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The Godfather’s Summary

At the beginning, the book starts describing us the situation of three characters; Amerigo
Bonasera, Johnny Fontane and Nazorine the baker, they all had some troubles and wanted some
help for solve their problems from Don Corleone.

Amerigo Bonasera want justice for his daughter, who has been attacked from two young men sons
of rich parents which have been not property punished by the law. Johnny Fontane is sad about
his last months, had been leaved by his girl and wasn’t been good in his work, he needed a support
from his godfather, Nazorine the baker wanted Don Corleone to help Enzo, his daughter’s lover, to
stay in US and marry with her.

These three people and more were invited to Don Corleone’s daughter wedding, there were
hundreds of people and each of them had to bring gifts, all of them with their respective
identification card of the giver and the measure of his respect for the Godfather. Now we get a
description of the Godfather, we get to know that him is a very humble person, that care for
everyone no matter if rich or poor, he gets anyone favor and no matter what, it can be taken as a
fact, and the only thing needed for this to be done is to proclaim his friendship to the Godfather,
prove gratitude every time possible and to be always available for a simple favor that the
Godfather will ask.

And so there was the Godfather’s male sons, we get to know the oldest one, Santino, or how all
call him, Sonny, Which is an impulsive man with an huge attractive for women, Federico, called
Fred or Fredo, who was the less graced of the three and was very intelligent but with no attraction
for women. And the youngest one, Michael Corleone, who was the one who everyone watched
for, the one who refused his father’s orders and went to war, the one who survived and leaved
house some time before, now comes only for her sister’s wedding bringing an strange woman
named Kay Addams who might be his future wife.

So, in the party Michael saw some men who wanted to ask for a favor to Don Corleone: Amerigo
Bonasera, Nazorine the Baker, Anthony Coppola and Luca Brasi. But some others non-invited
people came to the party, the cops, or the FBI (Sonny’s call) were there to watch, but Don
Corleone was easy about it, because he knew that it was normal in that society, that if he wait for
the best moment, he could take a powerful revenge.

But now in the garden, behind the house, a four-piece band began to play. All the guests had
arrived. Don Corleone put the intruders out of his mind and led his two sons to the wedding feast.

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