Recycling of Thermoplastic Polystyrene Waste Using Citrus Peel Extract

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Recycling of thermoplastic polystyrene waste using citrus peel extract

for oil spill remediation

Shital Yadav,1 Srinadh Mattaparthi,1 Kuncham Sreenivasulu,1 Mudrika Khandelwal,2
Saptarshi Majumdar,3 Chandra Shekhar Sharma 1
Creative & Advanced Research Based on Nanomaterials (CARBON) Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology, Hyderabad Kandi 502285, Telangana, India
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad Kandi 502285,
Telangana, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad Kandi 502285, Telangana, India
Correspondence to: C. S. Sharma (E-mail:

ABSTRACT: In this work, we report a low-cost, less energy intensive, and an innovative way of recycling thermoplastic polystyrene
(PS) waste objects into submicron, aligned fibers using extract from citrus peel, an agricultural waste. As-fabricated recycled PS
fabric is then structurally characterized and tested as an oil sorbent material. The hydrophobic-oleophilic PS fabric is found to
absorb 40.5  3.6 g/g of oil, with 77.3% oil retention within 1 h. To investigate the practical application of recycled PS fabric for
oil spills remediation, we tested its buoyancy properties in oil-over-water static and dynamic system besides examining their reus-
ability. The as-fabricated fabric floats on water after oil sorption indicating its high buoyancy and therefore can be collected easily
after soaking the oil. This work is a simple illustration of systematic analysis of recycling two different waste materials (thermo-
plastic polystyrene and citrus peels) and reusing them into a more valuable product. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci.
2019, 136, 47886.

KEYWORDS: citrus peel extract; fibers; oil spills remediation; polystyrene recycling

Received 29 December 2018; accepted 14 April 2019

DOI: 10.1002/app.47886

INTRODUCTION Besides the technical challenges, the poor economic viability of

Polystyrene (PS) is an integral part of global plastic market and is currently known recycling methods restrains the commercializa-
highly valued thermoplastic.1 Its durability, strength, low cost, tion of such processes. According to a 2012 study, recycle rate
and possible utilization as solid, film or foam1 make PS a popular for PS was only 0.9% in USA.7
plastic. The major applications areas of linear and/or branched In this work, we present an innovative method to recycle linear
PS and expanded PS (EPS) are packaging, construction, appli- and/or branched PS waste, directly into sub-micron, aligned PS
ances and electronics.1,2 The global demand for PS and EPS has fibers using extracts from peels of citrus fruits. The worldwide
increased to 6.62 million tons in 20163; which is expected to fur- annual citrus fruits production is more than 31 million tons, out
ther grow to approximately 23.5 million tons by year 2020.4 of which nearly 50% is waste in form of peel.8 Among the citrus
Although PS has several advantages, its non-biodegradability is fruits such as orange, tangerine, kinnow, lemon, sweet lime, half of
creating considerable problem in waste management. Conven- the citrus fruit production comes from orange alone.9 It is also
tionally, solid PS waste is either disposed in landfills or processed to yield chemicals such as limonene, linalool, pectin, and
incinerated,5 thereby severely affecting both health and environ- so forth.10,11 and is used in fragrance, cosmetics, cleansing agents,
ment. Further, EPS waste is particularly unmanageable due to and sometimes as solvents. However, the processes involved (distil-
its low density and thus high volume. The recycling of PS waste lation, microwave heating) are highly energy consuming,11,12 as
emerged as a potential alternative to disposal method leading to compared to directly using its extract as reported here. Although,
the development of mechanical, chemical, and thermal we report direct use of orange, the recycling method proposed can
recycling.2,6 These methods are labor and energy intensive. be extended to other citrus fruit peels as well. The process developed

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.

© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

47886 (1 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/APP.47886


to directly recycle waste thermoplastic PS into nonwoven fabric adheres to both the plates. The viscous solution gets stretched into
using extract from citrus peel waste is clearly an illustration of novel, fibers, when plate-1 is pulled horizontally backward [Figure 2(d)].
green, low-energy, and cost effective scalable process. Moreover, the Figure 2(d) shows the asfabricated recycled PS fibers, formed
fabric obtained is hydrophobic-oleophilic and therefore it can be between both the plates. The collector moves upward in vertical
selectively used to absorb oil from water. We have demonstrated direction and breaks the fibers between the plates [Figure 2(d-e)].
the use of as-fabricated recycled PS for oil–water separations, It then comes down to its original position with recycled PS fibers
suggesting its applications in day to day household cleaning, waste collected on it [Figure 2(f)]. Above steps are repeated till the
water treatment, and packaging to global requirement of oil spill- desired thickness of fiber film is obtained. The digital photograph
age remediation. of customized setup for above process is shown in Figure 2(g) while
Figure 2(h-i) shows the digital image of as-drawn recycled sub-
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION micron aligned PS fibers using PE and TL. Appearance of recycled
PS fabric from PE is little yellowish primarily due to the presence
Orange Peel Extract Preparation
of cellulosic particles in PE, while the fabric from TL is whitish. TL
Oranges were purchased from the local market and washed to
is a clear solvent with no orange pigment in it.
remove dirt. The peel was removed using knife or simply by hand,
ensuring that the white layer present beneath the outer rind of peel As-fabricated recycled PS fibers were named depending on whether
remains, to avoid breakage on folding. The peels were squeezed/ the top layer or primary extract is used to dissolve the PS as pri-
folded to extract a liquid from the outer rind of peel, which was col- mary extract-based fibers (PEF) or top layer-based fibers (TLF).
lected [Figure 1(a)] and named as primary extract (PE).
Electrospun PS Fibers
When the PE was allowed to settle, or centrifuged, it separates into PS with weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 350 000 g/mol
three layers, as shown in Figure 1(b). The top layer (TL) is orange was purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Dimethylformamide (DMF)
oil-rich layer, whereas bottom layer (BL) is water-based layer. The (99% purity) and tetrahydrofuran (THF) (99% purity) were pur-
middle layer (ML) constitutes of the solid particles from peel. These chased from Merck India. A 14 wt % PS solution was prepared by
layers are named according to their order from top to bottom, dissolving PS in DMF-THF solvent mixture of 70:30 at 50  C using
which can vary with the type of citrus fruit considered. a magnetic stirrer. This PS solution in DMF:THF (70:30) was
Preparation of PS Solution electrospun in an automated electrospinning setup (Make: E-spin
Thermocol/styrofoam (commercially available expanded PS) is used Nanotech Pvt. Ltd. (India)). Size of the needle, applied voltage, and
for demonstrating recycling method. A 40% (w/v) of PS solution the distance between the needle and the collector (Al foil) were some
was prepared by dissolving thermocol in PE at room temperature of the process parameters that were optimized in this study to obtain
using a magnetic stirrer while in TL from orange peel extract long, continuous, and uniform fibers. These parameters were as fol-
(as described earlier), it was 35% (w/v). As EPS consists of more lows: 23G syringe needle, 12 kV applied voltage, and 8 cm distance.
than 70% air, lot of air bubbles are formed while dissolving. There- All the experiments were conducted at room temperature. These
fore, the solution is further desiccated under vacuum to remove all fibers were named as electrospun polystyrene fibers (ePSF).
the air bubbles and to obtain a clear solution.
Orange Peel Extract Properties
Preparation of Recycled PS Fibers The electrical conductivity of TL and BL from orange peel extract
The process designed to recycle PS into fibers is shown in were measured using a conductometer (HI 2300 EC/TDS/NaCl
Figure 2. The setup mainly consists of one moving plate (plate-1), Meter, Hanna Instruments), while the surface tension was measured
a fixed plate (plate-2), and a hollow metallic frame of square shape by goniometer (Ramé-hart instrument co., Model 290 F4 series).
(1 ft × 1 ft) [Figure 2(a)]. The prepared solution is applied on Further the viscosity of these two layers was measured by using
front surface of plate-2 and the plate-1 is made to move in forward (Brookfield Viscometer DV-11+ Pro) viscometer. All these measure-
direction [Figure 2(b)]. Both the plates are kept in conformal con- ments were conducted at room temperature and in triplicates.
tact for 5 s [Figure 2(c)] in order to make sure that the solution To identify the various components in the top layer of the orange
peel extract (used for recycling of EPS), gas chromatography attached
with mass spectroscopy (Shimadzu, GCMS-QP2010 Ultra) was used.
The products were quantified by GC (Shimadzu, GC-2014) using
capillary column (ZB-5HT Inferno, Phenomenex) connected with
flame ionization detector. The following GC oven temperature pro-
gramming was used to obtain well resolved chromatogram: Initially
oven was kept at 50  C for 5 min followed by increasing it to 250  C
with a ramping rate of 20  C/min. Injector and detector were
maintained at 260 and 280  C, respectively. It was held at this tem-
perature for 5 min.

Structural and Thermal Characterization of Recycled PS Fabric

Figure 1. Primary extract from the orange peel (a) and different layers Recycled thermoplastic PS fabric (PEF and TLF both) were struc-
after sedimentation of primary extract (b). [Color figure can be viewed turally characterized and then compared with only PS-based
at] electrospun fabric (ePSF). The surface morphology was observed

47886 (2 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/APP.47886


Figure 2. Schematic of various steps to recycle thermoplastic PS waste into fabric using orange peel extract (a-f); digital image of customized setup for these
processes (g); and as-drawn recycled PS fabric from PE (h) and TL (i). [Color figure can be viewed at]

using desktop scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Pro-X Wettability and Oil Sorption Properties of Recycled
Model, Phenom world, Netherlands). All the samples were Thermoplastic PS Fabric
sputtered with thin layer of gold before image analysis in SEM. Surface wettability of recycled thermoplastic PS fabric (PEF and
The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area of PEF, TLF, TLF) was measured using contact angle goniometer (Ramé-hart
and ePSF was determined by N2 physisorption using Quan- instrument co., Model 290 F4 series) followed by image processing
tachrome instruments v3.01. The weight of the sample was of sessile drop with a DROP Image Advanced software. A drop of
100 mg. All samples were degassed at 80  C for 60 min in nitro- DI water, 4 μL, was placed on the surface to form sessile drop using
gen. To know the surface functional groups present, PEF, TLF, a micro-syringe attached to the goniometer. The contact angles were
and ePSF were characterized by Fourier transform infrared measured at least at three different parts of fabric and averaged.
(FTIR) spectrometer (Bruker Alpha-P) in 500–4000 cm−1 range.
To test the sorption properties of these recycled thermoplastic PS
Further, X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded in scattering
fabric, two oils (mustard and coconut oil) with similar density
angle range of 10 to 60 on PANalytical X-ray diffractometer
but different viscosity were selected as mentioned in Table I. To
with CuKα radiation to study the crystallinity of the samples. To
test the maximum oil sorption by as-fabricated recycled PS fabric,
determine the thermal stability of these fabrics (recycled PEF,
absorbency test was performed in only oil system. Approximately
TLF, and ePSF), thermogravimetric analysis was carried out using
0.2 g of sample was weighed and kept in glass beaker containing
platinum pan in argon atmosphere (Pyris 1, Thermogravimetric
100 mL of oil. The sample was taken out after 60 min and excess
analyzer, Perkin Elmer). Sample weight varies from 5 to 10 mg,
oil was drained for 2 min. If initial weight of the sample is Wi
and samples were heated from room temperature to 900  C at a
and weight after draining excess oil is W0, then the percent oil
heating rate of 5  C/min.
absorption capacity (Q) of sample is given by:
ðW 0 − W i Þ
Table I. Properties of Oils Used to Determine the Oil Absorption Proper- Q= × 100 ð1Þ
ties of Recycled Thermoplastic PS Fabric Wi

Properties Mustard oil Coconut oil Further, oil retention test was done to study the retention capac-
Viscosity 56.5 cP 17.24 cP
ity of prepared material against gravity with respect to time. The
desorption rate of oil from sorbed fibers due to gravity was mea-
Density 0.9180 g/cm3 0.9260 g/cm3
sured with respect to time, that is, weight loss from the sample

47886 (3 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/APP.47886


was measured after 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 min, respectively, Structural Properties of Recycled PS Fabric
using eq. (1). Figure 3(a-c) shows the SEM micrographs for PEF, TLF, and ePSF,
respectively. Fibers drawn by recycling thermoplastic PS (PEF and
For all samples, tests were repeated three times independently
TLF both) are long, continuous, uniform, aligned in the direction of
and average values with standard deviation were calculated.
drawing, and their diameter is in the range of 1–10 μm. However,
the ePSF are long, continuous, and uniform but are randomly
Reusability Test
deposited as nonwoven fabric due to high level of instabilities gener-
The reusability of prepared fabric was measured to examine the
ated in the fiber jet path. Average fiber diameter of ePSF (~550 nm)
change in absorption capacity of fibers on subsequent reuse. The
was almost one order of magnitude less than that of as-fabricated
sample was allowed to absorb oil similar to oil sorption test as
recycled PS fibers. This difference in the fiber diameter was also
described above. Then the oil-sorbed fabric was squeezed by apply-
apparent in the specific surface area values measured using nitrogen
ing pressure and all the possible oil was removed. This sample was
adsorption isotherms. BET surface area of PEF was found to be
allowed to absorb oil again for 60 min, and sorption capacity was
1.85 m2/g, while that of TLF was 3.24 m2/g. The less surface area of
measured for this second cycle. This was repeated up to five cycles
PEF might be due to the merging of fibers in the presence of solid
and the difference in sorption capacity after five cycles was mea-
cellulosic particles of ML. Moreover, the surface area of ePSF was
sured. For all samples, tests were repeated three times indepen-
found to be 50.01 m2/g. This increase in surface area for ePSF is
dently and average values with standard deviation were calculated.
due to reduced diameter of ePSF as compared to mechanically
drawn recycled PS fabrics (PEF and TLF).
Bouyancy Test
Buoyancy test was done in both static and dynamic system. In In order to confirm the chemical composition of recycled thermo-
static system, 10 mL of oil was poured into glass beaker con- plastic PS fabric (PEF and TLF), we studied FTIR spectroscopy data
taining 200 mL of water. About 0.3 g of fibers was carefully kept and X-ray diffraction pattern of as-fabricated fabric and compared
on the surface. To simulate in dynamic system, a continuous stir- with ePSF. The FTIR analysis for PEF, TLF, and ePSF is shown in
ring (300 rpm) was maintained using magnetic stirrer, in addi- Figure 4(a). The peaks at 1260 and 1280 cm−1 show symmetric
tion to static system. methylene stretching, while bending vibration of out-of-plane C H
bonds of aromatic benzene ring were observed at 698, 756 cm-1,
respectively. Few other peaks at 601, 1493, and 1452 cm−1 showed
aromatic ring breathing modes of benzene ring in PS. Also peaks at
An aromatic compound d-limonene, constituting about 93–95% of 3082, 3061, and 3027 cm−1 were observed for the aromatic C H
orange oil,10 is a widely used natural solvent for PS dissolution.13,14 stretches of benzene ring. Thus, we observe that the peak positions
The solubility of extruded PS is reported to be 0.26 g/mL in d-limo- of PEF and TLF are identical to the ePSF. Furthermore, the compar-
nene.15 Interestingly, we found that the maximum solubility of EPS ison of X-ray diffraction patterns [Figure 4(b)] of as-fabricated
in top layer of primary extract is 2.1 g/mL, almost ten times of that recycled PEF and ePSF revealed the same broad amorphous peak at
in pure d-limonene. This higher solubility in TL is may be due to 2θ = 19.4 . These FTIR and XRD results confirm that TLF and PEF
the combined dissolution of EPS in other aromatic compound such are indeed made of PS, therefore both will be referred as PS fabric
as γ-terpinene besides d-limonene present in TL as identified by in further discussion. The top layer (TL) and primary extract
GCMS analysis (Supporting Information Figure S1) and also as (PE) solutions vaporized during the drawing process and forms this
reported in the literature.15,16 Therefore, we believe that the direct recycled PS fabric.
use of peel extract for PS recycling is advantageous due to (1) higher
solubility of PS, (2) simple extraction and therefore, (3) less solvent Thermal Properties of Recycled PS Fabric
cost as compared to using a particular chemical (such as d-limonene Thermoanalytical investigation using TGA was done to investi-
or γ-terpinene) through cost intensive methods such as distillation. gate and compare the thermal stability of TLF, PEF, and ePSF,
Other properties like viscosity, surface tension, conductivity of TL which is shown in Figure 5. In case of PEF, initial weight loss of
are also summarized in supplementary Table S1. The as-fabricated 6.9% between 40 and 180 is due to the elimination of volatile
recycled PS fabric from orange peel extract was then investigated for components present in the fabric originated from PE. Second
its various properties, as discussed in next section. stage of weight loss, from 180 to 320  C corresponds to thermal

Figure 3. SEM images of (a) PEF, (b) TLF, and (c) ePSF.

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Figure 4. (a) FTIR analysis of TLF, ePSF, and PEF, (b) XRD analysis of ePSF and PEF. [Color figure can be viewed at]

degradation of cellulosic particles of ML present in PEF. The In case of fibers, the mechanism is known to be mainly adsorption
third stage of weight loss beyond 320  C is due to the degradation of and capillary action.18 Therefore, fiber properties such as diameter,
PS. While for TLF, since cellulosic particles of ML are not present, surface area, morphology, oleophilicity, and oil properties such as
there are only two stages 40-275  C and 275-400  C corresponding density and viscosity play an important role in deciding the overall
to loss of volatile matter and degradation of PS, respectively. This sorption capacity of fabric.18 Here, the coconut oil sorption capac-
study suggests the use of recycled PS fabric even at elevated tempera- ity of PEF and TLF fabric was found to be 23.8  2 g/g and
ture. Unlike recycled PS fabrics, ePSF shows sharp degradation at 30.7  0.4 g/g, respectively. Similarly, for mustard oil, the sorption
about 300  C to 0.6 wt % with zero char yield. capacity is 12.9  1.8 g/g and 40.5  3.6 g/g for PEF and TLF fabric,
respectively. In case of PEF, the presence of particles of ML or merg-
Wettability ing of fibers restricts the movement of oil and as a result, the absorp-
Recycled PS fabric was tested for their wetting behavior as tion capacity of PEF is 29 and 214% less than that of TLF for
shown in Figure 6. The water and oil contact angle were found coconut and mustard oil, respectively. This decrease for PEF fabric
to be 126.4  8.60 and 00, respectively [Figure 6(a)]. This con- can also be related to its less surface area as discussed above, com-
firms that as-fabricated recycled PS fabric (both PEF and TLF) are pared to TLF. Furthermore, the difference in sorption capacities of
ultrahydrophobic and superoleophilic in nature. As shown in PEF and TLF is more for mustard oil than that of coconut oil. This
Figure 6(b), water droplet remains on the top of the fabric surface can be attributed to low viscosity of coconut oil due to which it pene-
while oil is completely absorbed. Given this differential wetting trate quickly and easily through the interior of fiber mat as compared
behavior of as-fabricated recycled PS fabric with respect to oil and to mustard oil. Electrospun, ePSF, fabric showed about 58.80  2.6 g/g
water, these fabrics were then tested for oil–water separation. sorption capacity for coconut oil and 57.25  11.44 g/g for mustard
oil. The high oil sorption capacity of ePSF is the result of high surface
Oil Sorption and Retention Capacity area as discussed above. However, ePSF show similar absorption
Figure 7(a) illustrates the oil sorption capacities of PEF and TLF in capacity for both types of oil. This may be because of the difference
comparison to ePSF. The oil sorption in a material can be due to in oil absorption mechanism for PEF/TLF as compared to ePSF con-
adsorption, absorption, capillary action, or their combination.17,18 sidering the size difference. Average diameter of PEF/TLF is few
microns where oil sorption is primarily due to capillary action while
for ePSF (submicron diameter and larger surface area), it is adsorp-
tion. Role of viscosity is more apparent in case of capillary action.
One of the most important property of sorbent material is its ability
to retain the liquid after absorption. Figure 7(b) represents retention
capacity of coconut oil from PEF, TLF, and ePSF. There was sudden
loss of oil from the sample in the first 10 minutes, that is, retention
decreases to 20.5  0.7, 26.8  0.1 and 46.7  2.4 g/g from their
respective sorption capacities measured at t = 0 (23.8  2, 30.7  0.4
and 58.8  2.6 g/g) for PEF, TLF, and ePSF, respectively. The percent
loss of oil is about 13.8, 12.9, and 20.6%, respectively, for PEF, TLF,
and ePSF in first 10 min [Figure 7(b’)]. After 1 h, loss of oil is about
35.4% for PEF, 25.2% for TLF, and 35.2% for ePSF.
When the retention behavior was studied with mustard oil, loss of
Figure 5. TGA curve of TLF, ePSF, and PEF. [Color figure can be viewed at oil in initial 10 min was found to be 11.7  1.7, 31.5  1.2, and] 47.2  7.6 g/g for PEF, TLF, and ePSF, respectively [Figure 7(c)].

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Figure 6. (a) Water contact angle on recycled PS fabric (b) digital photo illustrating water and mustard oil behavior on recycled PS fabric. [Color figure can
be viewed at]

As observed from Figure 7(c), this loss in weight is equivalent to neither available for reuse nor the absorbed oil was recovered.26
9.4% for PEF, 22.2% for TLF, and 17.6% for ePSF. After 1 h, PEF, Therefore, it was important to check the reusability of recycled
TLF, and ePSF fibers still retained 77.3, 59.9, and 66.3% of mustard PS fibers. The sorption capacity of PEF and TLF were compared
oil, respectively [Figure 7(c’)]. Although, the sorption capacity of in coconut and mustard oil for first and fifth cycle, respectively
ePSF is higher, as discussed above, the retention capacities of PEF [Figure 7(d)]. In case of PEF, for coconut oil, the sorption
and TLF are comparable to ePSF. capacity decreased from 23.8  2 g/g to 13.2  1.9 g/g and for mus-
tard oil, it decreased from 12.9  1.8 g/g to 9.4  0.8 g/g. This
Recently, many studies have been carried out using electrospun poly-
decrease may be mainly attributed to the change in the fiber mor-
styrene nanofibers17,19–22 or nanofiber polystyrene composites18,23–25
phology on compressing to squeeze out the oil from sample and
for oil cleanup application. Recycled PS fabric as fabricated in this
work has comparative values to the reported literature as far as oil thus damaging the porous structure. Similar trend was obtained in
absorption capacity and retention ability is concerned. However, the case of TLF. Absorption capacity decreased to 14.9  2.7 g/g and
ease of fabrication and low cost of raw (waste) material make 11.4  0.9 g/g from 30.7  0.4 g/g and 40.5  3.6 g/g for coconut
recycled PS fabric made in this work quite competitive with existing and mustard oil, respectively. In other words, even after five cycles
commercial products. of use, ~50% oil absorption capacity was retained for PEF while the
same was ~61% for TLF. However, there was a sudden decrease in
Reusability of Recycled PS Fabric for Oil Absorption sorption capacity of ePSF and it did not soak oil in next cycle (data
Another measure for determining the efficiency of sorbent mate- not shown). Therefore, even though the sorption capacity of ePSF is
rial is its ability to be reused. For example, EPS have been directly higher due to its large surface area, it is not really suitable for reuse,
used as a sorbent material for oil spill in water but the EPS was limiting its practical applicability.

Figure 7. (a) Oil sorption capacity, (b-c) retention capacity (b’-c’) % retention of PEF, TLF, and ePSF respectively; (d) reusability of recycled PS fabric for
coconut and mustard oil. [Color figure can be viewed at]

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Figure 8. Clean-up of mustard oil by PEF in static system (a-c) and dynamic system (d-f). [Color figure can be viewed at]

Buoyancy Properties demonstrates green and energy efficient solution to current waste
For practical application, absorbent should not sink in the water management problems.
body after absorbing oil as a result of increase in its weight. We
anticipated that the sorbent will float on water surface before and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
after absorption if buoyancy is high. In static system [Figure 8(a-c)],
CSS acknowledges the DST INSPIRE Faculty Grant and DST
PEF sample floats on the surface and keeps on sucking oil. After
TSDP Project under Waste Management program for financial
30 min, PEF absorbs all mustard oil and still floats on surface,
suggesting its high buoyancy.
Similarly, in dynamic system, although there is continuous stirring
[Figure 8(d)], sample floats after absorption of oil [Figure 8(e-f)]. REFERENCES
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