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Three Picture Story

Three picture story is a simple activity to get students speaking and creating a story.
This minimal prep game is great for teens and even adults.

Materials needed: ​Three pictures (see below for an example)

1. Find three images on the internet or in a magazine. The first image should show
some people in a setting. The second should contain an object or a situation. The
third can show something different.
2. Start by showing students the first image. As them to tell you what they can see.
The teacher should encourage students to put their ideas in a story form.
3. Next, show students the second image. Ask them to explain how it relates to the
last photo. After, show them the third and encourage them to come to a
conclusion for the story.
4. After, get students to retell the story from the start.

Example Pictures:

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Pictures taken from
Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Permission granted for classroom use. © ​​ 2018

Pictures taken from
Picture 3:

Permission granted for classroom use. © ​​ 2018

Pictures taken from

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