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SUB: Important Issues which needs to be addressed in the School of Architecture and Landscape

Respected Sir,

We, the Students of Architecture, with our love for our University (Shri Mata Vaishno Devi
University) and School of Architecture and Landscape Design, have dreamed our University as
the Best University in the world, where the students gain the most. We have always shown our
love by participating in many activities to promote it (the Best example being Zonal NASA Meet.)
as we all regard the University as our own University. But despite all our love and efforts, Our
University has failed to Understand it. Hence for the betterment of University only we have taken
this step to show you the difficulties and the problems faced by the students in particular and
School of Architecture as whole( as the Students as the main share holders and not a mere
elements of the system).

We Understand that the University has to abide by the rules set in the constitution and is
supervised by various Government Organizations which governs the education within the
University. And Council of Architecture is the governing body which governs education of
Architecture in the School of Architecture and Landscape Design. Hence we have considered the
rules in particular while addressing our problems, so as to ease your work regarding Legal
Constraints (Council of Architecture Regulations, 1983 under Architects Act, 1972).

Although We face many problems, these three following Problems are the main as these have
created other problems and have killed the aim of the University within School of Architecture.

Please Note: Don’t have the Idea that this is a complaint letter against any person Living or Dead
but against the System which is not in the spirit of learning and research which are the aim of
the University.



Engineering is more of theory and Architecture is more of practical experience although the
level of understanding is the same, and hence the Council of Architecture Regulations, 1983, has
given Importance only and only to Internal Assignments and Class works, and has Nowhere
mentioned attendance as Criteria. It is Obvious fact that Internal assignments can only be done
if student attend the class and hence is proportional to it and hence attendance has importance
but please don’t make attendance an Official Criteria as otherwise Internal Assignments loses its
importance. This has been clearly mentioned in Regulation 7(e) of the Council of Architecture
Regulations, 1983.


It states that Candidates who have passed in the internal assessments only and only are
permitted to appear in Examinations. Hence Internal Assessment should be considered in this


With reference to appendix –A of Council of Architecture and also with Course Booklet of
College of Engineering, we would like to address the issue of registering a Course (mainly
Backlog Courses). It is Nowhere in the rules mentioned in either the Course Booklet or in UGC
norms or in Council of Architecture Regulations 1983, that a Course of Odd semester can only be
registered in Odd semester and Even semester’s Course can only be registered in Even
semester. This is done only to ease the work of administrators who get paid but to create
inconvenience to students who actually pay and for whom the University has been made. The
administrators are there to support the education of students and it’s not the other way that is
to keep the livelihood and work of Administrators Easy, Students are utilized within the law
instituted in constitution of India.

Hence if a student wishes to withdraw a course of fails in a course in, say 3rd semester, he
should be able to register it in 4th semester, with only constraint being Credit limit as mentioned
in Course Booklet. And such unwritten and unconstitutional rules should be abolished from


Keeping in view, the Council of Architecture Regulations, 1983 and Course booklet of
Undergraduates programs of SMVDU, we would like to address the issue of syllabus and it’s

The syllabus mentioned in Appendix A of Council of Architects Regulation, 1983, was very well
divided by the early faculty of the School of Architecture in the beginning of 2006. The Subjects
(such as Architectural Design and Theory of Design) are all well split into mini courses (such as
Architecture Design II and BMC III). But the way they have been put in permutation and
combination of Semesters and credits has not been good. The IIT pattern is Very Good and there
is no doubt of its perfection but it has not been used in the way it should have been used to yield
maximum results. Instead of utilizing it to make the study of subjects convenient and flexible
(which is the basic aim of IIT pattern), it has created inconvenience for its students with rigid
and inappropriate use of pattern. And most students don’t find it learning oriented as has been
said in course booklet.

Hence we would like to suggest (and propose, for the betterment of University as whole and
Students in particular), a new pattern of syllabus in which the system would be student oriented
instead of being Teacher oriented (and it’s applicable mainly to School of Architecture).

This proposed pattern of syllabus has been formulated after keeping in view the Vision, the
Mission and the Objectives of the University (as given in the very first page of course booklet).
Instead of taking the B.Arch Degree just as a source of future Income, it Encourages students to
go beyond thinking of livelihood and think of Society by broadening the mind and understand
the subjects in depth.

[Here only Stage 1 has been patterned and this pattern shall also be applied to stage 2.]


There are many subjects which has been well divided into courses by the Founding Faculty of
School of Architecture and Landscape Design, which in stage 1 are as below-

List of Subjects

1. Architectural design
2. Building Materials and Construction.
3. Architectural Drawing, Arts and Graphics.
4. History of Architecture.
5. Structures.
6. Workshop Practices.
7. Building Services.
8. Theory of Design.
9. Theory of Human Settlement.
10. Computer Applications.
11. Other Single Courses.*

Now the Courses and its use in the New pattern are as below.

List of Courses, Subject Wise

1. Architectural Design

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Architectural design 1 4.5 1 2
Architectural design 2 4.5 2 Courses
Architectural design 3 7 3 Per
Architectural design 4 7 4 Semester.
Architectural design 5 7 5
Architectural design 6 7 6

2. Building Materials and Construction

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Building Materials and Construction 1 4 1 2
Building Materials and Construction 2 4 2 Courses
Building Materials and Construction 3 4 2 Per
Building Materials and Construction 4 4 3 Semester.
Building Materials and Construction 5 4 3
Building Materials and Construction 6 4 4

3. Architectural Drawing, Arts and Graphics.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Architectural Drawing 3 1 2
Arts and Graphics 1 3 1 Courses
Arts and Graphics 2 3 2 Per


Arts and Graphics 3 3 2 Semester.
Arts and Graphics 4 3 3
Interior Design 2 4
Arts Thesis 1.5 4

4. History of Architecture.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

History of Arts and Culture 1 1 3
History of Architecture 1 2 2 Courses
History of Architecture 2 2 3 Per
History of Architecture 3 2 4 Semester.
History of Architecture 4 2 5

5. Structures.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Structures 1 3.5 1 2
Structures 2 3 2 Courses
Structures 3 3 2 Per
Structures 4 3 3 Semester.
Structures 5 3 3
Structures 6 2.5 4

6. Workshop Practices.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Workshop 1 1 1 3 Courses
Workshop 2 1 2 Per
Workshop 3 1 2 Semester.

7. Building Services.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Building Services 1 2.5 3 3 Courses
Building Services 2 2.5 3 Per
Building Services 3 2 4 Semester.

8. Theory of Design.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Theory of design 1 2 2 2
Theory of design 2 2 2 Courses
Theory of design 3 2 3 Per
Theory of design 4 2 3 Semester.

9. Theory of Human Settlement.


Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem
Theory of Human Settlement 1 1 5 2 Courses
Theory of Human Settlement 2 2 5 Per Semester.

10. Computer Applications.

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Computer Applications 1 2 1 2 Courses
Computer Applications 2 1.5 2 Per
Computer Applications 3 1 3 Semester.

11. Other Single Courses.*

Name Credits Base semester Courses per sem

Surveying and Levelling 2.5 2 2
Climatology 3 3 Courses
Sociology 1 3 Per
Hill Architecture 2 4 Semester.
Measured Drawing 1 5
Specifications and Estimations 1 6
Note- This Category is Non Sequential.

Now these tables will govern the combinations of subjects to be selected and registered by a

Some simple principles are applied which were Not Being followed in present system
effectively. Step by step learning is more prominent in this system.

Now in this pattern following rules shall be applied,

1. Minimum and Maximum Credits required to register in a Semester.

2. Maximum number of Courses under a single Subject permissible to be registered in a
single semester.
3. Sequence rule, i.e. courses should be registered in sequence order only (* subjects being
4. A course can be registered during the base semester or afterward but not before that.
5. A course which has been passed by the Student can be re-registered to improve grades
and to understand it more. This course will be exempted from Sequence Rule (This is of
Advantage for Bright Students who wish to improve their grades).

Detailed Explanations of sequence rules-

There are 10 sequence Subjects and other Single Coursed Subjects. In sequenced
Courses(example- BMC1, BMC2, etc) a student can register for a course only if he has cleared all
previous sequence courses, or has registered a single previous course(as many allowed in 2nd
rule) and cleared all before Courses. For example, A Student can register BMC 4 and BMC 5 if he
has cleared BMC1, BMC2 and BMC3.

Few Advantages Over Present (Although there are many more)-


Step by Step learning is followed. It removes the Biggest Flaw of present pattern. Sequence Rule
doesn’t allow Student to take Architectural Design 4 until unless he/she has understood all
previous Courses as without their understanding these, it’s obvious that he/she won’t
understand Architectural Design 4.

It will give the brightest minds and hardworking students to score high and have more practical
knowledge. When a good student, for example, has scored A grade in all except one(D grade),
she can re-register it and Can work towards Scholarship.

It will definitely improve Knowledge, Understanding and Average Grades of Whole School of
Architecture and can be one of the Best Architectural College in the World.

We have given this letter to you at this time with a purpose of seeing it getting implemented in
this very semester.

Hope You understand the Advantages in it and Implement it in School of Architecture and
Landscape Design.

Yours Sincerely



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