Math Reviewer

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math-language of the universe .

greatest invention of human culture

mario livio- fascinated by the mysterious connection between mathematics and the
fibonacci sequence- series of numbers developed by 13th century mathematicians,The
Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers that starts with a one or a zero,
followed by a one, and proceeds based on the rule that each number is equal to the
sum of the preceding two numbers.
pi- ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter
max tegmark-believes that software world isnt as different from the physical world
we live in
pythagoras-explored the affinity between math and music. in 6th century bce he
discovered musical relationships were also mathematical relationships He is best
known in the
modern day for the Pythagorean Theorem, a mathematical formula which states that
the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares
on the
other two sides.
esperanza spalding-studied music theory and sees its parallel in math
plato-(pythagoras has influenced him)according to him geometryand mathematics
exists in thier own ideal world
law of falling bodies-This law leads to the conclusion that the speed of a body
increases in direct proportion to the passage of time. distance= time squared
aristotle-thought heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects
galileo galilei-contradicted aristotle's theory that heavier obj. fall faster than
lighter obj. introduced the law of falling bodies
isaac newton-wrote principia. discovered the law of gravity
james maxwell-scotish mathematical physicist .in the 1860's he published a set of
equation that explained how electricity and magnetism are related
guglielmo marconnni-developed, demonstrated and marketed the first successful long-
distance wireless telegraph. discovered electro magnetic waves
robert brout,francois englert, and peter higgs- predicted that a sub atomic
particle existed
higgs particle- also known as the god particle

what is mathematics
-process of thinking
-study of numbers and arithmetic operations
-set of problem solving tools
-study of patterns

pattern-an arrangement which helps observers anticipate what they might see or what
happens next and also what may have come before

advantage in using pattern

-are better at solving problems
-have deeper appreciation of the uses of mathematics
-are better equipped to work with mathematics
-observe.hypothesize,discover and creates concepts

example of patterns
*logic pattern
-first to be observed
-deals with characteristics of various objects while another deals woth order
-usually seen in aptitude tests
*number patterns
-first pattern encountered in school
-important in the conceptof functions,a formal description of the relationships
among different quantities
*geometric patterns
- a motif or design that depicts abstract shapes like lines ,polygons and circles
and typically repeats like a wallpaper
-also known as a visual pattern , observed in both art and in nature
+ in art, patterns present objects in consistent, regular manner
+ in nature patterns are mmore chaotic
*word patterns
-found in the morphological rule on pluralizing nouns or conjugating verbs for
tense, as well as the metrical rules of poetry, and each supports mathematical
and natural language understanding

fibonacci numbers
-discovered by leonardo pisano an italian mathematician in the middle ages
-fibonacci,shortened word for the latin term "filius bonacci",which stands for "son
of bonaccio"

the golden ratio

-also known as the divine proportion
-the ratio of a person's height to the height of his navel
-ratio between the forearm and the hand
-center of pupil : bottom teeth : bottom of chin
-outer edge of lips : upper ridges of lips
-width of eye : width of irises
-width of center tooth : width of second tooth
-also known as golden mean or golden section
-(a) divided by the smaller part (b) is equal to the sum of (a) + (b) divided by
(a), which both equal 1.618.

golden rectangle
-a rectangle drawn of such shape that if it is cut into a square and a rectangle
,the snaller rectangle will be similar in shape to the larger rectangle

nouns-could be constants, such as numbers or expressions

verb- could be signs of equality or inequality

pronouns- could be variables

sentences-could be formed by putting together these parts

proposition- a complete declarative sentence that is either true or false but not
propositional connectives-an operation that combines two propositions to yield a
new one whose truth value depends only on the truth values of the
two original compositions

tautology- a compound that is awlays true regardlesss of the truth values of the
propositions that occur in it

contradiction- a compound proposition that is always false

contingency- neither a contradiction or tautology

logically equivalent -in logic these are statements that have the same logical
this is a sematic concept; two statements are equivalent if they have the same
truth value in every model

graph theory- a branch of mathematics concerned with network of points connected by


- it had its beginnings in recreational math problems, but it has grown into a
significant area of mathematical research, with applications in
chemistry, Operations research, Social Sciences, and Computer Sciences.

leonhard euler- a swiss mathematician

he proved in 1736 that it is impossible to take a stroll that would lead them
across each bridge and return to the starting point without
traversing the same bridge twice

graph- is a collection of points called vertices aor nodes and line segments or
curves called edges that connect the vertices
- the position of the vertices and lengths of the edges and the shape of the edges
do noy matter in a graph
-the number of vertices and which of them are joined by edges that matters most\

loop- is an edge connecting a vertex to itself

multiple edges- two vertices that are connected by more than one edge

simple graph- a graph with no loops- and no multiple edges

connected-a graph is connected if there is apath connecting all the vertices

adjacent- two vertices are adjacent if there is an edge joining them

degree- the degree of a vertex is the number of the edges attached to it

null graph- a graph that has vertices but no edges

graph with a loop- a graph that has a vertex which is connected by an edge to

graph with mulitpile edges- a graph nthat has vertices connectedto other vertices
with more than one edge

complete graph- a graph is complete if every pair of vertices of a graph are

-a connected grapih in which every possible edge is drawn between vertices
-a complete graph with n vertices is denoted by Kn

equivalent graphs- a graph whose edges form the same connections of verticess

path- an alternating sequence of vertices and edges

- it can be seen as a trip from one vertex to another using the edges of the graph

circuit/cycle-if a path begins and ends with the same vertex

-it is a closed path

euler circuit- a closed path that uses every edge,but never uses the same edge
-the path may cross through vertices more than once
-a graph tha contains an euler circuit called eulerian

eulerian graph theorem- a connected graph is eulurian if and only if every vertex
of the graph is of even degree

euler path- a path tha uses every edge on the graph exactly once but it does not
start and end at the same vertices

eulurian path theorem- a connected graph contains an euler path if and only if the
graph has two vertices of odd degrees with all other
vertices of even degrees
-every euler path must start at one of the vertices of odd degrees and end at the

william rowan hamilton- an irish mathematician whose wroks proved significant for
the development of quantum mechanics.
-in 1856 hamilton investigated closed paths along the edges of a dodecahedron that
visits each vertex exactly once

hamiltonian circuit- a path that uses each vertex of a graph exactly once and
returns to the starting vertex

hamiltonian path- a path that visits each vertex of the graph exactly once

code- a symbolic way to represent information

identification numbers- used to identify individual items,specific products,

people, accounts, or documents
-these numbers are useful for easy recognition and detection of materials and for
tracking and for inventory of products or documents

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