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Operational Considerations on the American Academy

of Pediatrics Guidance for K-12 School Reentry

C. Jason Wang, There is general consensus among experts that K-12 In terms of protective equipment, schools will need
MD, PhD schools should aim to reopen for in-person classes dur- to have a steady supply of hand sanitizer for students and
Center for Policy, ing the 2020-2021 school year.1,2 Globally, children con- staff each day. In districts where families cannot afford
Outcomes and
stitute a low proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 face coverings, schools will need to provide them; they
Prevention, Division of
General Pediatrics, (COVID-19) cases and are far less likely than adults to ex- can take the form of disposable surgical masks, reus-
Department of perience serious illness. 3,4 Yet, prolonged school able cloth masks, or reusable face shields. Disposable
Pediatrics, Stanford closure can exacerbate socioeconomic disparities, am- masks cost between $0.50 to $1 each and can be used
University School of
Medicine, Stanford,
plify existing educational inequalities, and aggravate food over the course of a day. Cloth masks should be regu-
California; and Center insecurity, domestic violence, and mental health larly washed between uses. Face shields cost between
for Health Policy, disorders.5 The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) $5 to $10 and can be used as long as they maintain their
Freeman Spogli
recently published its guidance on K-12 school reentry.1 shape and remain intact. The decision of which option
Institute for
International Studies, However, as many school districts face budgetary con- to adopt and stock will depend on the number of stu-
Stanford, California. straints, schools must evaluate their options and iden- dents and the school’s budget. Transparent barriers
tify measures that are particularly important and fea- placed on the sides of students’ desks can further limit
Henry Bair, BS, BA sible for their communities. the spread of respiratory droplets. Costs of transparent
Stanford University
We suggest that school districts engage key stake- barriers range from $100 to $200 per desk. As the AAP
School of Medicine,
Stanford, California. holders to establish a COVID-19 task force, composed of guidance suggests, teachers who must work closely with
the superintendent, members of the school board, students with special needs or with students who are un-
teachers, parents, and health care professionals to de- able to wear masks should wear N95 masks if possible
velop policies and procedures. To implement and evalu- or wear face shields in addition to surgical masks.1
ate specific measures, the task force should create and Schools will also need to consider the expenditure of in-
oversee a command center for the school district, com- creasing disinfection efforts of all teaching spaces, com-
posed of data analysts and health experts who can li- mon areas, and high-touch surfaces such as door-
aise with the local health department. Working with the knobs, computers, and desks.
local health department, school districts can provide The AAP also recommends creating fixed cohorts of
educational materials and training for students, par- students and teachers to limit exposure of students to
ents, and school staff on the basics of COVID-19 preven- teachers and students to each other. Fixed cohorts can
tion, applicable to both when children are in school and use the same classrooms consistently and stagger their
when they are not in school. School staff will need to be lunch periods to reduce density of students in the caf-
trained in screening for symptoms of COVID-19. Be- eteria. Moreover, if a school’s available teaching spaces
cause fever and cough are the most commonly re- are inadequate to accommodate physical distancing for
ported symptoms in children, 6 staff should be every student, fixed cohorts can facilitate alternate
provided with thermometers and instructed in their scheduling plans, for example, having different cohorts
proper use. come on alternate days or alternate times of the day.
The AAP guidance emphasizes the importance of These scheduling strategies may call for modifications
physical distancing, while acknowledging that strict ad- in teaching methods to include more home learning com-
herence may limit academic and social learning out- ponents (such as flipped classroom approaches). How-
comes in some cases. Six ft is commonly recom- ever, fixed student-teacher cohorts may require addi-
mended, but evidence suggests that 3 ft, with face tional teaching staff.
coverings, may achieve similar benefits as 6 ft.7 School The AAP guidance states the importance of identi-
districts can compute the number of circular zones with fying symptoms and signs concerning for COVID-19 but
3- to 6-ft radii that may be created in each school and does not discuss operational approaches in depth. To ad-
thus determine whether teaching spaces are sufficient dress this, we recommend that schools implement mul-
to allow for proper physical distancing between stu- tilevel screening for students and staff. Each morning,
dents. If existing indoor spaces are inadequate, tempo- parents should report (via an online interface or by an
rary modular buildings may be needed. Costs of these automated telephone-based program) any fever or
structures range from $40 to $100 per square foot. symptoms concerning for COVID-19 to the school or
Author: C. Jason Wang,
Physical distancing measures apply to school buses as school district; students with symptoms should stay
MD, PhD, Stanford well. Students should be assigned seats on buses, and home. When students arrive at school each day, school
University School of school districts will need to assess the need to expand staff should also record their temperatures and any
Medicine, 117 Encina
their fleet of buses or develop different pickup sched- alarming symptoms. We urge school districts to link stu-
Commons, Stanford,
CA 94305 (cjwang1@ ules. Students taking public transportation should use dent and staff identification numbers with a central da- face coverings. tabase for rapid identification of individuals in need of (Reprinted) JAMA Pediatrics Published online August 11, 2020 E1

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Opinion Viewpoint

monitoring. Students who develop symptoms at school are to be im- platforms. Schools will need to ensure equitable implementation of
mediately isolated until an authorized adult can transport them home online education among students, especially those with limited
or to a health care facility for testing and/or treatment. We also rec- knowledge of or access to technological resources and consider sub-
ommend that schools limit the access to school grounds to 1 or 2 en- sidizing educational technologies for these students. Additional chal-
try points. Schools may consider expanding the role of a school nurse lenges faced by students with learning disabilities can be assessed
or hiring additional personnel to screen and brief school visitors on on an individualized basis, and schools should attempt to provide
disease precautions while on school grounds. special education services when appropriate (and in-person, if
The AAP guidance does not include how schools can approach necessary).
testing for the virus. To this end, we recommend a 3-pronged testing Finally, schools should consider hiring additional nurses, psy-
approach, which can be carried out in collaboration with local hospi- chologists, or social workers (or sourcing them through partner-
tals.(1)Allstudentswithsymptomsshouldbetested.(2)Schoolsshould ships with local health care facilities) not only to assist with screen-
devise a schedule to randomly select a proportion of students and staff ing and managing potential COVID-19 cases but also to provide more
for COVID-19 testing to identify asymptomatic individuals; a pooled support for students and any staff members with emotional or psy-
testing strategy can significantly reduce costs.8 (3) Students from high- chiatric concerns.
risk households (eg, those residing in zip codes with socioeconomic In summary, to maximize health and educational outcomes,
challenges) should be offered more frequent testing. Costs for indi- school districts should adopt some or all of the measures on the AAP
vidual tests currently vary between $50 to $200 per person. guidance and prioritize them after considering local COVID-19 inci-
Even with all the precautions in place, COVID-19 outbreaks within dence, key stakeholder input, and budgetary constraints. Given the
schools are still likely. Therefore, schools will need to remain flex- increased costs of preparing and operating schools, public schools
ible and consider temporary closures if there is an outbreak involv- will require additional funding from the state or the federal govern-
ing multiple students and/or staff and be ready to transition to on- ment, whereas private schools may need to temporarily increase tu-
line education. As such, school districts need to invest in developing ition or seek some assistance from the government. If these are not
or acquiring online education platforms and train teaching staff in attainable, schools will need more time to prepare to ensure the
switching seamlessly from in-person teaching to online education safety of students and staff.

ARTICLE INFORMATION pandemic: a report from the National Academies of 6. Lu X, Zhang L, Du H, et al; Chinese Pediatric
Published Online: August 11, 2020. Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. JAMA. Novel Coronavirus Study Team. SARS-CoV-2
doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.3871 Published online July 29, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama. infection in children. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(17):
2020.14745 1663-1665. doi:10.1056/NEJMc2005073
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
3. Castagnoli R, Votto M, Licari A, et al. Severe 7. Chu DK, Akl EA, Duda S, Solo K, Yaacoub S,
Additional Contributions: We thank Paul H. Wise, acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Schünemann HJ; COVID-19 Systematic Urgent
MD, MPH (Stanford University School of Medicine), (SARS-CoV-2) infection in children and adolescents: Review Group Effort (SURGE) study authors.
for his suggestions on improving the manuscript. a systematic review. JAMA Pediatr. Published online Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection
Dr Wise was not compensated. April 22, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.1467 to prevent person-to-person transmission of
4. Davies NG, Klepac P, Liu Y, Prem K, Jit M, Eggo SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: a systematic review and
REFERENCES meta-analysis. Lancet. 2020;395(10242):1973-1987.
RM; CMMID COVID-19 working group.
1. American Academy of Pediatrics. COVID-19 Age-dependent effects in the transmission and doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31142-9
planning considerations: guidance for school control of COVID-19 epidemics. Nat Med. Published 8. Yelin I, Aharony N, Shaer Tamar E, et al.
re-entry. Accessed July 31, 2020. https://services. online June 16, 2020. doi:10.1038/s41591-020- Evaluation of COVID-19 RT-qPCR test in 0962-9 multi-sample pools. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;ciaa531.
19-infections/clinical-guidance/covid-19-planning- doi:10.1093/cid/ciaa531
considerations-return-to-in-person-education- 5. Fry-Bowers EK. Children are at risk from
in-schools/ COVID-19. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;53:A10-A12.
2. Dibner KA, Schweingruber HA, Christakis DA.
Reopening K-12 schools during the COVID-19

E2 JAMA Pediatrics Published online August 11, 2020 (Reprinted)

© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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