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Once your platform account is active, you will be able to manage all your work from there.

Check your Dashboard to see if there’s any pending photoshoot. You’ll receive an email for
each assignment.
Bear in mind that we might re-assign a photoshoot without notice if it has been pending for
too many hours/days. The time span will depend on how far in advance it has been booked.

Keep the Calendar updated with your unavailabilities to help our Operations team with the
photoshoots allocation.

In the Activities panel there are the details of your pending and accepted photoshoots
(guidelines, number of photos, shooting code, logistic info and reward).

Your Shooting History will collect all the photoshoots you have completed and those
cancelled. You will also be able to see your scoring for each shooting from there.

In the Accounting section there’s a list of the completed and cancelled photoshoots,
which might be handy when you prepare your invoice. Keep in mind we do not invoice
automatically, you’ll have to send us your invoice before the 5th of the month.

Before the first photoshoot with us, one of our producers will get in touch to give you the info you might need.
The Producer and the Live Ops team are your allies at work: they will always be by your side
to answer your questions and help solve any problem that may arise.


For each photoshoot upload the RAW files through the platform without worrying about photo editing.
Do not forget to upload the files by 11:59PM (local time) the same day.

Send your invoice to by the 5th of the month.
If you miss the deadline you can add up the sum we owe you to the next month’s invoice.
(e.g. We owe you 500€ for the shootings you completed in September, but you miss the October 5th deadline.
In October the shootings you complete add up to 300€. You can send a cumulative invoice of 800€ by the 5th of November).
Invoices are paid on a monthly basis and payments are rolled out on the 15th of each month. Please allow few hours/days for the
payment to come through. Invoices have to include all the completed shootings compensations, travel expenses as agreed with the
Operations team and cancellation refunds as per terms of the contract (i.e. agreement).

Call us at +39 0294751265 or send an email to
Here are other contacts you might find useful.
Live Operations -
Bianca - Producer -
Elena - Producer -
José - OPS expansion lead -
Giada - Photographers’ Acquisition Manager -

If I complete only one shooting during the month, can I send a cumulative invoice 1-2 months later?
Yes, you can send us an invoice as often as you’d like.
Do not forget to double-check the list of the completed shootings in the Account section of the platform.

Do I have to pay a sign-up fee to work with you?

No, we don’t have any sign-up fee or enrolment costs. The collaboration is completely free. We actually pay you to work with us! 😄
Are travel expenses covered?
Sometimes. It will depend how far you have to travel to reach the site of your appointment.
If you think an assignment is worth a travel refund, please get in touch with the Operations team to understand which costs we can
cover. It won’t be possible to claim travel expenses after the photoshoot has started or is completed, so let us know before you sit on a
petrol car for a journey to Mongolia.

If the circumstances prevent me from proceeding with the photoshoot, will I be refunded?
Yes, it’s our interest to protect the photographer’s commitment. Our agreement specifies all the conditions under which a refund can
take place for the sessions that couldn’t be completed due to unforeseen circumstances.

Where do i find the information about each photoshoot?
There are guidelines attached to each assignment, as every client has different requests.
You can find them among the shooting details in the platform and we ask you to read them carefully before you head to the site of the
photoshoot. If you have any question, get in touch with your producer who will clarify all your doubts.

I don’t own a Full-Frame sensor camera, can I still work with you?
Yes, if you have the professional equipment and adequate optics to reach our quality standards. (e.g. you may use a mirrorless camera
with aps-c sensor and professional optics for interior or food photography).

Shall I keep a copy of the files just for safety?

Yes please! We advise to keep a copy of the files for at least 7 days after the photoshoot.
Our data-center’s switch-off button is right next to the toilet light switch 😬
Do I have to travel to different locations for the same photoshoot?
Usually no, although there might be events for which travelling is required. You’ll be informed about it when you receive the assignment.

The photo selection will be done by me or by you?

Do the first selection yourself, but leave extra shots just to be safe. We like to have a small buffer over the minimum photos required,
in order to make an arbitrary selection of the photos we deliver to the client. (e.g. send 18 files for a 15 photos package).

Is there any exclusivity clause in the agreement i sign?

No, BOOM doesn’t bind you to any exclusive relationship. We know that being a freelancer means working with many clients and
agencies, even though we’d love to have you just for us. 💙
Can I use the images on social media/personal website?
Unfortunately no, as the photos are shot in private locations and/or portray people. For this reason, they cannot be used.

I read about the ‘digital portfolio’ in the agreement, what does it mean?
Digital portfolio means any digital way used to show your works to potential clients.
It has to be a private file or password covered link. It can’t be shared publicly online.

How are the photoshoots assigned?
On an availability and location basis. Give us your unavailabilities on the Calendar section of the platform in order to receive
assignments only when you’re free.
We always try to find the best match for you, in order to travel less and save time! Can’t send you to the moon if we already have
another photographer up there. 👽

How can I accept the assignment?

Log-in the platform and have a look at the dashboard, you’ll be able to accept or decline from there.

What do I do if I can’t accept an assignment?

You can decline the invite from the dashboard. This won’t affect your scoring or reliability, we will simply re-assign it to another
photographer in the area. You’re very busy, we know. 🙃
What do I do if no one is on-site to meet me?
Try to call the contact number given in the assignment’s details on the platform.
If you don’t get an answer, then get in touch with our Operations team who’ll be able to assist you.

How do i report on-site issues which are out of my control?

Let your producer know and take some shots with your phone to document the scene.
We’ll then do our best to help you complete the assignment, or might exceptionally cancel it.
If the shooting is cancelled you’ll be paid in full and will get a free heli ride home. Nope, not true, we don’t have helicopters.

I signed the agreement and I am always available, but I’ve never received an assignment. Why?
The amount of requests varies depending on clients’ bookings, season and location.
We do our best to improve the accuracy of photoshoots forecasts, but can’t predict all the circumstances. The courier hasn’t yet
delivered that crystal ball🔮we ordered months ago!
Please bear with us, there might be upcoming photoshoots soon.


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