Child Summary Report N1

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Dear Parents of Jamie,

This letter is a development report to explain Jamie’s progress in preschool this semester.
Specifically, her growth in the social and cognitive domains.
Jamie is always excited and happy to be in preschool! Closing circle is always the hardest part of
the day because Jamie doesn’t want to leave. She is often the last one there even though her grandma is
one of the first to pick her up. Jamie will take on roles like a cheetah, kitten and is often found
participating in whatever activities her friends are participating in. She knows a couple of her peers’
names and notices if one of her friends is missing. She has been a delight to have in class all semester.
At the beginning of the semester, Jamie was nervous to ask her peers to play with something
that she wanted to play with to or ask if she could have a turn with whatever object they were playing
with. On February 14th, during the small focus activity Jamie wanted green to paint with that Tyler had in
front of him. She was nervous to ask at first, but after one of the teachers gave her an idea of what to
say, Jamie asked Tyler, “Can I use some of that green paint?” Tyler said, “Yeah!” and passed Jamie the
paint. Jamie recognized what she did and told the teacher, “I did it! I did it! I asked by myself.”
In the second half of the semester, Jamie was nervous to initiate play with her peers first and
would often be found playing beside them but never really with them. During snack time, on February
26th, Jamie wanted to sit next to Ali and Jessica. Jamie said, “I want to sit over there!” and moved her
chair next to Ali after permission to do so. She was often found playing with Ali and Jessica outside on
the playground or on the steppingstones and sitting next to them at gathering time.
Jamie has made growth this semester in the social domain. She initially was nervous to play with
her peers and participate in the activities that they were doing and now knows some of her friend’s
names and plays with them all throughout preschool.
At the beginning of the semester, Jamie showed interest in different types of animals. Especially
a couple of her favorite like a lion and cheetah. On February 19 th, Jamie pretended to be a cheetah and
got the attention of one of the teachers as she told them, “Cheetah’s run really fast! I am a cheetah.
Watch me run fast!” Jamie ran from one side of the classroom to the other as if she were a cheetah.
In the second half of the semester, Jamie pointed out something that she knew about geckos.
One week during lab, both lessons were focused on pets. On February 21 st, the gecko was brought into
class for a pre-assessment. Jamie showed an interest in the gecko and came to look at it along with the
other children. Jamie asked the teacher questions about the gecko and pointed out the eyes. The
teacher asked Jamie, “What do you notice about the eyes?” Jamie pointed out the slits on the side of
the gecko’s head close to the gecko’s eyes.
At the beginning of the semester, Jamie knew about some of her favorite animals and their
characteristics, but now because of the lesson on geckos she knows more about them and what those
slits are on the side of their faces and more about pet care responsibilities.
Providing Jamie with rich social activities will help her to be the one to initiate play first. These
social activities can involve other children from preschool, ward, family friends and cousins. Jamie
expressed interest in the different art activities we had set-up in our preschool. Planning different art
activities with other children is a great way for Jamie to practice her social skills. A great way to help
Jamie develop more cognitive abilities could be to play a variety of games that encourage problem
solving and creativity.
Thanks for allowing Jamie to learn with us. -Lab 6 teachers

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