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Topic: Persuasive writing

Class year level: Year 6 KLA: English

Students have prior knowledge of persuasive writing and the PEEL structure. Students will
further their knowledge and understanding.
Learning outcomes
Purpose: Resources
To better students understanding of English book
persuasive writing. Writing equipment

Estimated time Introduction

5mins Students sitting on the floor, introduce the lesson and the quote.

“Self-serve registers are better than cashiers” or “Cashiers are better than

Remind students to use the PEEL structure. Point, Evidence, Explain, Link.
20mins Body
Students go back to desk and writing persuasive writing paragraph.

Teacher walks around the room and assess when needed.

5mins Closure
Pack away equipment

If time get the class to have a discussion and share some of their ideas.
Assessment Strategies Reflection
Students paragraph How did the lesson go?

Any improvements?

Universal Design for Learning

Topic: Persuasive writing

Class year level: Year 6 KLA: English

Students have prior knowledge of persuasive writing and the PEEL structure. Students will
further their knowledge and understanding.
Learning outcomes
Purpose: Resources
To better students understanding of English book
persuasive writing. Writing equipment

Estimated time Introduction

5mins Students start sitting on the floor, introduce that this lesson will be a literacy lesson.

Engage: the students begin the lesson with a video on ‘Country life is better than
city life”

Provide an example of country life and city life is.

Explain: to the class that they will be using the PEEL structure (Point, Evidence,
Explain, Link). The students need to choose between either”. ‘Country life is better
than city life”

As a class brainstorm some ideas that could be included in the persuasive

writing. Start an example on the board, example –
“‘Country life is better than city life”
due to a number of reasons, including……”

Remind students to use correct punctuation like – Full stops, capital letters,
paragraphs etc.

20mins Body
Students complete writing task

5mins Closure
Pack away equipment

If time get the class to have a discussion and share some of their ideas.
Assessment Strategies Reflection
Students paragraph How did the lesson go?

Any improvements?

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