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Topic: Colour and Tone

Class year level: Year 6 KLA: Visual Arts

Students will learn to experiment with Tone and 3D shapes.
Learning outcomes
Purpose: Resources
To better students understanding of Tone A4 paper
(Value) and drawing 3D shapes. Pencils

Estimated time Introduction

Class sitting on the floor, Explore and discuss the element of Tone.
TONE- Tone refers to the light and dark values used to make a drawing look
more realistic.
Using a pencil and shading get students to explore a variety of tones, then
repeat with charcoal and compare.
30mins Body
Watch the video -
Art work – students select a shape
Draw the shape in the centre of the A4 page, then use tone to make give the shape
a 3D perspective

Give students to option to use pencil or charcoal.

5mins Closure
Clean up time
Students sitting back down on the floor
Assessment Strategies Reflection

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black

White Light-Grey Mid-Grey Dark-Grey Black


Colour in the emotion/ Face for how you feel you went in today’s
Visual Arts lesson-

Really happy Happy Okay Sad Really Sad


Colour in the emotion/ Face for how you feel you went in today’s
Visual Arts lesson-

Really happy Happy Okay Sad Really Sad

Lesson Plan –
Developed by: School:
Date: Year: 6
Subject: Visual Arts
Cross curriculum: Numeracy Unit: Tone and Colour

Outcomes Materials
o VAS3.1 o A4 paper
o VAS3.2 o Pencils
o VAS3.3 o Charcoal
o VAS3.4 o Worksheet
o A4 Art paper
To better students understanding of Tone (Value) and
drawing 3D shapes.

Students will learn to experiment with Tone and 3D shapes.

Check all that apply

o Teacher laptop o Webcam

o SMART Board o Digital camera
o LCD projector o Document camera
o SMART Senteos o Digital microscope
(class set) o Video camera
o Computers o Scanner
o iPad or tablet o Colour printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s) o Calculators
o FM system

Prior Learning Connections

Students have prior knowledge of 3D shapes through numeracy and have also used some forms of Tone.

o Ensuring that ALL students are engaged.
o Helping/ supporting students.
o Giving demonstrations to help students.

Special Concerns
Any Allergy’s to the materials, eg: Charcoal.
(Classroom management items, medication information, etc).

Formative Assessments - Students reflection sheet

Summative Assessment - Students Artwork. (8.4)

Before Teacher preparation:
the Print off shading worksheet, get materials, YouTube video

Durin Introduction: UDL

g the Class sitting on the floor, Explore and discuss the element of Tone.
lesson See
TONE- Tone refers to the light and dark values used to make a drawing look more realistic. http://www.udl
Using a pencil and shading get students to explore a variety of tones, then repeat with charcoal
and compare. ines
(5.2), (5.3)

To engage students, Watch the video -
(7.3), (1.3), (4.2)

Show students the 4 shapes – Cylinder, Cube, Cone, Sphere. Students select one shape to
draw in their book.

Art work – students select a shape

Explain - Draw the shape in the centre of the A4 page, then use tone to make give the shape a
3D perspective.

Give students to option to use pencil or charcoal.


Teacher encourages and supports students.

(6.1), (6.3)

After Self-regulation:
the Students determine and reflect on how they feel they went throughout the lesson, through the reflection sheet.
lesson (9.3), (6.4)


Students assess/ reflect on how they feel they went through the lesson.
Teacher- students art work.

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