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Refresh with LATs Guide: Darby Martin

Learning Goals for Lesson on Improving Literacy

List content and process learning goals for the lesson/project here:
Goal: Students will use comprehension strategies to be able to demonstrate literary comprehension by
answering questions at a proficiency rate of 85%.
❖ Reading Comprehension
❖ Reading Strategies

Goal: Students will be able to generate inferences about a text from using key details from the text at a
proficiency rate of 85%.
❖ Inferences
❖ Main Idea
❖ Theme
❖ Cite Text Evidence

Goal: Students will be able to summarize the text while including plot elements and point-of-view that are
essential to the development of the text at a proficiency rate of 85%.
❖ Plot Elements
▪ Exposition
▪ Setting
▪ Conflict
▪ Rising Action
▪ Climax
▪ Falling Action
▪ Resolution
❖ Character Types
▪ Protagonist
▪ Antagonist
▪ Flat Character
▪ Static Character
❖ Point of View
▪ First Person
▪ Second Person
▪ Third Person
♦ Limited
♦ Omniscient

Learning Activities of Technologies

Existing LATs in Lesson/Project Possible LAT Substitutions Refreshed Sequence of LATs Technologies
● Activate Prior ● Graphic Organizer for ● Activate Prior ● Review videos/screen
Knowledge new vocabulary Knowledge cast
● Independent Reading ● Graphic Organizer for ● Read Aloud for
● Read Aloud ● Directed vocabulary readings
● Making Predictions Reading/Thinking ● Independent ● Discussion post in
● Quizzing Activity (DR-TA) Reading/Read Aloud Google Classroom
● Drawing Conclusions ● Directed ● Google Forms for
● Whole-Class Literature Reading/Thinking assessment
Study ● Whole-Class Literature ● Google Classroom to
Study submit summaries
● Evaluating Readings ● Quizzing
● Making Predictions
● Drawing Conclusions
● Summarizing
Contextual Considerations

Pedagogical Continua Additional Considerations

More teacher-directed instruction More student-directed instruction Technology resources available: Chromebooks,
interactive projector, fire tablets

Students have fewer prior experiences Students have more prior experiences
with the topic. with the topic.
Human resources available: Co-teacher,
textbooks, workbooks
Students should develop a basic Students should develop a deep
understanding of the topic or skill. understanding of the topic or skill.
School/district-wide initiatives relevant to plan:
Book bucks for completing reading logs and
I can allott 30-60 minutes for this I can allot a week or more for this reading incentives to participate in at the end of
Instruction. Instruction. the semester reading celebration.

Students need a significant amount Students can work effectively with Other considerations: Many students are far
of scaffolding. less scaffolding. below grade level in reading

Students will work Students will work Students will work

in a whole group. in small groups. Individually.
Is It Worth It? Test

• Will this particular use of a tool or resource help students to do something that is difficult or impossible to do without it?
• Will this tool or resource help students to do something in a better way?
• Is the use of this tool or resource feasible, given contextual conditions?

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