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WEDNESDAY | 12.3.08 VOL. 97 | ISSUE 66

city | election university | faculty

Inyart smiles toward future McCann to

Charleston mayor
still not sure
take over
if he faces opposition
for Cooley
City Editor

Mayor John Inyart smiled at By MATT HOPF

the close of the city council meet- Associate News Editor
ing Tuesday, despite it being the last
before he must officially file his peti- Paul McCann, director of busi-
tion to run for re-election in the ness services/treasurer, was named
spring of 2009. interim vice president for business
“The thing I am most proud of affairs Tuesday.
is how highly functional this coun- McCann will start in that capac-
cil is,” he said. “We have great peo- ity after Jeff Cooley, vice president
ple working for the city, and I am for business affairs, retires on Dec.
extremely proud to be a part of it.” 31.
The first-term mayor announced Cooley announced his retire-
Monday that he wants to continue ment in June.
working with the council for a sec- “It’s certainly going to be a chal-
ond term in the municipal elections lenge,” McCann said.
in April. He said he would work with the
Among numerous platform posi- ROBBIE WROBLEWSKI | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS state on the budgeting process for
tions, Inyart believes his most nota- Mayor John Inyart laughs during the City Council meeting Tuesday evening. Inyart was elected in 2005 as the next fiscal year.
ble accomplishment is the improve- mayor of Charleston and will be running again next in 2009. The state will let Eastern know
ment of communications for the city what to expect in the next fiscal
as a whole. council, Inyart said the city was able Coles Together to aid in the sharing first term. year in May or June. McCann said
“I see myself as an ambassador to accomplish a network of commu- of resources and has ultimately saved “I don’t know exactly how my Eastern would like to know either
for the city, rather than an adminis- nication that excels all predecessors. both cities’ taxpayers’ money, Inyart campaign would change if I ran January or February.
trator,” Inyart said. “I believe it is my During his term, city officials were said. against someone,” he said. “I know When it comes to his daily
job to get out and listen to the peo- able to organize semi-annual meet- As of yet, Inyart said he does not I would make every effort to run a routine in the Office of Business
ple, the organizations, the students ings with Mattoon’s City Council for know if he faces any opposition. clean campaign and focus on the Affairs, he does not know what will
and keep the lines of communication the first time. People vying for candidacy have issues.” change throughout the day.
open.” The improved network with Mat- until Dec. 15 to file their petitions.
Through the work of a cohesive toon has opened discussion with The mayor ran unopposed for his » See Inyart, Page 5 » See mccann, Page 5

campus | dining campus | internet

Stolen dishes may lead Web site dishes out gossip

about students on campus
to costly meal options Some Greeks on campus think
is too negative, think site should be banned
Tower Dining Center
left to use other
halls’ dining items By JESSICA LEGGIN
Activities Editor
because of thefts “It is something we
Sex, popularity and who students don’t believe in. It is
By BRITTNI GARCIA think the biggest nuisance is on cam- something we do not
Campus Editor pus are some of the related topics
posted on the Web site, juicycampus.
want our name to be
As the semester quickly comes to com. known for.”
an end, Eastern has seen as increase Even though this Web site feeds
of stolen dishes from dining halls. off the “juicy” gossip surrounding a
Jamie Huckstead, assistant direc- particular college campus, Greeks are — Ashley Hoogstraten,
tor of Stevenson Tower Dining Cen- usually the main focus on the site. member of Alpha Sigma Tau
ter, said a student worker for dining For Eastern, several Greek chap-
was hired with several responsibili- ters and members are discussed heavi-
ties last summer, one being to watch ly on, and the feed-
dishes that could be taken. back given from anonymous writers major. “There are those who go Greek,
This position is only in Steven- are usually demeaning. and it is usually the ones who refuse to
son Tower Dining because of miss- Robyn Paige, interim director of who are the ones that want something
ing items not returned. ERIN MATHENY | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Greek Life, said she has no idea why to complain about.”
Mark Hudson, director of Hous- Sophomore journalism major and Panther Dining employee Courtney it appears that fraternity and sorori- Hoogstraten said her sorority does
ing and Dining, said the total num- Bruner works as dining room assistant in the Tower Dining Center on ty members are targeted on the Web not approve posting information on
ber of missing items has not been Monday afternoon. As a reaction to so many residents taking and not site. the site.
tallied. returning trays, silverware and other dining hall property, the posi- “I do not read posts on the site; so “It is something we don’t believe
He said they would not know tion of dining room assistant was created to monitor students as they it is hard for me to speak if the site in,” she said. “It is something we do
how much money has been lost place their trays on the conveyor belt to the kitchen. truly is targeting these groups more not want our name to be known for.”
because of stolen dishes until the than others,” she said. Hoogstraten said she thinks the
end of the semester. removed from the dining center and because they already have employees Paige thinks the Web site echoes Web site should be banned.
Hudson said it is safe to say sto- not returned,” Huckstead said. located in the dining room,” Huck- aspects of networking sites such as “That would not be a bad idea,”
len dishes have added up to thou- The new position is called the stead said. Facebook or Myspace. she said. “It wouldn’t hurt anyone if
sands of dollars. dining room assistant. Stevenson dining has seven dif- Ashley Hoogstraten, a member of it was.”
Huckstead said based off begin- The assistant helps clean tables, ferent exits in the area that have Alpha Sigma Tau, said she thinks it Kyle Valentine, the chapter pres-
ning inventory of new products chairs and an area of the convey- allowed students to get away with is easier for Greeks to be the stars of ident for the Fraternity Sigma Phi
through about a month ago shows or belt where students can put their bringing dishes out of the dining attention. Epsilon, said he does not take offense
Tower Dining losing items. dishes. center. “Greeks are a highly controver- to the site.
“Nearly half of all deli baskets, “As of right now, no other din- sial topic amongst the campus,” said
glasses, plates and trays have been ing center has this position, mainly » See Dining, Page 5 the junior corporate communications » See jUICY, Page 5

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