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a ANGLES - Equal Legs Sti Dimensions Properties 2 Radius wiath | Thicknes® Weight | Ae od a t A, Ry mm Designation |W A 7. mm Haxt | kom | mm?) mm 0 30 1,75 38 Lzox2ox9 | 08a] 11281 20.0] 20. 4.75 as vesiasx a | ital 14201] 250 25.0 30 40 250 50 taoxgona | 196 17868, 90.0) 90.0 , . es | 28] 27.68) 90.0| 90.0 60 250 50 x6 | 268} 92668) 90.0} 90.0 60 250 80 \aox4ox9 | 1.04] 29408] 40.0} 40.0 a0 3.00 80 x5 | 287; 9786} 40.0] 40.0 50 3.00 80 x6 | 962) 447.66] 40.0] 40.0 60 3.00 60 L50x 50x 9 293) 296.26] 60.0) 60.0 3.0 3.50 70 x6| 377/ 480.26] 60.0} 50.0 5.0 3.50 70 x6 | 447] $6926] 50.0] 60.0 8 10 8 0 450 4 ol rit sacl eel oe 80} 350 10 it] $0626} $0.0] 80.0 100 ae 70 LOSx 65x 5 497) 693 i 69 x8] asi] 730s] ero a 50} 450) 80 x8] 773] se4es| esol aoe 80} 450 90 x10] 4s] 260 esol feo] 80) 4go} 8 x12) 11.18] taanes| esol oe 40.0 neo 40 oy 0 12.0 450 90 HL : ASEP Steel Handbook Rolled Shapes 4-67 ANGLES Equal Legs Dimensions: Properties Elastic Properties Ty }-——pyie X-X ‘Axia Y=Y_ ‘Axis Z-2. TT] 8 1 $s Designation wo [xe] or | ¥ x01 ne r | x t | ten HyBxt 8 im? | mm? | mm | mm | mm mamt_|_mm®? | mm mm_|_m gz] 0.28) 5.90 590} 992) 0.26 590| 598) 3.83 4,000) L20x20x 3 03] 0.45 7.51 7,23) 903) 0.45 751| 7.23) 4.84 4,000| L25x 25x 3 S05 0.65] 699] 895 14,05) 0.65) 899 995| 581) 1,000 L20xWx 3 21.64] 1.04] 283) 918 21,64] 1.04, 883] 918 5,75] 1.000 x5 2494} 1.22|874) 9.56 24.94} 1,22] 874] 958 6.75) 1.000 x6 94.46) 1.181214] 10.73 94,48) 1.18|12.11| 10.73 7,83| 1,000] L40x40x 3 s4a7| 1.91|11.97] 11.62 64,27) 1.91/11.7) 11.62 7.78| 1.000 x5 6314] 226/11.87| 12.02) 63.14 226|11.87| 12,02) 7.70] 1.000 x6 eagi| 1.06|15.22| 19.08) 68.61) 1.66 145,22| 19.08} 9.86] 1.000 150x 50x 3 40264) 05]15.11.| 14.04] 109.64) 905/15.11 44,04) 9.78) 1.000 x5 yeast} a61|16.02| 14.45] 128.41} 9.61|16.02| 14.45 9.68] 1.000 x6 j6289| 46a|14.e2| 15,24] 16283) 468/14.82) 15.24 9.63) 1.000 x8 19380| 5.eol14.62| 15.98] 199.60] $.69|14.62| 15.96] 9.63) 1.000 x10 247.44) s20lie,76| 17.58| 247.44] 5.22|19.76| 17.88) 12.74] 1.000] L65x 65 ae 821 |19.69| 19.04] 291.87) 621 |19.69| 16.04] 12,68) 1,000 * xe a| 18.68) 374.69| @.19|19.51| 18.68] 12.58) 1.000 x8 eons” 9.9419.31 | 19.68| 450.63] 9.94/19,91) 19.68) 12.53] 1.000 x10 44,67|19.14 | 20.41 | $20.48) 11.67]19.11| 20.41| 42,51] 1.000 x12 ASEP Steel Handbook -187- = 4-68 Rolled Shapes ANGLES Equal Legs Dimensions Properties —~] Weight | Area | Depth | With Thickoes | _Raetus —_| Designation | W A H | 8 t Ay A, HyBxt kgm | mm? | mm} mm mm mm mm L78x 75x 5 576| 79573] 75.0) 75.0 50 50 10.0 x6 687| 67473) 75.0) 75.0 60 50 10.0 x8 | 900] 1.14873] 780) 76.0 80 -— « x10} 807 t4073| 75.0| 750| 10.0 50} 100 : J ce] 1'66673| 750| 750/ 120 80} 100 190x 90x 6 830] 1,056.98 90.0 90.0 056: ,0} 90, 60 85 x8) 1000 1'3¢398} 900| 90.0 a0 55 ii 1.45] 1,712.98] 90.0) 90.0 7 We re] ie) domes] ane] ool ao se] tt 1100 x100x6 : 7 " + 926| 1,17945| 1000] 100.0 x8 1218) 1.88148] 1000) 1000 aa 7 20 12) $06] 191846] 1000] i000 Aa oe xi] | 227146) 1000) 1000 el oO} 18 ra 2eie45| 1000] 4 a 60 120 2323) assoes| 4 00.0) 140 xis] Bo] 2] 1900) 1000) 189 a | enat 000] 10001 tao — «= re | stasis] soso a i 60} 120 ra] el genie] (29 Hee] a0] as] 130 14] ae] Same] (280| 1280 00} gs] 1.0 2389 1250 120 x18 9762.19 1250 65 13.0 see] 229) 1260 140 : Xe] Se) aoocse] feel 129) 5} 180 L___*? | 8 soscia] aso] 128° ele es | aia ellie 1289 20 as} 130 es} 130 Li} ASEP Steel Hanabo, Ok -188- ANGLES Equal Legs Dimensions Properties Rolled Shapes 4-69 Elastic Properties YX ‘Axis Y-Y Avis 2-2 — —T 41 s Designation ’ de} | y | xt | xt] or fox for | tan HyBxt nt mm® | mm | mm _|_mm* | mm® | mm | mm | mm | si] 7ole2.e8| 19.95] $851] 7.0|22.88] 19.95] 14.77] 1.000) L75x78x § 7] @4le2e2| 20.43| 4857) 84]22e2| 20.43| 14.70] 1,000 x6 = 47,0/22.68| 21.90] $887] 11.0]22.68] 21.90] 14.58] 1,000 x8 mie] 198}22.48| 2211) 711.8] 18.5|22.46| 22.11) 14.81] 1.000 x 10 ees7| 189\22.26| 22.68) 9257] 15.8|22,26| 22.68] 14.46] 1.000 x12 a2} 122le7.57| 24.05} 9082] 12.2(27.57| 2405] 17.76| 1.000] Leox 90x 6 40a} 16.1\27.41 | 24.96| 1,043.8] 16.1\27.41| 24.96) 17.62) 1.000 x8 12802] 19.9]27.22| 25.00] 1,269.2] 19.8|27.22| 26.80) 17.52) 1.000 x 10 108] 29.9]27,01| 26.59|-1,480.3] 28.9127.01} 26.59| 17.44} 1.000 x12 11105) 15.1}90.69) 28.42| 1,110.5] 16.1 |80.69| 26.42| 19.78) 1.000|L100x100x6 1448.4) 19.9190.65) 27.97] 1,448.4] 19.9[80.55) 27.87] 19.64) 1,000 x8 17688) 24.8/90.97| 20.22| 1,766.6] 24.6|90.87| 28.22| 19.52] 1.000 x10 He 29.1/90.17| 29,03] 2,068.9] 29.1 |90.17] 29.03] 19.43] 1.000 x12 oy $3.5/29,96| 29.61| 2,360.0] 93.5]29.05| 29.61] 19.6] 1.000 x14 Beng] c7z[e2 74] 9088) 2617.4) 97.7|20.74) 90.86] 18.82] 1.000 x16 2) 41,8 (28.83) 31.90] 2870.2| 41.8120.53| 31.90] 19,90] 1.000 x18 28012] 38579 alae 93,50] 2,901.2) 31.7|98.53| $9.50] 24.75] 1.000|L125x125x8 Gel .95| 84,98] 3557.0) 39.9]98.95| 94.98] 24,60] 1.000 x10 47mg) ee}S8 18) 35.21] 41624) 48.6 198.15| 95,21) 24.48] 1.000 es) 83,7197,99 . x12 Se@o] gueleg ee] 801) 47788) 527 |97.99] 36.01) 24.88) 1.000 x14 S14 mes770 98.78) 5,348.0] 60.6|97.70| 96,78| 24,30} 1,000 x16 8608 g tel 97.54] S.e91.4| 67.4197.48) 37.54] 24.24) 1.000 x18 ws 04] $8.01] 6906.9| €0.9197.04] 49.01] 24.18] 1,000 x22 a 1 ASEP Steel Handbook -189- 4=70 Rolled Shapes ANGLES Equal Legs Dimensions Properties Weight | Area | Depth | Wiath | Thickness Radius | Designation WwW A H B t Ay A, HxBxt kgim | omm? fo mm yo mm} mm mm mm Lisoxtsoxe | 19.85] 2983.47} 1500] 150.0 a0 80] 189 x10} 2298) 2927.47/ 1500/ 150.0 10,0 80] 489 xi2| 27.95] 9483.47] 180.0) 1500 12.0 ao] 480 | xt4| 91,65] 4091.47] 180.0] 1500 14.0) ao] 180! x16] 38.69] 4871.47] 150.0) 1800 16.0 20} 160 x18 40.08} 510347) 150.0| 150.0 16.0 80 18.0) x22 48.23} 614347} 160.0} 16500 22.0 80: 160 | L200 x 200 x 12 96.82} 4,690.77) 200.0] 2000 12.0 90 120 oxl4 42.69} 5498.77) 2000) 2000 14.0 9.0 180 | «16 48,50) 6178.77! 200.0) 2000 16.0 9.0} . 180) x18 $4.25) 6910,77/ 2000] 2000 16.0 90 180 x22 65.65} 8,950,77} 2000] 2000 22.0 90 180 x25| 73.67) 9.409,77| 2000] 200.0 25.0 90 180 ASEP Steel Handbook -190- Rolled Shapes 4-71 ANGLES Equal Legs Dimensions Properties Elastio Properties: KKK Axis Y-¥ 15 1 $ Designation yo fie] cf y | xt pxtoe for | ox for | tan HxBxt mm! mm? | mm | mm | mm’ | mm° | mm | mm | mm a 056] 45.8/46.90 99.37| 5,066] 45.8|48.90) 99.97) 29.63) 1,000|L150x150x8 240] $6.9]46.17| 40.94 6240] §6.9|46.17) 40.34) 29.66] 1.000 x10 1983] 67.8)45.99| 41.28 7,369] 67.6|45,90] 41.23) 29.51) 1.000 x12 asa] 70.9/45.78| 42.07| 6454 78,3|45.78| 42.07] 29,99) 1.000 xi4 497] 08.7/45.58| 42.67] 9,497) 68,7/45.58 42.87) 29.28) 1.000 x16 {0,500} 96.7/45.95) 43. 10,600) 98.7)/45.96| 43,68} 29,20] 1.000 x18 42.903] 1182/4461] 45,18] 12,093) 118.2|44.91| 45.18] 29.07] 1.000 x22 19,009} 1229\61.98| 59.62] 18,009 1229]61.96] 63.92] 99.71} 1.000}L200 x200x 12 %0,782| 1425|61.77| 54.89) 20,752] 1425|61.77| 54.39) 38.56) 1.000 x14 23414] 161,7)61.58| 95.23) 23,414] 161.7|61.56] 65.23) 99.42) 1.000 x16 25987| 1806|61.93) 86.04] 25,997| 160.6|61.93| 86.04] 39.28) 1.000 x18 {x94 | 217.3/60.87) 57.61] 90,941] 217,3|60.87| 57.61] 9.08] 1.000 x22 484) 2440/60,82) §8,75| 94,484) 244.0|60,52| 58.75) 38.98] 1.000 x25 | ASEP Steel Handbook -191- ==: aera nonled Bt y \ | I | ANGLES fern ees | Unequal Leos \ ihe \ Dimensions bey Properties 1 [a _ — en eee | with ‘Thickness Radius Woight | Area a 3 t Ay R, Devignation | W A mm mm mm WW | in | mm? 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| mm | mm mm mm mm —- a L125 x75x6 aca] 1,17698| 1280] 750 60 55 11.0 xe | 1216] 1184898] 1260) 75.0 a0 55 44.0 x10} 18.02} 4,912.08) 1250] 75.0 10.0] 55 11.0 xi2| 1761] 226898 1250] 75.0) 12.0 55 14.0 Lisoxgoxe | 1469] 1,071.45] 1500) 90.0 a0 60 42.0 x1o| 1818) 291548} 1500} 90.0 10.0 60 42.0 x12} 21.60) 2751.45/ 1600) 90.0 12.0] 60 12.0 1 eee ————L —— jd ASEP teel Hy, “194, "2bOok holied shapes Ao nes eT) Os no ' i ANGLED "| eaaiie| i Unequal Legs t oe Dimensione a Properties jo {" | pre | Pain YY hin T_| 8 \ 8 Designation We vo} or | y fx fxr} or | ox ft tan HxBxt rnmt_|-mm® | mm |_mm ren jt mm |_mmn |_mm | | 9004] 22.4)40.14) 40,96 6208} 8.0/21.04) 18.91] 16.26 0,960} L125 x78x6 24730 79,6190,96| 41.95] 6761] 11.6 120,80 | 18.78) 16.26] 0.360 x8 | 40002 | 96.8|09.73| 42.28 20.8] 14,3|20.71 | 17.60) 16.14] 0.957 %10 } 48%7) 43.2|00.50} 43.10 988,2| 16,9|20.82| 18,98] 16.05) 0.984 x12 49480| 49.1|48,20} 49,03] 1,187.6 17,0|25,90| 19.62| 19.65) 0962| L150x90x8 5931.4} 83:3(47.90| 49,08) 1,460.8) 21,0/26.12 20,98} 19.63) 0.980 *10 2730| 69.8|47.75| 50:62] 1,708.7) 24,0)24,92) 21,16) 19.41) 0.968 x12 = ASEP Steel Handbook “195-

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