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Terms and Strategies

for Medical Records

Reading and Writing
Lesson 4

Renal Unit
Signs and Symptoms (S/S) 17. inability to initiate
1. albuminuria 18. ketonuria
2. anuria 19. miction pain
3. burning sensation 20. nocturia
4. costovertebral (CV) angle knocking pain 21. oliguria
5. dysuria 22. pale
6. fatigue 23. pitting edema
7. foamy urine 24. polyuria
8. frequency 25. proteinuria
9. generalized discomfort 26. pruritus
10. generalized edema 27. pyuria
11. glycosuria 28. swollen
12. hematuria 29. urgency
13. hesitancy 30. urine retention
14. hyperkalemia 31. weak stream of urine
15. hypoglycemia Diagnostic Test
16. hypokalemia 32. 24 hr Ccr
33. albumin/globulin 48. benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
34. anal examination 49. benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
35. blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 50. bladder cancer
36. complete blood count/differential count 51. chronic kidney disease (CKD)
52. cystitis
37. computed axial tomography (CAT scan)
53. end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
38. cystoscopy
54. glomerulonephritis
39. digital rectal examination
55. hydronephrosis
40. intravenous pyelography (IVP)
56. lithotripsy
41. kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB)
57. nephritis
42. prostate specific antigen (PSA)
58. nephrolith
43. specific gravity (sp gr)
59. pyelitis
44. transrectal ultrasound
60. pyelonephritis
45. urine analysis / urinalysis (UA)
61. pyonephrosis
Diagnosis 62. renal failure
46. acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) 63. renal stone
47. acute tubular necrosis (ATN) 64. renopathy
65. uremia 80. normal saline (NS) irrigation
66. ureterolith 81. percutaneous nephrostomy
67. urethral carcinoma 82. peritoneal dialysis (PD) (belly wash)
68. urinary tract infection (UTI) 83. renal replacement therapy
Treatment & Care 84. renal transplantation
69. arteriovenous fistula (AVF) 85. shunt
70. auscultate 86. thrill
71. bruit 87. transurethral resection of the bladder
tumor (TURBT)
72. continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
88. transurethral resection of the prostate
73. creatinine
74. cystectomy
89. ureterocystostomy
75. extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
90. ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy (URSL)
76. Foley catheter Related Terms
77. hemodialysis (HD) (vessel wash) 91. accumulate
78. insulin 92. anastomosis
79. malfunction 93. block
94. character of urine 111. herbal medicine
95. damage 112. interruption
96. diaper 113. nephrology
97. difficulty in urination 114. nodule
98. donor 115. option (alternative)
99. double-lumen catheter 116. organ donation
100. dribbling 117. semen
101. drip 118. smooth surface
102. electrolyte 119. sperm
103. eliminate 120. strenuous
104. enlarged prostate 121. toxin
105. enlargement 122. transrectal
106. flow 123. urological
107. Foley inserted 124. urologist
108. Foley patent 125. urology
109. genitourinary 126. voiding
110. heparin 127. waste
Lesson 4

Renal Unit
-The End-

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