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Title: School on the Air- Grade 8 ARTS

Topic: Elements and Principles of Arts and Crafts in Southeast Asia
Format: School-on-the-Air
Length: 30 minutes
Scriptwriter: Sweet Angelie C. Manuales

Objective: After listening to the SOA, the students are expected to:
1. Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in Southeast Asia: Indonesia
(batik, Wayang Puppetry); Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects made fom pewter);
Thailand (silk fabrics and LoyKrathong Lantern Festival); Cambodia (Angkor Wat and ancient
temples) Singapore (Merlion) etc.

1. Broadcasting Live here at DXNQ- Radyo Kalumunan From San Isidro NHS

2. BIZ: Music Up and Under for 5 seconds

3. HOST: Good morning, Grade 8 learners! Welcome to the School on the Air! This is

4. teacher ________ your host for today’s Music lesson. Together with me is Teacher

5. ________________, and in a while, he will discuss our lesson for today!

6. BIZ: Music Up and Under for 5 seconds

7. HOST: Learners, are you ready? Make sure that you have your module 2 in Arts 8

8. Make sure to have your pen and your paper.

9. By the way, have you eaten your breakfast? Learners, don’t forget to eat well so you

10. can think well.

11. Music Up and Under for 5 seconds

12. HOST: Before Teacher ___________ will discuss our lesson for today, let us have an

13. overview of the module for this week. In the previous lesson, we have had learned the elements

14. And principles of arts in the production of arts and crafts inspired by the culture of

15. Southeast Asia. The previous lesson will be interrelated in this another meaningful lesson that

16. You will learn, which is about The Characteristics of Arts and Crafts in Southeast Asia.

17. Music Up and Under for 5 seconds


1. HOST: In this lesson, you will learn about the salient features of Southeast Asian arts

2. and crafts through describing their characteristics, wherein it makes you identify their

3. Distinctions and variations..

4. Music Up and Under

5. HOST: All right, learners! This time, be ready! Teacher ___________ is here to

6. discuss to you the gist of our lesson for today, Teacher ____________…

7. Music Up and Under

8. Teacher: Hello young learners! Our lesson for today is all about The Characteristics of Arts

9. and Crafts in Southeast Asia.

10. Music Up and Under

11. Teacher: So, learners, open your module on page 5. Let us read together

12. Music Up and Under

13. Teacher: Arts and crafts. Brunei, traditional arts and crafts made an integral part of

14. Brunei’s cultural heritage. One of its ancient crafts that has lasted for centuries is the

15. Dulang making of Bruneian women.. it is an example of the unique artistry celebrated,

16. Preserved and emulated in Brunei’s modern day culture.Traditional handicrafts of

17. Brunei include; silver work, weaving (Tenunan), kris making (making of the Malays’ unique

18. And ancient weapon), songkok (Malay-style caps), tudung dulang, a dish of a cover,

19. Anyaman weaving, the hobby that became a traditional art and brasswork.

20. Brunei Darussalam head gears can be categorized into three kinds: 1. dastar, which is

21. a piece of cloth tied around the head. 2. songkok or kopiah, a type of cap made from velvet

22. 3. tangkolok or seban, which resembles a turban and is a typical headdress in the Middle East.

23. The most famous and widely-used is the songkok. Songkok or perci or kopiah is a cap that

24. has the shape of a truncated cone, usually made of black or embroidered felt, cotton or velvet.


1. Teacher: Songkok sales are normally in demand at the approach of Hari Raya, which is

2. the festival celebrated to mark the end of the fasting month of Ramadhan.

3. Now, let’s proceed to Cambodia, traditional Cambodian arts and crafts include textiles,

4. non-textiles weaving, silversmiting, stone carving, lacquerware, ceramics, wat murals,

5. and kite-making. Cambodia is famous in their iconic temmle known as angkor Wat.

6. Angkor Wat is the most famous ancient temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest

7. Religious monument in the world, on a site measuring 162.6 hectares. This is the best

8. Preserved temple wherein the only one to have remained a significant religious center

9. since its foundation. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer

10. architecture. Architecturally, when it comes to the elements of style, its characteristics are:

11. The ogival, redented towers shaped like lotus buds, half-galleries to broaden passageways,

12. Axial galleries connecting enclosures, and cruciform terraces which appear along the

13. main axis of the temple. It was constructed with blocks of sandstone and laterite

14. with extensive decorations depicting their beliefs, traditions, and religion. It has become

15. A symbol of Cambodian distinctive artworks appearing on its national flag, and it is the

16. country’s popular attraction as tourists destination. Next country is Indonesia,

17. arts and crafts in Indonesia are varied because of its diverse ethnic groups. Each region

18. And each ethnic group has its own distinct styles. Inspite of their diversity, they had

19. presented their artworks in the field of silver work, batik, hand weaving, painting,

20. Woodcarving, painting and puppet making in their own artistic ways. Indonesians are

21. Known for their visual arts and crafts in their shadow puppet theater art known as

22. Wayang Kulit. The wayang kulit (leather puppets) of Java is performed with leather

23. Puppets held by the puppeteer, who narrates the story of one of the famous episodes of the

24. Hindu epics, the Mahabharata or the Ramayana. It is performed against a white screen

25. Visible from the other side for the audience.


1. According to Dr. Jukka O. Miettinen of the Theatre Academy Helsinki, ‘Wayang’

2. Is a generic term which has several meanings. It could mean as a ‘puppet’, it

3. Can refer to a shadow and is also refers to a performance; while the term ‘kulit’

4. Means ‘skin’ or ‘leather’, the material form which figures are carved. Generally, the

5. shadow play Wayang Kulit, is seen as th origin of the whole ‘wayang family’. in modern

6. Daily Javanese and Indonesian vocabulary, wayang can refer to the puppet itself or the

7. Whole puppet theatre performance. The puppet comes in all sizes, ranging from

8. 25 centimeters to 75 centimeters, usually made up of water buffalo and goat hide and

9. mounted in bamboo stick. Dhalangor ‘puppet mster’ the one who manipulates the puppets

10. Tells the story, interprets and voices the character. Another artwork that made Indonesia

11. best known is its batik.

12. Music up and under

13. Teacher: So, students, you have now the idea about the Characteristics of Arts and Crafts

14. in Southeast Asia.

15. Music up and under

16. Teacher: So, students, What is the most famous and widely-used headgear in Brunei

17. Darussalam? (Pause) All right! The correct answer is Songkok. Next question. What

18. puppetry is Indonesia best known for? (Pause) very good! The correct answer is

19. Wayang Kulit. Another question. What is the famous ancient temple complex in

20. Cambodia?(Pause) All right! You are correct, teh famous ancient temple in

21. Cambodia is Angkor Wat.

22. Host: All right, learners, Teacher ______________ is done with the discussion.

23. Are you now ready for our activity? (Pause) All right! Open your module on page 17.

24. Do the following activity and follow the steps, the format of the table and do not forget to

25. read to rubrics for your activity. Your activity will be checked by your subject teacher on

26. October 9.


1. Music up and under

2. Host: All right, Teacher ____________ is here again to wrap up the lesson.

3. Music up and under


4. Teacher: All right learners! Today’s lesson focused on the characteristics of Arts and

5. Crafts in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian Arts and Crafts have various characteristics

6. That can be shown in the styles, structures, and designs which can be presented in their

7. artworks and festivals in different fields. Dastar, songkok and tangkolok are the three

8. kinds of headgears in Brunei Darussalam. Songkok and peci or kopiah is a popular

9. And widely-used cap in Brunei, that has the shape of truncated cone, usually made of

10. Black and embroidered felt, cotton or velvet. Angkor wat is the iconic ancient temple in

11. Cambodia, which has the largest religious monument in the world.

12. Music up and under

13. Host: You have heard the recap of today’s lesson from teacher ___________

14. For your assignment, continue answering the remaining activities of

15. your module. Please do not forget to return your modules and answer sheets on

16. Friday, October 9, 2020.

17. Music up and under

18. This is your host _______________. Thank you for listening and do not

19. forget to tune in to DXNQ Radyo Kalumunan for more fun and meaningful learning.

20. God bless 

21. Music up and under




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