Personal Pronouns - Subject: Exercise: 1 (Change The Following Nouns Into The Personal Pronouns.)

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Personal Pronouns - Subject

Exercise : 1 (Change the following nouns into the personal pronouns.)

1. Mary is nice. 5. John and Helen come home.

………. is nice. ……….. come home.

2. Peter is at school. 6. Henry and I go to the cinema.

……….. is at school. ………. go to the cinema.

3. The chair is broken. 7. The girl is my friend.

…….. is broken. ……… is my friend.

4. The trainers are dirty. 8. The teacher has a bear.

……… are dirty. ……… has a beard.

Exercise: 2 (Change the following nouns into the personal pronouns.)

1.Ali - ................ 16.a clock - ................

2.Kathrin - ................ 17.John and Kim - ................

3.I and my friend - ................ 18.milk - ................

4.a girlfriend - ................ 19.the teachers - ................ uncle - ................ 20.David and I - ................

6.the girls - ................ 21.the rings - ................

7.the dogs - ................ 22.a ring - ................ elephant - ................ 23.a nanny - ................ eagle - ................ 24.a kitten - ................

10.sugar - ................ 25.Daniel and Chong - ................

11.Siti - ................ 26.the babies - ................

12.the chairs - ................ 27.the desks - ................

13.a star - ................ 28.a niece - ................ aunt - ................ aquarium - ................

15.a nephew - ................ 30.a baby girl - ................

31.Alan’s brother - ................

Exercise 3: Choose the correct personal pronoun.

1) _______ am sitting on the sofa.

2) _______ are watching TV.

3) Are _______ from England?

4)______ is going home.

5)_______are playing football.

6)________ is a wonderful day today.

7)_______ are speaking English.

8) Is ________ Kevin's sister?

9)_________ are swimming in the pool.

10) Are _________in the cinema?

11) _________ am with my dog.

12) _________has got a yellow dress.

13) Is your TV beautiful ? Is ________ large ?

14) The schoolboys work , __________ are here.

15) You have got a new car. _________is beautiful ?

16) I love Mick because _________ is funny !

17) Your house is big . _________ is nice.

18) 'Peter! Mary! __________ want some chocolate?

19) John rang to say ________couldn't get here before 9 p.m .

20) __________ are looking at themselves in the mirror .

21)This house is mine_______'s been in my family for centuries .

22) My husband and__________are delighted to accept your invitation .

23) I'm surprised Mary is here today._________ usually plays tennis on


Exercise : 4 Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in

Example: She often reads books. (Lisa)

1) --------- is dreaming. (George) 6) ----------- are in the garden. (the

2)---------- is green. (the flowers)

blackboard) 7) ------------ is riding his bike. (Tom)

3) ---------- are on the wall. (the 8) ------------ is from Bristol.

posters) (Victoria)

4) ---------- is running. (the dog) 9) ------------has got a brother.

5) -----------are watching TV. (my (Diana)

mother and I) 10)------------ Have got a computer,

Exercise :5 Write the correct pronoun in the box in the following

1. _______ am happy. 6. _______ is brown.

2. ______am a student. 7. _______ is at the shop.

3. ______is a teacher. 8. ______are sad.

4. _______are young. 9. ________ is a doctor.

5. ______ are tall. 10. _________ are my best friends.

Exercise 6: Fill in the correct personal pronoun.

1.My name is Sue. (Sue) _______ am 6.Our dog is a girl, Judy._______

English. And this is my family. (Judy) is two years old.

2.My mum's name is Angie.______ 7.__________(Sue, Simon, Angie

(Angie) is from Germany. and Bob) live in Canterbury.

3.Bob is my dad._______ (My dad) 8.__________(Canterbury) is not

is a waiter. far from London.

4.On the left you can see Simon. 9.My grandparents live in London.

_______(Simon) is my brother. ____________(My grandparents)

5._________(Sue and Simon) are often come and see us.


Personal pronouns – Object

Exercise 1 : 6. Tell me what ________like .

1. Are you fine today ? - Well ... no 7. _________will tell you, who you

_________don't feel good. are !

2. Is this ________ new car, here ? 8. Hey, don't touch this ! This not

- Yes, I've just bought it. your pencil ! This is ________! I

3. Gizmo and Mariet are lucky ! bought it yesterday !

________ can find lots and lots of 9. _________ work on my own

mistakes to correct ! process improvements in the US as

4. Let ________ improve together our team grows.

on this website ! 10. I am happy to share that with you

5. I have just told them that my wife if _________ would like.

and I, _______ can't go tonight.

Exercise 2 : In the following exercise, you will have to decide whether I

or me is the correct word .

1. Who will be coming along with Tim 6. She doesn't want to be seen with
and _______? my mother or _______ .
2 .He wants you to give the gifts to 7. Both my father and _______
Shiela and _______ . would love to visit India one day.
3. The old man and _______ were 8. My best friend and _______
sitting on the park bench. wanted to go camping in Devon.
4. Kevin, Jim, Ted and _______ 9. She really wanted to come
were all supposed to be going to the camping with my best friend and
cinema tomorrow evening. _______ .
5 You can leave the rest of the 10. Sue, her friend and _______ all
money with Tim or _______ . wanted to finish our essays first.

Exercise 3 : Underline the correct answer.

1. Listen to ( she / her ) ! He is singing. 7. I'm looking for my children. Where

2. These tourists can't speak French. are( their / they)?
Help ( their /them)! 8. My sister and I are going to play
3. Don't talk to( I / me)! I am working. football. Come with( we/ us) !
4. Does ( it /she) like her new 9. I have never seen your car. What
teacher? colour is( its/ it) ?
5. Do you want to come with( our /us)? 10. Your father is talking to you. Listen
6. Look at ( she/ her) ! She is dancing. to ( he / him) !
11. Mary lives with her parents. She
doesn't want to leave(they / them) .

Exercise 4: Fill in the correct pronouns

1. My sister Jane loves reading books. This novel is for……………. .

2. My children like watching Disney films. The video is for…………………..

3. My brother Matt collects picture postcards. These postcards are


4. My parents like Latin music. The CD is for……………. .

5. I like watches. This nice watch is for…………………. .

6. My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for………………….. .

7. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for……………………. .

8. Here is another souvenir. I don't know what to do with……………………… .

Exercise 5. Which object form of the personal pronoun can substitute the
underlined phrase in the sentence?

1) The teacher always gives the students homework. ( )

2) I am reading the book to my little sister. ( )

3) The boys are riding their bikes. ( )

4) My father is writing a letter to John. ( )

5) I don't know the answer. ( )

6) Sally is going to Kuala Lumpur. ( )

7) Can you help my sister and me, please? ( )

Exercise 6.

1. John's father likes John. -->______ likes________ .

2. Peter and I love Mary. -->_________ love___________- .
3. My mother broke a leg. --> ___________ broke___________ .
4. Does John know that man? --> Does ______ know ___________?
5. Mary doesn't like my dog. --> ______ doesn't like_____________ .
6. My mother saw Peter and Mary near the bank. --> _______ saw near
the bank__________.
7. Peter and Mary saw Mark on TV. --> _______ saw on TV________.
8. Mark and I helped Susan with her homework._____ helped ______
with her homework.
9. Anne told me and John to go home. --> _____ told ____ to go home.
10. Peter gave Mary a present. --> ____ gave_________ a present.

Exercise 7

1. He told ___ to do it, but we forgot.

2. His new machine is driving ___ crazy.

3. Switzerland is famous for ___ watches, chocolate...

4. They plan to move to ___ new house soon.

5. Give it to him, not to ___.

6. ___ have done our share.

7. There's no secret between you and ___ .

8. ___ should do your work.

9. ___ hasn't sold her car yet.

10. She cut ___ badly.

11. I trust him. He's an old friend of ___.

12. ___ is John's new girlfriend.

13. Mary went out with a friend of ___.

14. Talk to Mr. Green and tell ___ about your plans.

Exercise 8.

Ej. ‘I love my wife, but______hates me.’

1. ‘That woman has got blue hair and she’s dancing in the street. Look at __ ?
2. ‘Those people are going to sit down before_______? and we’ve been waiting
longer than _____ .’
3. ‘I haven’t met your girlfriend yet, is ________?
‘Yes, that’s ________ ?
4. ‘I’m going to bed.’_________too, I’m really tired.’
5. ‘She’s so beautiful, and he’s so ugly. Why is she with _________ ?’
6. ‘I like your car. When did you buy ________ ?

Personal pronoun ( object and subject)

Exercise 1: Fill in the suitable pronoun.

1. You're too young to go out by ___.

2. He told ___ to do it, but we forgot.

4. His new machine is driving ___ crazy.

6. Switzerland is famous for ___ watches, chocolate...

8. They plan to move to ___ new house soon.

10. Give it to him, not to ___.

11. ___ have done our share.

12. There's no secret between you and ___ .

13. ___ should do your work.

14. ___ hasn't sold her car yet.

15. She cut ___ badly.

16. I trust him. He's an old friend of ___.

17. ___ is John's new girlfriend.

18. Mary went out with a friend of ___.

19. Talk to Mr. Green and tell ___ about your plans.

Exercise 2 :

Fill in the blanks with "he", "she", "it", "they" or "we" .

1. The boy is fat. …….. is fat.

2.The girl is tal l………. is tall.

3.I go to school with my friends. ……… go to school.

4.The horse is strong………… is strong.

5. Ali is a policeman. …………. is a policeman.

6.Mary and John come from England. ……….. come from England.

7.Kumar is a teacher.……… is a teacher.

8.My family and I go to Pattaya.………… go to Pattaya.

9.The dog runs fast. ………runs fast.

10.The students study English. ………study English.

11.The man is strong. ……….is strong.

12.The dog is fat. ……… is fat.

13.My mother is kind. ……… is kind.

14.You and I are students.……… are students.

15.The books are on the desk. ………. are on the desk.

16.The nurse is in the car.……… is in the car.

17.The buses are on the road. ………. are on the road.

18.The policeman is strong. …… is strong.

Exercise 3.Now read and complete the correct pronoun: I ,We, He

,She, It or They?

1._______ is reading a book. (Sam)

2._______ is green. (The tree)

3. ______are on the wall (The pictures)

4.______ are running. (The elephants)

5. ______are watching television. (My sisters)

6. ______is in the garden. (The flower)

7.______ is riding her bike. (Lily)

8._______ are dirty. (Fatimah`s dresses)

9.________ has a brother. (Ali)

Exercise4: Underline the correct answer.

1. I see (they, them) every day .

2. He sits near (I, me) in class.

3. She goes with (we, us) to the movies a lot.

4. I like (she, her) very much.

5. I know (he, him) and his brother.

6. I often go with (they, them) to the city.

7. He often helps (I, me) with my lessons.

8. She writes many letters to (he, him).

9. Mr Adams teaches (we, us) English.

10. He gives many presents to (she, her).


a. She is taking an orange out of her bag. ( )
b. I am between Philip and Jane . ( )

c. You are near your friends . ( )

d. Put these bottles into the fridge. ( )

e. Where is the shelf? . ( )

f. Give Peter a coke. ( )

g. Buy some lemons. I want to make some lemon juice with the lemons.
( )

h. Elizabeth is getting ready for the party. Look at Elizabeth. ( )

i. Here is the waiter. ( )

j. Mummy is coming with you and me to the supermarket . ( )

k. Take this apple. This apple is delicious . ( )

l. The shop assistant is behind the counter. ( )

m. The shop assistant is a beautiful girl. ( )

n. Ask the waiter to bring the menu . ( )



a.) Is this cake for me? Yes, it is for……..

b. )Give……… glass of water. I am thirsty.

c.) Peter is hungry. Give……….sandwich.

d.) Is you mother at home? Yes, ……….’s sitting in the dining room.

e.) Do you know John? Yes, ………now him.

f.) Do you know Betty? Yes, I know…………..

g.) The boys are there. Do you want to talk to…………

h.) This is my pen. Give……….to me.

i.) Why is she here? Because……….wants to see you.

j.) Are those boys English? Yes…………..’re.

k. )Are you French? No,……….’m not.

l.) It's Anthony's birthday, so I'm buying ……….. present.

m.) You have the keys of my car, so please ……………to me.

n.)That's a nice cake. I want…………...

o.) We are going to the supermarket and Christine is coming with…………

p.) Here are Paul and Robert. Do you want to see……….

q. ) Caroline wants some biscuits, so give these biscuits to………..

r.) We always take our bags with………when we go shopping.

Exercise 7: Finish the sentences with him/her/them.

a) I don't know those boys. Do you know………. ?

b) I don't know the man in the black jacket. Do you know………. ?

c) I don't know Steve's wife. Do you know………… ?

d)I don't know Mrs. Stuart. Do you know……... ?

e) I don't know those people. Do you know…….. ?

f) I don't know the boy sitting over there. Do you know…………. ? Exercise 8 :

a) Susan and Paul are engaged. ……..will get married next summer and I've
already bought ……… present.

b) I've known Mrs. Parker for ages………… a nice neighbour.

c) I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen …….?

d) I bought this book yesterday………..’s a best-seller. You have to buy …………...

e) Jimmy is sick. ……………. can't come to the party tonight.

f) The teacher is upset with ………..because we arrived late this morning.

Exercise 8: Complete the sentence with suitable pronoun.

a) I'm talking to you. Please listen to……… .

b)Look at that cheap camera. I'm going to buy………. .

c) We are going to the beach. Would you like to come with……….. ?

d) In your birthday I'm going to give …….. big present.

e) I don't like dogs. I'm afraid of………… .

f) Is my sister with you? I want to talk to…….. .

g) Who's that man? I've never seen ………..before.

h) Where are the tickets? I can't find………… .

Exercise 9: Fill in me, you, him, her, it, us, you and them.

1. My friend Susan lives in Kuala Lumpur. This letter is from…………. .

2. I have got a problem with my Mathematics homework. Can you help…………. ?

3. This book is for Peter. Give it to……….. .

4. Here are the books. Read………… in the holidays?

5. Would you like some more cake? No, I don't like the taste of…….. .

6. I can't find my umbrella. Where is………. ?

7. Sam and Sally want to go home. Give ………. their coats.

8. Where is Mr Webster? I want to speak to……….. .

9. I'm so thirsty. Please, give ………. a coke.

10. Where is Chong? I can't find …………..

11. The football is not there. We have to look for …………..

12. We want to know where you were yesterday. Tell………… !

13. Are George and Linda here? I have a present for…………. .

14. We are a big family. Mother always cooks for………… .

15. Who is that woman? Why do you look at………….. ?

Exercise10 :Fill in me, you, him, her, it, us, you and them.

1. John can't do his homework. Can you help ……….?

2. We don't know the way to the church. Can you help…… ?

3. I can't find my books. Can you see………. ?

4. John, can you come to…….. ?

5. This pen is for Mary. Give it to……….. .

6. I need help. Please, help………….. .

7. The boys are playing football. Give …………. the ball.

8. We are hungry. Bring ………. the sandwiches, please.

9. Father is in the living room. Bring……….. the book.

10. These flowers are a present for mother. Please, give them to…………. .

11. I cannot help……….. , Betty. I have other work to do.

12. My friend Susan lives in London. This is a postcard from .

13. The children are thirsty. Give ……… a glass of water.

14. This letter is for father. Give to……… .

15. My parents are very nice. They always help ………….with my homework.

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