatment is
guage for information management systems to be in- yet available. Parents also report their desire to know
teroperable, allowing public health and practice-based about genetic conditions in their family, so that they can
systems to communicate with one another. These efforts make informed decisions about lifestyle (for the family
ensure that the EHR framework supports the medical and the child), choices of caregivers and specialists, fi-
home approach to pediatric care, facilitating the provi- nancial planning, family planning, choices of jobs, edu-

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cational choices, finding a support group, securing in- cation and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1999, 105th
surance, aiding in building registries, and participating in Cong 2nd Sess 1998;539:50 –712
4. Mann MY, Lloyd-Puryear MA, Linzer D. Enhancing commu-
research. Both perspectives have additional implications
nication in the 21st century. Pediatrics. 2006;117(5). Available
for future screening programs and mandate that fami- at:
lies, policymakers, and child health professionals reach 5. Kim S, Lloyd-Puryear MA, Tonniges TF. Examination of the
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of technology and communication methods continues.
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3. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Edu- committee. Accessed March 26, 2006

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American Academy of Pediatrics Newborn Screening Task Force
Recommendations: How Far Have We Come?
Michele A. Lloyd-Puryear, Thomas Tonniges, Peter C. van Dyck, Marie Y. Mann,
Amy Brin, Kay Johnson and Merle McPherson
Pediatrics 2006;117;S194
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-2633B

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American Academy of Pediatrics Newborn Screening Task Force
Recommendations: How Far Have We Come?
Michele A. Lloyd-Puryear, Thomas Tonniges, Peter C. van Dyck, Marie Y. Mann,
Amy Brin, Kay Johnson and Merle McPherson
Pediatrics 2006;117;S194
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-2633B

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
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