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The BIG idea to be explored;  

What are the contributing factors for successful wellbeing using Math Science, PHE and Visual Art knowledge? 
Concept ​- ​Change ​- is a conversion, transformation or movement from one form, state or value to another. Inquiry  
into the concept of change involves understanding and evaluating causes, processes and consequences 
Related Concepts​- Time place and space 
Global Context-​ Identities and Relationships 
Who am I? Students will explore personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; what it means to be  
Students choose a project  A podcast  An artwork  An infographic  A video/animation 

  Explore how podcasts are  Demonstrate that visual  Use the knowledge you  If you choose to produce 
  structured and listen to a  communication is  have gained in each class  a video you will need to 
  range of different ones.  powerful by creating an  to design an infographic  consider audio, visuals 
  Select if your podcast will  artwork that conveys  (that can contain image  and text! and in what 
  be communicating facts  what you have learned in  and some text) to  persuasive ways you can 
  and information or will it  all your classes. This work  communicate how to  identify to communicate 
  be a personal narrative  will be a personal  maintain a balance and  what you have learned 
  about what you have  experience of what well  wellbeing through being  from your classes around 
  learned in this unit.  being is but your artist  aware of the factors that  wellbeing. You may 
  Record your audio file  statement will explain the  influence people your age  choose to make this a 
  and include aspects of all  meaning behind your  community 
  the different subjects and  composition.   announcement or a video 
what you have learned.  that can be included in 
the schools Advisory 

Requirements for;  In this podcast, you will be able  In this art piece, you will be  In this infographic, you will be  In this video, you will be able to 
  to state and outline the ways  able to draw and represent the  able to state and outline the  state and outline the ways that 
Math  that you can maintain a healthy  ways that you can maintain a  ways that you can maintain a  you can maintain a healthy 
  lifestyle by comparing different  healthy lifestyle by comparing  healthy lifestyle by comparing  lifestyle by comparing different 
    types of foods and exercise and  different types of foods and  different types of foods and  types of foods and exercise and 
making connections with how a  exercise and making  exercise and making  making connections with how a 
person can maintain a healthy  connections with how a person  connections with how a person  person can maintain a healthy 
weight.  can maintain a healthy weight.  can maintain a healthy weight.  weight. 

   In this podcast you have  You have used the  You have used ideas from your  You have considered the use of 
  mentioned self portraits or  experimental drawing  experimentation work and  you experimental work 
Visual Art  visual journaling as a wellbeing  techniques and developed  developed them (maybe in a  completed in class to include as 
  strategy (Bii)  them for this composition. You  stylised way- cartoon/ diagram  content in your video and also 
    have justified the use of certain  etc) and included them in your  considered the composition of 
elements in your artwork to  infographic (Bii)  your video as an artist 
communicate influencing  (cropping, colour, perspective 
factor around balance and  etc) (Bii) 
wellbeing (Bii) 

Sciences  You will make a podcast (upto 5  You will make an artwork that  You will make/create an  You will make a video (upto 5 
  minutes long) that states and  states and outlines to Grade 3  infographic (using a platform of  minutes long) that states and 
    outlines to Grade 3 or 4  or 4 students the importance  your choice) that states and  outlines to Grade 3 or 4 
students the importance of  of maintaining a healthy  outlines to Grade 3 or 4  students the importance of 
maintaining a healthy lifestyle  lifestyle and how the digestive  students the importance of  maintaining a healthy lifestyle 
and how the digestive system  system works.   maintaining a healthy lifestyle  and how the digestive system 
works.   and how the digestive system  works.  

PHE  Within the Final Product your  Within the Final Product your  Within the Final Product your  Within the Final Product your 
PHE teacher will grade  PHE teacher will grade  PHE teacher will grade  PHE teacher will grade 
Criterion A strand i and iii​. We  Criterion A strand i and iii​. We  Criterion A strand i and iii​. We  Criterion A strand i and iii.​ We 
will focus on your knowledge  will focus on your knowledge  will focus on your knowledge  will focus on your knowledge 
about workout, different food  about workout, different food  about workout, different food  about workout, different food 
and your capability of  and your capability of  and your capability of  and your capability of 
connecting the classes of  connecting the classes of  connecting the classes of  connecting the classes of 
nutrients in active living.   nutrients in active living.   nutrients in active living.   nutrients in active living.  

Tuning in to the task    Mindful drawing tasks     

Provocations    Timelapse     
Breathing drawing 

Lines of Inquiry Inquiry         


Inquiry questions  What is a podcast and  How and why do  How does image and text  In what ways are digital 
how is it structured?  artworks communicate  work together to  platforms powerful in 
  emotion?  communicate  engaging large 
How can verbal  Can artworks  information?  audiences? 
communication be  communicate fact? 
designed for different   
groups in my community?  Is personal expression 
  always seen in 
Are podcasts a successful  artworks/can artmeking 
form of communicating  help us to balance our 
about health?  state-of-mind? 

What skill will I develop to be  Affective skills-  Affective skills-  Affective skills-  Affective skills- 
successful (ATL)?  Practise being aware of  Practise being aware of  Practise being aware of  Practise being aware of 
What will be the formative  body–mind connections  body–mind connections  body–mind connections  body–mind connections 
task?  Practise managing  Practise managing  Practise managing  Practise managing 
self-talk  self-talk  self-talk  self-talk 
Communication  Communication  Communication  Communication 
Use a variety of speaking  Use a variety of media to  Share ideas with multiple  Use a variety of speaking 
techniques to  communicate with a  audiences using a variety  techniques to 
communicate with a  range of audiences  of digital environments  communicate with a 
variety of audiences  Creative thinking  and media  variety of audiences 
Creative thinking  Apply existing knowledge  Creative thinking  Creative thinking 
Apply existing knowledge  to generate new ideas,  Apply existing knowledge  Apply existing knowledge 
to generate new ideas,  products or processes  to generate new ideas,  to generate new ideas, 
products or processes  products or processes  products or processes 

Assessment Criteria from each   


Math  Ai. select appropriate  Bi. apply mathematical  Ci. use appropriate  Dii. select appropriate 
mathematics when  problem-solving  mathematical language  mathematical strategies 
solving problems in both  techniques to recognize  (notation, symbols and  when solving authentic 
familiar and unfamiliar  patterns  terminology) in both oral  real-life situations 
situations  and written statements 

PHE  Aiii. apply physical and  Bii. construct and outline  Ciii. recall and apply  Diii. describe and 
health terminology to  a plan for improving  information to perform  summarize performance. 
communicate  physical activity and  effectively.   
understanding.  health. 


Visual Art  Aiii-use acquired  Bii-demonstrate the  Ciii-demonstrate the  Diii-evaluate certain 
knowledge to  acquisition and  exploration of ideas.  elements or principles of 
purposefully inform  development of the skills  artwork.?? 
artistic decisions in the  and techniques of the art 
process of creating  form studied 


Please submit-  Planning journal+Audio file  Planning journal+ artwork  Planning  Planning journal+video 
A great resource-​ assessment criteria in one document 

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