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THURSDAY | 11.6.08 VOL. 97 | ISSUE 52

STATE | election results campus | election response

Voters reject
Administration Editor

With 68 percent voting no, Illi-

nois voters decided against the con-
stitutional convention.
Under the current constitution,
the question whether or not to call
a constitutional convention has to
appear on the ballot every 20 years.
With 92 percent of precincts
reporting, the constitutional con-
vention referendum had 2,761,831
no votes (68 percent) and
1,313,853 yes votes (32 percent).
“It was exactly what I would
assume the outcome would be,”
said David Carwell, a political sci-
ence professor. “I’m hard pressed to
think of any political organization
that supported the constitutional
He said the convention was only
on the ballot because it had to be,
not because any political organiza-
tion wanted it on the ballot.
“I don’t think there was any
question on anyone’s mind that
there was the slightest chance it was
President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden wave to supporters after it is announced he has won the presidential election at
going to pass,” Carwell said.
his Election Night Rally in Grant Park, Chicago on Tuesday.
He said a great deal of money,

Campus reacts to Obama victory

time and effort was put through
to defeat a convention from being
Carwell said whether the system
in Illinois is corrupt or not, organi-
zations and institutions understand Students, faculty major, said. “Because everyone was night for political science professors ry has evolved American history by
the way the system works. express their feelings excited and that is how elections and in a way it was our Super Bowl.” being the first black president.
He said if the constitution was should be and it shouldn’t be some- Although he believes this was “I liked his policies and his plans
changed, there’s no idea what would on new president-elect thing we dread.” a historical event, he said it would are better for the United States with
happen or what would be changed. Taylor woke up at 7 a.m. Tuesday also have been historical if John the situations we are in,” Carley
“We know how to work in the By BRITTNI GARCIA in order to vote for the first time. McCain and Sarah Palin won said.
existing system, and let’s keep it Campus Editor Political science professor Kev- because she would be the first wom- She said she was satisfied when
that way,” he said. in Anderson said his patriotism was an as vice president. she received the results.
He said it is perhaps better to After a day of celebrating Barack reaffirmed after hearing the results “It was a historical moment English professor Michael Loud-
have a corrupt, unethical system Obama’s victory as the next president last night. and it took a lot of momentum, on said the young American vote is
one knows how to work with, as of the United States, Aaron Taylor “It wasn’t a total surprise to me,” and swept everyone up last night,” what made this historical event hap-
opposed to a more moral system was glad his vote meant change. Anderson said. “(There) was a part Anderson said. pen.
where organizations do not know “It’s going to be a very historical of me that was very proud. It was Chanelle Carley, a freshman
how to get what its constituents change,” Taylor, a freshman history really an interesting and fascinating biology major, said Obama’s victo- » See reaction, Page 5
Carwell said one thing a politi-
cal scientist will tell a person is that Local | poll results
when a person puts something on

Students line up before 6 a.m. to vote

the ballot asking yes or no, it does
not matter what, the tendency for
people will be to vote no.
Grant Sterling, a philosophy
professor, said he was neither hap- Majority of Rennels said about 1,500 stu-
py nor disappointed with the out- Coles County voters dents registered to vote in Coles
come of the convention. County prior to the election.
“I sort of expected it would be cast their ballots “I went into (the Martin
defeated, although it was surprising for Obama Luther King Jr. University Union)
it was defeated so overwhelmingly,” at 5:45 a.m. and students were
he said. lined up in the hallway waiting
Sterling said if a convention had By MATT HOPF for that polling site to open,” she
been held, it would have provid- Associate News Editor said. “Excitement was running
ed the opportunity to possibly do pretty wild, and everyone was get-
things that needed changing. Students played a pivotal role ting caught up in the excitement
He said a convention could have in the presidential election in of this election.”
revised the relationship between Coles County Tuesday. Rennels said the student pre-
corporate taxes and income taxes Coles County supported Pres- cincts at the union and the New-
“I think that could have been a ident-elect Barack Obama with a man Catholic Center remained
beneficial outcome of the constitu- 51 percent majority in the elec- steady all day.
tional convention,” Sterling said. tion. Additional staffers were placed
With the current system, corpo- Surrounding counties, Doug- at the student poll sites to direct
rate taxes cannot be raised without las, Moultrie, Shelby, Cumber- students into the right lines, she
also raising income taxes and vice land, Clark and Edgar all support- added.
versa. ed McCain. KAROLINA STRACK | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Precinct reports for the coun-
“I think that’s an undesirable “From what I heard, students Charleston residents cast their votes in booths located in the New- ty may be available late this after-
thing,” Sterling said. “State legisla- played a major role in Coles man Catholic Center on Tuesday afternoon. Polls opened at 6 a.m. and noon. Overall, voting in Coles
ture should have flexibility.” County more than normal,” said remained open until 7 p.m. County was up.
Coles County Clerk Sue Rennels.
» See constitution, Page 5 According to the unoffi- cial election results, Obama won Coles County by 742 votes. » See polls, Page 5

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