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TERBUKA SEMESTER: 2020/21.1 Fakultas : FHISIP/Fakultas Hukum, Ilmu Sosial

dan Ilmu Politik Program Studi : Ilmu Komunikasi-S1 Kode/Nama MK :
SKOM4209/Bahasa Inggris II Tugas : 1 No. Soal 1. Berdasarkan kutipan teks di
bawah ini, silahkan identifikasi noun, adjective dan verb masingmasing sebanyak 5
buah yang telah diberi garis bawah pada teksberikut When people (1)communicate
effectively, they are able to talk openly about what is on their mind and develop a
shared (2)understanding. (3)Effetive communication (4)helps families and staff to
share (5)important and relevant (6)information about children. The (7)entire world is
either wired or warpped within the web of an overwhelming communication
(8)environment. Whether it is the plain (9)old telephone system (POTS), cellular
service or the World Wide Web there is no adjective that can truly (10)describe the
communications revolution. Things that were once reserved to the privileged few that
could (11)afford the are now (12)commonplace, suchs as cellular phones and
computers. What would we do without the elements of (13)communiaction if they
were all to disaappear? As you can (14)imagine a scenario such as this would qualify
as a disaster of (15)great magnitude! 2. Identifikasi kata-kata yang digarisbawahi
dengan Pronouns yang tepat disertai fungsinya (pronouns as subject atau pronouns as
object. Contoh: (1)Reading = It (Pronoun as subject) Why is reading so important?
(1)Studies show that (2)reading for pleasure makes (3)a big difference to children’s
educational performance. Likewise, (4)evidence suggests that (5)children who read
for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who do
not, but also develop (6)a broader vocabulary, increased (7)general knowledge and
(8)a better understanding of other cultures. In fact, (9)reading for pleasure is more
likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic
background. What difference can (10)I make as a parent? (11)You can make (12)a
huge difference! (13)Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even
more important than their teachers – and (14)it is never too early to start reading
together. Even before (15)they were born, (16)babies learn to recognize (17)their
parents' voices. (18)Reading to your baby from birth, even for just a few minutes a
day, gives (19)them the comfort of hearing your voice and increases (20)their
exposure to language. SKOM4209 2 dari 2 3. Isilah titik-titik berikut ini dengan do,
does, did, am, is atau are 1. Where ___ Mr Johnson live last year? In New York 2.
……Rice grow in cold climates? 3. It ……really a cheap restaurant, it doesn’t cost
much to eat there. 4. I have a fax machine, and I ___ often use it. 5. We …. new here.
We don’t know him. 6. He ….. Kevin. 7. Carol and I ….. friends. 8. My name ….
Jack 9. David speaks English, French, and Italian, but he …. not speak German. 10.
They …. sell that brand again. 11. It …. black. 12. The dog and the cat …. in the
garden. 13. The boys haves bad breath because they …not often brush their teeth. 14.
The children …. in the shop. 15. He …… teaching Math.

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