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Future of Recruitment:

The world is becoming smaller and fiercely competitive with each passing day. Companies
have to constantly innovate and re innovate themselves in order to attract and retain talent.
The talent is limited and a company has to reach the right talent at the right time in the right
manner before the competitor snatches it from you. Hence, the recruitment policies and
methodologies have to be quick and efficient and must coherent with a potential
candidate’s expectations.

Video/ Telephonic interviews:

In order to cut costs and the time of travel, many companies are gradually opting for video
interviews. These simulate the actual settings of an interview even if the interviewer and the
interviewee are many miles apart. Live streaming of the video thus enables real time
conferencing between the two concerned parties at a much reduced cost. Likewise,
telephonic interviews also can be used to assess potential candidates. However, one
drawback of these methods is that since the real life settings are not there, certain amount
of information asymmetry can be prevalent.

Screening tests: Certain organizations are now widely adopting the technique of weeding
out candidates by way of tests such as psychometric, aptitude and analytical ability tests.
These tests are designed to test with the basic intelligence levels required of a candidate for
the job at hand. As the companies now have to assess a vast number of potential candidates
than ever before, these screening tests are becoming an increasing phenomenon. Some
companies go even further and implement these tests online much before the actual date of
interview. Companies thus are not required to be physically present during the time of tests.
However, due note must be taken of the fact that in such scenarios, malpractices can come
into play.

Interviewing techniques: These days the interviewing techniques focus mainly on seeing if a
person matches the job profile properly. However, with the growing competition of an
increasingly talented pool, the companies may have to explain to potential candidates why
their organizational reputation supersedes that of other potential employers.

Social media advertisement: Though still in a fledgling state, social media advertisement on
online portals like facebook and linkedln are an attractive phenomenon for recruiters.
Linkedln allows recruiters across organizations and hierarchies to share their own
professional details and also exchange details about potential candidates. Thus, there is
significant information parity and unison. This common pool of knowledge base about
employees will help recruiters make more informed and coherent decisions.

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