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Machine Element Design & Process - I

MEEG 315

Module III : Problem Solving and Decision Making

Lecture 2 : Creative Problem Solving

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
• Creative idea + Solution to the Problem
• Creative Ideas do not suddenly appear in
mind without any reason
• Result of trying to solve a specific problem

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

Problem Definition
• Identify the real problem
• Root cause
• eg:
– 5 Whys Method

ABC always becomes late to class. Identify the root cause for ABC being late to class.

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

• Study the problem
• Get better understanding of the
• Feedback / expert opinion would
be helpful

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

Idea Production
• Generating ideas
– Brainstorming
– Mind Mapping
• No idea is stupid / useless idea

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

Idea Development
• Selecting the most likely of the
resultant ideas
• Reprocessing all of these
• Modification and combination

Problem Solving & Decision Making

• A group creativity technique
• Efforts are made to find a conclusion for a
specific problem
– by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously
contributed by its members.

• The term was popularized by Alex Faickney

Osborn in the 1953 book Applied

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Mind Mapping
• Diagram to represent
– words,
– ideas,
– tasks, or
– other items
• linked to and arranged
around a central key word
or idea.
• Used to
– generate,
– visualize,
– structure, &
– classify ideas
Problem Solving & Decision Making

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping!

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Mind Mapping
Rules of Mind Mapping by Tony Buzan
1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors
2. Use images, symbols, codes and dimensions throughout your Mind
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4. Each word or image must be alone and sitting on its own line.
5. The lines must be connected, starting from the central image. The
central lines are thicker, organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they
radiate out from the center.

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Mind Mapping
Rules of Mind Mapping by Tony Buzan
6. Make the lines the same length as the word or the image.
7. Use colors - your own code - throughout the Mind Map.
8. Develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping.
9. Use emphasis and show associations in your Mind Map.
10. Keep the Mind Map clear by using radical hierarchy, numerical
order or outlines to embrace your branches.

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

• Verifying the tentative solutions
• Tests and otherwise
• SWOT Analysis

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Basic Steps to CPS

• Deciding
• Implementing the final solution

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Things Injurious to CPS

• The Right Answer
• That’s not logical
• Follow the rules
• Be practical
• Play is frivolous
• That’s not my area
• Don’t be foolish
• Avoid ambiguity
• To err is wrong
• I’m not creative
Problem Solving & Decision Making

The Illusionist Locket

Problem Solving & Decision Making

The Illusionist Locket


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