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I would make gold bars free. With those gold bars I would buy land and
then open a charity center to help find a cure for the coronavirus. When I get
ten thousand dollars I would give all that money to scientists who are working
to find a cure for the coronavirus. Then I would get more gold bars to give to
scientists who are working to find a way to reduce pollution. Then I would give
gold bars to charities and churches. This would help the Earth, the human
population and homeless/poor/people living on the streets. This would help
all of the above. For Earth it would help because less pollution will stop global
warming. For the human population, it would help by stopping coronavirus
and causing less people to die and the air would be cleaner when pollution is
reduced. Lastly, it would help homeless/poor/people living on the streets
because the churches and charities would give them money so they could live a
better life. These are the three reasons I would make gold bars free.

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