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CHAPTER 7-Corporations in Financial Difficulty: Liquidation

7-1 Cebuano Company has had severe financial difficulties and is considering the possibility of
liquidation. At this time, the company has the following assets (stated at net realizable value) and

Assets (pledged against debts of P70,000) P116,000

Assets (pledged against debts of P130,000) 50,000
Other assets 80,000
Liabilities with priority 42,000
Unsecured creditors 200,000

In liquidation, how much would be paid to the partially secured creditors?

a. P130,000
b. P 50,000
c. P 74,000
d. P200,000

7-2 The Moon Company has the following:

Unsecured creditors P 230,000

Liabilities with priority 110,000
Secured liabilities:
Debt one, P210,000;value of pledged asset 180,000
Debt two, P170,000;value of pledged asset 100,000
Debt three, P210,000;value of pledged asset 140,000

The company also has a number of other assets that are not pledged in any way. The creditors
holding debt two want to receive at least P142,000. For how much do these free assets have to be
sold so that debt two would receive exactly P 142,000?

a. P308,000
b. P198,000
c. P340,000
d. P330,000

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