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sleep very late;

3. T'hcy want to go tcl the mountains. (lo tlte .sru.sidt) 2. work in the garden;
4. Miss Barton tcachcs Physics. (Chenistry') 3. take the dog for a walk;
5. I put on my winter coat when it is ctlld. (t lutt) 4. read newspapers;
6. Cars usc a lot of petrol. (a lot. of oil) 5. g,r swimming;
7. My fricncl enjoys music. (dancing)
8. Dan untlerstancls English. (French) 6. do thc housework;
9. I ncccl a new dress. (a new' skirt) 7. write letters:
10. That rcstaurant servcs lunch and dinncr. (hrcuk.lit,s'r1 8. wash the car;
11. They builcl a lot of ncw htluses every ycar. (st:hrxil's) 9. go out walking;
72. Wc stucly Geometry at school. (Algebra) 10. go to thc cinema in the evening.
, -\'..
statements with btzl. 50), Express the sentences below in another way:

John doesn't play football. (l) Exaniple:

John doesn't play football, but I do. The British speak,Engish an( the,'
a) Americans do, too,
b) I get up early. Vl Ay:n:D__ The British speak English and so do the
I get up early, but my brother doesn't. Americans.
1. I don't understand this lesson. (fte) The British never come late and t}lre
2. They talk on the telephone almost every evening. (we) Americans don't either.
3. Mr Johnson doesn't drink coffee. (his wife) b)
The British never come late and neither
4. We meet every day. (thq) do the Americans.
5. Dorothy doesn't study hard. (Alice)
6. Mrs Jones doesn't drive a car- (her children) 1. In England, people shake hands when they meet for the first
7. She reads a story every evening. (her husband) time, and in America people shake hands, roo.
8. Mr Green doesn't teach Psychology.(M, Martin) 2. Men shake hands when they meet, and so do women.
9. I don't receive many letters. (my mother) 3. The British don't shake hands when they leave and neither do
10. Paul plays football with his friends after school. (Nick) the Americans.
11. They don't know the answers. (we) 4. Most Englishmen open the door for a woman and most
72. I travel every summer. (my brother) Americans, do, too.
./""*.- 5. Men don't get into a room before a weman in England and
. ( 49).Here is a list of some of the things people do on Sunday they don't do so in America., either.
\.---' mOrningS. Read the list and then make sentences that are The British don't object to standing in line at the bus-stop
*r.- true about yourself and the members of your family. and the Americans don't either.
Example: sleep very late 7. The British appreciate promptness and the Americans do,
sn't. too.
or: The Americans never come late to an appointment and nei-
ther do the British.
My mother doesn't sleep very Ete but I do.
trt'cot'tllrtg lo tlre indica- 4.lPctcr and Helcn know yorr.
{'51);'Complete the following statemcnls 5. Your ['ricnds don't likc bccr.
\ -"' tions in brackets:
6. Holen has my book.
itl cttltcr) I 7. It usually rains a krr in April.
rrit'l rlocsrr't either. tl. You d<ln't have to leavc light now.
\- I

(). He fccls bctter today.

I The Herdstrdu Park looks beautil'ul in spl'i'rfi ... (rhc Village 10. You practisc thc piano ovory mrlrning.
2 The snack bar doesn't open until fi tl'cltlck ... (ttt'itltt'r the s3) Add tag questions
- to the lblowing statements. As you're as-
reslhurant) king for information use the rising intonation Ilave another
.,) We often go on trips around the town ... (,rrr tltr rilher stu- r, student agree or disagree with you.
dents) Model:
The language lab helps us to improve our [inglish ... (so I q_4
11u{ty_Q ne1 :g rty.
grantmar exercises).
- I :
John usually finishes early, doesn'the? ,
She doesn't spend much money on clothes ... (1 either). B : Yes, he doesA.,lo, he doesn'tc,-it?. /
The TV set doesn't work properly ... (neither lhc radio).
The yellow gloves belong to me ... (so
the yellow scarf).
James doesn't usually finish early.
- b)
I don't like this man . .. (they either) I : James doesn't usually finish early, does he?
Our friends attend school regularly ... (we too). \. B : No, he doesn't / Yes, he does. /
Cathy doesn't read French ... (her classmates
- either).
- 1. You don't have a headache.
The vacuum-cleaner doesn't need to be repaired ... (neither 2. You need the textbook today.
the washing-machine) . 3. Dan goes to the mountains every weekend.
12. Lawyers talk a lot in their work... (so teachers). 4. Your friends don't live in Bucharest.
- 5. Bob enjoys dancing.
152)-l{dd tag questions to the following statements. You are sure 6. He usually comes late.
':=-'your statements are true, so use, the falling intonation Have 7. Bclb understands English.
'- another student Bgree with you. 8. You don't like to swim.
9. Your father works in an office.
Theyworku"ry t0. They study English ar school.
a) A :Tltey work very hard at school, don't they?
B : Yes, they do. \ 54) , Re-state these sentences using tag questions. use the falling
or the rising intonation according to the meaning.
She doesn't speak very clearly. Everybody knou's that the last train leaves at
b) ,4 : She doesn't speak very clearly, tltlcs sho'l !\. a) mt9lt&Lt:
B : No, she doesn't. 'lhe last tiain leave.s at midnight, docsn'-t?
\ \
1. You always forget your glasses. b) I want t_o
ltryt if the last train leaves at midnight.
2. Richard's wife doesn't play chess. ll'lre last train leaves at midnight, cloesn't it?
3. He doesn't have trouble with his car.
L Pcoplc go to wol'k in the tnornmg.
1. I want l0 know il'ytru rrtttlt.lslillltl lltt' lr'rrolt 2. Thcy rcturn homc in thc a.fternoon.
2. Thcy wtlndcr il' yotr ttt't'tl lltls lrrtttk lltttry 3. Thc wcather is usually Iinc ln sumrncr.
3. I'm surc shc wlllls :t lt'tl lr:t11 4. Nobody likcs to stay at home in the cvtnings.
4. Thcy kntlw slto likt:s lislt'ttitt;1 tr) llllr\l( 5. I likc to travel around thc country dttring nt,v horidoy,s.
5. Thc English tcachcr w:rrrls lo kll()w ll l't'lt'l lrt'lPs
lris friends
6. I go and scc my grandparcnts lront tintc to tinrc.
with thoir schtltll wtlrk. 7. My mohter gocs to thc markct on Saturdol,ofternoons.
6. I know that you havc lunclt lrl l') tt't krt h' 8. I go to the cincma with my fricncl Paul et,ery week.
7. Canyou tCll mc il'thC dclllrr'llll(:lll slttlt'(tl)('lls;rt 7 o'clock? 9. We go for a walk in the park then.
8. I'd like to knclw if you w:llll ltt slrrtly totrilllrl. 10. We go back home after a while.
9. Do you know if thcy sludy ilt lltt: lilrl:tty'l
10. We are sure the film bcgins lrt crigltl' 57). Answer the following questions using the present tense
;--simple to express habitual actions. Add the adverbs in brack-
55) Use the following tables ttl muks stttltrttts ol' your own'. ets to your answers.
Mind the usual p"osition of frequency ttrtvtl'hs (hr,lrtrc en sub-"' Model: How do you get to school? (atwoys)
cdfiA ject and predicate) and of adverbs tlf tinrt:/tldvt:rbinl phrases
I always gct to sctrocli Uy tlus.
of frequency (at the end of the sentencc)'
nl)Vl,RI] OF 1. What time do you go to school? {usuaily).
2. When do you ckl your homework'l (always).
work in the gardcn in thc moming. 3. Do you work late at night? (nev,er).
I alwayS
We often go fishing bclorc dinner. 4. Who do you study wirh? (gcneratty).
They occasionallY watch television on Sundays. 5. Do you sleep in thc aI'ternoon'! (net,er)
sometimes ln summer. 6. What kind ol'books do you reacl? (sontetimes).
seldom works in the garden 7. When do you go ro the thcatrc? (occasionally).
never goes fishing
watches television
fl. Dcr you hclp your parenrs? (often).
9. Where do you rneet your friends'! (sometintes).
ADVERBIAI- 10. Where do you spend your, weekend? (occasionally).
ll. you go during your summer holiday? (o.ften)
watch television every norw and then.
in the from time to time. ss) i/,ook at the activities listed berow and tell the others
Thev morilng once/twice a week. whether:
once in a while. a) you often perform this activity;
watches television
'i. b) you perform this activity from time to time.
l','ranrytle :
phrases of fr.gquency at the
[soi r"t the adverbs of time/adverbial
\/beginning of the sentence' drive a car
Model: . 1 from time to time.
t once in a while.


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