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Statements of Goals and Choices

This submission contains a theory of writing paper that examines the struggle children have
learning with a speech impairment. I was trying to research on the different struggles a child faces when
he/she is unable to communicate as well as others. In the research I conducted I found a disorder,
Speech Sound Disorder (SSD), that affects kids in their grade school experience that makes their
academic career worse. The essay is to inform other readers about children that have a speech
impairment that was given to them at birth. This topic was specifically researched because of my own
personal experience being unable to communicate in my early academic years.

When writing my theory of writing assignment, I did not believe I was going to have to make
difficult choices on important things I’m supposed to mention. From the first decision to why this topic?
From so many different things I could have inquired I chose to write about the struggle a child faces
having a speech impairment. But before I could lead into that I had first asked myself what makes an
academic career successful. We all have different skills and experiences that shape who we are. This is
where I concluded my inquiry line.

The claim I made hit personally to me because of the difficulty I had learning growing up. More
people get affected by this then we usually think, and we do not truly address it. I know with me in my
own experience I had to decide to include how my dad even tried teaching me to curse so I can speak
something. But I did not add this because I wanted the affect of me going to these extra classes, missing
out on activities, being made fun of, and feeling different to be relatable. Most of the time we read and
pay no attention to what we read because it sounds to unrealistic , so we decide to disregard it and
forget about it.

The objective of the essay was to spread information of the struggles a child faces when he is
unable to communicate or in other words a speech impairment. The inquiry was mainly developed
based on my own experience being unable to communicate in my grade school years. So, the people
who helped on writing this essay are was basically the experiences I faced when I was young and made it
easier to know what to search for when I was looking for sources.

The sources that was found supported the claim that speech impairment did cause a difficult
development in an academic standpoint. It gave the viewpoints on how a child feels when he/ she
experienced this speech difficulty. Other studies tested children how they are in school subjects which
showed they are below the average scores. Most importantly the people who conducted these tests
were doctors and university professors which are qualified professionals that support my claim.

Engaging in my inquiry taught me that were always curious about everything. That from a single
question we develop more and more questions. So, the research that was conducted for this essay
allowed me to speak about the topic in an informative way. It gave the ability to speak from both
viewpoints but allowed me to support my claim in a strong manner. Writing the essay with my sources
gave me creditability on what I wrote about. For example, if I did not integrate my sources in this paper
then my writing would just be opinion. However, the essay is factual with references from other doctors
making the paper more informational and correct.

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